Inspector General: Clinton emails had intel from most secretive, classified programs

Republicans had the goods and impeached her husband.

If they had the goods they wouldn't hesitate to gt rid of Hilary.


They don't have jack squat !

RW dolts ... the best FREE publicity Hillary can get.

Hillary is not in office. The Republicans cannot impeach her. Her crimes fall under the Justice Department and thus Obama's hand-picked cronies. The only way she will be prosecuted by his administration is if he decides to throw her under the bus. Once she beats Bernie, that just may well happen for "Plugs" Biden to step in and save the Democrats from a crushing defeat in November.

I think there is a greater chance of Warren stepping in, Biden is too moderate for today's regressives.

I don't think so. Biden has already indicated he regrets not getting in the race. This will be his way to get in, dispose of Hillary forever, and still maintain some semblance of Obama's legacy. Warren simply doesn't have the name recognition either.

Maybe, but he can't motivate the far left base the way Warren would, plus the regressives have their hearts set on getting a woman in the oval office.

But they would lose independents who have no idea who she is.
It's funny, all the time Joe Biden has been in office he was a joke, making errors in speeches all the time. Now, with the two man field of Clinton and Sanders, Biden was the only truly viable candidate. If Hillary gets into big trouble, and the only candidate is a Socialist, we just may see him jump in!

Could that be the plan all the time? Waste time so Biden makes fewer silly mistakes in speeches by not having to give them and indict Hillary and let Biden take it away from the self proclaimed socialist. Hmmmm. Nah, that's too clever. But why hasn't Obama endorsed her?
Thanks for the link.

Hmmm...what does it say....?

" The government has said that Mrs. Clinton is not a subject of the investigation.

The letter was sent to the Republican chairmen of the Senate Intelligence and Foreign Relations Committees. It was not made public.

“This is the same interagency dispute that has been playing out for months, and it does not change the fact that these emails were not classified at the time they were sent or received,” Brian Fallon, a spokesman for the Clinton campaign, said.

“It appears that this may still revolve around a State Department employee forwarding a published news article about the drone program,” he said. “If so, it would further reinforce how absurd it is to suggest that Secretary Clinton did anything wrong.”
This is false. We know the FBI has opened a criminal case against her.
We know she sent and received classified material.
These are simply facts at this point.

"Clinton is not under FBI investigation. The inquiry to which Bush refers revolves around the private email server Clinton used while serving as secretary of state. And it is not a criminal investigation."
Our ruling
Bush said Clinton is "under investigation with the FBI right now."
Not quite. The FBI is conducting a general inquiry into the security of Clinton’s private email server. But law enforcement officials have said Clinton herself is not the target of the inquiry, and it is not a full-blown criminal investigation.

Clinton’s actions are clearly front-and-center in an FBI investigation. But Bush goes too far to claim Clinton herself is under investigation. We rate his statement Half True.

Here's what's wrong with Jeb Bush saying Hillary Clinton is under FBI investigation
As one FBI person said, the FBI doesn't investigate servers, it investigates PEOPLE. I.E> Hillary R. Clinton.

"IC IG made a referral detailing the potential compromise of classified information to security officials within the Executive Branch. The main purpose of the referral was to notify security officials that classified information may exist on at least one private server and thumb drive that are not in the government's possession.

An important distinction is that the IC IG did not make a criminal referral-
it was a security referral made for counterintelligence purposes. The IC IG is statutorily required to refer potential compromises of national security information to the appropriate IC security officials. [Statement from the Inspectors General of the Intelligence Community and the Department of State Regarding the Review of Former Secretary Clinton's Emails
Wash. Post: Officials Say Clinton "Is Not A Target" Of FBI Probe. The Washington Post reported that government officials said Clinton is "not a target" of the FBI's investigation:
Hillary Rodham Clinton's attorney has agreed to provide the FBI with the private server that housed her e-mail during her four years as secretary of state, Clinton's presidential campaign said Tuesday.
The inquiry by the FBI is considered preliminary and appears to be focused on ensuring the proper handling of classified material. Officials have said that Clinton, the Democratic presidential front-runner, is not a target.
The FBI's efforts have included contacting the Denver-based technology firm that helped manage the Clintons' unusual private e-mail system.
[The Washington Post, 8/11/15]

Let us know when you find a quote by the FBI that Hillary is the target, and that it is a criminal investigation.


And ring that bell really loud when you get an indictment, so we can all hear it.
The FBI investigates People for criminal activity. Everything else investigated is Evidence.
Evidence to prosecute a server???? Evidence to prosecute the wrongdoer. Possible criminal activity coming from that office more frequently now than before.
Thanks for the link.

Hmmm...what does it say....?

" The government has said that Mrs. Clinton is not a subject of the investigation.

The letter was sent to the Republican chairmen of the Senate Intelligence and Foreign Relations Committees. It was not made public.

“This is the same interagency dispute that has been playing out for months, and it does not change the fact that these emails were not classified at the time they were sent or received,” Brian Fallon, a spokesman for the Clinton campaign, said.

“It appears that this may still revolve around a State Department employee forwarding a published news article about the drone program,” he said. “If so, it would further reinforce how absurd it is to suggest that Secretary Clinton did anything wrong.”
This is false. We know the FBI has opened a criminal case against her.
We know she sent and received classified material.
These are simply facts at this point.

"Clinton is not under FBI investigation. The inquiry to which Bush refers revolves around the private email server Clinton used while serving as secretary of state. And it is not a criminal investigation."
Our ruling
Bush said Clinton is "under investigation with the FBI right now."
Not quite. The FBI is conducting a general inquiry into the security of Clinton’s private email server. But law enforcement officials have said Clinton herself is not the target of the inquiry, and it is not a full-blown criminal investigation.

Clinton’s actions are clearly front-and-center in an FBI investigation. But Bush goes too far to claim Clinton herself is under investigation. We rate his statement Half True.

Here's what's wrong with Jeb Bush saying Hillary Clinton is under FBI investigation
As one FBI person said, the FBI doesn't investigate servers, it investigates PEOPLE. I.E> Hillary R. Clinton.

"IC IG made a referral detailing the potential compromise of classified information to security officials within the Executive Branch. The main purpose of the referral was to notify security officials that classified information may exist on at least one private server and thumb drive that are not in the government's possession.

An important distinction is that the IC IG did not make a criminal referral-
it was a security referral made for counterintelligence purposes. The IC IG is statutorily required to refer potential compromises of national security information to the appropriate IC security officials. [Statement from the Inspectors General of the Intelligence Community and the Department of State Regarding the Review of Former Secretary Clinton's Emails
Wash. Post: Officials Say Clinton "Is Not A Target" Of FBI Probe. The Washington Post reported that government officials said Clinton is "not a target" of the FBI's investigation:
Hillary Rodham Clinton's attorney has agreed to provide the FBI with the private server that housed her e-mail during her four years as secretary of state, Clinton's presidential campaign said Tuesday.
The inquiry by the FBI is considered preliminary and appears to be focused on ensuring the proper handling of classified material. Officials have said that Clinton, the Democratic presidential front-runner, is not a target.
The FBI's efforts have included contacting the Denver-based technology firm that helped manage the Clintons' unusual private e-mail system.
[The Washington Post, 8/11/15]

Let us know when you find a quote by the FBI that Hillary is the target, and that it is a criminal investigation.


And ring that bell really loud when you get an indictment, so we can all hear it.
July 24, 2015? How about something relevant.
How about you do what I asked ...

Let us know when you find a quote by the FBI that Hillary is the target, and that it is a criminal investigation.


We'll be waiting.

Maybe you can find one in the scaggy bowels of Jim Hofts gatweaypundit, where you like to fish.
This is false. We know the FBI has opened a criminal case against her.
We know she sent and received classified material.
These are simply facts at this point.

"Clinton is not under FBI investigation. The inquiry to which Bush refers revolves around the private email server Clinton used while serving as secretary of state. And it is not a criminal investigation."
Our ruling
Bush said Clinton is "under investigation with the FBI right now."
Not quite. The FBI is conducting a general inquiry into the security of Clinton’s private email server. But law enforcement officials have said Clinton herself is not the target of the inquiry, and it is not a full-blown criminal investigation.

Clinton’s actions are clearly front-and-center in an FBI investigation. But Bush goes too far to claim Clinton herself is under investigation. We rate his statement Half True.

Here's what's wrong with Jeb Bush saying Hillary Clinton is under FBI investigation
As one FBI person said, the FBI doesn't investigate servers, it investigates PEOPLE. I.E> Hillary R. Clinton.

"IC IG made a referral detailing the potential compromise of classified information to security officials within the Executive Branch. The main purpose of the referral was to notify security officials that classified information may exist on at least one private server and thumb drive that are not in the government's possession.

An important distinction is that the IC IG did not make a criminal referral-
it was a security referral made for counterintelligence purposes. The IC IG is statutorily required to refer potential compromises of national security information to the appropriate IC security officials. [Statement from the Inspectors General of the Intelligence Community and the Department of State Regarding the Review of Former Secretary Clinton's Emails
Wash. Post: Officials Say Clinton "Is Not A Target" Of FBI Probe. The Washington Post reported that government officials said Clinton is "not a target" of the FBI's investigation:
Hillary Rodham Clinton's attorney has agreed to provide the FBI with the private server that housed her e-mail during her four years as secretary of state, Clinton's presidential campaign said Tuesday.
The inquiry by the FBI is considered preliminary and appears to be focused on ensuring the proper handling of classified material. Officials have said that Clinton, the Democratic presidential front-runner, is not a target.
The FBI's efforts have included contacting the Denver-based technology firm that helped manage the Clintons' unusual private e-mail system.
[The Washington Post, 8/11/15]

Let us know when you find a quote by the FBI that Hillary is the target, and that it is a criminal investigation.


And ring that bell really loud when you get an indictment, so we can all hear it.
July 24, 2015? How about something relevant.
How about you do what I asked ...

Let us know when you find a quote by the FBI that Hillary is the target, and that it is a criminal investigation.


We'll be waiting.

Maybe you can find one in the scaggy bowels of Jim Hofts gatweaypundit, where you like to fish.
Actually, you're right. The investigation of the server and emails is about Elizabeth Warren! What a dolt you are!
Thanks for the link.

Hmmm...what does it say....?

" The government has said that Mrs. Clinton is not a subject of the investigation.

The letter was sent to the Republican chairmen of the Senate Intelligence and Foreign Relations Committees. It was not made public.

“This is the same interagency dispute that has been playing out for months, and it does not change the fact that these emails were not classified at the time they were sent or received,” Brian Fallon, a spokesman for the Clinton campaign, said.

“It appears that this may still revolve around a State Department employee forwarding a published news article about the drone program,” he said. “If so, it would further reinforce how absurd it is to suggest that Secretary Clinton did anything wrong.”
This is false. We know the FBI has opened a criminal case against her.
We know she sent and received classified material.
These are simply facts at this point.

"Clinton is not under FBI investigation. The inquiry to which Bush refers revolves around the private email server Clinton used while serving as secretary of state. And it is not a criminal investigation."
Our ruling
Bush said Clinton is "under investigation with the FBI right now."
Not quite. The FBI is conducting a general inquiry into the security of Clinton’s private email server. But law enforcement officials have said Clinton herself is not the target of the inquiry, and it is not a full-blown criminal investigation.

Clinton’s actions are clearly front-and-center in an FBI investigation. But Bush goes too far to claim Clinton herself is under investigation. We rate his statement Half True.

Here's what's wrong with Jeb Bush saying Hillary Clinton is under FBI investigation
As one FBI person said, the FBI doesn't investigate servers, it investigates PEOPLE. I.E> Hillary R. Clinton.

"IC IG made a referral detailing the potential compromise of classified information to security officials within the Executive Branch. The main purpose of the referral was to notify security officials that classified information may exist on at least one private server and thumb drive that are not in the government's possession.

An important distinction is that the IC IG did not make a criminal referral-
it was a security referral made for counterintelligence purposes. The IC IG is statutorily required to refer potential compromises of national security information to the appropriate IC security officials. [Statement from the Inspectors General of the Intelligence Community and the Department of State Regarding the Review of Former Secretary Clinton's Emails
Wash. Post: Officials Say Clinton "Is Not A Target" Of FBI Probe. The Washington Post reported that government officials said Clinton is "not a target" of the FBI's investigation:
Hillary Rodham Clinton's attorney has agreed to provide the FBI with the private server that housed her e-mail during her four years as secretary of state, Clinton's presidential campaign said Tuesday.
The inquiry by the FBI is considered preliminary and appears to be focused on ensuring the proper handling of classified material. Officials have said that Clinton, the Democratic presidential front-runner, is not a target.
The FBI's efforts have included contacting the Denver-based technology firm that helped manage the Clintons' unusual private e-mail system.
[The Washington Post, 8/11/15]

Let us know when you find a quote by the FBI that Hillary is the target, and that it is a criminal investigation.


And ring that bell really loud when you get an indictment, so we can all hear it.
The FBI investigates People for criminal activity. Everything else investigated is Evidence.

" Here's what's wrong with Jeb Bush saying Hillary Clinton is under FBI investigation
By Lauren Carroll on Thursday, January 14th, 2016 at 11:04 p.m.
If Hillary Clinton becomes president, she might find herself preoccupied with an FBI investigation, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush said at a Republican presidential debate in South Carolina.

"She’s under investigation with the FBI right now," Bush said Jan. 14. "If she gets elected, her first 100 days — instead of setting an agenda, she might be going back and forth between the White House and the court house."

Actually, Clinton is not under FBI investigation. The inquiry to which Bush refers revolves around the private email server Clinton used while serving as secretary of state. And it is not a criminal investigation.

Here are the facts.

In July 2015, the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community sent what is called a security referral to members of the executive branch. A security referral is essentially a notification that classified information might exist in a location outside of the government’s possession. In this case, the location was Clinton’s private email server.

Soon after, the New York Times incorrectly reported that the inspectors general requested a criminal investigation into Clinton’s email use — as opposed to a security referral. But the newspaper later issued two corrections. The referral was in connection with Clinton’s account, not whether Clinton herself mishandled information, and did not allege criminal activity.

Officials told reporters at the time that the FBI was not targeting Clinton specifically.

As part of its inquiry, the FBI has looked into the security setup for Clinton’s home server and a thumb drive that has copies of Clinton’s work emails. But most details of the investigation have remained secret. It’s even unclear at this point whether the FBI probe is just a preliminary inquiry or if it has evolved into a true investigation, according to Politico.

Describing the inquiry, FBI Director James Comey told Congress in October 2015, "The FBI is working on a referral given to us by inspectors general in connection with former Sec. Clinton’s use of a private email server."

He declined to give any more specifics.

Earlier this month, Fox News reported that the FBI was broadening its investigation to look into whether any connection between the State Department under Clinton and the nonprofit Clinton Foundation violated public corruption laws. Clinton denied that FBI was pursuing this line of inquiry.
However, Fox bases its report on unnamed sources, so we cannot independently verify it, nor have any major media outlets.
Bush’s campaign and the FBI did not respond to our requests for comment in time for publication.

Our ruling

Bush said Clinton is "under investigation with the FBI right now."
Not quite. The FBI is conducting a general inquiry into the security of Clinton’s private email server. But law enforcement officials have said Clinton herself is not the target of the inquiry, and it is not a full-blown criminal investigation.
Clinton’s actions are clearly front-and-center in an FBI investigation. But Bush goes too far to claim Clinton herself is under investigation.
We rate his statement Half True."

Here's what's wrong with Jeb Bush saying Hillary Clinton is under FBI investigation

You too. Let us know when you got the goods on her. I'll help ya carry the pitchforks.
This is false. We know the FBI has opened a criminal case against her.
We know she sent and received classified material.
These are simply facts at this point.

"Clinton is not under FBI investigation. The inquiry to which Bush refers revolves around the private email server Clinton used while serving as secretary of state. And it is not a criminal investigation."
Our ruling
Bush said Clinton is "under investigation with the FBI right now."
Not quite. The FBI is conducting a general inquiry into the security of Clinton’s private email server. But law enforcement officials have said Clinton herself is not the target of the inquiry, and it is not a full-blown criminal investigation.

Clinton’s actions are clearly front-and-center in an FBI investigation. But Bush goes too far to claim Clinton herself is under investigation. We rate his statement Half True.

Here's what's wrong with Jeb Bush saying Hillary Clinton is under FBI investigation
As one FBI person said, the FBI doesn't investigate servers, it investigates PEOPLE. I.E> Hillary R. Clinton.

"IC IG made a referral detailing the potential compromise of classified information to security officials within the Executive Branch. The main purpose of the referral was to notify security officials that classified information may exist on at least one private server and thumb drive that are not in the government's possession.

An important distinction is that the IC IG did not make a criminal referral-
it was a security referral made for counterintelligence purposes. The IC IG is statutorily required to refer potential compromises of national security information to the appropriate IC security officials. [Statement from the Inspectors General of the Intelligence Community and the Department of State Regarding the Review of Former Secretary Clinton's Emails
Wash. Post: Officials Say Clinton "Is Not A Target" Of FBI Probe. The Washington Post reported that government officials said Clinton is "not a target" of the FBI's investigation:
Hillary Rodham Clinton's attorney has agreed to provide the FBI with the private server that housed her e-mail during her four years as secretary of state, Clinton's presidential campaign said Tuesday.
The inquiry by the FBI is considered preliminary and appears to be focused on ensuring the proper handling of classified material. Officials have said that Clinton, the Democratic presidential front-runner, is not a target.
The FBI's efforts have included contacting the Denver-based technology firm that helped manage the Clintons' unusual private e-mail system.
[The Washington Post, 8/11/15]

Let us know when you find a quote by the FBI that Hillary is the target, and that it is a criminal investigation.


And ring that bell really loud when you get an indictment, so we can all hear it.
July 24, 2015? How about something relevant.
How about you do what I asked ...

Let us know when you find a quote by the FBI that Hillary is the target, and that it is a criminal investigation.


We'll be waiting.

Maybe you can find one in the scaggy bowels of Jim Hofts gatweaypundit, where you like to fish.
The mission of the FBI on their official home page. Don't see anything about E-mail servers, Sherlock.

FBI — Homepage
"Clinton is not under FBI investigation. The inquiry to which Bush refers revolves around the private email server Clinton used while serving as secretary of state. And it is not a criminal investigation."
Our ruling
Bush said Clinton is "under investigation with the FBI right now."
Not quite. The FBI is conducting a general inquiry into the security of Clinton’s private email server. But law enforcement officials have said Clinton herself is not the target of the inquiry, and it is not a full-blown criminal investigation.

Clinton’s actions are clearly front-and-center in an FBI investigation. But Bush goes too far to claim Clinton herself is under investigation. We rate his statement Half True.

Here's what's wrong with Jeb Bush saying Hillary Clinton is under FBI investigation
As one FBI person said, the FBI doesn't investigate servers, it investigates PEOPLE. I.E> Hillary R. Clinton.

"IC IG made a referral detailing the potential compromise of classified information to security officials within the Executive Branch. The main purpose of the referral was to notify security officials that classified information may exist on at least one private server and thumb drive that are not in the government's possession.

An important distinction is that the IC IG did not make a criminal referral-
it was a security referral made for counterintelligence purposes. The IC IG is statutorily required to refer potential compromises of national security information to the appropriate IC security officials. [Statement from the Inspectors General of the Intelligence Community and the Department of State Regarding the Review of Former Secretary Clinton's Emails
Wash. Post: Officials Say Clinton "Is Not A Target" Of FBI Probe. The Washington Post reported that government officials said Clinton is "not a target" of the FBI's investigation:
Hillary Rodham Clinton's attorney has agreed to provide the FBI with the private server that housed her e-mail during her four years as secretary of state, Clinton's presidential campaign said Tuesday.
The inquiry by the FBI is considered preliminary and appears to be focused on ensuring the proper handling of classified material. Officials have said that Clinton, the Democratic presidential front-runner, is not a target.
The FBI's efforts have included contacting the Denver-based technology firm that helped manage the Clintons' unusual private e-mail system.
[The Washington Post, 8/11/15]

Let us know when you find a quote by the FBI that Hillary is the target, and that it is a criminal investigation.


And ring that bell really loud when you get an indictment, so we can all hear it.
July 24, 2015? How about something relevant.
How about you do what I asked ...

Let us know when you find a quote by the FBI that Hillary is the target, and that it is a criminal investigation.


We'll be waiting.

Maybe you can find one in the scaggy bowels of Jim Hofts gatweaypundit, where you like to fish.
Actually, you're right. The investigation of the server and emails is about Elizabeth Warren! What a dolt you are!

^ Shorthand for *i got nothing.*

Let us know when you find a quote by the FBI that Hillary is the target, and that it is a criminal investigation.


Let us know when you find a quote by the FBI that Hillary is the target, and that it is a criminal investigation.

"Clinton is not under FBI investigation. The inquiry to which Bush refers revolves around the private email server Clinton used while serving as secretary of state. And it is not a criminal investigation."
Our ruling
Bush said Clinton is "under investigation with the FBI right now."
Not quite. The FBI is conducting a general inquiry into the security of Clinton’s private email server. But law enforcement officials have said Clinton herself is not the target of the inquiry, and it is not a full-blown criminal investigation.

Clinton’s actions are clearly front-and-center in an FBI investigation. But Bush goes too far to claim Clinton herself is under investigation. We rate his statement Half True.

Here's what's wrong with Jeb Bush saying Hillary Clinton is under FBI investigation
As one FBI person said, the FBI doesn't investigate servers, it investigates PEOPLE. I.E> Hillary R. Clinton.

"IC IG made a referral detailing the potential compromise of classified information to security officials within the Executive Branch. The main purpose of the referral was to notify security officials that classified information may exist on at least one private server and thumb drive that are not in the government's possession.

An important distinction is that the IC IG did not make a criminal referral-
it was a security referral made for counterintelligence purposes. The IC IG is statutorily required to refer potential compromises of national security information to the appropriate IC security officials. [Statement from the Inspectors General of the Intelligence Community and the Department of State Regarding the Review of Former Secretary Clinton's Emails
Wash. Post: Officials Say Clinton "Is Not A Target" Of FBI Probe. The Washington Post reported that government officials said Clinton is "not a target" of the FBI's investigation:
Hillary Rodham Clinton's attorney has agreed to provide the FBI with the private server that housed her e-mail during her four years as secretary of state, Clinton's presidential campaign said Tuesday.
The inquiry by the FBI is considered preliminary and appears to be focused on ensuring the proper handling of classified material. Officials have said that Clinton, the Democratic presidential front-runner, is not a target.
The FBI's efforts have included contacting the Denver-based technology firm that helped manage the Clintons' unusual private e-mail system.
[The Washington Post, 8/11/15]

Let us know when you find a quote by the FBI that Hillary is the target, and that it is a criminal investigation.


And ring that bell really loud when you get an indictment, so we can all hear it.
July 24, 2015? How about something relevant.
How about you do what I asked ...

Let us know when you find a quote by the FBI that Hillary is the target, and that it is a criminal investigation.


We'll be waiting.

Maybe you can find one in the scaggy bowels of Jim Hofts gatweaypundit, where you like to fish.
The mission of the FBI on their official home page. Don't see anything about E-mail servers, Sherlock.

FBI — Homepage

Let us know when you find a quote by the FBI that Hillary is the target, and that it is a criminal investigation.

This is false. We know the FBI has opened a criminal case against her.
We know she sent and received classified material.
These are simply facts at this point.

"Clinton is not under FBI investigation. The inquiry to which Bush refers revolves around the private email server Clinton used while serving as secretary of state. And it is not a criminal investigation."
Our ruling
Bush said Clinton is "under investigation with the FBI right now."
Not quite. The FBI is conducting a general inquiry into the security of Clinton’s private email server. But law enforcement officials have said Clinton herself is not the target of the inquiry, and it is not a full-blown criminal investigation.

Clinton’s actions are clearly front-and-center in an FBI investigation. But Bush goes too far to claim Clinton herself is under investigation. We rate his statement Half True.

Here's what's wrong with Jeb Bush saying Hillary Clinton is under FBI investigation
As one FBI person said, the FBI doesn't investigate servers, it investigates PEOPLE. I.E> Hillary R. Clinton.

"IC IG made a referral detailing the potential compromise of classified information to security officials within the Executive Branch. The main purpose of the referral was to notify security officials that classified information may exist on at least one private server and thumb drive that are not in the government's possession.

An important distinction is that the IC IG did not make a criminal referral-
it was a security referral made for counterintelligence purposes. The IC IG is statutorily required to refer potential compromises of national security information to the appropriate IC security officials. [Statement from the Inspectors General of the Intelligence Community and the Department of State Regarding the Review of Former Secretary Clinton's Emails
Wash. Post: Officials Say Clinton "Is Not A Target" Of FBI Probe. The Washington Post reported that government officials said Clinton is "not a target" of the FBI's investigation:
Hillary Rodham Clinton's attorney has agreed to provide the FBI with the private server that housed her e-mail during her four years as secretary of state, Clinton's presidential campaign said Tuesday.
The inquiry by the FBI is considered preliminary and appears to be focused on ensuring the proper handling of classified material. Officials have said that Clinton, the Democratic presidential front-runner, is not a target.
The FBI's efforts have included contacting the Denver-based technology firm that helped manage the Clintons' unusual private e-mail system.
[The Washington Post, 8/11/15]

Let us know when you find a quote by the FBI that Hillary is the target, and that it is a criminal investigation.


And ring that bell really loud when you get an indictment, so we can all hear it.
The FBI investigates People for criminal activity. Everything else investigated is Evidence.

" Here's what's wrong with Jeb Bush saying Hillary Clinton is under FBI investigation
By Lauren Carroll on Thursday, January 14th, 2016 at 11:04 p.m.
If Hillary Clinton becomes president, she might find herself preoccupied with an FBI investigation, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush said at a Republican presidential debate in South Carolina.

"She’s under investigation with the FBI right now," Bush said Jan. 14. "If she gets elected, her first 100 days — instead of setting an agenda, she might be going back and forth between the White House and the court house."

Actually, Clinton is not under FBI investigation. The inquiry to which Bush refers revolves around the private email server Clinton used while serving as secretary of state. And it is not a criminal investigation.

Here are the facts.

In July 2015, the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community sent what is called a security referral to members of the executive branch. A security referral is essentially a notification that classified information might exist in a location outside of the government’s possession. In this case, the location was Clinton’s private email server.

Soon after, the New York Times incorrectly reported that the inspectors general requested a criminal investigation into Clinton’s email use — as opposed to a security referral. But the newspaper later issued two corrections. The referral was in connection with Clinton’s account, not whether Clinton herself mishandled information, and did not allege criminal activity.

Officials told reporters at the time that the FBI was not targeting Clinton specifically.

As part of its inquiry, the FBI has looked into the security setup for Clinton’s home server and a thumb drive that has copies of Clinton’s work emails. But most details of the investigation have remained secret. It’s even unclear at this point whether the FBI probe is just a preliminary inquiry or if it has evolved into a true investigation, according to Politico.

Describing the inquiry, FBI Director James Comey told Congress in October 2015, "The FBI is working on a referral given to us by inspectors general in connection with former Sec. Clinton’s use of a private email server."

He declined to give any more specifics.

Earlier this month, Fox News reported that the FBI was broadening its investigation to look into whether any connection between the State Department under Clinton and the nonprofit Clinton Foundation violated public corruption laws. Clinton denied that FBI was pursuing this line of inquiry.
However, Fox bases its report on unnamed sources, so we cannot independently verify it, nor have any major media outlets.
Bush’s campaign and the FBI did not respond to our requests for comment in time for publication.

Our ruling

Bush said Clinton is "under investigation with the FBI right now."
Not quite. The FBI is conducting a general inquiry into the security of Clinton’s private email server. But law enforcement officials have said Clinton herself is not the target of the inquiry, and it is not a full-blown criminal investigation.
Clinton’s actions are clearly front-and-center in an FBI investigation. But Bush goes too far to claim Clinton herself is under investigation.
We rate his statement Half True."

Here's what's wrong with Jeb Bush saying Hillary Clinton is under FBI investigation

You too. Let us know when you got the goods on her. I'll help ya carry the pitchforks.
Last edited:
This is false. We know the FBI has opened a criminal case against her.
We know she sent and received classified material.
These are simply facts at this point.

"Clinton is not under FBI investigation. The inquiry to which Bush refers revolves around the private email server Clinton used while serving as secretary of state. And it is not a criminal investigation."
Our ruling
Bush said Clinton is "under investigation with the FBI right now."
Not quite. The FBI is conducting a general inquiry into the security of Clinton’s private email server. But law enforcement officials have said Clinton herself is not the target of the inquiry, and it is not a full-blown criminal investigation.

Clinton’s actions are clearly front-and-center in an FBI investigation. But Bush goes too far to claim Clinton herself is under investigation. We rate his statement Half True.

Here's what's wrong with Jeb Bush saying Hillary Clinton is under FBI investigation
As one FBI person said, the FBI doesn't investigate servers, it investigates PEOPLE. I.E> Hillary R. Clinton.

"IC IG made a referral detailing the potential compromise of classified information to security officials within the Executive Branch. The main purpose of the referral was to notify security officials that classified information may exist on at least one private server and thumb drive that are not in the government's possession.

An important distinction is that the IC IG did not make a criminal referral-
it was a security referral made for counterintelligence purposes. The IC IG is statutorily required to refer potential compromises of national security information to the appropriate IC security officials. [Statement from the Inspectors General of the Intelligence Community and the Department of State Regarding the Review of Former Secretary Clinton's Emails
Wash. Post: Officials Say Clinton "Is Not A Target" Of FBI Probe. The Washington Post reported that government officials said Clinton is "not a target" of the FBI's investigation:
Hillary Rodham Clinton's attorney has agreed to provide the FBI with the private server that housed her e-mail during her four years as secretary of state, Clinton's presidential campaign said Tuesday.
The inquiry by the FBI is considered preliminary and appears to be focused on ensuring the proper handling of classified material. Officials have said that Clinton, the Democratic presidential front-runner, is not a target.
The FBI's efforts have included contacting the Denver-based technology firm that helped manage the Clintons' unusual private e-mail system.
[The Washington Post, 8/11/15]

Let us know when you find a quote by the FBI that Hillary is the target, and that it is a criminal investigation.


And ring that bell really loud when you get an indictment, so we can all hear it.
The FBI investigates People for criminal activity. Everything else investigated is Evidence.

" Here's what's wrong with Jeb Bush saying Hillary Clinton is under FBI investigation
By Lauren Carroll on Thursday, January 14th, 2016 at 11:04 p.m.
If Hillary Clinton becomes president, she might find herself preoccupied with an FBI investigation, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush said at a Republican presidential debate in South Carolina.

"She’s under investigation with the FBI right now," Bush said Jan. 14. "If she gets elected, her first 100 days — instead of setting an agenda, she might be going back and forth between the White House and the court house."

Actually, Clinton is not under FBI investigation. The inquiry to which Bush refers revolves around the private email server Clinton used while serving as secretary of state. And it is not a criminal investigation.

Here are the facts.

In July 2015, the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community sent what is called a security referral to members of the executive branch. A security referral is essentially a notification that classified information might exist in a location outside of the government’s possession. In this case, the location was Clinton’s private email server.

Soon after, the New York Times incorrectly reported that the inspectors general requested a criminal investigation into Clinton’s email use — as opposed to a security referral. But the newspaper later issued two corrections. The referral was in connection with Clinton’s account, not whether Clinton herself mishandled information, and did not allege criminal activity.

Officials told reporters at the time that the FBI was not targeting Clinton specifically.

As part of its inquiry, the FBI has looked into the security setup for Clinton’s home server and a thumb drive that has copies of Clinton’s work emails. But most details of the investigation have remained secret. It’s even unclear at this point whether the FBI probe is just a preliminary inquiry or if it has evolved into a true investigation, according to Politico.

Describing the inquiry, FBI Director James Comey told Congress in October 2015, "The FBI is working on a referral given to us by inspectors general in connection with former Sec. Clinton’s use of a private email server."

He declined to give any more specifics.

Earlier this month, Fox News reported that the FBI was broadening its investigation to look into whether any connection between the State Department under Clinton and the nonprofit Clinton Foundation violated public corruption laws. Clinton denied that FBI was pursuing this line of inquiry.
However, Fox bases its report on unnamed sources, so we cannot independently verify it, nor have any major media outlets.
Bush’s campaign and the FBI did not respond to our requests for comment in time for publication.

Our ruling

Bush said Clinton is "under investigation with the FBI right now."
Not quite. The FBI is conducting a general inquiry into the security of Clinton’s private email server. But law enforcement officials have said Clinton herself is not the target of the inquiry, and it is not a full-blown criminal investigation.
Clinton’s actions are clearly front-and-center in an FBI investigation. But Bush goes too far to claim Clinton herself is under investigation.
We rate his statement Half True."

Here's what's wrong with Jeb Bush saying Hillary Clinton is under FBI investigation

You too. Let us know when you got the goods on her. I'll help ya carry the pitchforks.
There ain't no quotes or stories. Everything is hush hush and confidential. We'll read about it when Hitlery is indicted. Open the link in post #67.
"Clinton is not under FBI investigation. The inquiry to which Bush refers revolves around the private email server Clinton used while serving as secretary of state. And it is not a criminal investigation."
Our ruling
Bush said Clinton is "under investigation with the FBI right now."
Not quite. The FBI is conducting a general inquiry into the security of Clinton’s private email server. But law enforcement officials have said Clinton herself is not the target of the inquiry, and it is not a full-blown criminal investigation.

Clinton’s actions are clearly front-and-center in an FBI investigation. But Bush goes too far to claim Clinton herself is under investigation. We rate his statement Half True.

Here's what's wrong with Jeb Bush saying Hillary Clinton is under FBI investigation
As one FBI person said, the FBI doesn't investigate servers, it investigates PEOPLE. I.E> Hillary R. Clinton.

"IC IG made a referral detailing the potential compromise of classified information to security officials within the Executive Branch. The main purpose of the referral was to notify security officials that classified information may exist on at least one private server and thumb drive that are not in the government's possession.

An important distinction is that the IC IG did not make a criminal referral-
it was a security referral made for counterintelligence purposes. The IC IG is statutorily required to refer potential compromises of national security information to the appropriate IC security officials. [Statement from the Inspectors General of the Intelligence Community and the Department of State Regarding the Review of Former Secretary Clinton's Emails
Wash. Post: Officials Say Clinton "Is Not A Target" Of FBI Probe. The Washington Post reported that government officials said Clinton is "not a target" of the FBI's investigation:
Hillary Rodham Clinton's attorney has agreed to provide the FBI with the private server that housed her e-mail during her four years as secretary of state, Clinton's presidential campaign said Tuesday.
The inquiry by the FBI is considered preliminary and appears to be focused on ensuring the proper handling of classified material. Officials have said that Clinton, the Democratic presidential front-runner, is not a target.
The FBI's efforts have included contacting the Denver-based technology firm that helped manage the Clintons' unusual private e-mail system.
[The Washington Post, 8/11/15]

Let us know when you find a quote by the FBI that Hillary is the target, and that it is a criminal investigation.


And ring that bell really loud when you get an indictment, so we can all hear it.
The FBI investigates People for criminal activity. Everything else investigated is Evidence.

" Here's what's wrong with Jeb Bush saying Hillary Clinton is under FBI investigation
By Lauren Carroll on Thursday, January 14th, 2016 at 11:04 p.m.
If Hillary Clinton becomes president, she might find herself preoccupied with an FBI investigation, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush said at a Republican presidential debate in South Carolina.

"She’s under investigation with the FBI right now," Bush said Jan. 14. "If she gets elected, her first 100 days — instead of setting an agenda, she might be going back and forth between the White House and the court house."

Actually, Clinton is not under FBI investigation. The inquiry to which Bush refers revolves around the private email server Clinton used while serving as secretary of state. And it is not a criminal investigation.

Here are the facts.

In July 2015, the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community sent what is called a security referral to members of the executive branch. A security referral is essentially a notification that classified information might exist in a location outside of the government’s possession. In this case, the location was Clinton’s private email server.

Soon after, the New York Times incorrectly reported that the inspectors general requested a criminal investigation into Clinton’s email use — as opposed to a security referral. But the newspaper later issued two corrections. The referral was in connection with Clinton’s account, not whether Clinton herself mishandled information, and did not allege criminal activity.

Officials told reporters at the time that the FBI was not targeting Clinton specifically.

As part of its inquiry, the FBI has looked into the security setup for Clinton’s home server and a thumb drive that has copies of Clinton’s work emails. But most details of the investigation have remained secret. It’s even unclear at this point whether the FBI probe is just a preliminary inquiry or if it has evolved into a true investigation, according to Politico.

Describing the inquiry, FBI Director James Comey told Congress in October 2015, "The FBI is working on a referral given to us by inspectors general in connection with former Sec. Clinton’s use of a private email server."

He declined to give any more specifics.

Earlier this month, Fox News reported that the FBI was broadening its investigation to look into whether any connection between the State Department under Clinton and the nonprofit Clinton Foundation violated public corruption laws. Clinton denied that FBI was pursuing this line of inquiry.
However, Fox bases its report on unnamed sources, so we cannot independently verify it, nor have any major media outlets.
Bush’s campaign and the FBI did not respond to our requests for comment in time for publication.

Our ruling

Bush said Clinton is "under investigation with the FBI right now."
Not quite. The FBI is conducting a general inquiry into the security of Clinton’s private email server. But law enforcement officials have said Clinton herself is not the target of the inquiry, and it is not a full-blown criminal investigation.
Clinton’s actions are clearly front-and-center in an FBI investigation. But Bush goes too far to claim Clinton herself is under investigation.
We rate his statement Half True."

Here's what's wrong with Jeb Bush saying Hillary Clinton is under FBI investigation

You too. Let us know when you got the goods on her. I'll help ya carry the pitchforks.
There ain't no quotes or stories. Everything is hush hush and confidential. We'll read about it when Hitlery is indicted. Open the link in post #67.
You be a good little pup and let us know when it happens, kay, bluto?
As one FBI person said, the FBI doesn't investigate servers, it investigates PEOPLE. I.E> Hillary R. Clinton.

"IC IG made a referral detailing the potential compromise of classified information to security officials within the Executive Branch. The main purpose of the referral was to notify security officials that classified information may exist on at least one private server and thumb drive that are not in the government's possession.

An important distinction is that the IC IG did not make a criminal referral-
it was a security referral made for counterintelligence purposes. The IC IG is statutorily required to refer potential compromises of national security information to the appropriate IC security officials. [Statement from the Inspectors General of the Intelligence Community and the Department of State Regarding the Review of Former Secretary Clinton's Emails
Wash. Post: Officials Say Clinton "Is Not A Target" Of FBI Probe. The Washington Post reported that government officials said Clinton is "not a target" of the FBI's investigation:
Hillary Rodham Clinton's attorney has agreed to provide the FBI with the private server that housed her e-mail during her four years as secretary of state, Clinton's presidential campaign said Tuesday.
The inquiry by the FBI is considered preliminary and appears to be focused on ensuring the proper handling of classified material. Officials have said that Clinton, the Democratic presidential front-runner, is not a target.
The FBI's efforts have included contacting the Denver-based technology firm that helped manage the Clintons' unusual private e-mail system.
[The Washington Post, 8/11/15]

Let us know when you find a quote by the FBI that Hillary is the target, and that it is a criminal investigation.


And ring that bell really loud when you get an indictment, so we can all hear it.
July 24, 2015? How about something relevant.
How about you do what I asked ...

Let us know when you find a quote by the FBI that Hillary is the target, and that it is a criminal investigation.


We'll be waiting.

Maybe you can find one in the scaggy bowels of Jim Hofts gatweaypundit, where you like to fish.
Actually, you're right. The investigation of the server and emails is about Elizabeth Warren! What a dolt you are!

^ Shorthand for *i got nothing.*

Let us know when you find a quote by the FBI that Hillary is the target, and that it is a criminal investigation.


Let us know when you find a quote by the FBI that Hillary is the target, and that it is a criminal investigation.

In July 2015, the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community sent what is called a security referral to members of the executive branch. A security referral is essentially a notification that classified information might exist in a location outside of the government’s possession. In this case, the location was Clinton’s private email server.[/QUOTE]

Since then, they found that information DID exist outside of the government's possession. Again, who had control of that server? Who, indeed!

But most details of the investigation have remained secret. It’s even unclear at this point whether the FBI probe is just a preliminary inquiry or if it has evolved into a true investigation, according to Politico.
FBI steps up interviews in Hillary Clinton email probe
FBI Steps Up Inquiries in Clinton Email Probe

Clinton Embroiled In Secret Server Scandal As The FBI Steps Up Its ...

Report: FBI Escalates 'Full Blown Investigation' Into Hillary's - Townhall
Guy Benson - Political Conservative News Blog - Guy Benson

Breaking news on Hillary Clinton email controversy - breakingnews ...
Breaking news on Hillary Clinton email controversyAn FBI probe was initiated regarding how classified information was handled on the ... Report: FBI steps up interviews in Hillary Clinton email probe

FBI Expands Hillary Clinton Probe, Investigates Possible False Statements,+Investigates+Possible+False+Statements
FBI Expands Hillary Clinton Probe, Investigates Possible False Statements - BreitbartNov 12, 2015 ... FBI Expands Hillary Clinton Probe, Investigates Possible False Statements ... the intelligence community that theFBI's probe of Hillary Clinton's email server is ... These are felony offenses, which can carry up to five-year prison sentences. .... which section of 18 US Code: Crimes and Criminal Procedure?

Clinton critic: FBI investigating potential lies to investigators ...
The Hill
Nov 15, 2015 FBI is investigating whether Clinton and her ...

Close Family Friend Of The Clintons Is Under FBI Investigation
Close Family Friend Of The Clintons Is Under F.B.I. Investigation - America Risingclintons-f-b-investi...

Robin Raphel Under Investigation The Washington Free Beacon reported today that Robin Raphel, a longtime Clinton ally, is being investigated by the F.B.I. ..

FBI Expands Hillary Clinton Corruption Investigation ...

Earlier this month, Fox News reported that the FBI was broadening its investigation to look into whether any connection between the State Department under Clinton and the nonprofit Clinton Foundation violated public corruption laws.
As one FBI person said, the FBI doesn't investigate servers, it investigates PEOPLE. I.E> Hillary R. Clinton.

"IC IG made a referral detailing the potential compromise of classified information to security officials within the Executive Branch. The main purpose of the referral was to notify security officials that classified information may exist on at least one private server and thumb drive that are not in the government's possession.

An important distinction is that the IC IG did not make a criminal referral-
it was a security referral made for counterintelligence purposes. The IC IG is statutorily required to refer potential compromises of national security information to the appropriate IC security officials. [Statement from the Inspectors General of the Intelligence Community and the Department of State Regarding the Review of Former Secretary Clinton's Emails
Wash. Post: Officials Say Clinton "Is Not A Target" Of FBI Probe. The Washington Post reported that government officials said Clinton is "not a target" of the FBI's investigation:
Hillary Rodham Clinton's attorney has agreed to provide the FBI with the private server that housed her e-mail during her four years as secretary of state, Clinton's presidential campaign said Tuesday.
The inquiry by the FBI is considered preliminary and appears to be focused on ensuring the proper handling of classified material. Officials have said that Clinton, the Democratic presidential front-runner, is not a target.
The FBI's efforts have included contacting the Denver-based technology firm that helped manage the Clintons' unusual private e-mail system.
[The Washington Post, 8/11/15]

Let us know when you find a quote by the FBI that Hillary is the target, and that it is a criminal investigation.


And ring that bell really loud when you get an indictment, so we can all hear it.
July 24, 2015? How about something relevant.
How about you do what I asked ...

Let us know when you find a quote by the FBI that Hillary is the target, and that it is a criminal investigation.


We'll be waiting.

Maybe you can find one in the scaggy bowels of Jim Hofts gatweaypundit, where you like to fish.
The mission of the FBI on their official home page. Don't see anything about E-mail servers, Sherlock.

FBI — Homepage

Let us know when you find a quote by the FBI that Hillary is the target, and that it is a criminal investigation.

Republicans had the goods and impeached her husband.

If they had the goods they wouldn't hesitate to gt rid of Hilary.


They don't have jack squat !

RW dolts ... the best FREE publicity Hillary can get.

Hillary is not in office. The Republicans cannot impeach her. Her crimes fall under the Justice Department and thus Obama's hand-picked cronies. The only way she will be prosecuted by his administration is if he decides to throw her under the bus. Once she beats Bernie, that just may well happen for "Plugs" Biden to step in and save the Democrats from a crushing defeat in November.

I think there is a greater chance of Warren stepping in, Biden is too moderate for today's regressives.

I don't think so. Biden has already indicated he regrets not getting in the race. This will be his way to get in, dispose of Hillary forever, and still maintain some semblance of Obama's legacy. Warren simply doesn't have the name recognition either.

Maybe, but he can't motivate the far left base the way Warren would, plus the regressives have their hearts set on getting a woman in the oval office.

But they would lose independents who have no idea who she is.

You may be right, I just talked to my contact in my congressman's office, she said what she is hearing is the possibility of a Biden/Warren ticket. In any case the next six months are going to be very interesting.
This is false. We know the FBI has opened a criminal case against her.
We know she sent and received classified material.
These are simply facts at this point.

"Clinton is not under FBI investigation. The inquiry to which Bush refers revolves around the private email server Clinton used while serving as secretary of state. And it is not a criminal investigation."
Our ruling
Bush said Clinton is "under investigation with the FBI right now."
Not quite. The FBI is conducting a general inquiry into the security of Clinton’s private email server. But law enforcement officials have said Clinton herself is not the target of the inquiry, and it is not a full-blown criminal investigation.

Clinton’s actions are clearly front-and-center in an FBI investigation. But Bush goes too far to claim Clinton herself is under investigation. We rate his statement Half True.

Here's what's wrong with Jeb Bush saying Hillary Clinton is under FBI investigation
As one FBI person said, the FBI doesn't investigate servers, it investigates PEOPLE. I.E> Hillary R. Clinton.

"IC IG made a referral detailing the potential compromise of classified information to security officials within the Executive Branch. The main purpose of the referral was to notify security officials that classified information may exist on at least one private server and thumb drive that are not in the government's possession.

An important distinction is that the IC IG did not make a criminal referral-
it was a security referral made for counterintelligence purposes. The IC IG is statutorily required to refer potential compromises of national security information to the appropriate IC security officials. [Statement from the Inspectors General of the Intelligence Community and the Department of State Regarding the Review of Former Secretary Clinton's Emails
Wash. Post: Officials Say Clinton "Is Not A Target" Of FBI Probe. The Washington Post reported that government officials said Clinton is "not a target" of the FBI's investigation:
Hillary Rodham Clinton's attorney has agreed to provide the FBI with the private server that housed her e-mail during her four years as secretary of state, Clinton's presidential campaign said Tuesday.
The inquiry by the FBI is considered preliminary and appears to be focused on ensuring the proper handling of classified material. Officials have said that Clinton, the Democratic presidential front-runner, is not a target.
The FBI's efforts have included contacting the Denver-based technology firm that helped manage the Clintons' unusual private e-mail system.
[The Washington Post, 8/11/15]

Let us know when you find a quote by the FBI that Hillary is the target, and that it is a criminal investigation.


And ring that bell really loud when you get an indictment, so we can all hear it.
July 24, 2015? How about something relevant.
How about you do what I asked ...

Let us know when you find a quote by the FBI that Hillary is the target, and that it is a criminal investigation.


We'll be waiting.

Maybe you can find one in the scaggy bowels of Jim Hofts gatweaypundit, where you like to fish.

Are they looking at the server for public corruption also?
What would it be like if Hillary becomes president and the whole world know how incompetent and dishonest she is? They could ride her like the donkey she is!
"IC IG made a referral detailing the potential compromise of classified information to security officials within the Executive Branch. The main purpose of the referral was to notify security officials that classified information may exist on at least one private server and thumb drive that are not in the government's possession.

An important distinction is that the IC IG did not make a criminal referral-
it was a security referral made for counterintelligence purposes. The IC IG is statutorily required to refer potential compromises of national security information to the appropriate IC security officials. [Statement from the Inspectors General of the Intelligence Community and the Department of State Regarding the Review of Former Secretary Clinton's Emails
Wash. Post: Officials Say Clinton "Is Not A Target" Of FBI Probe. The Washington Post reported that government officials said Clinton is "not a target" of the FBI's investigation:
Hillary Rodham Clinton's attorney has agreed to provide the FBI with the private server that housed her e-mail during her four years as secretary of state, Clinton's presidential campaign said Tuesday.
The inquiry by the FBI is considered preliminary and appears to be focused on ensuring the proper handling of classified material. Officials have said that Clinton, the Democratic presidential front-runner, is not a target.
The FBI's efforts have included contacting the Denver-based technology firm that helped manage the Clintons' unusual private e-mail system.
[The Washington Post, 8/11/15]

Let us know when you find a quote by the FBI that Hillary is the target, and that it is a criminal investigation.


And ring that bell really loud when you get an indictment, so we can all hear it.
July 24, 2015? How about something relevant.
How about you do what I asked ...

Let us know when you find a quote by the FBI that Hillary is the target, and that it is a criminal investigation.


We'll be waiting.

Maybe you can find one in the scaggy bowels of Jim Hofts gatweaypundit, where you like to fish.
The mission of the FBI on their official home page. Don't see anything about E-mail servers, Sherlock.

FBI — Homepage

Let us know when you find a quote by the FBI that Hillary is the target, and that it is a criminal investigation.

All of America is knocked down by your stunning rebuttal.


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