Intellectual honesty: If Bush tax cuts overwhelmingly benefited the rich...

Dec 5, 2011
Why do liberals keep saying that their end would hurt the middle class and the poor???

No. If they overwhelmingly benefited the rich (1), their end would overwhelmingly hurt the rich (1) :cool:

Who Really Benefited From the Bush Tax Cuts?

If current tax rates are left in place, the CBO projects that federal tax revenue will return to historic levels by 2021, while spending will remain well above historic levels, 26% of GDP. The picture gets even worse with time. The CBO predicts spending to reach 34% of GDP by 2035. It would be impossible to collect 34% of GDP in revenue without steep tax increases on all Americans; including the poor and middle class. There simply aren’t enough rich people to pay the bill

That's the the european experience. First they came for the rich; now they need to tax everybody to sustain the size of the government. A national VAT between 18% and 25% is in force in almost all Europe.

More intellectual honesty coming soon. If Hagel is finally nominated by the Obama Administration, and the media repeats he is a moderate reasonable Republican, just look at his voting record to know what moderate and reasonable mean: as a Senator, he was rated 100% pro-life, voted against expanding research to more embryonic stem cell lines; was rated A by the NRA, he voted for both Bush tax cuts and against tax rate hikes for people making $1 million or more... That's the way he voted 5, 6 years ago.

(1) Rich, millionares, super wealthy, filthy rich = top 2%... even if the vast majority in the top 2% make less than $400K a year
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Oh no! Not that! There is NO FUCKING WAY to dispute that kind of logic! Have a little mercy on our wee little brains.
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