Instead Of Civil War

How about county by county secession instead? All counties in the country can secede and become part of a different state if they wish. All it would require would be for the county to vote to secede from their state and the state they want to become a part of has to vote for it as well. And, it has to be a state which would border the other state or a number of counties put together which altogether would border their new state. For example, the new Oregon and Idaho.

Constitutionally it would require congressional approval, so it ain't gonna happen.

How about county by county secession instead? All counties in the country can secede and become part of a different state if they wish. All it would require would be for the county to vote to secede from their state and the state they want to become a part of has to vote for it as well. And, it has to be a state which would border the other state or a number of counties put together which altogether would border their new state. For example, the new Oregon and Idaho.

Well, a civil war might make it happen.

But short of that...
How about county by county secession instead? All counties in the country can secede and become part of a different state if they wish. All it would require would be for the county to vote to secede from their state and the state they want to become a part of has to vote for it as well. And, it has to be a state which would border the other state or a number of counties put together which altogether would border their new state. For example, the new Oregon and Idaho.

We will have to see how OR does. Looks like all the people pushing it are old. Hopefully they do not die off before outcome realized. Or kids will take over and shut it all down in favor of commie wet dreams.

If doable, would be good, except every 2 or 4 years you are on the chopping block. You know, dems get in and they want to go back to their sick ideas.

In the USA you are only as safe as your last election.

America only worked when it worked. When the majority of the people were not mentally ill and could be depended on living by the Constitution and Bill of Rights. It was not life or death depending on if a dem or rep got in back then. 2 or 4 year elections was not that big a deal as most everyone was on the same wavelength...but not any more.

I've never found any answer to the problem, even after looking at it for ages. Neither do any of the deep thinkers ever come up with an answer. Every election in America seems like America's very survival rests on the outcome. You can't run a country like that. Sooner or later, you will lose an election.

These are our choices:

1) Do nothing.
2) Civil War - formal secession
3) Informal Secession - disregarded Federal law as the dems have done for ages.
4) Vote dem and accelerate the collapse - may make for an easier divorce.

That is it!

Now Biden is working on new laws that will effectively ban private gun sales. After that he goes to work on banning the black guns.

biden demon.jpg

There have already been dem states trying to ban guns that hold over 5 rounds. That would ban most revolvers as well.

The kids growing up are a mess. We can't depend on them to save America. They fully support this disaster.

Reddit r/Collapse had a political leanings poll. Do you see where conservatives are on the list? Here are the vote results on 2.26.23

7.8k votes cast
1.2k Liberal
349 Conservative
588 Libertarian
3.4k Socialist
840 Moderate
1.4k Anarchist

One big problem with the county idea is I'd be locked up as soon as I step foot into various counties depending on their gun laws. OH has this problem with Columbus and some other dem cities that are not abiding by state gun laws. It is OK is a dem does it, but if a rep city would do it...whoa...send in the military and off to prison.

If the counties were in a block as is shown in OR, then so much the better. But blocks are hard to do in every state. The other issue is Congress has to approve secession in the end. Do you think Congress will approve of dem states losing tax their base? Reps are notorious for never agreeing, they are not like the dems. Reps can't even agree if covid is real or whether to wear masks. But...all you can do is to try.

Sad to say, it looks like the only thing you can do with dems to cure the problem is the unspeakable. You can't reason with them, no, there is zero reasoning with the sick pos. It is a sad state of affairs when your only hope to save something of the country is civil war or Putin taking vast amounts of them out, as one person I was talking with had hopes of.

liberal brain cure cen.jpg
Well, a civil war might make it happen.

But short of that...

Civil war is not practical. Reps are usless and have zero organization or funding. Plus, dems own the military and most everything else. Peaceful means would be best. But peaceful means won't do a thing when the dems are involved. Can't reason with them. Military was supposed to have saved us...but no. Military fully supports the traitorous dems.

civil war LR CENSORED.jpg
Looks like Oregon would lose over half of its size and maybe as much as 2 or even 3% of its population.
Well until the Feds come and cleanse them of secesh. Be careful what you wish for. You just might get it.
Constitutionally it would require congressional approval, so it ain't gonna happen.

That's only when new states are being created. If eastern Oregon wants to join Idaho then no new state is being created.
I know Republicans get excited when they see a lot of Red on the map but you're looking at Bingos is land, not voting power. If a handful of hayseeds want to shuffle from one state to the next that really doesn't change much in the over all scheme of things.

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