Intel operation against Trump still going strong

If the mainstream media was honest we would have been aware that the FBI engaged in an attempted political coup. The CIA with all it's secrets has done nothing in the last fifty years except betray the U.S. and accuse republican administrations of ludicrous stuff like the fake allegation of "outing socialite Valery Plame". Something needs to be done about the runaway "intel" agencies and maybe Trump will get around to it in the next term.

Moron, hacking in question happened in 2016.

What Russians?

What did they talk about?

Can you site US Code that was violated which can be used as justification for Robert Mueller, and The White House Espionage Operation against The Trump Campaign?

Where is the references regarding The Dirty Dossier from Russia composed by Steele and Skirpal through their Contacts in The Kremlin? Obama, Clinton and The DNC paid $14 Million for that Dossier and it's sole purpose was to disrupt the 2016 Election, and then it was weaponized against The President by The FBI and DOJ moles in FISA Court hand picked and planted by Obama.
Obama has been gone for more than 2 years...



Why is your savior not doing something about it? It is his DOJ...

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Intel operation against Trump still going strong

But I think there’s one shocking aspect — perhaps a larger story — that’s gone virtually unreported. It appears that anonymous intelligence officials are executing an operation against the sitting commander-in-chief. It might not qualify as all-out mutiny, but it’s also not all that far from one.
making up shit and then attacking anyone who doesn't believe your lie seems to be the mantra of the left right now.
No one is buying the Trump as a "victim" red herring/lie.
Seems long on accusations and short on evidence

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Well yeah...…..I've yet to see any proof of collusion, soooo.....
I've yet to see ANY evidence of ANYTHING.

It's hard to take you seriously when you say rediculous nonsence like that.

Campaign MET WITH RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT REPS AT TRUMP TOWER TO GET DIRT ON HILLARY and then Trump personally lied to Americans by penning a letter for his son who arranged that meeting.

How the hell is that not evidence that campaign was actively looking to work with Russians and then was covering it up?

You can say the evidence is not conclusive for a criminal case, you CAN'T say there is no evidence of collaboration.


Moron, hacking in question happened in 2016.

What Russians?

Idiot, the graph was used to show the timeline of hacking. There is no way for Obama to know about hacking in 2014 BECAUSE IT DIDN'T HAPPEN.
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Intel operation against Trump still going strong

But I think there’s one shocking aspect — perhaps a larger story — that’s gone virtually unreported. It appears that anonymous intelligence officials are executing an operation against the sitting commander-in-chief. It might not qualify as all-out mutiny, but it’s also not all that far from one.
making up shit and then attacking anyone who doesn't believe your lie seems to be the mantra of the left right now.
We have a retard in the White House

  • Intelligence officers have been warned not to give President Donald Trump assessments that contradict his public comments, according to a new report from TIME.
  • Multiple intelligence officers told TIME that Trump often has trouble paying attention to or wholly disregards assessments from agents, at whom he lashes out if he disagrees with their findings.
  • The report is the latest account of Trump's disregard for the intelligence community, which he often lambastes on Twitter.
You got this from Time magazine right? And you still expect it to be believed?

Not a chance.
I don't expect you to believe Time. I expect YOU to believe Trump the liar.
Intel operation against Trump still going strong

But I think there’s one shocking aspect — perhaps a larger story — that’s gone virtually unreported. It appears that anonymous intelligence officials are executing an operation against the sitting commander-in-chief. It might not qualify as all-out mutiny, but it’s also not all that far from one.
making up shit and then attacking anyone who doesn't believe your lie seems to be the mantra of the left right now.
We have a retard in the White House

  • Intelligence officers have been warned not to give President Donald Trump assessments that contradict his public comments, according to a new report from TIME.
  • Multiple intelligence officers told TIME that Trump often has trouble paying attention to or wholly disregards assessments from agents, at whom he lashes out if he disagrees with their findings.
  • The report is the latest account of Trump's disregard for the intelligence community, which he often lambastes on Twitter.
You got this from Time magazine right? And you still expect it to be believed?

Not a chance.

And yet the moron above uses “lifesite news” and it is believed like it was handed down by Moses himself.

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neither of which have shit to do with the topic nor reporter who is authoring this opinion.
Time is not going to hide the crazy shit Trump does. When it reports you call the facts fake news. That's just because you don't like the truth.

Look what else I got from Time.

Upset by a tell-all book, President Donald Trump has again threatened a former staffer by noting that they signed a non-disclosure agreement, a move that historians say is unprecedented.

When former campaign aide and White House communications adviser Cliff Sims’ book “Team of Vipers” came out this week, Trump tweeted that his former staffer was a “mess” and “nothing more than a gofer,” adding “he signed a non-disclosure agreement.”

You guys get mad when people leak that Trump is crazy? What is wrong with YOU?
You Trump sheep have said a 1000 time on convictions no crime...I am just holding you to your own standard.

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Who was going to prosecute them?....Holder?....Lynch?....I'll take "shit that's never going to happen" for $1,000, Alex.

Now buzz off, you moonbat hack fake libertarian.

Your savior now controls the DOJ, seems it is their job to prosecute.

Funny as hell a guy that calls himself an anarchist kissing the ass of the leader of the government!

You are such a fraud!

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Moron, hacking in question happened in 2016.
Obama team was warned in 2014 about Russian interference

"The Obama administration received multiple warnings from national security officials between 2014 and 2016 that the Kremlin was ramping up its intelligence operations and building disinformation networks it could use to disrupt the U.S. political system, according to more than half a dozen current and former officials.

As early as 2014, the administration received a report that quoted a well-connected Russian source as saying that the Kremlin was building a disinformation arm that could be used to interfere in Western democracies. The report, according to an official familiar with it, included a quote from the Russian source telling U.S. officials in Moscow, "You have no idea how extensive these networks are in Europe ... and in the U.S., Russia has penetrated media organizations, lobbying firms, political parties, governments and militaries in all of these places."

POLITICO spoke with more than a dozen current and former officials from across the national security spectrum, including intelligence agencies, the State Department and the Pentagon. Almost all said they were aware of Russia’s aggressive cyberespionage and disinformation campaigns — especially after the dramatic Russian attempt to hack Ukrainian elections in 2014 — but felt that either the White House or key agencies were unwilling to act forcefully to counter the Russian actions.

Intelligence officials "had a list of things they could never get the signoffs on,” one intelligence official said. “The truth is, nobody wanted to piss off the Russians.”

The Obama administration said it was shocked at the abilities / capabilities the Russians had to affect the Ukrainian election in 2014:

We were worried [Putin] would try to test us,” recalled a former Obama administration official."

"U.S. intelligence and law enforcement officials worked frantically to compile retaliatory options for the Obama White House. Despite being presented with several strategies — including more aggressively tailing Russian diplomats in the U.S. — it (OBAMA) opted to do nothing immediately."

-- "Another former intelligence official put it this way: “The longer we don’t push back, the harder they push.”

“They were warned. They underestimated it until it was too late,” the current administration official said of the Obama White House and Russia, with a tinge of bitterness. “They just didn’t know how to deal with the bad guys.”


In 2014 the Russians began attempting to hack the power grid, was attempting to hack the e-mails / servers of senior officials within the Obama administration, and began running their Counter-Intel Ops using social media that resulted in liberal snowflakes organizing and marching for the Russians.
Intel operation against Trump still going strong

But I think there’s one shocking aspect — perhaps a larger story — that’s gone virtually unreported. It appears that anonymous intelligence officials are executing an operation against the sitting commander-in-chief. It might not qualify as all-out mutiny, but it’s also not all that far from one.
making up shit and then attacking anyone who doesn't believe your lie seems to be the mantra of the left right now.

The intel agencies are not "the left", dope.

In the wake of President Donald Trump’s renewed attacks on the U.S. intelligence community this week, senior intelligence briefers are breaking two years of silence to warn that the President is endangering American security with what they say is a stubborn disregard for their assessments.

Citing multiple in-person episodes, these intelligence officials say Trump displays what one called “willful ignorance” when presented with analyses. The officials describe futile attempts to keep his attention by using visual aids, confining some briefing points to two or three sentences, and repeating his name and title as frequently as possible.

What is most troubling, say these officials and others in government and on Capitol Hill who have been briefed on the episodes, are Trump’s angry reactions when he is given information that contradicts positions he has taken. Two intelligence officers even reported that they have been warned to avoid giving the President intelligence assessments that contradict stances he has taken in public.

Do you doubt this stuff is true?
Why is your savior not doing something about it? It is his DOJ
Oh, so it is time to play the 'Stupid' game, huh, your favorite game?

After being advised by Deputy US AG Rosenstein the President already fired the criminal FBI Director Comey...and immediately after the guy who made the case for the President to fire him, Rosenstein, turned around and recommended the President be investigated for Obstruction. To protect their conspiracy / coup for 2+ years the Democrats threatened to Impeach the President from taking any action - no matter how deserved / appropriate / justified, against the Conspirators. So, knowing there is nothing there, the President is content to 'ride it out', especially since Mueller and his fellow conspirators have done such an excellent job exposing democrat / his fellow conspirators' and his own crimes.

Seems long on accusations and short on evidence

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Well yeah...…..I've yet to see any proof of collusion, soooo.....
I've yet to see ANY evidence of ANYTHING.

It's hard to take you seriously when you say rediculous nonsence like that.

Campaign MET WITH RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT REPS AT TRUMP TOWER TO GET DIRT ON HILLARY and then Trump personally lied to Americans by penning a letter for his son who arranged that meeting.

How the hell is that not evidence that campaign was actively looking to work with Russians and then was covering it up?

You can say the evidence is not conclusive for a criminal case, you CAN'T say there is no evidence of collaboration.


Moron, hacking in question happened in 2016.

What Russians?

Idiot, the graph was used to show the timeline of hacking. There is no way for Obama to know about hacking in 2014 BECAUSE IT DIDN'T HAPPEN.

Is getting dirt on Hillary or Trump a crime?

Where is The Hillary Clinton Russian Authored Dossier?

You must really want her and Obama in jail for purchasing Dirt on Trump during The Election. Fake dirt that traitors in The DOJ and FBI knew was fake, knew came from Russia, and knew was paid for and delivered to them by The Democrat Party, Clinton & Obama.

So what is your sentence on that? What should we do with Clinton, Obama, Podesta and all the other players who went out to "get dirt on Trump" paid for it, and then used it to set up an unethical wire tapping operation on The Trump Campaign to attempt to impact The 2016 Election?
Why is your savior not doing something about it? It is his DOJ
Oh, so it is time to play the 'Stupid' game, huh, your favorite game?

After being advised by Deputy US AG Rosenstein the President already fired the criminal FBI Director Comey...and immediately after the guy who made the case for the President to fire him, Rosenstein, turned around and recommended the President be investigated for Obstruction. To protect their conspiracy / coup for 2+ years the Democrats threatened to Impeach the President from taking any action - no matter how deserved / appropriate / justified, against the Conspirators. So, knowing there is nothing there, the President is content to 'ride it out', especially since Mueller and his fellow conspirators have done such an excellent job exposing democrat / his fellow conspirators' and his own crimes.


So, your savior in the White House is letting criminals go free for political expedient wonder you worship him.

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Intel operation against Trump still going strong

But I think there’s one shocking aspect — perhaps a larger story — that’s gone virtually unreported. It appears that anonymous intelligence officials are executing an operation against the sitting commander-in-chief. It might not qualify as all-out mutiny, but it’s also not all that far from one.
making up shit and then attacking anyone who doesn't believe your lie seems to be the mantra of the left right now.

The intel agencies are not "the left", dope.

In the wake of President Donald Trump’s renewed attacks on the U.S. intelligence community this week, senior intelligence briefers are breaking two years of silence to warn that the President is endangering American security with what they say is a stubborn disregard for their assessments.

Citing multiple in-person episodes, these intelligence officials say Trump displays what one called “willful ignorance” when presented with analyses. The officials describe futile attempts to keep his attention by using visual aids, confining some briefing points to two or three sentences, and repeating his name and title as frequently as possible.

What is most troubling, say these officials and others in government and on Capitol Hill who have been briefed on the episodes, are Trump’s angry reactions when he is given information that contradicts positions he has taken. Two intelligence officers even reported that they have been warned to avoid giving the President intelligence assessments that contradict stances he has taken in public.

Do you doubt this stuff is true?
You were all upset when your Deep State buddies, lied to President Bush about WMDs in Iraq and advised the country to go to war over there so The US taxpayers could make defense contractors rich,

Now all of a sudden these same people are 100% accurate with their opinions?
So, your savior in the White House is letting criminals go free for political expedient wonder you worship him.

STILL playing the 'Stupid Game'? :p

Sorry, the President is too smart to fall for some childish goading, especially since Mueller - and snowflakes - have showed their hand.

Mueller proved long ago, when he set out trying to entrap / snare Trump associates and attempting to offer them 'a deal' if they agreed to testify ... or 'testaLIE' ... against him that he and the Democrats had / have NOTHING on him. For 2 years Mueller has been on one huge fishing trip, trawling for anyone who could give him what he did not and still does not have - EVIDENCE. Being smarter than Mueller and the Conspirators, the President knows all he has to do is wait for their little theatrical witch hunt to come to it inevitable conclusion. Once that happens, depending on if he has a truly objective US AG in the seat at the end of this, the DOJ can go after Hillary, Clapper, Brennan, Rosenstein, Comey, McCabe, Baker, Strzok,...and perhaps others, opening up Independent investigations on the Conspirators based on all the evidence they were kind enough to expose.

You think this ends with Mueller's expected 'nasty note' coming up?

Bwuhahahahaha.....silly snowflake :p
So, your savior in the White House is letting criminals go free for political expedient wonder you worship him.

STILL playing the 'Stupid Game'? :p

Sorry, the President is too smart to fall for some childish goading, especially since Mueller - and snowflakes - have showed their hand.

Mueller proved long ago, when he set out trying to entrap / snare Trump associates and attempting to offer them 'a deal' if they agreed to testify ... or 'testaLIE' ... against him that he and the Democrats had / have NOTHING on him. For 2 years Mueller has been on one huge fishing trip, trawling for anyone who could give him what he did not and still does not have - EVIDENCE. Being smarter than Mueller and the Conspirators, the President knows all he has to do is wait for their little theatrical witch hunt to come to it inevitable conclusion. Once that happens, depending on if he has a truly objective US AG in the seat at the end of this, the DOJ can go after Hillary, Clapper, Brennan, Rosenstein, Comey, McCabe, Baker, Strzok,...and perhaps others, opening up Independent investigations on the Conspirators based on all the evidence they were kind enough to expose.

You think this ends with Mueller's expected 'nasty note' coming up?

Bwuhahahahaha.....silly snowflake :p

All this covering for your savior and still no charges and nobody is in Trump sheep have told us 1000 time “no conviction no crime”!!

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Makes you wonder why he doesn’t sit down with the OIC and clear it all up. He said he wanted to about 18 months ago. What happened?

That's because his lawyers know that the interrogators have no interest in interrogation only in setting out perjury traps.


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