'Instead of Gaza' | How should we name the new city?

If there was right of return for Palestinians then the children could play together but this 'playing together' is a ruse to expropriate Palestinian land and subjugate them as a people.
If there was right of return for Palestinians then the children could play together but this 'playing together' is a ruse to expropriate Palestinian land and subjugate them as a people.
The Gazans have proven that they won’t live at peace with Israel. One side or the other has to lose and be dispossessed . I pick the side that is happy to strap bombs to children, commit rape, torture and murder of civilians to lose. The Gazans go out of their way to cause civilian casualties, not only Israeli ones but Gazan ones as well.
If there was right of return for Palestinians then the children could play together but this 'playing together' is a ruse to expropriate Palestinian land and subjugate them as a people.

Good that AOC found them a better home,
in land which the they can at least pronounce...

As long as O'Biden can use a few new votes, you go stellar.

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I'm not convinced that this will bring the hostages home, but more and more, I agree that the only way forward to peace is children playing and growing up side by side. The way to beat Hamas is a civilian presence, not a military one.
What does that mean? What civilian presence?
That means something like 'one state for two nations'?
Maybe. My comment wasn't necessarily meant as a political solution. I was just pointing out that nothing demonstrates mutual humanity than your children sharing a classroom and playground.
Maybe. My comment wasn't necessarily meant as a political solution. I was just pointing out that nothing demonstrates mutual humanity than your children sharing a classroom and playground.
I see. Just best wishes that may never come true.
I see. Just best wishes that may never come true.
I live in endless optimism. If it can be done in Israel, why can't it be done in Gaza? It may take two generations, but what prevents us heading down that path?
I live in endless optimism. If it can be done in Israel, why can't it be done in Gaza? It may take two generations, but what prevents us heading down that path?
I hope that nothing. The only requirement is not allowing extremes in Israel and Gaza to take the ground.
I hope that nothing. The only requirement is not allowing extremes in Israel and Gaza to take the ground.
Well, if by "extreme" you mean that only one peoples can live on the territory, the solution, by definition, rids us of the problem.
Sad but true
Here’s a map of the Middle East, to put in perspective about the antisemites claim about Jews wanting to ethnically cleanse the area and hog all the land. Bet they couldn’t even find Israel on the map!

And ironically, Israel has 20% Muslim citizens, while the large surrounding Arab countries don’t even have 0.0001% Jewish,
Here’s a map of the Middle East, to put in perspective about the antisemites claim about Jews wanting to ethnically cleanse the area and hog all the land. Bet they couldn’t even find Israel on the map!

And ironically, Israel has 20% Muslim citizens, while the large surrounding Arab countries don’t even have 0.0001% Jewish,View attachment 967321
Hell those same Muslim countries refuse to allow Palestine citizens to come and live in their country.

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