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Insurance Companies Don't Care

This might hurt the liberal uberwusses on this board but..... companies dont care. Its not what they do.

That wasn't the point I was trying to make. I wonder if they think that a nation is a national community that has as almost as much closeness as a family or tribe where everyone is expected to care about each other which is why they demand an eglatarian society.
In his speech to the families of the Fort Hood terror attack President Obama referred to "this great American community." It seemed innocent enough in his intended context, but still, it caught my ear at the time in light of his beginnings. Community is a 'friendly' term, and Americans want it as something that has been lost. His usage of the term elevates it to that same feeling of nostalgia.

Is there something wrong with that?
This might hurt the liberal uberwusses on this board but..... companies dont care. Its not what they do.

That wasn't the point I was trying to make. I wonder if they think that a nation is a national community that has as almost as much closeness as a family or tribe where everyone is expected to care about each other which is why they demand an eglatarian society.
In his speech to the families of the Fort Hood terror attack President Obama referred to "this great American community." It seemed innocent enough in his intended context, but still, it caught my ear at the time in light of his beginnings. Community is a 'friendly' term, and Americans want it as something that has been lost. His usage of the term elevates it to that same feeling of nostalgia.

I don't agree that a nation is a community because our sense of community usually exist within our limited social interactions between others nearby us such as our neighborhood, church, school, sports team, and etc. This sense of community that we develop is usually limited to our interactions and our choice because I may like my church and feel a closeness of others who attend but I would not have the same sense towards members of another church or even religion.

The only thing that members of my church and another church have in common is that we all live under the same law. It means that governments are mechanical things that do not have the power to bind us to a single national "community".
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That wasn't the point I was trying to make. I wonder if they think that a nation is a national community that has as almost as much closeness as a family or tribe where everyone is expected to care about each other which is why they demand an eglatarian society.
In his speech to the families of the Fort Hood terror attack President Obama referred to "this great American community." It seemed innocent enough in his intended context, but still, it caught my ear at the time in light of his beginnings. Community is a 'friendly' term, and Americans want it as something that has been lost. His usage of the term elevates it to that same feeling of nostalgia.

Is there something wrong with that?

Think about the word communism and its root word "community".
ihopehefails said:
Its the same with everything else that gets ingested into the government such as education. How do you change what education your kid gets? You have to contact your politician, ague with others who feel different, and face the possibility you might lose your argument thus losing your preference on how your kid is educated. You, the individual, must now share your power of choice with others as your vote over what you want is only a small percentage of the total electorate.

The only way to avoid structured curriculum is to home school. And even then, you would want your child to learn the basic 3-Rs, I presume. Currently states and often individual school districts dictate curriculum. I'm a strong believer that ALL children nationwide should be required to have a basic set of studies that will set them on their course to pursue individual interests.

The whole point of public education is for the state to control how children are to be raised and think. It started in the french revolution as an idea to shape society so they took away all private education and replaced with public education so the state can decide what is being taught and not private individuals. So in a way, public education robs society and the individuals the compose it its ability to raise their young as they see fit.

This is not to say that I will burn down public schools but have you ever wondered if the person deciding what books to buy has any kind of biases in them and will purchase books based on those biases. Have you ever wondered if someone from the government will buy a book that condemns it and its policies?

The next time you walk into a public school just imagine it was a school built by bearucrats and politicians then everything will make sense after that.
Let's just say I do landscape construction on the side for fun. Nice little workouts with 72 pound block (two at a time, sometimes three). You seem to have left out that with the four digit extentions, much of your mail is pre-sorted. Your just a whiny little puke to me. Sucking government teet.

you still have to throw the mail up and much of it is not presorted and we have seen many little whiny pukes like you come in there and whine when they cant do the job....and yea....you lift 3 72 pound blocks at once....bullshit..... your Mexican workers do that for you,you know the guys who actually do the work for you,while you sit in an air conditioned room somewhere,acting like you work.....lazy fuck....do you stick your head out and give orders when its raining?....oh i forgot you cant do that if its raining....you might get wet and catch a cold.....stay inside big boy ....men work in the elements.... pussies stay inside.....

One man operation. Usually end the season when ice off the pick axe hits me in the face and results in facial cuts. Sometimes you can get a day or two in around January first, if there is a thaw. You probably wear one of those back braces. The record is four on the block, carried sixty feet. Working a brick saw with a water cooler for the blade, in 30 degree weather, bare handed is a trip too.

look liberty i aint going to argue about who the hell works harder.....i know i aint sitting in no park reading a book.....and the other 16 carriers in my office cant be found there ...i go 7-4 non-stop and it seems like you work hard too.....so lets just say we both do what we do...HARD....at least you answered.....Rabbi didnt so i guess he is the one who sits around all day reading and bitching about others working....
Yes, clearly these are their TRUE motives, because deep down they want people to stop paying them. Then the company they work for can go out of business and provding them a living. Not a very good business plan.
No, they want the people who won't need to make claims to keep paying them. Big difference.

you still have to throw the mail up and much of it is not presorted and we have seen many little whiny pukes like you come in there and whine when they cant do the job....and yea....you lift 3 72 pound blocks at once....bullshit..... your Mexican workers do that for you,you know the guys who actually do the work for you,while you sit in an air conditioned room somewhere,acting like you work.....lazy fuck....do you stick your head out and give orders when its raining?....oh i forgot you cant do that if its raining....you might get wet and catch a cold.....stay inside big boy ....men work in the elements.... pussies stay inside.....

One man operation. Usually end the season when ice off the pick axe hits me in the face and results in facial cuts. Sometimes you can get a day or two in around January first, if there is a thaw. You probably wear one of those back braces. The record is four on the block, carried sixty feet. Working a brick saw with a water cooler for the blade, in 30 degree weather, bare handed is a trip too.

look liberty i aint going to argue about who the hell works harder.....i know i aint sitting in no park reading a book.....and the other 16 carriers in my office cant be found there ...i go 7-4 non-stop and it seems like you work hard too.....so lets just say we both do what we do...HARD....at least you answered.....Rabbi didnt so i guess he is the one who sits around all day reading and bitching about others working....

An excellent suggestion. I know some great people that deliver mail. You work for the government. You are not the government. Important difference there. Keep up the good (hard) work.
you still have to throw the mail up and much of it is not presorted and we have seen many little whiny pukes like you come in there and whine when they cant do the job....and yea....you lift 3 72 pound blocks at once....bullshit..... your Mexican workers do that for you,you know the guys who actually do the work for you,while you sit in an air conditioned room somewhere,acting like you work.....lazy fuck....do you stick your head out and give orders when its raining?....oh i forgot you cant do that if its raining....you might get wet and catch a cold.....stay inside big boy ....men work in the elements.... pussies stay inside.....

One man operation. Usually end the season when ice off the pick axe hits me in the face and results in facial cuts. Sometimes you can get a day or two in around January first, if there is a thaw. You probably wear one of those back braces. The record is four on the block, carried sixty feet. Working a brick saw with a water cooler for the blade, in 30 degree weather, bare handed is a trip too.

look liberty i aint going to argue about who the hell works harder.....i know i aint sitting in no park reading a book.....and the other 16 carriers in my office cant be found there ...i go 7-4 non-stop and it seems like you work hard too.....so lets just say we both do what we do...HARD....at least you answered.....Rabbi didnt so i guess he is the one who sits around all day reading and bitching about others working....

There is no argument.
The services where they do actually compete, next day/expedited, are far inferior to UPS and FedEx.

:lol:.....sorry Rabbi but you are full of shit.....just like you were in your other post about the PO in another thread....do you realize how many times i get asked by the Fed-x and UPS drivers on my route if so and so still lives here....what apt does this person live at.....i have seen parcels left at vacant houses from UPS for weeks....Fed-x has been known to leave overnite shit at vacant business suites....we get cards from both of them asking if this address is correct,or has this person moved.....the PO delivers their overnight shit just as efficiently as they do....only cheaper.....and if things need to be forwarded...we dont charge to do it....they do....far inferior MY ASS......

Its the same old shtick. Keep lying enough about something long enough and a handfull of fools will believe you. I worked for the PO here in Seattle for three years from 68-71. My sup was Russel Cline..a real prick. As a letter carrier and union rep I learned much about how the PO operates and helped make changes to make it work more efficiently from a letter carriers perspective. I have said this before but the fact that letter carriers can wear shorts and running shoes short sleave shirts with no tie and no stupid police man style hat instead of spit and polish military like gear was my doing. You can thank me if you wish.:lol::lol::lol:

The bottom line is that the PO is not supposed to be making a profit. It is supposed to be a service for the people. Morons like the rabidrabbi would have been tickled as punch if social security went down the toilet like these privatizeres tried to set it up for. Piss on them. They are thieves and liars.
The services where they do actually compete, next day/expedited, are far inferior to UPS and FedEx.

:lol:.....sorry Rabbi but you are full of shit.....just like you were in your other post about the PO in another thread....do you realize how many times i get asked by the Fed-x and UPS drivers on my route if so and so still lives here....what apt does this person live at.....i have seen parcels left at vacant houses from UPS for weeks....Fed-x has been known to leave overnite shit at vacant business suites....we get cards from both of them asking if this address is correct,or has this person moved.....the PO delivers their overnight shit just as efficiently as they do....only cheaper.....and if things need to be forwarded...we dont charge to do it....they do....far inferior MY ASS......

Its the same old shtick. Keep lying enough about something long enough and a handfull of fools will believe you. I worked for the PO here in Seattle for three years from 68-71. My sup was Russel Cline..a real prick. As a letter carrier and union rep I learned much about how the PO operates and helped make changes to make it work more efficiently from a letter carriers perspective. I have said this before but the fact that letter carriers can wear shorts and running shoes short sleave shirts with no tie and no stupid police man style hat instead of spit and polish military like gear was my doing. You can thank me if you wish.:lol::lol::lol:

The bottom line is that the PO is not supposed to be making a profit. It is supposed to be a service for the people. Morons like the rabidrabbi would have been tickled as punch if social security went down the toilet like these privatizeres tried to set it up for. Piss on them. They are thieves and liars.
ok Hugs if your the guy .....THANX.....at the gulf course i used to deliver too, i met a retired Carrier who told me he was the guy who was responsible for the park and loop Delivery being initiated....the thing that always amazes me about PO management is...the more they fuck up or screw with people....the higher up the ladder they go....the good supervisors seem to always be stifled,and never go anywhere to make a difference....as i always say....we get the job done,in spit of management.....
:lol:.....sorry Rabbi but you are full of shit.....just like you were in your other post about the PO in another thread....do you realize how many times i get asked by the Fed-x and UPS drivers on my route if so and so still lives here....what apt does this person live at.....i have seen parcels left at vacant houses from UPS for weeks....Fed-x has been known to leave overnite shit at vacant business suites....we get cards from both of them asking if this address is correct,or has this person moved.....the PO delivers their overnight shit just as efficiently as they do....only cheaper.....and if things need to be forwarded...we dont charge to do it....they do....far inferior MY ASS......

Its the same old shtick. Keep lying enough about something long enough and a handfull of fools will believe you. I worked for the PO here in Seattle for three years from 68-71. My sup was Russel Cline..a real prick. As a letter carrier and union rep I learned much about how the PO operates and helped make changes to make it work more efficiently from a letter carriers perspective. I have said this before but the fact that letter carriers can wear shorts and running shoes short sleave shirts with no tie and no stupid police man style hat instead of spit and polish military like gear was my doing. You can thank me if you wish.:lol::lol::lol:

The bottom line is that the PO is not supposed to be making a profit. It is supposed to be a service for the people. Morons like the rabidrabbi would have been tickled as punch if social security went down the toilet like these privatizeres tried to set it up for. Piss on them. They are thieves and liars.
ok Hugs if your the guy .....THANX.....at the gulf course i used to deliver too, i met a retired Carrier who told me he was the guy who was responsible for the park and loop Delivery being initiated....the thing that always amazes me about PO management is...the more they fuck up or screw with people....the higher up the ladder they go....the good supervisors seem to always be stifled,and never go anywhere to make a difference....as i always say....we get the job done,in spit of management.....

Ya I wish I could say it was for the good of the PO but in truth it was for selfish reasons. In Seattle on Queen Anne hill which was my first route.....there were a fuck of a lot of steps with little hedges between the houses. If I jumped the hedges I could save about three hours doing my route and have a few hours to hang out or go to a friends house and still get into the station early. What did it was the shoes. The old military spit and polish ones were fucking dangerous up here where it rains much of the winter. A lot of letter carriers would slip and land on thier asses and the PO knew it but being a fuckin military outfit at the time they didn't want to make any changes. As a union rep I could go to meetings and demand something that made sense for everybody. Safety and comfort for the carriers and efficiency that made the Sups look like geniuses. When the shoes were approved that put a crack in the whole fiscade of the "military" look and the neck ties and hats were soon to follow into the circular file. There were a few old timers that resented the changes but believe me most of the carriers at Queen Anne station thought I was a fuckin hero.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Yes, clearly these are their TRUE motives, because deep down they want people to stop paying them. Then the company they work for can go out of business and provding them a living. Not a very good business plan.
No, they want the people who won't need to make claims to keep paying them. Big difference.


:clap2: It took 90+ posts but you nailed it in 17 words.
Yes, clearly these are their TRUE motives, because deep down they want people to stop paying them. Then the company they work for can go out of business and provding them a living. Not a very good business plan.
No, they want the people who won't need to make claims to keep paying them. Big difference.


This is true but this is how they stay in business because insuring someone is a risk and the higher the risk the more it will cost people but the idea that insurance companies don't pay out is absurd because you can go through an accounting detail of any insurance company and there will be a huge column called "expenditures" which is usually the payouts. And don't give me the crap that they don't pay out when they are contractly obligated to because they are legally bound to do it.

I personally feel pretty confident in the fact that they will pay whatever they agreed to pay for under the agreement that I signed with them. I do not have a right to ask for things outside of what they agreed to pay for.

Don't you understand what an agreement is and forcing people to do things without them agreeing to it is an infringement of their liberty. It would be like me demanding you pay my rent and having the government force you to do it without you agreeing to it. You would definately feel that you did not have a choice in the matter and that your liberty is being threatened.
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