Inside Bill Inc: Aide lays out how the former president raked in tens of millions of dollars .....


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
......Inside Bill Inc: Aide lays out how the former president raked in tens of millions of dollars through a series of deals while Hillary was Secretary of State in a memo unearthed by Wikileaks................ A 12-page memo was sent by Clinton's former aide Doug Band in 2011 It was published by WikiLeaks after John Podesta's account was hacked The memo reveals how Band and another aide secured speaking fees and engagements for former President Bill Clinton Band and another aide helped bring in $66million from various ventures, according to the memo Band said he ran 'Bill Clinton Inc.,' obtaining 'in-kind services for the President and his family — for personal travel, hospitality, vacation' etc One of those ventures was serving as an 'honorary chancellor' of a for-profit chain of colleges, which paid $17.5million over five years Many of these deals were struck while Hillary Clinton was serving as Secretary of State After Chelsea Clinton started investigating Teneo's connection to the foundation, her dad separated from the firm The former president returned all but $100,000 he had been paid through these deals
(Excerpt) Read more at ..

My God, they chronicle the corruption and lies, and yet, the sick mother fucker of the left will still vote for her....America is truly lost, we need to dispatch half the country!!!!

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