Insurrection! Rioters Are Currently Trying To Break Into The Portland Police Bureau Building With Hammers And Axes

Damn cops are on strike breaking into their own building and setting it on fire. That's all it is. Using textbook labor-union tactics of violence to demand and extort better pay and benefits.
Oh, it’s just armed Biden supporters breaking into government buildings. Non issue.
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fake news.

It’s common for Leftards to be totally ignorant.

Why are Trump supporters allegedly going after a police station?

Why are xiden supporters allegedly going after a police station?

There is no allegedly about it
Hate to break up your love fest with coyote, but she has never condemned any of the violence committed by the DNC/BLM/Antifa bunch during the past year.
Love fest? Perhaps you should read my posts in this thread. All of them.

But her TDS, shines brightly when she says that speaking the words "fight like hell" incites insurrection.
I agree that Coyote sees things with tinted glasses on some things. That's pretty much true for all of us. Some just try harder to remain impartial. Some days are harder than others.

OTOH, these leftist groups have been responsible for over 200 riots in the US in the past year and that has been proven.
No disagreement there. I don't know if the number is correct, but it wouldn't surprise me. OTOH, the only thing I care about is the truth as I see it. I disagree that Coyote is stupid. If I thought otherwise, I'd say it. I'm not shy. Ask Dana.

I stand by my previous post on the topic.
That, of course, was my very point regarding Coyote wringing her hands over the assault on the Capitol building by a relatively small number of knuckleheads when we literally have Democratic mayors, for example, telling cops not to stop leftist thugs from assaulting Trump supporters in San Antonio, Portland, Baltimore. . . .
I agree with this. Perhaps not with the exact wording, but what is trying to be communicated. Portland is an easy one. They, the government, refused to prosecute people trying to damage, successfully, and burn down, unsuccessfully, a federal building. News has the damages in 2 million plus.
That, of course, was my very point regarding Coyote wringing her hands over the assault on the Capitol building by a relatively small number of knuckleheads when we literally have Democratic mayors, for example, telling cops not to stop leftist thugs from assaulting Trump supporters in San Antonio, Portland, Baltimore. . . .
I agree with this. Perhaps not with the exact wording, but what is trying to be communicated. Portland is an easy one. They, the government, refused to prosecute people trying to damage, successfully, and burn down, unsuccessfully, a federal building. News has the damages in 2 million plus.
Ted Wheeler has always been invested in appearing cool in hipsterland. Interestingly, his main challenge comes from even FARTHER left among the unabashed ANTIFA supporters as opposed to his mere tacit support.

That, of course, was my very point regarding Coyote wringing her hands over the assault on the Capitol building by a relatively small number of knuckleheads when we literally have Democratic mayors, for example, telling cops not to stop leftist thugs from assaulting Trump supporters in San Antonio, Portland, Baltimore. . . .
Over 100k attended the peaceful protest.
So far, only 250 have been arrested.
That is a MUCH better "peace rate" than the left's claim of 97% peaceful, but the left wants to end the First Amendment over a FRACTION OF ONE PERCENT
I have never tried to justify or excuse the rioters of January 6th but it sure seems like that is the only riot the left won't excuse or try and justify. If these kind of riots and violence only outrage you when it helps you push your political narrative then you have no issue with riots and violence you are fine with that it's who is doing it and why that you have the issue with.

That, of course, was my very point regarding Coyote wringing her hands over the assault on the Capitol building by a relatively small number of knuckleheads when we literally have Democratic mayors, for example, telling cops not to stop leftist thugs from assaulting Trump supporters in San Antonio, Portland, Baltimore. . . .
None of what you say is true.

That, of course, was my very point regarding Coyote wringing her hands over the assault on the Capitol building by a relatively small number of knuckleheads when we literally have Democratic mayors, for example, telling cops not to stop leftist thugs from assaulting Trump supporters in San Antonio, Portland, Baltimore. . . .
Over 100k attended the peaceful protest.
So far, only 250 have been arrested.
That is a MUCH better "peace rate" than the left's claim of 97% peaceful, but the left wants to end the First Amendment over a FRACTION OF ONE PERCENT
There weren't 100k in attendance.
Maybe you could sit on a keyboard and type frantically to show you increase of adrenaline. Or you could try to associate them with your political rivals to try and make consternation a hobby.
You should spend a little more time crafting your posts. Your counter debates are severely lacking.

That, of course, was my very point regarding Coyote wringing her hands over the assault on the Capitol building by a relatively small number of knuckleheads when we literally have Democratic mayors, for example, telling cops not to stop leftist thugs from assaulting Trump supporters in San Antonio, Portland, Baltimore. . . .
None of what you say is true.
Its all 100% true and easily provable.
Maybe you could sit on a keyboard and type frantically to show you increase of adrenaline. Or you could try to associate them with your political rivals to try and make consternation a hobby.
You should spend a little more time crafting your posts. Your counter debates are severely lacking.
You see, you should have spent more time on that post. Its sooo uninspired and ineffective. Whats next, "im rubber and you're glue"?
It amazes me that there are people who actually don’t know what it means to attack and ransack the capital and think every riot, assault, and bit of graffiti is can’t fix willful stupidity.
Violence is violence. It amazes me that too many leftists prefer to play semantics rather than call out their own.

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