Instead Of Civil War

How about county by county secession instead? All counties in the country can secede and become part of a different state if they wish. All it would require would be for the county to vote to secede from their state and the state they want to become a part of has to vote for it as well. And, it has to be a state which would border the other state or a number of counties put together which altogether would border their new state. For example, the new Oregon and Idaho.

Everyone, just stop paying all tax bills. Government will grind to a halt in a matter of hours.
Everyone, just stop paying all tax bills. Government will grind to a halt in a matter of hours.

Not our government, they will start arresting citizens. I'd have no problem paying for basic government functions, but no one authorized them to confiscate our money and spend it as they see fit. There is no authority to redistribute money. 80% of what government spends money on is Unconstitutional. The founders didn't give them that power, they took it, they are criminals
That's only when new states are being created. If eastern Oregon wants to join Idaho then no new state is being created.

Interesting theory, I'm sure it would wind up at SCOTUS. After rereading article 4, section 3, they might get away with it. It could however be argued that new States are being created since the boundaries of both States would change.

Everyone, just stop paying all tax bills. Government will grind to a halt in a matter of hours.
Not so sure about that. I used to think that government taxed people and used that tax revenue to pay the country's bills. But, that was about 32 trillion dollars ago I believed that. It is quite obvious that the government spends money and it doesn't really have anything to do with how much tax money is collected. They spend it anyway, tax revenues or no tax revenues. You may have a point though when it comes to state and local taxes.
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States don't get the tax either.

Right, States also collect taxes. They don't operate on Federal taxes.

You're still confused, I'll try to help, but you aren't bright so let me know if you get it this time.

What does this have to do with separating?
Is this area in N CA, that this particular farmer wants to separate, is this area poor or rich?

Says the guy who has never stepped into a public school classroom since leaving school.
Here is a conundrum. Freedom and wealth are two different things. Wealth grows though. Still there are poor. So, we get a larger government with social programs. It's just never enough. Those employed in privileged work though live the life of riley and have great pensions. The system cannot do that for all. And we live off of cheaply made products from overseas. The loss of manufacturing is our Achilles heel.
Interesting theory, I'm sure it would wind up at SCOTUS. After rereading article 4, section 3, they might get away with it. It could however be argued that new States are being created since the boundaries of both States would change.

I'm not sure who would have standing to bring it to court, but I'm sure someone would try.
Crying about your inability to pull off this retarded seceding idea of yours? :laugh:

CompostChaos said: Whaaaaaaa, whaaaaaa, sob, sob, sob

You're boring as shit, racist. How is that possibly interesting to you to keep going back there? How stupid are you?
How about county by county secession instead? All counties in the country can secede and become part of a different state if they wish. All it would require would be for the county to vote to secede from their state and the state they want to become a part of has to vote for it as well. And, it has to be a state which would border the other state or a number of counties put together which altogether would border their new state. For example, the new Oregon and Idaho.

Its a dumber idea than the civil war. Nobody is surprised that you’re the one who thinks it is a good idea.
CompostChaos said: Whaaaaaaa, whaaaaaa, sob, sob, sob

You're boring as shit, racist. How is that possibly interesting to you to keep going back there? How stupid are you?
You guys bring up this stupid seceding idea. You guys end up resorting to junior high pissing matches on the internet.

Summarizes you guys perfectly. :laughing0301:
The current conditions are not sustainable. We need to man up here in Texas. Our governor (Rick Perry) used to talk about it openly.

What do we need from Boy Toucher, OR? or Shitstain, NJ? Absolutely fucking nothing. Their only contributions are meth and kiddie porn, and the animals that need that shit can freely leave Texas and move there before we close the border.

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Whey y’all gonna leave? Do you need help packing?
Right, States also collect taxes. They don't operate on Federal taxes.

You're still confused, I'll try to help, but you aren't bright so let me know if you get it this time.

No confusion. Any tax bill anyone gets, individual or and business, don't pay it.

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