Inquisition in Europe: what they hide.

to bandage the skull of babies so they got an egg-head
The crown is extended upward, but the forehead is not high. This type is often found in Asia to this day, and these are the skulls that the ancient Tochars, the ancestors of the Celts, had.


The Indian Aryans have this basic type. It will be difficult for them to put the book on their head and hold it.
I don't discuss with Nazis about Germany
I am not a Nazi. The study of anthrpology has nothing to do with Nazism.
Incidentally, the National Socialists came to power democratically through elections. They received an absolute majority. And this was germans.
Latins are Celts, they lived just in the region of Austria and Hungary, then they dispersed to Central and Southern Europe, in the area of La Tene culture. The original Germans did not inherit from them, they only borrowed.

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No, I said that the original Bavarians are Avars.

You said so. You said Bavaria = (B)Avaria. Some people of our German population had lived herer since 20,000 years and longer in nearly the same place. I'm tired about all this criminal idiots who like to attack us.

Prussia created an empire, as the Franks had done earlier.
read about the Prussian-Austrian war, big and small plans for the unification of the (pseudo) Germanic peoples

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What does it mean? Don't you believe me and archeology? Nobody officially considers the Germans to be the descendants of the Celts, do not invent.
Proto-Germanic culture is a culture of linear tape ceramics
I am not a Nazi.

You are. You spoke about Aryans in context of the German history. Aryans have absolutelly nothing to do with Germans nor with Germanics.

The study of anthrpology has nothing to do with Nazism.
Incidentally, the National Socialists came to power democratically through elections.

What's just simple true and wrong the same time.

They received an absolute majority.

They made an absolute dictatorship and tyranny.

And this was germans.

This was Germany from the years 1933-1945 - and not the Holy Empire from the years 800-1806. About both I will not discuss with you any longer.
The crown is extended upward, but the forehead is not high. This type is often found in Asia to this day, and these are the skulls that the ancient Tochars, the ancestors of the Celts, had.


The Indian Aryans have this basic type. It will be difficult for them to put the book on their head and hold it.
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Some people of our German population had lived herer since 20,000 years and longer in nearly the same place.
I didn't deny it. The original Germans are most likely the indigenous inhabitants of Europe.

The only germany that was known during the time of Rome is the province of Rome Germany Magna, and it was not in the territory of the Celts and not in the territory of the Latins. This ethnonym most likely originated from the "Hermunduri"(lat. Hermunduri, germ. Hermunduren) people and they were just neighbors of the Celts. These are the lands of modern Thuringia
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What's just simple true and wrong the same time.
If you are illiterate, then I will explain. Nazism is a movement associated with chauvinism. These are the ideologies that assert the superiority of one people over another, the right of power given "from above" and the like. The study of the human skeleton does not belong to "Nazism", it is studied in modern science, and has never been forbidden by anyone.
But defamation is prohibited
And you are engaged in libel.
The study of the Aryans in the context of German history is also not "Nazism". In particular, this is studied by comporativists, archaeologists and researchers of mythology, and no one ascribes any "Nazism" to them.
In particular, there is in the works of Schlegel and Bopp. Nobody banned these scientists. You are delusional.
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Holy Empire from the years 800-1806
And once again: 962–1806
Where did you get this from? Is this how it is considered in Germany?
Why do you include the state of the Franks during the period of the Holy Roman Empire?
And even this is an exaggeration.
The name of the state - "Roman Empire" (lat. Imperium Romanum) - began to be used from 1034. And only from 15th century added to it the phrase "german nation "(Lat. Nationis Germanicae; German. Deutscher Nation)
I didn't deny it. The original Germans are most likely the indigenous inhabitants of Europe.

The only germany that was known during the time of Rome is the province of Rome Germany Magna, and it was not in the territory of the Celts and not in the territory of the Latins. This ethnonym most likely originated from the "Hermunduri"(lat. Hermunduri, germ. Hermunduren) people and they were just neighbors of the Celts. These are the lands of modern Thuringia
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If you are illiterate, then I will explain. Nazism is a movement associated with chauvinism. These are the ideologies that assert the superiority of one people over another, the right of power given "from above" and the like. The study of the human skeleton does not belong to "Nazism", it is studied in modern science, and has never been forbidden by anyone.
But defamation is prohibited
And you are engaged in libel.
The study of the Aryans in the context of German history is also not "Nazism". In particular, this is studied by comporativists, archaeologists and researchers of mythology, and no one ascribes any "Nazism" to them.
In particular, there is in the works of Schlegel and Bopp. Nobody banned these scientists. You are delusional.
no comment - except that it is extremely stupid what you say here. Aryans have absolutelly nothing to do with Germans.
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And even this is an exaggeration.
The name of the state - "Roman Empire" (lat. Imperium Romanum) - began to be used from 1034. And only from 15th century added to it the phrase "german nation "(Lat. Nationis Germanicae; German. Deutscher Nation)

"German" = "united" (by speaking German) - what means to be able to speak with someone directly without the help of an interpreter. The many German "dialects" during the time of the Holy Empire had been much more different than today. Today it would be seen like different languages from different nations. Indeed Germany never was nation - except that it had been forced to be one from Napoleon Bonaparte, the Prussians and Brits and the allies of world war 1+2.

A national state never existed during the time of the Holy Empire - and also not before. National states are very modern - and very idiotic - how all inhabitants of the year 2525 will agree with.
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"German" = "united" (by speaking German) - what means to be able to speak with someone directly without the help of an interpreter. The many German "dialects" during the time of the Holy Empire had been much more different than today. Today it would be seen like different languages from different nations. Indeed Germany never was nation - except that it had been forced to be one from Napoleon Bonaparte, the Prussians and Brits and the allies of world war 1+2.

A national state never existed during the time of the Holy Empire - and also not before. National states are very modern - and very idiotic - how all inhabitants of the year 2525 will agree with.
Аnd who imposed the Hermunduri language on the Avars and Celts?
Is this the reason for the delatinization of the Celtic language?
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Most likely the comporatists (in particular Grimm) were mistaken that the stunning of Indo-European consonants occurred in the Proto-Germanic language. It is logical to assume that this happened when the Germanic, Celtic and Avar-Bulgarish were mixed. This happened precisely during the expansion of the Franks, and not earlier as it is believed. There is no point in complicating anything.
In addition, the Goths took part in this. They were allies of the Franks.

The Goths may have been associated with the rise of the Inquisition. There was a lot of emphasis on torture in Gothic art, and in general it is dark and sinister. The spirit of the Inquisition matches this grim, bloody aesthetic. The modern movement of the subculture is ready with aesthetics and ideals of vampirism, which also corresponds to this. Several years ago there was a case of cannibalism: they ate a girl.

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