Inquisition in Europe: what they hide.

After which victory? The Holy Empire was made to the Holy Roman Empire when Carolus Magnus had been crowned to be the Roman Emperor from Pope Leo III in the Christmas tide of the year 800 A.D. Still the "augustus" (=emperor) had lived in Byzantium - but now also existed a Cesar (=emperor) again. I guess by the way that we Germans speak out "Kaiser" how the ancient Romans really had spoken out "Cesar" (="Caesar").
The word caesar is the same as the kshatriyas, they were the Aryan rulers who came from the La Tene culture. After it became a republic, it was just a legacy.
After that, there was no longer real royal power. And the Germans never had it at all. According to the information that has come down to us, they were ruled by judges, scribes. The Franks issued salic truths, these were church documents. It was originally a state of priests, not kings.
The Germans and Balts originated from the linear pottery culture of old Europe. Matriarchal traditions were strong there until recently. It was in the order of things to put a woman on the throne, and the men wore lace panties and stockings. For the real kings' military aristocracy, all this is unthinkable blasphemy.
The Austro-Hungarian Habsburgs did not have women, not only on the thrones, but in general in politics. And none of them looked like a transvestite. They were all tall and sturdy and wore military uniforms of the hussar type
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had lived in Byzantium
A lot of things have also been invented about Byzantium now. During the reign of the Huns of Attila, they levied taxes from Byzantium, where the Bulgarians sat on thrones. This was the province of the Huns.
The names "france" and "germany" are almost the same thing. This means the land where nations are enslaved by the Franks/Germans. But it not means that they franks or German themselvs
What is "Germanic"?

The Germanics are more ancient Germans (or also Scandinavians) like for example the Anglo-Saxons. When I speak hrete aout Saxions then this Saxons were the inhabitants of the North of Germany more then 1000 years ago. The poeope who are called Saxons toda in German are not North-Germans and lovein another area.

Modern Germany was formed by the Prussians at the end of the 19th century on the remnants of Austro-Hungary.

The Prussians - known as an army who owned a country - are dead. Their heritage had been a catastophe.

Roughly speaking, about 90% of "Germans" are Celts

The ancestors of the Germanics had been Celts and the ancestors oif teh Germans had been Celts, Germanics and Romans. (By the way: The Jews had been also Romans since the early third century). And the Germans of the year 1913 have today a half descendent in Germany. Very most Germans today have a migration background (also because of displacements after world war 2). Germans today have in average a wider bandwidth of roots.

and Huns (the heirs of the Avars in East Germany).

Hmm ... no idea in this context. I se not many Hungarian elements in Germany. Perhaps in Austria this is a little different because of the imperial and kingly double monarchy and their multinartiopnal heritage.

And the Prussians are not Germans, they are Balts by origin.

The Prussin were/are Germans. In most cases all pele inthejworld are using the word "German" and "Prussian" synonyme. And indeed is the homeland of the Prussians in teh Balticum (Königsberg) - today this is a Russian and Polish territorry and no Germans live there any longer.

Who are you really?

I? I am I.

Is your Thomas Anders

Who? ... Good grief - do you really speak about "modern talking" here as an example for Germans?

a blonde-haired blue-eyed German?

:lol: Hitler was? I am blond haired and blue eyed for example. But in Germany exist since ever all colors of hairs. From very black to very blond.

I'm talking about that is not accepted in historiography to call the first states of the Franks "Holy Roman Empire", you are playing with words.

It is nonsense what you say here. It's clear that the Pope crowned Charlesmagne to the Roman emperor. What is your problem? That France and England were also Germanic births and not only Celtic and Roman births?
bAvaria is Avaria.

That's the Latin name. We are Bayern. Bayern are "bayerisch" - in English this is spoken like "irish" with a b in front = b-irish.

They don't speak real German lang even nowdays,

The German languages were always very different. English was - better to say "is" - for example a German language which is a little older. But indeed dies the Bavartian language out. Neverthelles were Bohemia, Bavaria and Austria always very important parts of the Holy Empire.

, and their baroness not looked like broad-hipped fair-haired German women, but brown-eyed Ukrainian or Polish women.


Is it german appearence?

How extremely stupid is such a question, Nazi? One of the ladies of the house Wittelsbach made for example the first translation from the books of William Shakespeare into the modern Greek language. Specially the ladies of tehnosue Wittelsbach were known to be very intelligent human beings with a wide education and a relativelly free way of life.
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The Prussians - known as an army who owned a country - are dead. Their heritage had been a catastophe.
once again: modern Germany is their brainchild. They created it at the end of the 19th century.
The ancestors of the Germanics had been Celts
of course, but the ancestors of the Celts were Germans lol
and Polish territorry and no Germans live there any longer.
the Russian word "nemets" now means "Germanic", but originally it referred to the Lithuanians, Curonians, Prussians and Jews who lived along the river Neman. The Russian monarchy of the 18th century is the Germans from the Holstein-Gottorp clan. The people Golyad who lived in the Moscow swamps are the same people as the Galindians and the Hollands( Dutch).
Moscow, Polotsk(Plotsk) and Kiev(Kuev) were also in these German lands. It was arownd Kueviya and Mosovia.
The Poles themselves have nothing to do with it, these Nemetes was only in the Warsaw region of Poland. The main part of Nemetes is not in Poland, but in Belarus and Lithuania. There were also the Prussians.
The German languages were always very different. English was - better to say "is" - for example a German language which is a little older. But indeed dies the Bavartian language out. Neverthelles were Bohemia, Bavaria and Austria always very important parts of the Holy Empire.
Always? Modern English has almost no relation to Old English, there is a different grammar. Modern Germanic is apparently a mixture of Baltic and Slavic, it is roughly like Russian, only more baltized.
The names "france" and "germany" are almost the same thing.

:lol: ... Sure ...

This means the land where nations are enslaved by the Franks/Germans.

The Frankonians are still enslaving France - but meanwhile they speak French. Only our English slaves speak nearly German - or nearly Latin.

But it not means that they franks or German themselvs

I guess I know now what you like to say. I will inform the Saxonians, the Angeln and the Frankonians to leave England and France. Any other problems? Should the Scandinavians call the Normans back? Should also leave the Vandals Andalusia (=the land of the vandals)?
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The Frankonians are still enslavgin France -but mehawe tehy speak French. Only our English slaves speak nearly German .. or nearly Latin.
German is incredibly far removed from Latin. It is closer than English and French, but still it is typologically not Latin, but an intermediate version between completely degenerated English and half degenerated German. Irregular verbs in English are atavisms of Latin through Old English. The closer to native Germany, the less Latin influence.
once again: modern Germany is their brainchild.

You try to explain in the moment a Bavarian that he is a Prussian. Every German would now laugh out very loud. Perhaps you should first try to learn something about the real existing Germany before you try to be an expert?

Latins are Celts, they lived just in the region of Austria and Hungary, then they dispersed to Central and Southern Europe, in the area of La Tene culture. The original Germans did not inherit from them, they only borrowed.

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You try to explain in the moment a Bavarian that he is a Prussian
No, I said that the original Bavarians are Avars. Prussia created an empire, as the Franks had done earlier.
read about the Prussian-Austrian war, big and small plans for the unification of the (pseudo) Germanic peoples
When exactly was it?

Unimportant. Bavarians overtook for some time the fashion of the Huns to bandage the skull of babies so they got an egg-head form when they were older. An interesting form of fashion. In the days today tattoos are for example very modern worldwide.
Unimportant. Bavarians overtook for some time the fashion of the Huns to bandage the skull of babies so they got an egg-head form when they were older. An interesting form of fashion. In the days today tattoos are for example very modern worldwide.
I'm sure it wasn't just fashion. It is known that the Aryans were anthropologically opposite to the original Germans, they had such high skulls, they are called "Sarmatian". This is also associated with traditional makeup, darkening the eyes. Perhaps the traditions of bandaging the feet of babies also have something to do with this.
They mimicked them.
German is incredibly far removed from Latin.

An Italian lady who speaks also German and Latin told my wife a very short time ago that the grammer of Latin and German is more similar than the grammar of the Italian language and Latin. She gave some plausible examples for this hypothese.

It is closer than English and French, but still it is typologically not Latin, but an intermediate version between completely degenerated English and half degenerated German. Irregular verbs in English are atavisms of Latin through Old English. The closer to native Germany, the less Latin influence.

You think much to complicate. The Latin (and Greek) words in the English and German language have to do with education. Latin and Greek had been very important for the Christian church - and in this context also for education and science. The most important common root of all Europeans is Greece and Rome - is "East" and "West".
I'm sure it wasn't just fashion.


It is known that the Aryans


were anthropologically opposite to the original Germans, they had such high skulls, they are called "Sarmatian". This is also associated with traditional makeup, darkening the eyes. Perhaps the traditions of bandaging the feet of babies also have something to do with this.
They mimicked them.

I don't discuss with Nazis about Germany. Bye bye. History is sometimes nothing else than funny. That the world is in the moment totally mad again and full of extremist idiots in Hungaria, Poland, Belarus and Turkey - and much more other places - makes a simplifying racial discussion as you try to do to a damned dangerous idiotic game. For what for heavens sake could be important for you the Holy Empire from the years 800-1806?
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