Intel Community said they altered Rice Talking points

Susan Rice is totally unqualified to be secretary of state. She's unqualified to be ambassador to the UN. If she was qualified, obama wouldn't have felt the need to protect her. She has drifted and skated along through her ambassadorship.
She is intelligent enough to know that she wasn't allowed to talk about classified information. She is more than qualified to for Hillary's job.

So now she did know it was terrorist attack but deliberately put out false information?

Try to get your story straight.

The story is straight. Susan Rice stuck to the approved media talking points put together by the intelligence community at the request of the Select Committee on Foriegn Intelligence, regardless if she was privy to the classified information about the attack or not.

In other words she prepetuated a lie. It doesn't matter who gave her her marching orders, she lied to the American people by omitting the fact it was a terrorist attack.

By the way, the person who changed the talking points was an Obama appointee, who should be disgraced and fired.

Just who the fuck is "the intelligence community"? Someone, somewhere changed it. Using the term intelligence community is like saying the Dallas Cowboys wore a certain color uniform because the NFL said to. Kind of nebulous, no?

Plus, you do realize that you cited a blog, an opinion piece, correct?

This is the same intelligence community that did not know Petreaus was involved in an extra marital affair until the evening of the election, you can't really expect them to remember details.
Now I'm just getting lost. So Rice was the only spokesperson on the Benghazi attack. The intelligence community gave her talking points that they did not agree with. Absolute no one backed up Rice from the republican's attack even though she was getting attacked for the talking points the intel community sent out. Petraeus testified September 15th that he did not think it was an organized attack but thought differently from day one.

Someone please point out what I am missing here. And please don't link to an article where the information comes from " an intelligence source".
That settles it! The government has identified a fall guy to cover up its own wrongdoing. Not a person, someone who could be questioned and fired if necessary, but surely SOMEONE not in the white house or the state department.
Fuck off you piece of shit.

You praise a cover up of crimes before and after the murder of 4 Americans. You write off the DNI erasing key words from a CIA report to appease his boss, as if his boss didn't tell him to do it.

So if a CEO has his CFO cook the books, I guess his defense in court is well the CFO made the accounting data changes...."not me."

The more you RW loons whine, the sillier you look. We all know what your problem is. Willard lost and now you just got to have your pound of flesh. Sorry, there is nothing here. Move along. Obama has the votes in the Senate to confirm Rice. So sit on it and spin...

There was no cover up.
Fuck off you piece of shit.

You praise a cover up of crimes before and after the murder of 4 Americans. You write off the DNI erasing key words from a CIA report to appease his boss, as if his boss didn't tell him to do it.

So if a CEO has his CFO cook the books, I guess his defense in court is well the CFO made the accounting data changes...."not me."

The more you RW loons whine, the sillier you look. We all know what your problem is. Willard lost and now you just got to have your pound of flesh. Sorry, there is nothing here. Move along. Obama has the votes in the Senate to confirm Rice. So sit on it and spin...

There was no cover up.

Give me one good reason why terrorist and Al Quaeda was left out of the TP's.
And she wasn't intelligent enough to see that the talking points were wrong? She just went ahead and spewed the erroneous info anyway? She's not qualified to hold a cabinet position.

She is intelligent enough to know that she wasn't allowed to talk about classified information. She is more than qualified to for Hillary's job.

There is a difference between saying "We, obviously, can't talk about everything we know" and "There is absolutely no evidence that this was a terrorist attack."

Who said the bolded quote above? The only no evidence quotes I can find from the WH personal are that there was no evidence that it was a pre-planned attack.

Here's what Rice said on Meet the Press.

Well, let us-- let me tell you the-- the best information we have at present. First of all, there’s an FBI investigation which is ongoing. And we look to that investigation to give us the definitive word as to what transpired. But putting together the best information that we have available to us today our current assessment is that what happened in Benghazi was in fact initially a spontaneous reaction to what had just transpired hours before in Cairo, almost a copycat of-- of the demonstrations against our facility in Cairo, which were prompted, of course, by the video. What we think then transpired in Benghazi is that opportunistic extremist elements came to the consulate as this was unfolding. They came with heavy weapons which unfortunately are readily available in post revolutionary Libya. And it escalated into a much more violent episode. Obviously, that’s-- that’s our best judgment now. We’ll await the results of the investigation.

September 16: Benjamin Netanyahu, Susan Rice, Keith Ellison, Peter King, Bob Woodward, Jeffrey Goldberg, Andrea Mitchell - Meet the Press - Transcripts | NBC News
Fuck off you piece of shit.

You praise a cover up of crimes before and after the murder of 4 Americans. You write off the DNI erasing key words from a CIA report to appease his boss, as if his boss didn't tell him to do it.

So if a CEO has his CFO cook the books, I guess his defense in court is well the CFO made the accounting data changes...."not me."

There was no cover up.

Give me one good reason why terrorist and Al Quaeda was left out of the TP's.

Sources: Office of the DNI cut "al Qaeda" reference from Benghazi talking points, and CIA, FBI signed off - CBS News

Another source, a senior U.S. official familiar with the drafting of the talking points, tells CBS News the "controversy this word choice has caused came as a surprise."

"The points were not, as has been insinuated by some, edited to minimize the role of extremists, diminish terrorist affiliations, or play down that this was an attack," the official tells CBS News, adding that there were "legitimate intelligence and legal issues to consider, as is almost always the case when explaining classified assessments publicly."

"Most people understand that saying 'extremists' were involved in a direct assault on the mission isn't shying away from the idea of terrorist involvement," added the official. "Because of the various elements involved in the attack, the term extremist was meant to capture the range of participants."

Several militant groups have been eyed as likely culprits, including the Islamic extremist militia Ansar al Sharia, which was based in Eastern Libya and enjoyed huge power in Benghazi before the attack. Gen. Carter Ham, chief of the U.S. Africa Command, said recently that there were "linkages" between al Qaeda and some of the people who attacked the consulate and the CIA annex about a mile away.
That settles it! The government has identified a fall guy to cover up its own wrongdoing. Not a person, someone who could be questioned and fired if necessary, but surely SOMEONE not in the white house or the state department.

No, no,'s a guy by the name of T. Intelligence Community.
fuck off you piece of shit.

You praise a cover up of crimes before and after the murder of 4 americans. You write off the dni erasing key words from a cia report to appease his boss, as if his boss didn't tell him to do it.

So if a ceo has his cfo cook the books, i guess his defense in court is well the cfo made the accounting data changes...."not me."

the more you rw loons whine, the sillier you look. We all know what your problem is. Willard lost and now you just got to have your pound of flesh. Sorry, there is nothing here. Move along. Obama has the votes in the senate to confirm rice. So sit on it and spin...

there was no cover up.

Since you are unable/unwilling to answer my first question, try this one:

Why was our UN Ambassador representing the Intelligence Community?

Are you sure you want to ask this incredibly dumb question?


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And she wasn't intelligent enough to see that the talking points were wrong? She just went ahead and spewed the erroneous info anyway? She's not qualified to hold a cabinet position.

She is intelligent enough to know that she wasn't allowed to talk about classified information. She is more than qualified to for Hillary's job.

There is a difference between saying "We, obviously, can't talk about everything we know" and "There is absolutely no evidence that this was a terrorist attack."

Who are you quoting and-----and do you have a link to your quote "There is absolutely no evidence that this was a terrorist attack.". I just Googled your quote, this...

No results found for "There is absolutely no evidence that this was a terrorist attack.". what came up. Question: is Google wrong or are you making stuff up again?
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Since you are unable/unwilling to answer my first question, try this one:

Why was our UN Ambassador representing the Intelligence Community?

Are you sure you want to ask this incredibly dumb question?



Nice picture, but why was that a dumb question? When have we ever had a U.N. ambassador representing the intelligence community in regards to a terrorist attack? Never!
There was no cover up.

Give me one good reason why terrorist and Al Quaeda was left out of the TP's.

Sources: Office of the DNI cut "al Qaeda" reference from Benghazi talking points, and CIA, FBI signed off - CBS News

Another source, a senior U.S. official familiar with the drafting of the talking points, tells CBS News the "controversy this word choice has caused came as a surprise."

"The points were not, as has been insinuated by some, edited to minimize the role of extremists, diminish terrorist affiliations, or play down that this was an attack," the official tells CBS News, adding that there were "legitimate intelligence and legal issues to consider, as is almost always the case when explaining classified assessments publicly."

"Most people understand that saying 'extremists' were involved in a direct assault on the mission isn't shying away from the idea of terrorist involvement," added the official. "Because of the various elements involved in the attack, the term extremist was meant to capture the range of participants."

Several militant groups have been eyed as likely culprits, including the Islamic extremist militia Ansar al Sharia, which was based in Eastern Libya and enjoyed huge power in Benghazi before the attack. Gen. Carter Ham, chief of the U.S. Africa Command, said recently that there were "linkages" between al Qaeda and some of the people who attacked the consulate and the CIA annex about a mile away.

Maybe you can say we left out Al Queda for intelligence purposes, but that doesn't explain why we didn't call it a terrorist attack. There is no reason, other than political, to not call it a terrorist attack. The fact that an Obama appointee was the one to change the talking points makes it that more suspicious.
This guy John Q Intelligence-Community sure alters a lot of reports in the Obama administration. I wonder if anyone knows him and if they can call him before a Congressional committee to answer some very important questions? I think that I read somewhere that John Q Intelligence-Community chairs the Presidential Fall-Guy Committee.
She is intelligent enough to know that she wasn't allowed to talk about classified information. She is more than qualified to for Hillary's job.

There is a difference between saying "We, obviously, can't talk about everything we know" and "There is absolutely no evidence that this was a terrorist attack."

Who said the bolded quote above? The only no evidence quotes I can find from the WH personal are that there was no evidence that it was a pre-planned attack.

Here's what Rice said on Meet the Press.

Well, let us-- let me tell you the-- the best information we have at present. First of all, there’s an FBI investigation which is ongoing. And we look to that investigation to give us the definitive word as to what transpired. But putting together the best information that we have available to us today our current assessment is that what happened in Benghazi was in fact initially a spontaneous reaction to what had just transpired hours before in Cairo, almost a copycat of-- of the demonstrations against our facility in Cairo, which were prompted, of course, by the video. What we think then transpired in Benghazi is that opportunistic extremist elements came to the consulate as this was unfolding. They came with heavy weapons which unfortunately are readily available in post revolutionary Libya. And it escalated into a much more violent episode. Obviously, that’s-- that’s our best judgment now. We’ll await the results of the investigation.

September 16: Benjamin Netanyahu, Susan Rice, Keith Ellison, Peter King, Bob Woodward, Jeffrey Goldberg, Andrea Mitchell - Meet the Press - Transcripts | NBC News

That was a lie at that point, as I already pointed out in my own thread. Strangely enough, no one ever responded to it.

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