Inskeep Interviews Bill Barr on NPR

What I'm driving at is the underlying power here. There's nothing inappropriate about you getting so involved in a case involving a friend of the president. Is that your view of the law?

Well, what I'm saying is, well, Flynn was an appointee in the administration. I don't know whether I would refer to him as [crosstalk] a friend of any administration. But unless there's some conflict of interest that I have, it is appropriate for me to deal with it. And I've said publicly that in those cases, it's very important that the attorney general make sure that there's no political influence at stake involved in that, and there wasn't.
Steve Inskeep interviews Bill Barr on a variety of topics.

He's a shit who gassed priests for Trump's debacle of a photo op … but I've wondered for some time why the Fed Prosecutor in SDNY wasn't "reigned in" long ago.

Congress has the power (once Trump is gone in 20 or 24) to pass Watergate supplemental laws requiring an AG from notifiying congress when he removes attorneys or drops cases.
And I've said publicly that in those cases, it's very important that the attorney general make sure that there's no political influence at stake involved in that, and there wasn't.

Good lord, who believes this? Barr has made no qualms about making overtly political statements, the type of which incensed the right when they were made by others in opposition of them.
I wonder why the American Bar Association hasn't commenced an ethics review, given the behavior of the AG to aid The President, and the friends of Trump. Clearly Trump has fired IG's and now the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York has been fired, though Bar (it seems) has fallen on his sword to protect Trump.

The replacement is someone who has never been a prosecutor, this smacks of cronyism, a practice Trump has used when he is or one of his cronies is being investigated.

Maybe its time for another impeachment, the AG as the defendant.
And I've said publicly that in those cases, it's very important that the attorney general make sure that there's no political influence at stake involved in that, and there wasn't.

Good lord, who believes this? Barr has made no qualms about making overtly political statements, the type of which incensed the right when they were made by others in opposition of them.
He's acting like Trump's personal attorney, defending Trump who sticks his nose in where he shouldn't.
But Barr says it's his duty as AG and his office.

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