Zone1 Innovation Through Inclusion: The Multicultural Cybersecurity Workforce

Nope they're lowering standards
Just like they lower physical standards for women to join the military or become firefighters

Crap now 400 lb bipocs are gonna be tracking me
I should probably expect the FagBI

No it doesn't. You're confusing a piece of legislation with the thoughts, opinions and actions of racists.

The problem you've demonstrated over and over again in your postings is that you're unable to engage in critical thinking. That you cannot take a single instance and evaluate it objectively nor take an individual and evaluate them based on their own characteristics, attributes and abilities without dragging in a whole century's worth of outdated preconceived notions that are rife with racial stereotypes and biases.

That wall that you and other like you put up to impede the upward mobility of Black people is exactly why the current disparities exist, not the lack of abilities. And when people feel unwelcome, or judged and that everyone is just waiting for them to screw up so that they can then point and say "see I told you those Blacks aren't up to the job" then that stress itself can make them not do their best. Those are psychological stressors not lack of ability.
You not prove my lack of critical thinking by asserting it. My opinions are not based on fashionable delusions, but by facts. Where are the facts that prove that I am mistaken?
You mean where is my evidence that prove that you are mistaken?
That is just exactly what I mean.

Name me me a few black majority public schools that safe and which get good scores on the objective tests.

Name me a few black neighborhoods that are safe to be in after dark.
Document your assertions. Show me facts drawn by credible organizations that prove, or even indicate that the races are intrinsically equal.
Do a search on my posting history. There is a wealth of information on this site which is properly cited as to the sources and include historical documents, landmark court cases including SCOTUS, written policies, current documents which are still being uncovered such as racially restrictive deeds which prohibited white homeowners from selling their property to a person of African descent.

There are historical laws still on the books but rendered null and void that restricted the rights of Black people throughout our entire history on this land. It is not that Black people as a race are less capable than whites or anyone else, it's that the white supremacist who founded this land also created the laws stacked the deck in the favor of whites and to the detriment of anyone of African descent, freedman or slave. This was by design.

I don't have time just yet to go into depth on the lower numbers in cybersecurity of minorities but another member posted an article this evening about how the big tech companies who just laid off more than 12,000 workers have already applied for H-1B visas to bring in foreign workers at lower wages than those they just laid off.
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That is just exactly what I mean.

Name me me a few black majority public schools that safe and which get good scores on the objective tests.

Name me a few black neighborhoods that are safe to be in after dark.
I grew up in Compton, California. For the roughly 12 years or so that we lived there I can't remember our home or vehicles ever being the target of criminal activities. Our house was on a corner lot and there was a park across the street from our backyard. Our parents would let us camp outside overnight in our backyard which was viewable from the streets. No one ever bothered us. When we were out playing with our friends we were allowed to stay out until the street lights came on and then everyone would head home. No child abductions, no rapes that I can remember the adults talking about nothing like that.

The school district had a festival orchestra that I was a member of and I excelled in my schoolwork however I was hardly the only one doing well.

Then we moved to the suburbs to an integrated neighborhood, which was very diverse and was a lot of fun.

I don't know what those neighborhoods are like these days but anywhere where there are less people moving in and moving out all of the time provides a bit more stability. That's one of the things that home ownership provides.
  • Winner
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Nope they're lowering standards
Just like they lower physical standards for women to join the military or become firefighters

Crap now 400 lb bipocs are gonna be tracking me
I should probably expect the FagBI

View attachment 786782
Look, white have gotten what you call AA since 1776. Standards have always been altered or lowered for white. So shut up.

This mornings lesson:

Lowering Admission Standards Allow White's to be Admitted Due to Legacy


We use the detailed Harvard admissions data to examine three questions:

1. How do the characteristics of recruited athletes, legacies, and other special groups of applicants and admits compare to the corresponding characteristics of the broader applicant and admit pools?

In response to the first question, we find that for each special applicant group under the ALDC umbrella, applicants and admits are disproportionately white and come from higher income households. As an example, 40% of non-ALDC applicants are white, while nearly 70% of legacy applicants are white. When we explore other characteristics, such as academic preparation, extracurricular strength, and personal qualities, the results are more nuanced. On average, LDC applicants (that is, excluding athletes) are stronger than nonALDC applicants. However, the average LDC admit is weaker than the average non-ALDC admit, suggesting an admissions advantage for LDC applicants.

We show that LDC applicants are especially highly rated on Harvard’s non-academic ratings. Ratings related to extracurricular activities, athletics, and personal qualities are included in the admissions process to allow for a more comprehensive view of an applicant. It is widely believed that this “holistic” approach—pursued by many competitive universities—opens doors for less advantaged applicants.

There are other incentives for Harvard to employ these preferences as well. For example, donations by alumni—as opposed to parents of current students—are part of the formula used in U.S. News & World Report Best Colleges rankings,10 providing an additional incentive to admit legacies whose parents will be more likely to donate if their child is admitted.

(These are criteria the white grievance crowd in this forum do not consider when they whine about college admissions. Given that one of the white grievance people claimed to work in admissions this is an example of the disingenuous nature of this argument.)

2. How large of an admissions advantage is given to those in special recruiting categories?

To address our second question, we estimate a model of Harvard’s admissions that accounts for hundreds of applicant characteristics, including Harvard’s academic, extracurricular, and athletic ratings, among others. Admissions preferences for ALDC applicants are substantial. We find that a white non-ALDC applicant with a 10% chance of admission would see a five-fold increase in admissions likelihood if they were a legacy; more than a seven-fold increase if they were on the dean’s interest list; and that they would be admitted with near certainty if they were a recruited athlete.

3. How would the removal of these admissions preferences impact legacy and athlete

Finally, we explore how the admitted class at Harvard would change if ALDC preferences were eliminated. First, we estimate that only one quarter of white ALDC admits would have been admitted had they been treated as white non-ALDC applicants. Given the highly advantaged status of this group, eliminating ALDC preferences would tend to reduce the household income level among Harvard admits. Second, we explore how the number of admits in each racial/ethnic group would change if legacy and athlete preferences were removed, holding fixed the total number of admits. We find that removing either of these preferences would result in significantly fewer white admits with increases or no change in the number of African American, Hispanic, and Asian American admits.

I grew up in Compton, California. For the roughly 12 years or so that we lived there I can't remember our home or vehicles ever being the target of criminal activities. Our house was on a corner lot and there was a park across the street from our backyard. Our parents would let us camp outside overnight in our backyard which was viewable from the streets. No one ever bothered us. When we were out playing with our friends we were allowed to stay out until the street lights came on and then everyone would head home. No child abductions, no rapes that I can remember the adults talking about nothing like that.

The school district had a festival orchestra that I was a member of and I excelled in my schoolwork however I was hardly the only one doing well.

Then we moved to the suburbs to an integrated neighborhood, which was very diverse and was a lot of fun.

I don't know what those neighborhoods are like these days but anywhere where there are less people moving in and moving out all of the time provides a bit more stability. That's one of the things that home ownership provides.
I am glad you were safe.
Do a search on my posting history. There is a wealth of information on this site which is properly cited as to the sources and include historical documents, landmark court cases including SCOTUS, written policies, current documents which are still being uncovered such as racially restrictive deeds which prohibited white homeowners from selling their property to a person of African descent.

There are historical laws still on the books but rendered null and void that restricted the rights of Black people throughout our entire history on this land. It is not that Black people as a race are less capable than whites or anyone else, it's that the white supremacist who founded this land also created the laws stacked the deck in the favor of whites and to the detriment of anyone of African descent, freedman or slave. This was by design.

I don't have time just yet to go into depth on the lower numbers in cybersecurity of minorities but another member posted an article this evening about how the big tech companies who just laid off more than 12,000 workers have already applied for H-1B visas to bring in foreign workers at lower wages than those they just laid off.
I am always eager to repost data that proves my assertions. How blacks were treated in the past does not affect their behavior and performance now. How blacks behave and perform now does affect the way they are treated now.
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...How blacks were treated in the past does not affect their behavior and performance now. How blacks behave and perform now does affect the way they are treated now.
If you're speaking of a history and pattern of abuse and legislatively sanctioned disadvantages that impede forward momentum, then of course how Black people have been treated in the past has a cumulative impact on our race as a whole. But this is true of any group when all else is equal. There is no comparable group to people of African descent in the United States.

Think of it this way. Back before the advent of the internet the only way to get information was to go to the library. Even if your family was big into reading materials as mine was, our World Book encyclopedias were only as current as the date of publication which is why a "year book" was issued to members annually with current events of the previous year. So with that background in mind, let me give you a scenario

Let's say you want to be an air traffic controller because a friend of the family is an air traffic controller and you think it's a interesting field. So you ask someone (no internet) and discover that the first step is you have to pass the civil service exam that is administered for anyone wanting to work in that field.

Do you think you would do well or better on passing this exam if you know what to expect when you take it? How about if you had the ability to practice taking those types of written government issued exams? How many people do you think even know that preparatory materials even exist? Remember this is way back before there was an Amazon "book store" or anyway to do any online research, if you even knew to try to locate resources to help you not just pass the exam but to end up in the top 10%.

People in the know, would be directed to their local library which should have copies of the test training materials - The Civil Service Test Exam books. But if you were in a legally racially segregated community with less, little or no money to pay for a "separate but equal" library and by law, you're not allowed into the "white library" do you think that would put you at a disadvantage?

None of this is a matter of pure intelligence, its familiarity, opportunity, attitude, beliefs and support systems.
  • Brilliant
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I am glad you were safe.
Thanks, but we were kids and didn't know anything differently than the enjoyment and pleasure of being with our family and spending time with them and our cousins, aunts & uncles who would come to town to visit from "back east". That was ALWAYS a special treat when they visited because it meant "We're going to Disneyland! [cue the sound of a bunch of kids collectively losing their minds :)]
If you're speaking of a history and pattern of abuse and legislatively sanctioned disadvantages that impede forward momentum, then of course how Black people have been treated in the past has a cumulative impact on our race as a whole. But this is true of any group when all else is equal. There is no comparable group to people of African descent in the United States.

Think of it this way. Back before the advent of the internet the only way to get information was to go to the library. Even if your family was big into reading materials as mine was, our World Book encyclopedias were only as current as the date of publication which is why a "year book" was issued to members annually with current events of the previous year. So with that background in mind, let me give you a scenario

Let's say you want to be an air traffic controller because a friend of the family is an air traffic controller and you think it's a interesting field. So you ask someone (no internet) and discover that the first step is you have to pass the civil service exam that is administered for anyone wanting to work in that field.

Do you think you would do well or better on passing this exam if you know what to expect when you take it? How about if you had the ability to practice taking those types of written government issued exams? How many people do you think even know that preparatory materials even exist? Remember this is way back before there was an Amazon "book store" or anyway to do any online research, if you even knew to try to locate resources to help you not just pass the exam but to end up in the top 10%.

People in the know, would be directed to their local library which should have copies of the test training materials - The Civil Service Test Exam books. But if you were in a legally racially segregated community with less, little or no money to pay for a "separate but equal" library and by law, you're not allowed into the "white library" do you think that would put you at a disadvantage?

None of this is a matter of pure intelligence, its familiarity, opportunity, attitude, beliefs and support systems.
All you had to do in those days was walk into a book store and ask. I can remember seeing those guides.
I am always eager to repost data that proves my assertions. How blacks were treated in the past does not affect their behavior and performance now. How blacks behave and perform now does affect the way they are treated now.
Load of BS.

The main problem you have is xxxxxxxxxxxxx. Blacks don't act any different than anyone else, but another problem you have is ignorance of psychology. The past impacts today. And racism impacts blacks now because it continues to exist due to people such as you.

"Findings from large-scale national studies indicate that, while African Americans have a lower risk for many anxiety disorders, they have a 9.1% prevalence rate for PTSD, compared to 6.8% in Whites. That means that almost one in ten Black people becomes traumatized, and I think these rates may actually be higher since diagnosticians are usually not considering the role of racism in causing trauma."

Dennis R. Upkins, Denying Racism And Other Forms Of Gaslighting, Aug 24, 2016, Mental Health Matters, derived from:

As in any other form of abuse/trauma, some things trigger the stressors which bring back the negative experiences felt because of racism. I have a simple layman’s understanding of psychology. I have learned that when a person has this disorder, there can be events that trigger the old terror the individual went through due to the past abuse. Therefore, as people of color continue to see acts of racism, it is vital to recognize how these events trigger a reminder to people of color of the bad experiences they had due to racism. It is even more important to understand what triggers those bad experiences mean regarding behaviors that might arise or resurface instead of making racial judgments. Simply put, every act of racism causes PTSD in black people.

So, when 47 million blacks continue to experience or watch racist actions, these things start happening according to the Mayo Clinic:

• Recurrent, unwanted distressing memories of the traumatic event
• Reliving the traumatic event as if it were happening again (flashbacks)
• Upsetting dreams or nightmares about the traumatic event
• Severe emotional distress or physical reactions to something that reminds you of the traumatic event
• Trying to avoid thinking or talking about the traumatic event
• Avoiding places, activities or people that remind you of the traumatic event
• Negative thoughts about yourself, other people or the world
• Hopelessness about the future
• Memory problems, including not remembering important aspects of the traumatic event
• Difficulty maintaining close relationships
• Feeling detached from family and friends
• Lack of interest in activities you once enjoyed
• Difficulty experiencing
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Load of BS.
......Blacks don't act any different than anyone else, but another problem you have is ignorance of psychology. The past impacts today. And racism impacts blacks now because it continues to exist due to people such as you.
Keep dreaming - xxx xxxxxx. Mod Edited as name calling not allowed in Zone 1 Race thread.
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That is not true of all Negroes, but it is true of most. Unfortunately, it has become fashionable to lie about Negro capabilities, and dangerous to tell the truth. Stereotypes are over generalizations of what is really true.
How can you say that? If you are talking from your experiences, you don’t know most black people. I have worked with as many incompetent whites as I have blacks, maybe more.

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