‘Insanely cheap energy’: how solar power continues to shock the world

Hahahaha!!!..... Tommy Tainant strikes again...

From the linked article (obviously he only saw the headline)

SunTech would file for bankruptcy protection when it couldn’t repay a $541m loan that fell due in March 2013

With razor-thin margins and cut-throat competition, everyone is always one step away from falling.


Suntech was removed from the stock market for failing to meet minimum value... the stock price today is...wait for it... $.04 a share :lol:

Suntech CEO was removed for fraud involving $560m in fake currencies.

HAHAHAHAAA - yeah....insanely cheap is right!! :auiqs.jpg:
Mean while in the real world so.e of the largest private investors in renewable energy is guess who? Ya, that's right oil companies.

Renewables is obviously the future. And solar is at the top of that list.
What I find funny is the article tries desperately to give a positive spin on China's bungling... and the real story is at the bottom where, despite HEAVY subsidizing, and huge American investment capital - the company goes under due to fraud and failure to execute.
Sometimes tough to know which horse is gunna win but we all know what race they are in at this point. Renewable is where it's at solar seems to be at top of list but also making headway on hydrogen and fusion. It will be interesting to see what wins. You never know what discovery is right around the corner.

I love these types of articles. The future looks bright indeed . It really looks like the forces of regression are on the run.
POPULATION control is the only thing that will slow the ENERGY usage. WELFARE REFORM would go a long way to help the environment.
Send the radioactive waste to the sun using rocket ships,, a security guard said what are are going do now, pollute the sun.

Everybody panic!!!!!

The democrats will use this to tax photon use...to save the sun...:eusa_doh:

I love these types of articles. The future looks bright indeed . It really looks like the forces of regression are on the run.

Not with solar and wind.......here....some truth...

Why Wind and Solar Energy Are Doomed to Failure

Robert’s paper acknowledges that there are multiple reasons why wind and solar energy will never meet America’s energy needs, but focuses on the particular problem of land use:
Of course, other factors, including the incurable intermittency of renewables as well as the massive amounts of materials, including steel, concrete, copper, and rare earth elements, will limit the deployment of wind and solar.

But the biggest barrier is the land-use problem.

The ferocity and extent of rural land-use conflicts are showing that any attempt to convert the domestic economy to run solely on renewables is destined to fail.

Why is land use such a problem for wind and solar, but not for coal, nuclear or natural gas? Because wind and solar are pathetically low-intensity energy sources, as reflected in this chart from Bryce’s paper:

Because wind and solar produce so little energy per square mile, an enormous amount of land would have to be devoted to panels and turbines if we seriously tried to get all of our present electricity needs from those weak sources:

Miller and Keith determined that “meeting present-day U.S. electricity consumption, for example, would require 12 percent of the continental U.S. land area for wind.” A bit of math reveals what that 12 percent figure means. The land area of the continental U.S. is about 2.9 million square miles, or 7.6 million square kilometers. Twelve percent of that area would be about 350,000 square miles or 912,000 square kilometers. Therefore, merely meeting America’s current electricity needs with wind energy would require a territory more than two times the size of California.

Suffice to say that this just isn’t going to happen.

For one thing, no one places wind farms in Washington, D.C. or midtown Manhattan. Nor are wind projects slated for Long Island, Marin County, or near any valuable suburban developments. It is rural America that bears the burden of many square miles of wind and solar installations.
And it is a burden: apart from the obvious aesthetic issues, Bryce’s paper reviews substantial medical evidence that the noise produced by wind turbines adversely affects human health. And, of course, wind turbines are fatal to wildlife. As a result of such concerns, rural communities across America–hundreds of them–have risen up to oppose wind turbine developments. These efforts have largely been successful.

I love these types of articles. The future looks bright indeed . It really looks like the forces of regression are on the run.

Not with solar and wind.......here....some truth...

Why Wind and Solar Energy Are Doomed to Failure

Robert’s paper acknowledges that there are multiple reasons why wind and solar energy will never meet America’s energy needs, but focuses on the particular problem of land use:
Of course, other factors, including the incurable intermittency of renewables as well as the massive amounts of materials, including steel, concrete, copper, and rare earth elements, will limit the deployment of wind and solar.

But the biggest barrier is the land-use problem.

The ferocity and extent of rural land-use conflicts are showing that any attempt to convert the domestic economy to run solely on renewables is destined to fail.

Why is land use such a problem for wind and solar, but not for coal, nuclear or natural gas? Because wind and solar are pathetically low-intensity energy sources, as reflected in this chart from Bryce’s paper:

Because wind and solar produce so little energy per square mile, an enormous amount of land would have to be devoted to panels and turbines if we seriously tried to get all of our present electricity needs from those weak sources:

Miller and Keith determined that “meeting present-day U.S. electricity consumption, for example, would require 12 percent of the continental U.S. land area for wind.” A bit of math reveals what that 12 percent figure means. The land area of the continental U.S. is about 2.9 million square miles, or 7.6 million square kilometers. Twelve percent of that area would be about 350,000 square miles or 912,000 square kilometers. Therefore, merely meeting America’s current electricity needs with wind energy would require a territory more than two times the size of California.

Suffice to say that this just isn’t going to happen.

For one thing, no one places wind farms in Washington, D.C. or midtown Manhattan. Nor are wind projects slated for Long Island, Marin County, or near any valuable suburban developments. It is rural America that bears the burden of many square miles of wind and solar installations.
And it is a burden: apart from the obvious aesthetic issues, Bryce’s paper reviews substantial medical evidence that the noise produced by wind turbines adversely affects human health. And, of course, wind turbines are fatal to wildlife. As a result of such concerns, rural communities across America–hundreds of them–have risen up to oppose wind turbine developments. These efforts have largely been successful.
Luckily the people working on this have more imagination than you and your so called expert. Give it up kid, the game is over and we won.

I love these types of articles. The future looks bright indeed . It really looks like the forces of regression are on the run.

Not with solar and wind.......here....some truth...

Why Wind and Solar Energy Are Doomed to Failure

Robert’s paper acknowledges that there are multiple reasons why wind and solar energy will never meet America’s energy needs, but focuses on the particular problem of land use:
Of course, other factors, including the incurable intermittency of renewables as well as the massive amounts of materials, including steel, concrete, copper, and rare earth elements, will limit the deployment of wind and solar.

But the biggest barrier is the land-use problem.

The ferocity and extent of rural land-use conflicts are showing that any attempt to convert the domestic economy to run solely on renewables is destined to fail.

Why is land use such a problem for wind and solar, but not for coal, nuclear or natural gas? Because wind and solar are pathetically low-intensity energy sources, as reflected in this chart from Bryce’s paper:

Because wind and solar produce so little energy per square mile, an enormous amount of land would have to be devoted to panels and turbines if we seriously tried to get all of our present electricity needs from those weak sources:

Miller and Keith determined that “meeting present-day U.S. electricity consumption, for example, would require 12 percent of the continental U.S. land area for wind.” A bit of math reveals what that 12 percent figure means. The land area of the continental U.S. is about 2.9 million square miles, or 7.6 million square kilometers. Twelve percent of that area would be about 350,000 square miles or 912,000 square kilometers. Therefore, merely meeting America’s current electricity needs with wind energy would require a territory more than two times the size of California.

Suffice to say that this just isn’t going to happen.

For one thing, no one places wind farms in Washington, D.C. or midtown Manhattan. Nor are wind projects slated for Long Island, Marin County, or near any valuable suburban developments. It is rural America that bears the burden of many square miles of wind and solar installations.
And it is a burden: apart from the obvious aesthetic issues, Bryce’s paper reviews substantial medical evidence that the noise produced by wind turbines adversely affects human health. And, of course, wind turbines are fatal to wildlife. As a result of such concerns, rural communities across America–hundreds of them–have risen up to oppose wind turbine developments. These efforts have largely been successful.
Luckily the people working on this have more imagination than you and your so called expert. Give it up kid, the game is over and we won.

They have no imagination...they are trying to use technology that was outdated in the middle ages...

I love these types of articles. The future looks bright indeed . It really looks like the forces of regression are on the run.
POPULATION control is the only thing that will slow the ENERGY usage. WELFARE REFORM would go a long way to help the environment.

Actually, they want to reduce energy use to help limit population.......this is why normal people don't understand this debate. Normal people want more, cheaper energy that is more efficient and cleaner.....guys like timmy and the other luddites, and population zero types hate people....think people are destroying "mother earth," and so they don't want cheap, plentiful, efficient energy....that allows more people to exist.

If they get rid of fossil and nuclear energy, and we have to rely on wind and solar, that will force life choices on people that lead to reduced numbers of people living in smaller and smaller, government controlled areas......

that is their goal, not ours...

I love these types of articles. The future looks bright indeed . It really looks like the forces of regression are on the run.
POPULATION control is the only thing that will slow the ENERGY usage. WELFARE REFORM would go a long way to help the environment.

Actually, they want to reduce energy use to help limit population.......this is why normal people don't understand this debate. Normal people want more, cheaper energy that is more efficient and cleaner.....guys like timmy and the other luddites, and population zero types hate people....think people are destroying "mother earth," and so they don't want cheap, plentiful, efficient energy....that allows more people to exist.

If they get rid of fossil and nuclear energy, and we have to rely on wind and solar, that will force life choices on people that lead to reduced numbers of people living in smaller and smaller, government controlled areas......

that is their goal, not ours...
Who are they ?

I love these types of articles. The future looks bright indeed . It really looks like the forces of regression are on the run.
How do you think it will do when Gates blocks out the sun?
With his space lasers ?

I love these types of articles. The future looks bright indeed . It really looks like the forces of regression are on the run.
How do you think it will do when Gates blocks out the sun?
With his space lasers ?
Do some research Chubby.

I love these types of articles. The future looks bright indeed . It really looks like the forces of regression are on the run.
How do you think it will do when Gates blocks out the sun?
With his space lasers ?
Do some research Chubby.
Oh dear. Does that make me "sheeple" ?

I love these types of articles. The future looks bright indeed . It really looks like the forces of regression are on the run.
See how well they work for you in January above the 45th parallel moron. Even when you have an ample supply of light, the battery problems aren't worth the cost or the problems. Do you have anything in your arsenal that you have the slightest bit of knowledge of? If you do, you haven't demonstrated it.
Hahahaha!!!..... Tommy Tainant strikes again...

From the linked article (obviously he only saw the headline)

SunTech would file for bankruptcy protection when it couldn’t repay a $541m loan that fell due in March 2013

With razor-thin margins and cut-throat competition, everyone is always one step away from falling.


Suntech was removed from the stock market for failing to meet minimum value... the stock price today is...wait for it... $.04 a share :lol:

Suntech CEO was removed for fraud involving $560m in fake currencies.

HAHAHAHAAA - yeah....insanely cheap is right!! :auiqs.jpg:

Cheaper than the current fossil fuel industry that gets $500 Billion in government subsidies world wide.

Nobody in the corporate world is currently planning for, or investing in fossil fuels for future energy needs.


Major corporations, including the entire auto industry worldwide, are moving to 100% renewable, and battery powered energy plants.

Only losers, and those left behind will still be sucking on oil pipes and snorting coal for any reason.

China might be building coal plants in certain areas because of their giant population need, but they are the leader in renewable energy innovation and production, and are moving in that direction also.

View attachment 483829

HAhaha - yet another doofus.
The oil industry is one of the most profitable industries the world over. And contains some of the worlds largest corporations.

And to boot.... hahahaha.... every company in China is subsidized. Especially emerging industries. It is what they do.
If only you people had any credibility you might get taken seriously.
HAha.... I copy and pasted from your own link dude. Which led me to look at the stock value once I saw it was a public company. (it use to be)
And there it is.... fraud, corruption and failure to execute led to a total collapse of the company now, as stated... essentially worthless.
Yeah, Obama gave a shitload of US taxpayer money to a corrupt CA company called Solyndra and that was money that would have been better used if it had been flushed down the crapper. But one of Obummer and Biden's buddies got rich off of it. Didn't provide much in the way of solar energy though.
When I got this job in 2005, I thought maybe one day solar will supply 1% of the world’s electricity. Now it’s 3%. Our official forecast is that it will be 23% by 2050, but that’s completely underestimated,” Chase says.

“I see it as the limits of modelling. Most energy system models are, or were, set up to model minor changes to an energy system that is run on fossil fuel or nuclear. Every time you double producing capacity, you reduce the cost of PV solar by 28%.
Sometimes tough to know which horse is gunna win but we all know what race they are in at this point. Renewable is where it's at solar seems to be at top of list but also making headway on hydrogen and fusion. It will be interesting to see what wins. You never know what discovery is right around the corner.
It will be interesting to see if, just around the corner, a hole where someone who was playing with fusion used to be.
Actually, they want to reduce energy use to help limit population.......this is why normal people don't understand this debate. Normal people want more, cheaper energy that is more efficient and cleaner.....guys like timmy and the other luddites, and population zero types hate people....think people are destroying "mother earth," and so they don't want cheap, plentiful, efficient energy....that allows more people to exist.

If they get rid of fossil and nuclear energy, and we have to rely on wind and solar, that will force life choices on people that lead to reduced numbers of people living in smaller and smaller, government controlled areas......

that is their goal, not ours...
What is "our" goal? (asking for a friend)

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