Intel Community said they altered Rice Talking points

Two weeks after the attack Barry was still blaming the video in front of the world at the U.N. And the question he has yet to answer, and ditto his fluffers, is why?
How convenient...the DNI is covering Obamination's ass now.

The DNI is either lying about changing the CIA's report or he is an idiot changing it.

The DNI works for Obamination.

Scumbag liberals claim Bush and Cheney manipulated the CIA's WMD reports on Iraq, but can't explain the UK's intel community saying Iraq had WMDs. Oh, but they have no problem with the DNI and his IC goons changing the CIA's report on Libya since it didn't fit the boss' campaign talking points....typical hypocrites.

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Two weeks after the attack Barry was still blaming the video in front of the world at the U.N. And the question he has yet to answer, and ditto his fluffers, is why?

Obama loves to appease the Muslims and apologize for our previous behavior.

He sees himself as the great peacemaker. Half Muslim/Half not, Half Black?Half not,

Obama wanted people to go into the voting booth thinking that the attack was a reaction to the video, not that America was attacked by radical Muslims on the anniversary of 9-11...under HIS WATCH!! Oh My God! We are NOT more safe under Obama. Al Quaeda hates his ass too.

Just who the fuck is "the intelligence community"? Someone, somewhere changed it. Using the term intelligence community is like saying the Dallas Cowboys wore a certain color uniform because the NFL said to. Kind of nebulous, no?

Plus, you do realize that you cited a blog, an opinion piece, correct?
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She is intelligent enough to know that she wasn't allowed to talk about classified information. She is more than qualified to for Hillary's job.

So now she did know it was terrorist attack but deliberately put out false information?

Try to get your story straight.

The story is straight. Susan Rice stuck to the approved media talking points put together by the intelligence community at the request of the Select Committee on Foriegn Intelligence, regardless if she was privy to the classified information about the attack or not.

Why did rice get booked on every single talk show out there to get this side of the story out? When in history has a UN ambassador went on to every talk show, news show, etc. to get a single point across like it was a protest over a video. When has a UN ambassador been on so many talk shows in a matter of weeks saying the same thing over and over, and why would they do that?

Here is an easier question that non of you liberals want to answer, why would the government for 2 weeks blame the attack on an obscure youtube and a protest, when they watched the attack happen and that was clearly not the case. They only changed their story when the information came out that, wow there obviously wasn't even a protest? Why did they do that, were they really that misinformed, or is it something else?
So Obama said it was terrorism...
But he didn't say it was terrorism it was an act of terror.
She said it was a video....5 times she said it was a video but it wasn't.
Obama goes around saying it was a video after saying it was an act of terror.

And that's the end of it.
It's their smoke and mirrors trick, claiming the "IC" over there changed the report, "not us."

The IC is made of the FBI, CIA, NSA, NGA, etc so it's convenient they can just blame someone in this huge spaghetti network of organizations for letting the black messiah down with bad information.

Oh, I gurantee the State Department had information it was a terrorist attack from real time calls, emails, blogs, etc....and they're not part of the IC.

Just who the fuck is "the intelligence community"? Someone, somewhere changed it. Using the term intelligence community is like saying the Dallas Cowboys wore a certain color uniform because the NFL said to. Kind of nebulous, no?

Plus, you do realize that you cited a blog, an opinion piece, correct?
The more you RW loons whine, the sillier you look. We all know what your problem is. Willard lost and now you just got to have your pound of flesh. Sorry, there is nothing here. Move along. Obama has the votes in the Senate to confirm Rice. So sit on it and spin...
Clapper is the one who baldfaced lied with a completely straight face in front of Congress when he said the Muslim Brotherhood was a secular progressive organization. He's either a freaking idiot, a forksucking liar, or Obama has his male appendage so far up his rectum, his tonsils are getting tickled so much he can't even breath. If the DNI is that far out of touch with reality this country is in real deep doo doo.
Fuck off you piece of shit.

You praise a cover up of crimes before and after the murder of 4 Americans. You write off the DNI erasing key words from a CIA report to appease his boss, as if his boss didn't tell him to do it.

So if a CEO has his CFO cook the books, I guess his defense in court is well the CFO made the accounting data changes...."not me."

The more you RW loons whine, the sillier you look. We all know what your problem is. Willard lost and now you just got to have your pound of flesh. Sorry, there is nothing here. Move along. Obama has the votes in the Senate to confirm Rice. So sit on it and spin...

A spokesman for the for the DNI says the talking points were not changed after they left the intelligence community, which includes the White House controlled Office of National Intelligence, and I am supposed to believe this proves the White House had nothing to do with it. The interesting part of all of this is that the CIA, the State Department, and the FBI all say they did not alter the talking points, and the White House says it didn't, yet they, obviously, got altered.

Who altered them, and why?
Lost what, asswipe?

We're not talking about the election. Your tiny brain is still stuck on the election because even you can't believe the results given a criminal sits in the White House with unemployment rising and the national debt doubling under his dirty fingers. The rigged voting machines in PA, OH, FL, etc you get 4 more years to further destroy this country.

So your response to lying about Libya is...."you lost?" Typical of a scumbag that should burn in hell.

You lost!
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And she wasn't intelligent enough to see that the talking points were wrong? She just went ahead and spewed the erroneous info anyway? She's not qualified to hold a cabinet position.

Obama knew within 72 hours that it was terrorism, yet he sent a patsy out to lie about it, and we are supposed to believe it was so that the terrorists wouldn't know we have drones.
And the Gate-ist take their rightful place along side the Birthers.....

We need an investigation into the Republicans who are continuously calling for a, um, er, well some kind of "Watergate" investigation into everything this president has been said to have done.

I'd call them Gate-ers but that might piss off Florida Gators fans.....

That might fly if a prominent Democrat was not one of the people asking questions.

And she wasn't intelligent enough to see that the talking points were wrong? She just went ahead and spewed the erroneous info anyway? She's not qualified to hold a cabinet position.

She is intelligent enough to know that she wasn't allowed to talk about classified information. She is more than qualified to for Hillary's job.

There is a difference between saying "We, obviously, can't talk about everything we know" and "There is absolutely no evidence that this was a terrorist attack."

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