Inspector General Sicced on James Comey


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
"You Can’t Wake a Person Who Is Pretending to Be Asleep" Navajo Proverb

1. Liberal acolytes.
In their real life endeavors, it would be tough to sell subpar products to these folks....but when it comes to politics, if it has the "Democrat" imprimatur on it...they'll buy it eyes closed.

Like this 'fake news:"

"FBI director Comey's fate could be decided by inspector general's investigation"

FBI director Comey's fate could be decided by inspector general's investigation -

2. The 'investigation' is a political tool, comparable to the forked tongue of the snake in the White has two purposes.

a. it is part of the on-going search to find something to blame Bill's wife's loss on beyond the candidate and the policies of the Democrat Party


b. the term-long strategy of the Democrats, to de-legitimize the Trump administration.

Anyone notice that Democrat Loretta Lynch isn't being 'investigated' for meeting with Bill 'the rapist' Clinton?
Only Comey has to suffer for the career criminal and congenital liar's loss.

3. If any imagine that the inspector general is anything other than a weapon to use against adversaries....let's take a trip down Memory Lane....
Obama fired his first Inspector General because the man was bringing charges against an Obama pal who stole taxpayer money.

a. "Gerald Walpin was the inspector general who oversaw the AmeriCorps program, and he discovered evidence that Democrat Mayor Kevin Johnson had misused $850,000 of the AmeriCorps grant money and ‘used federally-funded AmeriCorps staff for, among other things, "driving [Johnson] to personal appointments, washing his car, and running personal errands." ‘

BTW, did I mention that Kevin Johnson stated that he was ‘a personal friend of President Obama?

b. "Walpin referred the matter for criminal prosecution to the US Attorney for the Eastern District of California, Lawrence Brown. Brown, who had taken over from a Bush appointee, instead entered into settlement talks with Johnson, and on terms very favorable to Johnson. Walpin objected."

c. On June 10, 2009, Walpin was given two options: resign immediately or be terminated.

Did I mention that Barack Hussein Obama is a dirt-eating low-life crypto-Islamist back-stabbing infanticide-supporting snake with an unbroken record of failure, both as a President and as a human being.....and a criminal as well?

Check out:
"Gangster Government: Barack Obama and the New Washington Thugocracy" by David Freddoso

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^^^ Cut & Paste Barbie

And here, from one of the truly most inept of posters, proof that the Left has no response to the truth.

I'm bettin' that this is what brought him out from under his rock:

Did I mention that Barack Hussein Obama is a dirt-eating low-life crypto-Islamist back-stabbing infanticide-supporting snake with an unbroken record of failure, both as a President and as a human being.....and a criminal as well?

And I was being kind to the worst, most destructive President in modern times.
^^^ Cut & Paste Barbie
Synthie, sweetie, why don't you cut and paste articles that prove otherwise? Can't find any? Oh! Got it. ;)

Love seein' ya,' AA!!!

Hope the weather's good at you end of the country, and you are well!
Hey girl. How is the most intelligent poster on the board these days back there in cold NYC? The coast here has been practically frozen this winter. Worst cold since the 70's I read somewhere. Bring back my marine climate!!!!!

Interesting, new Comey information:

Incoming White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus said Sunday that President-elect Donald Trump's administration has no plans to remove FBI Director James Comey.

“There’s no plans in this moment of changing that,” Priebus told ABC’s “This Week.”
We in this country are watching the dimocrats self destruct and go so far into criminal conspiracy as to become the first ever investigation into massive theft, graft, treason, domestic terror and conspiracy by a political genre. The end justifies the means, and they are not even hiding the evidence CALLING FOR ANY RIOT across state lines into an venue IS A FELONY, and THIS WILL be easily proven by tweets, Facebook, posts, emails, and all kinds of evidence. Comon do some more there liberals we are watching copying, and getting the evidence for terrorist, espionage, conspiracy to commit all kinds of crime ready and when the doors open, Your messiah will be the first on the block. Treason, conspiracy to riot and espionage should be easy.
We in this country are watching the dimocrats self destruct and go so far into criminal conspiracy as to become the first ever investigation into massive theft, graft, treason, domestic terror and conspiracy by a political genre. The end justifies the means, and they are not even hiding the evidence CALLING FOR ANY RIOT across state lines into an venue IS A FELONY, and THIS WILL be easily proven by tweets, Facebook, posts, emails, and all kinds of evidence. Comon do some more there liberals we are watching copying, and getting the evidence for terrorist, espionage, conspiracy to commit all kinds of crime ready and when the doors open, Your messiah will be the first on the block. Treason, conspiracy to riot and espionage should be easy.
I've been seeing a civil war coming since 2007. Posted many times here about it.

There is good news, this morning:

Thousands of police officers from across the nation, 5,000 National Guard troops and local police will be providing security for the inauguration. Read more of the protest plans and locations at the link provided, should you be interested.

Inauguration Protesters Plan To Destroy Property And Disrupt Balls
^^^ Cut & Paste Barbie
Synthie, sweetie, why don't you cut and paste articles that prove otherwise? Can't find any? Oh! Got it. ;)

Love seein' ya,' AA!!!

Hope the weather's good at you end of the country, and you are well!
Hey girl. How is the most intelligent poster on the board these days back there in cold NYC? The coast here has been practically frozen this winter. Worst cold since the 70's I read somewhere. Bring back my marine climate!!!!!

Interesting, new Comey information:

Incoming White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus said Sunday that President-elect Donald Trump's administration has no plans to remove FBI Director James Comey.

“There’s no plans in this moment of changing that,” Priebus told ABC’s “This Week.”

So glad you stated that!

It's more evidence that the attack on Comey was a political ploy....they knew they only had until Friday to use the headlines.'s almost 40°....bright and sunny...and no real wind.

Went for a mile walk....I do that between, no complaints about NYC weather today.

I think Friday may warm out hearts...both you and I!
Obama's greatest accomplishment: getting Trump elected.
We in this country are watching the dimocrats self destruct and go so far into criminal conspiracy as to become the first ever investigation into massive theft, graft, treason, domestic terror and conspiracy by a political genre. The end justifies the means, and they are not even hiding the evidence CALLING FOR ANY RIOT across state lines into an venue IS A FELONY, and THIS WILL be easily proven by tweets, Facebook, posts, emails, and all kinds of evidence. Comon do some more there liberals we are watching copying, and getting the evidence for terrorist, espionage, conspiracy to commit all kinds of crime ready and when the doors open, Your messiah will be the first on the block. Treason, conspiracy to riot and espionage should be easy.

"We in this country are watching the dimocrats self destruct ..."
The greatest battle will be to take back the schools.

"Your messiah will be the first on the block."
Glad you reminded all that they actually called this snake, 'God.'
Not so much anymore.
We in this country are watching the dimocrats self destruct and go so far into criminal conspiracy as to become the first ever investigation into massive theft, graft, treason, domestic terror and conspiracy by a political genre. The end justifies the means, and they are not even hiding the evidence CALLING FOR ANY RIOT across state lines into an venue IS A FELONY, and THIS WILL be easily proven by tweets, Facebook, posts, emails, and all kinds of evidence. Comon do some more there liberals we are watching copying, and getting the evidence for terrorist, espionage, conspiracy to commit all kinds of crime ready and when the doors open, Your messiah will be the first on the block. Treason, conspiracy to riot and espionage should be easy.
I've been seeing a civil war coming since 2007. Posted many times here about it.

There is good news, this morning:

Thousands of police officers from across the nation, 5,000 National Guard troops and local police will be providing security for the inauguration. Read more of the protest plans and locations at the link provided, should you be interested.

Inauguration Protesters Plan To Destroy Property And Disrupt Balls

I hope you're wrong, but history is on you side.

"... the rejection of all religious and moral principles, often in the belief that life is meaningless.

...the doctrine of an extreme Russian revolutionary party circa 1900, which found nothing to approve of in the established social order."

In very much the same way, every Leftist cult....Liberalism, Fascism, Socialism, Communism, Nazism, and an off-shoot of nihilism.

....they care less about the survival of the nation than about their victory.
They would rather we all go down in flames, than their opponents succeed.
^^^ Cut & Paste Barbie
Synthie, sweetie, why don't you cut and paste articles that prove otherwise? Can't find any? Oh! Got it. ;)

Love seein' ya,' AA!!!

Hope the weather's good at you end of the country, and you are well!
Hey girl. How is the most intelligent poster on the board these days back there in cold NYC? The coast here has been practically frozen this winter. Worst cold since the 70's I read somewhere. Bring back my marine climate!!!!!

Interesting, new Comey information:

Incoming White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus said Sunday that President-elect Donald Trump's administration has no plans to remove FBI Director James Comey.

“There’s no plans in this moment of changing that,” Priebus told ABC’s “This Week.”

So glad you stated that!

It's more evidence that the attack on Comey was a political ploy....they knew they only had until Friday to use the headlines.'s almost 40°....bright and sunny...and no real wind.

Went for a mile walk....I do that between, no complaints about NYC weather today.

I think Friday may warm out hearts...both you and I!
Obama's greatest accomplishment: getting Trump elected.

True. I have been giving the traitor-in-chief many compliments for his success in that area. We also have to thank all those voters who voted for his re-election. Mustn't leave them out. :D

I am most proud of you for taking those walks in your beautiful city and can now see how you remain posting here as often as you have and for as long. Exercise reduces STRESS!!!! :D

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