Intel operation against Trump still going strong

All this covering for your savior and still no charges and nobody is in jail....

As all of this has been addressed .... literally DOZENS of times .. yet you continue to cling to the childish repetitive talking point mantra that ignores the facts, which makes you look like an imbecile by the way, it is a complete waste of time ... wasting any more time ... on your permanently TDS-addled mind.

As usual, you can continue to play with yourself / all by yourself.
All this covering for your savior and still no charges and nobody is in jail....

As all of this has been addressed .... literally DOZENS of times .. yet you continue to cling to the childish repetitive talking point mantra that ignores the facts, which makes you look like an imbecile by the way, it is a complete waste of time ... wasting any more time ... on your permanently TDS-addled mind.

As usual, you can continue to play with yourself / all by yourself.

Yep, you continue to parrot the same tired talking points and keep making failed predictions.

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Hacking in question happened in 2016. Is there some part of that you THINK you can actually refute? :lol:

There may have been general warnings about Kremlin possibly looking to do something, but thats certainly different from knowing what exactly they are going to do and therefore how to prevent it.

Seems long on accusations and short on evidence

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Well yeah...…..I've yet to see any proof of collusion, soooo.....
I've yet to see ANY evidence of ANYTHING.

It's hard to take you seriously when you say rediculous nonsence like that.

Campaign MET WITH RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT REPS AT TRUMP TOWER TO GET DIRT ON HILLARY and then Trump personally lied to Americans by penning a letter for his son who arranged that meeting.

How the hell is that not evidence that campaign was actively looking to work with Russians and then was covering it up?

You can say the evidence is not conclusive for a criminal case, you CAN'T say there is no evidence of collaboration.


Moron, hacking in question happened in 2016.

What Russians?

Idiot, the graph was used to show the timeline of hacking. There is no way for Obama to know about hacking in 2014 BECAUSE IT DIDN'T HAPPEN.

Is getting dirt on Hillary or Trump a crime?

Yes it is - if the dirt was illegally obtained (hacked), illegally desciminated with a coordination from campaign as part of quid-pro-quo, illegally lied about to Congress/FBI and then topped off with illegal Obstruction of Justice.
Makes you wonder why he doesn’t sit down with the OIC and clear it all up. He said he wanted to about 18 months ago. What happened?

That's because his lawyers know that the interrogators have no interest in interrogation only in setting out perjury traps.


You cannot get caught in a "perjury trap" unless you're lying. All Trump has to do is tell the truth. The problem is that Donald Trump NEVER, ever tells the truth.

I find it fascinating that Trumpbots are still saying that the orange baboon is innocent of all crimes and there was no collusion, when Trump's press conference in Helsinki, his tweets, his public statements say otherwise. His every foreign policy move has benefitted Putin and Russia far more than the USA. His trade war has exaserbated and increased the US trade imbalance with China.

Vladimir Putin bragged to the German press that he has no diffculty getting Trump to do what he wants. While members of Trump's own party are begging him not to do more damage to the country or the party.

And still you lot feign ignorance of his crimes. There is no so blind as those who will not see.
You cannot get caught in a "perjury trap" unless you're lying. All Trump has to do is tell the truth. The problem is that Donald Trump NEVER, ever tells the truth
You get caught in perjury traps by mis-remembering something inconsequential that happened years ago, and by being asked the same questions over and over again, as the inquisitors wait until you give a slightly different account.....In any event, the "lies" have nothing to do with the underlying case.

I find it fascinating that Trumpbots are still saying that the orange baboon is innocent of all crimes and there was no collusion, when Trump's press conference in Helsinki, his tweets, his public statements say otherwise. His every foreign policy move has benefitted Putin and Russia far more than the USA. His trade war has exaserbated and increased the US trade imbalance with China.

Vladimir Putin bragged to the German press that he has no diffculty getting Trump to do what he wants. While members of Trump's own party are begging him not to do more damage to the country or the party.

And still you lot feign ignorance of his crimes. There is no so blind as those who will not see.

You cannot get caught in a "perjury trap" unless you're lying. All Trump has to do is tell the truth. The problem is that Donald Trump NEVER, ever tells the truth
You get caught in perjury traps by mis-remembering something inconsequential that happened years ago, and by being asked the same questions over and over again, as the inquisitors wait until you give a slightly different account.....In any event, the "lies" have nothing to do with the underlying case.

I find it fascinating that Trumpbots are still saying that the orange baboon is innocent of all crimes and there was no collusion, when Trump's press conference in Helsinki, his tweets, his public statements say otherwise. His every foreign policy move has benefitted Putin and Russia far more than the USA. His trade war has exaserbated and increased the US trade imbalance with China.

Vladimir Putin bragged to the German press that he has no diffculty getting Trump to do what he wants. While members of Trump's own party are begging him not to do more damage to the country or the party.

And still you lot feign ignorance of his crimes. There is no so blind as those who will not see.

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It's odd, that Mueller has only been able to pin this kind of petty stuff on anyone. That's pretty much proof that he doesn't have a crime to investigate and he is just stretching out his time, and collecting as much cash as he can before he is forced to wrap it up.

They will never find Russian Collusion, and when Mueller is done with his Hoax Investigation it's going to leave a stink on The Democrat Party that nothing is ever going to be able to remove.

If you can't find Russian Collusion on a man's family, his campaign and even volunteers that worked for him, even when you tried to set them up, after keeping them all under 24-7 surveillance in violation of their Civil Rights for two years......if you can't find collusion by wire tapping The President's phone calls, confiscating all the emails and texts of his family and campaign workers, and you have all that data, recordings, emails, and millions of documents......then you have nothing....and never will have anything, and "the investigation" like I have said is just an extension of Obama & Clinton's 2016 Campaign smear operation against The President.... It's a political witch hunt worthy of The Kremlin.

Once they got in this far that they are willing to commit fraud, perjury, treason etc.......they have no choice to see it to the end.....and Mueller is there to see they can extricate themselves out of treason, sedition and a Failed COUP attempt, and get away without a mark....just like Lynch and Comey did for Clinton with her email server.
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Seems long on accusations and short on evidence

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sharyl is not known for just lobbing shit on a wall. we'll see where it goes.

Whatever anyone believes on this matter, one thing is undeniable——> all involved know each other. From Hilly, to Steele, to Fusion, to the Ohrs, to Mcabe, to Brennan, to Deripaska, to Vezelnitzskia, to Strozk, Paige, going on to the clean up guy Muehler.

Trump is the only person on the planet with the power to stick it right up their cans through declassification. If he doesn’t, it is on him, period!

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Well, perhaps you shouldn't hold your breath on that...

imo he won't release the classified information, because it DOES NOT exonerate him.... he wants to keep the truth from us...

but suppose, we will see soon enough who is right or who is wrong, on that....
You cannot get caught in a "perjury trap" unless you're lying. All Trump has to do is tell the truth. The problem is that Donald Trump NEVER, ever tells the truth
You get caught in perjury traps by mis-remembering something inconsequential that happened years ago, and by being asked the same questions over and over again, as the inquisitors wait until you give a slightly different account.....In any event, the "lies" have nothing to do with the underlying case.

I find it fascinating that Trumpbots are still saying that the orange baboon is innocent of all crimes and there was no collusion, when Trump's press conference in Helsinki, his tweets, his public statements say otherwise. His every foreign policy move has benefitted Putin and Russia far more than the USA. His trade war has exaserbated and increased the US trade imbalance with China.

Vladimir Putin bragged to the German press that he has no diffculty getting Trump to do what he wants. While members of Trump's own party are begging him not to do more damage to the country or the party.

And still you lot feign ignorance of his crimes. There is no so blind as those who will not see.

View attachment 244077

No you cannot get caught in a perjury trap by "misremembering inconsequential details". That's yet another lie. You get charged with perjury because you LIE about the things you've done, not inconsequentlals stuff like whether or not it's raining, as Trump has suggested.

Trump has been publically lying about his cooperation with Russia since the day he begged Russia to find Hillary's hacked emails, and they went after them that day. Every time he's been caught in lies, he changes the story and lies some more. Now, he's caught, and all you Russian posters have been going batshit crazy since the Democrats took the House, and the House started launching REAL investigations of Trump's crimes since being in office, instead of the white wash Republicans have been doing.
It's odd, that Mueller has only been able to pin this kind of petty stuff on anyone. That's pretty much proof that he doesn't have a crime to investigate and he is just stretching out his time, and collecting as much cash as he can before he is forced to wrap it up.

They will never find Russian Collusion, and when Mueller is done with his Hoax Investigation it's going to leave a stink on The Democrat Party that nothing is ever going to be able to remove.
He's stretching out because he's running a deliberate coverup operation.....He has a lot of democrat turds to try and bury.
You cannot get caught in a "perjury trap" unless you're lying. All Trump has to do is tell the truth. The problem is that Donald Trump NEVER, ever tells the truth
You get caught in perjury traps by mis-remembering something inconsequential that happened years ago, and by being asked the same questions over and over again, as the inquisitors wait until you give a slightly different account.....In any event, the "lies" have nothing to do with the underlying case.

I find it fascinating that Trumpbots are still saying that the orange baboon is innocent of all crimes and there was no collusion, when Trump's press conference in Helsinki, his tweets, his public statements say otherwise. His every foreign policy move has benefitted Putin and Russia far more than the USA. His trade war has exaserbated and increased the US trade imbalance with China.

Vladimir Putin bragged to the German press that he has no diffculty getting Trump to do what he wants. While members of Trump's own party are begging him not to do more damage to the country or the party.

And still you lot feign ignorance of his crimes. There is no so blind as those who will not see.

View attachment 244077


Everyone of his campaign team questioned, all not "remembering" the exact same thing... their personal contact with Russian operatives during the campaign, is simply not reality or even in the realm of a possibility of being feasible, Oddball?

It's impossible that all of them simply did not "remember"....
And then you would have to ask, Why lie? why did they lie?
donald trump and his merry band of unscrupulous liars are a threat to national security.
Everyone of his campaign team questioned, all not "remembering" the exact same thing... their personal contact with Russian operatives during the campaign, is simply not reality or even in the realm of a possibility of being feasible, Oddball?

It's impossible that all of them simply did not "remember"....
And then you would have to ask, Why lie? why did they lie?
Both Corsi and Stone have said repeatedly that things they're being gigged over are forgotten e-mails form yeas ago and petty details that they gave slightly varying accounts of, all of which have zero to do with the underlying case.

Meanwhile, party man team players like you continue to carry the water for people we know, and have evidence of, directly and willfully lying to congress.

But you just go ahead and keep licking those jackboots, darlin'.
our intelligence agencies would be remiss to turn a blind eye to team trump's criminal conspiracy with foreign spies.
You cannot get caught in a "perjury trap" unless you're lying. All Trump has to do is tell the truth. The problem is that Donald Trump NEVER, ever tells the truth
You get caught in perjury traps by mis-remembering something inconsequential that happened years ago, and by being asked the same questions over and over again, as the inquisitors wait until you give a slightly different account.....In any event, the "lies" have nothing to do with the underlying case.

I find it fascinating that Trumpbots are still saying that the orange baboon is innocent of all crimes and there was no collusion, when Trump's press conference in Helsinki, his tweets, his public statements say otherwise. His every foreign policy move has benefitted Putin and Russia far more than the USA. His trade war has exaserbated and increased the US trade imbalance with China.

Vladimir Putin bragged to the German press that he has no diffculty getting Trump to do what he wants. While members of Trump's own party are begging him not to do more damage to the country or the party.

And still you lot feign ignorance of his crimes. There is no so blind as those who will not see.

View attachment 244077


Everyone of his campaign team questioned, all not "remembering" the exact same thing... their personal contact with Russian operatives during the campaign, is simply not reality or even in the realm of a possibility of being feasible, Oddball?

It's impossible that all of them simply did not "remember"....
And then you would have to ask, Why lie? why did they lie?

FBI Summary: Hillary Said She ‘Could Not Recall’ ‘Did Not Recall,’ ‘Did Not Remember,’ 'Had No Recollection' 41 Times

dunno. why did she?
op can't even stick to his own op without resorting to bbbbbut hillary :laugh:
Meanwhile, party man team players like you continue to carry the water for people we know, and have evidence of, directly and willfully lying to congress.

Like who? And what about?

And believing anything stone or corsi have to say, knowing they both are proud of their lying and political dirty tricks.... especially Stone, is a fools errand imo! :eek:
Meanwhile, party man team players like you continue to carry the water for people we know, and have evidence of, directly and willfully lying to congress.

Like who? And what about?

And believing anything stone or corsi have to say, knowing they both are proud of their lying and political dirty tricks.... especially Stone, is a fools errand imo! :eek:
Oh, so presumed guilt is your game when they're not from your team....Thanks for playing.

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