Injured by the Vax?


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
Ny doing the damnedest to not admit it.
Firefighter has really bad reaction to first, applies for exemption from second, is denied and it almost killed him. Do they they care? Not one wit. Career gone at 35.
Ny doing the damnedest to not admit it.
Firefighter has really bad reaction to first, applies for exemption from second, is denied and it almost killed him. Do they they care? Not one wit. Career gone at 35.
Which one did he take?
Ny doing the damnedest to not admit it.
Firefighter has really bad reaction to first, applies for exemption from second, is denied and it almost killed him. Do they they care? Not one wit. Career gone at 35.
I'm sure dere's jus as many peep out there who have been kilt by "da Vax" as 'dere be people who has been kilt by da white privilege.

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Ny doing the damnedest to not admit it.
Firefighter has really bad reaction to first, applies for exemption from second, is denied and it almost killed him. Do they they care? Not one wit. Career gone at 35.
Keeping his job was a bad choice he made. He knew he would have a reaction but took a chance.

He should have given up his job and then seek legal advice.

This should be a warning to others who have a reaction to the vaccines.

"Safe and Effective" coming from a president was not helpful!
I think we will be seeing commercials for "Covid vax clot-shot" injury claims within five years.

Lawyers will get rich.....You will get enough for a set of rims.....Maybe.
I think we will be seeing commercials for "Covid vax clot-shot" injury claims within five years.
Doubtful. Those class action lawsuits generally require a lot of people.

Very few are having these allergic reactions to the vaccines. No more than any other vaccine. Less, if memory serves.

Where are all the class action lawsuits for all the other vaccines?
I think we will be seeing commercials for "Covid vax clot-shot" injury claims within five years.

Lawyers will get rich.....You will get enough for a set of rims.....Maybe.
Get rich or refuse the shot to save your life?

Americans are 'free' to make their choice!

FWIW, I've had my sixth and I'm feeling fine. I believed Trump when he declared the vaccines 'safe and ---------'
Keeping his job was a bad choice he made. He knew he would have a reaction but took a chance.
He should have given up his job and then seek legal advice.
This should be a warning to others who have a reaction to the vaccines.
"Safe and Effective" coming from a president was not helpful!

Like most people, he had bills to pay,. groceries to buy, a roof to keep over his head. How was he supposed to do that, without his job?

The idea that anyone ought to be forced to allow himself to be used as a lab rat in a dangerous medical experiment, as a condition of keeping his job, ought to be regarded as absolutely unacceptable. Certainly, it is a blatant violation of the Nuremberg Code.

I hope he sues the shit out of his department, and I hope he wins a huge settlement.
Get rich or refuse the shot to save your life?

By “get rich”, of course, you are referring just to the basic ability to make an honest living.

And you have to be really, really, really stupid to believe that these shots were to save anyone's life. Mr. Pastrana certainly knows better, now, that to believe any such bullshit.

Americans are 'free' to make their choice!

Not much of a free choice, when it's made a condition of being allowed to make a living.
Like most people, he had bills to pay,. groceries to buy, a roof to keep over his head. How was he supposed to do that, without his job?
He needed to have confidence in his claim against the city and so he could have borrowed money to see him through. There's no free ride for firemen!
The idea that anyone ought to be forced to allow himself to be used as a lab rat in a dangerous medical experiment, as a condition of keeping his job, ought to be regarded as absolutely unacceptable. Certainly, it is a blatant violation of the Nuremberg Code.
He wasn't forced, he made his own free choice. There's no use whining for a free ride.
I hope he sues the shit out of his department, and I hope he wins a huge settlement.
I couldn't care less. He made his bed Bob.

I think this is more about every ass loving his own Blay, more than concern for this guy.
By “get rich”, of course, you are referring just to the basic ability to make an honest living.

And you have to be really, really, really stupid to believe that these shots were to save anyone's life. Mr. Pastrana certainly knows better, now, that to believe any such bullshit.

His lawsuit against the city will reward him in the millions!

Not much of a free choice, when it's made a condition of being allowed to make a living.
Hopefully it will pay for his medical expenses, with a bit left over!
Hopefully it will pay for his medical expenses, with a bit left over!

He should get a lot more than that.

At the very least 3× punitive damages for the criminal act of coercing him into allowing poison to be injected into him in the first place. And those responsible for that policy ought to face serious criminal charges. At the end of World War II, we put war criminals to death for this exact same crime.
There is no “free choice” when one is coerced under threat of losing his ability to make a living.
Now we know for sure that it's all about every ass loving his own Blay. Of course he had a choice!

You asses don't seem to understand that a law suit brings a remedy. If he didn't have confidence in the law suit then he shouldn't have dicked around with accepting or refusing a "safe and effective" vaccine!

This is starting to sound more and more like a faked illness, that won't stand the test of a law suit in a courtroom!
You asses don't seem to understand that a law suit brings a remedy. If he didn't have confidence in the law suit then he shouldn't have dicked around with accepting or refusing a "safe and effective" vaccine!

He should never have been coerced into taking that dangerous, experimental drug in the first place. Nobody should have. The first and most important point of the Nuremberg Code is that fully-informed, freely-given consent is absolutely essential, in any use of human subjects for risky medical experiments, without any element of deceit or coercion.

The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion, and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment.

The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.

In nearly every one of the hundreds of millions of instances of this dangerous, experimental mRNA shit being injected into human test subjects, this principle has been completely disregarded. This is the exact same crime for which we put several war criminal to death at the end of World War II, and which gave rise to the Nuremberg Code in the hope that it would prevent this sort of crime from happening again on any comparable scale. And instead, we have now seeing this crime repeated on a scale that dwarfs the Nazi instances thereof, by several orders of magnitude.
And instead, we have now seeing this crime repeated on a scale that dwarfs the Nazi instances thereof, by several orders of magnitude.
Those crimes are being repeated in America to a scale that equals the Nazi instances , but it's an exaggeration to say that America's crimes 'dwarf' Nazi Germany's.

The latter is just more braying.

In this case there's no crime involved. He just made the wrong choice after knowing full well that he would have another reaction to the vaccine! And on Trump's advice as to it's safety and effectiveness.

I hope his lawsuit is successful and he has enough time to spend the money. Otherwise, there's no free ride.
Ny doing the damnedest to not admit it.
Firefighter has really bad reaction to first, applies for exemption from second, is denied and it almost killed him. Do they they care? Not one wit. Career gone at 35.
Well he has a HUGE HURDLE to overcome....

Anyone can sue anyone or anything....including a ham sandwich for containing mustard and mayo.

But proving the case to a jury is another story as well as collecting a judgement from them.

Which means that he would first have to prove EXACTLY which vaccine he received and when and by whom and the prove the damage to himself beyond all shadow of a doubt that was caused exclusively by the vaccine and not hereditary/genetic defect or mental health issues.

And this HURDLE of proof is substantial....meaning that a judge has to allow their evidence and not just a bunch of histrionics in court. (Good luck)

Because up to this point the Antivaxxers have histrionics and no proof of anything anywhere of anyone that has been hurt, slightly injured or anything else by the mRNA vaccines. The J&J vaccines and the AstraZenneca/Oxford vaccines do have a few side effects of GB syndrome...but nothing to actually warrant them being pulled (even though they have been) .

So....huge HUGE HURDLE to overcome.

Probably going to lose this case on merits alone.

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