Intel operation against Trump still going strong

You cannot get caught in a "perjury trap" unless you're lying. All Trump has to do is tell the truth. The problem is that Donald Trump NEVER, ever tells the truth
You get caught in perjury traps by mis-remembering something inconsequential that happened years ago, and by being asked the same questions over and over again, as the inquisitors wait until you give a slightly different account.....In any event, the "lies" have nothing to do with the underlying case.

I find it fascinating that Trumpbots are still saying that the orange baboon is innocent of all crimes and there was no collusion, when Trump's press conference in Helsinki, his tweets, his public statements say otherwise. His every foreign policy move has benefitted Putin and Russia far more than the USA. His trade war has exaserbated and increased the US trade imbalance with China.

Vladimir Putin bragged to the German press that he has no diffculty getting Trump to do what he wants. While members of Trump's own party are begging him not to do more damage to the country or the party.

And still you lot feign ignorance of his crimes. There is no so blind as those who will not see.

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Everyone of his campaign team questioned, all not "remembering" the exact same thing... their personal contact with Russian operatives during the campaign, is simply not reality or even in the realm of a possibility of being feasible, Oddball?

It's impossible that all of them simply did not "remember"....
And then you would have to ask, Why lie? why did they lie?

FBI Summary: Hillary Said She ‘Could Not Recall’ ‘Did Not Recall,’ ‘Did Not Remember,’ 'Had No Recollection' 41 Times

dunno. why did she?

Because they were asking about her emails when she was SS, and she hadn't been SS for more than 3 years. Do you remember the details of the emails you sent 3 years ago? I don't.
You cannot get caught in a "perjury trap" unless you're lying. All Trump has to do is tell the truth. The problem is that Donald Trump NEVER, ever tells the truth
You get caught in perjury traps by mis-remembering something inconsequential that happened years ago, and by being asked the same questions over and over again, as the inquisitors wait until you give a slightly different account.....In any event, the "lies" have nothing to do with the underlying case.

I find it fascinating that Trumpbots are still saying that the orange baboon is innocent of all crimes and there was no collusion, when Trump's press conference in Helsinki, his tweets, his public statements say otherwise. His every foreign policy move has benefitted Putin and Russia far more than the USA. His trade war has exaserbated and increased the US trade imbalance with China.

Vladimir Putin bragged to the German press that he has no diffculty getting Trump to do what he wants. While members of Trump's own party are begging him not to do more damage to the country or the party.

And still you lot feign ignorance of his crimes. There is no so blind as those who will not see.

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Everyone of his campaign team questioned, all not "remembering" the exact same thing... their personal contact with Russian operatives during the campaign, is simply not reality or even in the realm of a possibility of being feasible, Oddball?

It's impossible that all of them simply did not "remember"....
And then you would have to ask, Why lie? why did they lie?

FBI Summary: Hillary Said She ‘Could Not Recall’ ‘Did Not Recall,’ ‘Did Not Remember,’ 'Had No Recollection' 41 Times

dunno. why did she?
According to your article, it was 1 person, clinton, not remembering some handful of emails (out of 80,000 emails sent and received for work and personal business in her 8 years in the position), after she had suffered a concussion and blood clot from falling? :dunno:

It wasn't 10 or so campaign workers, plus Trump, all not remembering their contacts with Russian operatives or business contacts... a conspiracy to conceal is what it looks like to the average Joe/Josephine that is not visually and hearing impaired....
Meanwhile, party man team players like you continue to carry the water for people we know, and have evidence of, directly and willfully lying to congress.

Like who? And what about?

And believing anything stone or corsi have to say, knowing they both are proud of their lying and political dirty tricks.... especially Stone, is a fools errand imo! :eek:
Oh, so presumed guilt is your game when they're not from your team....Thanks for playing.
Well, if you have kept up, and read all the reporting on it as I have, and have thought there was involvement with Stone and wikileaks for the past 2 to 3 years like I have,

because Stone claimed he had connections and knew about the Podesta emails before they were ever released... it would come as no surprise that Stone lied to Congress about it...

it isn't believing they are guilty on a hope and a prayer, or because they are on the opposing team, nor is it not giving them their justice due or trial in court, which Stone will have...

it's simply KNOWING what happened, knowing the facts by following Stone's actions, tweets and other outlets he's talked on.
You cannot get caught in a "perjury trap" unless you're lying. All Trump has to do is tell the truth. The problem is that Donald Trump NEVER, ever tells the truth
You get caught in perjury traps by mis-remembering something inconsequential that happened years ago, and by being asked the same questions over and over again, as the inquisitors wait until you give a slightly different account.....In any event, the "lies" have nothing to do with the underlying case.

I find it fascinating that Trumpbots are still saying that the orange baboon is innocent of all crimes and there was no collusion, when Trump's press conference in Helsinki, his tweets, his public statements say otherwise. His every foreign policy move has benefitted Putin and Russia far more than the USA. His trade war has exaserbated and increased the US trade imbalance with China.

Vladimir Putin bragged to the German press that he has no diffculty getting Trump to do what he wants. While members of Trump's own party are begging him not to do more damage to the country or the party.

And still you lot feign ignorance of his crimes. There is no so blind as those who will not see.

View attachment 244077


Everyone of his campaign team questioned, all not "remembering" the exact same thing... their personal contact with Russian operatives during the campaign, is simply not reality or even in the realm of a possibility of being feasible, Oddball?

It's impossible that all of them simply did not "remember"....
And then you would have to ask, Why lie? why did they lie?

FBI Summary: Hillary Said She ‘Could Not Recall’ ‘Did Not Recall,’ ‘Did Not Remember,’ 'Had No Recollection' 41 Times

dunno. why did she?
According to your article, it was 1 person, clinton, not remembering some handful of emails (out of 80,000 emails sent and received for work and personal business in her 8 years in the position), after she had suffered a concussion and blood clot from falling? :dunno:

It wasn't 10 or so campaign workers, plus Trump, all not remembering their contacts with Russian operatives or business contacts... a conspiracy to conceal is what it looks like to the average Joe/Josephine that is not visually and hearing impaired....
you're different. of course.

"i do not recall" is commonly used by all sides when it suits their purposes. selective rage over same actions and then diving behind any BUT WE'RE DIFFERENT is why we're all at such odds anymore.

i can go find more of the democrats who said "I do not recall" over various incidents if it would help but past experience tells me its different in whatever capacity it would need to be in order for your side to be right, other side wrong.

for the same damn thing.

annoying as fuck.
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Well, if you have kept up, and read all the reporting on it as I have, and have thought there was involvement with Stone and wikileaks for the past 2 to 3 years like I have,

because Stone claimed he had connections and knew about the Podesta emails before they were ever released... it would come as no surprise that Stone lied to Congress about it...

it isn't believing they are guilty on a hope and a prayer, or because they are on the opposing team, nor is it not giving them their justice due or trial in court, which Stone will have...

it's simply KNOWING what happened, knowing the facts by following Stone's actions, tweets and other outlets he's talked on.
Yeah, right.

Stone went and got dirt from Assange (a claim for which there is zero proof) at Trump's behest.

Then Don jr holds a meetup at Trump Tower to meet with RUSSIANS!, who are going to give them the dirt that they already got from Wikileaks.

And you claim to be paying attention?....Do you people even listen to yourselves?
Well, if you have kept up, and read all the reporting on it as I have, and have thought there was involvement with Stone and wikileaks for the past 2 to 3 years like I have,

because Stone claimed he had connections and knew about the Podesta emails before they were ever released... it would come as no surprise that Stone lied to Congress about it...

it isn't believing they are guilty on a hope and a prayer, or because they are on the opposing team, nor is it not giving them their justice due or trial in court, which Stone will have...

it's simply KNOWING what happened, knowing the facts by following Stone's actions, tweets and other outlets he's talked on.
Yeah, right.

Stone went and got dirt from Assange (a claim for which there is zero proof) at Trump's behest.

Then Don jr holds a meetup at Trump Tower to meet with RUSSIANS!, who are going to give them the dirt that they already got from Wikileaks.

And you claim to be paying attention?....Do you people even listen to yourselves?
it's all circular with the end result being "my team is right and your team is full of liars" as we all sit and judge base human behaviors and apply penalties differently based on which "side" you're on.
Meanwhile, party man team players like you continue to carry the water for people we know, and have evidence of, directly and willfully lying to congress.

Like who? And what about?

And believing anything stone or corsi have to say, knowing they both are proud of their lying and political dirty tricks.... especially Stone, is a fools errand imo! :eek:
Oh, so presumed guilt is your game when they're not from your team....Thanks for playing.
Well, if you have kept up, and read all the reporting on it as I have, and have thought there was involvement with Stone and wikileaks for the past 2 to 3 years like I have,

because Stone claimed he had connections and knew about the Podesta emails before they were ever released... it would come as no surprise that Stone lied to Congress about it...

it isn't believing they are guilty on a hope and a prayer, or because they are on the opposing team, nor is it not giving them their justice due or trial in court, which Stone will have...

it's simply KNOWING what happened, knowing the facts by following Stone's actions, tweets and other outlets he's talked on.

Everyone on the Trump side has had an "envolving story" of their communications and meetings with Russians. All initially denied meeting with or having contacts with any Russians. All subsequently amended their security clearance paperwork to reveal, in total, more than 100 contacts with Russians, but they cried, contacting Russians isn't illegal, which is true. But lying about it to the FBI and to Congress, is.

Last but not least, people don't lie, unless they're doing something they don't want people to know about. If what they were doing in contacting and meeting with Russians, why did they ALL lie about it. Why did they coordinate their lies so they all told the same lies?

And why is Donald Trump doing anything and everything that Putin wants - fracturing NATO, pulling out of disarmament treaties, destroying trading relationships?
it's all circular with the end result being "my team is right and your team is full of liars" as we all sit and judge base human behaviors and apply penalties differently based on which "side" you're on.
And I'm not even a Trump apologist...I've been against the wall, tariffs, the bobming of Syria on the flimsiest of evidence, against Kavanugh for civil liberties reasons, against the appointment of Bolton and Haspel....The list goes on and on.

But one camp that I'm not in is ORANGE MAN BAD!, like the moonbats and fake libertarians like Golfing Gonad, so I'm automatically a "Trumptard".
it's all circular with the end result being "my team is right and your team is full of liars" as we all sit and judge base human behaviors and apply penalties differently based on which "side" you're on.
And I'm not even a Trump apologist...I've been against the wall, tariffs, the bobming of Syria on the flimsiest of evidence, against Kavanugh for civil liberties reasons, against the appointment of Bolton and Haspel....The list goes on and on.

But one camp that I'm not in is ORANGE MAN BAD!, like the moonbats and fake libertarians like Golfing Gonad.
i like some stuff he does. i hate others. i think a wall is stupid and utilizing technology vs. concrete would be the way to go. then again i think congress needs to fix our immigration laws so none of this would be as needed as it is today. one of the biggest reasons to push for a wall is simply because congress can't pull their collective heads out of their asses and resolve our issues.

but as you see - if you don't say TRUMP SUCKS at every opportunity, you're an apologist, trumptard and all the other clever 3rd grade names that get tossed about these days.
Based on how The Moscow Mueller Team is operating with violations of person's Civil Rights, why would ANYONE COOPERATE with them at all?
it's all circular with the end result being "my team is right and your team is full of liars" as we all sit and judge base human behaviors and apply penalties differently based on which "side" you're on.
And I'm not even a Trump apologist...I've been against the wall, tariffs, the bobming of Syria on the flimsiest of evidence, against Kavanugh for civil liberties reasons, against the appointment of Bolton and Haspel....The list goes on and on.

But one camp that I'm not in is ORANGE MAN BAD!, like the moonbats and fake libertarians like Golfing Gonad.
i like some stuff he does. i hate others. i think a wall is stupid and utilizing technology vs. concrete would be the way to go. then again i think congress needs to fix our immigration laws so none of this would be as needed as it is today. one of the biggest reasons to push for a wall is simply because congress can't pull their collective heads out of their asses and resolve our issues.

but as you see - if you don't say TRUMP SUCKS at every opportunity, you're an apologist, trumptard and all the other clever 3rd grade names that get tossed about these days.
No offense and I do not understand why people keep missing this.

THE WALL consists of 3 Components.


It's not just a wall.
No offense and I do not understand why people keep missing this.

THE WALL consists of 3 Components.


It's not just a wall.
And it doesn't contain the one component I believe to be crucial: ending the welfare moocher state.

Rush said Moscow Mueller has let his friend who is also essentially a domestic terrorist Andrew Weissmann be in charge of the Russia Hoax! Sources indicate it was Andrew Weissmann who ordered the Neo-Gestapo tactics of early morning raids with only charges related to previous encounters with the Mueller Operation ("The Insurance Policy"), nothing to do with the fake Russian Hoax! And of course it turns out Andrew Weissmann was in on the fake "piss dossier."

Lock all the cast of characters up! Then build the wall or in lieu of building the wall, expand ICE and cancel all welfare and free medical, education, etc. that is typically granted the illegal aliens!
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Makes you wonder why he doesn’t sit down with the OIC and clear it all up. He said he wanted to about 18 months ago. What happened?

Because stupid, if a federal agent wants to hit you with a perjury charge, he (or she) will get you with one.

I've see it happen.

Two people are interviewed about the same event, give two conflicting stories, the justice department can actually charge BOTH parties with lying to federal agents and then let them prove they didn't lie in court or not.

Why do you dummies all the sudden trust federal law enforcement? Oh that's right orange man bad!!!
Makes you wonder why he doesn’t sit down with the OIC and clear it all up. He said he wanted to about 18 months ago. What happened?

Because stupid, if a federal agent wants to hit you with a perjury charge, he (or she) will get you with one.

I've see it happen.
Also Unlikely

Two people are interviewed about the same event, give two conflicting stories, the justice department can actually charge BOTH parties with lying to federal agents and then let them prove they didn't lie in court or not.
If both lied to them and it’s proven that they lied; sure. What is the downside to catching perjurers?

Why do you dummies all the sudden trust federal law enforcement? Oh that's right orange man bad!!!

You guys seem to trust the same federal law enforcement to deport people; no problem with that huh sonny?

A better question is why he doesn’t trust himself to tell the truth. Oh that’s right; Orange man lies.
Makes you wonder why he doesn’t sit down with the OIC and clear it all up. He said he wanted to about 18 months ago. What happened?

Because stupid, if a federal agent wants to hit you with a perjury charge, he (or she) will get you with one.

I've see it happen.
Also Unlikely

Two people are interviewed about the same event, give two conflicting stories, the justice department can actually charge BOTH parties with lying to federal agents and then let them prove they didn't lie in court or not.
If both lied to them and it’s proven that they lied; sure. What is the downside to catching perjurers?

Why do you dummies all the sudden trust federal law enforcement? Oh that's right orange man bad!!!

You guys seem to trust the same federal law enforcement to deport people; no problem with that huh sonny?

A better question is why he doesn’t trust himself to tell the truth. Oh that’s right; Orange man lies.

Your'e the same moron who believes Trump wanted to build steam powered aircraft carriers, so your opinions on well anything are worthless.
Getting back to the OP,,.
First of all,the article was written by Sharyl Attkisson, opinion contributor, this piece is an opinion. Contains the infamous "anonymous intelligence officials". And Attkisson appears to be a paranoid conspiracy talking head.
In March 2015, Attkisson and her family filed a suit against Holder, Patrick R. Donahoe and unnamed agents of the US Department of Justice, the US Postal Service and the United States in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia claiming to have been subject to illegal surveillance activities.[49][50] Her claim was dismissed in 2017, with the court finding "that the complaint fails to allege sufficient facts [which] make a plausible claim that either defendant personally engaged in the alleged surveillance".[51]
Sharyl Attkisson - Wikipedia
Her history speaks volumes.
This OP reminds of a scripture verse.
2 Timothy 4:3-4
For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. 4 They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.
Seems long on accusations and short on evidence

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sharyl is not known for just lobbing shit on a wall. we'll see where it goes.
As fair a broker as can be found in the current media shit show.
she's old school.

also - she's a guest on the hill and contributes from time to time. she's not employed by them as far as i know.

i also like this at the end of her article:
In the end, Trump could be right or wrong. And the way he interacts with his intel officials deserves news coverage and scrutiny. But we should refrain from one-sided reporting based on anonymous, orchestrated leaks by people who clearly seek to use the media to sway public and political opinion.

damn straight we should. put emotions away and write about the story and facts. not your hate for the person. unfortunately the media these days thrives on emotional clicks for revenue.
you mean actually have congress do their jobs?
Getting back to the OP,,.
First of all,the article was written by Sharyl Attkisson, opinion contributor, this piece is an opinion. Contains the infamous "anonymous intelligence officials". And Attkisson appears to be a paranoid conspiracy talking head.
In March 2015, Attkisson and her family filed a suit against Holder, Patrick R. Donahoe and unnamed agents of the US Department of Justice, the US Postal Service and the United States in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia claiming to have been subject to illegal surveillance activities.[49][50] Her claim was dismissed in 2017, with the court finding "that the complaint fails to allege sufficient facts [which] make a plausible claim that either defendant personally engaged in the alleged surveillance".[51]
Sharyl Attkisson - Wikipedia
Her history speaks volumes.
This OP reminds of a scripture verse.
2 Timothy 4:3-4
For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. 4 They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.
i never said it wasn't. in fact when asked, i pointed out that it is her opinion and she doesn't work for THE HILL but writes more freelance as far as i understand.

and yes, obama and company went full smear on sharyl once she showed she would not back down from them.
Makes you wonder why he doesn’t sit down with the OIC and clear it all up. He said he wanted to about 18 months ago. What happened?

Because stupid, if a federal agent wants to hit you with a perjury charge, he (or she) will get you with one.

I've see it happen.
Also Unlikely

Two people are interviewed about the same event, give two conflicting stories, the justice department can actually charge BOTH parties with lying to federal agents and then let them prove they didn't lie in court or not.
If both lied to them and it’s proven that they lied; sure. What is the downside to catching perjurers?

Why do you dummies all the sudden trust federal law enforcement? Oh that's right orange man bad!!!

You guys seem to trust the same federal law enforcement to deport people; no problem with that huh sonny?

A better question is why he doesn’t trust himself to tell the truth. Oh that’s right; Orange man lies.

Your'e the same moron who believes Trump wanted to build steam powered aircraft carriers, so your opinions on well anything are worthless.

Just going by what the blob said.

Orange man thinks steam is better than nuke power.

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