Intelligence Committee member: This memo is just the beginning.

Very glad to hear this.
The problem with the memo is that it is somewhat weak without seeing the FISA application itself. This committee member said he is for declassifying the FISA application simply because there is nothing in it that needs to be classified. We are not talking top secret agents working in the field here - the only people identified is Steele, GPS and other known people of which none are classified.
Releasing the transcripts is what every single person - DEMOCRAT OR REPUBLICAN - should want. It is the end all document that removes all politics.


This Intelligence Committee member is for the full release of that transcript rather than political memo's.
HOWEVER - he also stated that this memo, when it was written, no one knew it would be declassified. And all members of the committee, Democrats included, did not have issues with it. Only after it's release are those same individuals painting it as one-sided.
You are assuming the FISA warrant was based entirely on the Steele dossier. It wasn't. Your claims that it does not need to be classified is therefor just so much garbage.
Very glad to hear this.
The problem with the memo is that it is somewhat weak without seeing the FISA application itself. This committee member said he is for declassifying the FISA application simply because there is nothing in it that needs to be classified. We are not talking top secret agents working in the field here - the only people identified is Steele, GPS and other known people of which none are classified.
Releasing the transcripts is what every single person - DEMOCRAT OR REPUBLICAN - should want. It is the end all document that removes all politics.


This Intelligence Committee member is for the full release of that transcript rather than political memo's.
HOWEVER - he also stated that this memo, when it was written, no one knew it would be declassified. And all members of the committee, Democrats included, did not have issues with it. Only after it's release are those same individuals painting it as one-sided.
You are assuming the FISA warrant was based entirely on the Steele dossier. It wasn't. Your claims that it does not need to be classified is therefor just so much garbage.

Try again when you can make sense.
And try again after you actually read what I post, instead of thinking only of what you wanted to say.
And, good Lord...AGAIN... I am clearly saying we need to see the FISA application so we can all see for ourselves what the warrant was based on. I made zero claims that it was solely based on the dossier, only that today sources are saying it was a PART of the evidence, and was the headline, or core evidence given to the court,
And we will ONLY know this if the FISA application is released.

Now, breathe, calm down, and reply again if you have something to add.
Sorry, forgot to say who it was - Rep Chris Stewart.

Bear this in mind, about Rep. Stewart.....just last March

Rep. Chris Stewart compares Donald Trump to Mussolini, praises Bernie Sanders......
"He's our Mussolini," Stewart told students at the University of Utah on Monday during a forum hosted by the Hinckley Institute of Politics.

"As a Republican, I'm telling you: Donald Trump does not represent Republican ideals," Stewart said.

Rep. Chris Stewart compares Donald Trump to Mussolini, praises Bernie Sanders' consistency in U. video.

Very glad to hear this.
The problem with the memo is that it is somewhat weak without seeing the FISA application itself. This committee member said he is for declassifying the FISA application simply because there is nothing in it that needs to be classified. We are not talking top secret agents working in the field here - the only people identified is Steele, GPS and other known people of which none are classified.
Releasing the transcripts is what every single person - DEMOCRAT OR REPUBLICAN - should want. It is the end all document that removes all politics.


This Intelligence Committee member is for the full release of that transcript rather than political memo's.
HOWEVER - he also stated that this memo, when it was written, no one knew it would be declassified. And all members of the committee, Democrats included, did not have issues with it. Only after it's release are those same individuals painting it as one-sided.

yes this needs to keep moving forward without delay

i heard the judge that issued the warrants could/can

cancel the warrants he signed off on

considering it was based on lies and phony information
Very glad to hear this.
The problem with the memo is that it is somewhat weak without seeing the FISA application itself. This committee member said he is for declassifying the FISA application simply because there is nothing in it that needs to be classified. We are not talking top secret agents working in the field here - the only people identified is Steele, GPS and other known people of which none are classified.
Releasing the transcripts is what every single person - DEMOCRAT OR REPUBLICAN - should want. It is the end all document that removes all politics.


This Intelligence Committee member is for the full release of that transcript rather than political memo's.
HOWEVER - he also stated that this memo, when it was written, no one knew it would be declassified. And all members of the committee, Democrats included, did not have issues with it. Only after it's release are those same individuals painting it as one-sided.

For many it's the end to their mistaken ideology... that will manifest itself as major butthurt.

Presidential candidate spying on her opponents, sub 3rd world behavior by proponent of sub 3rd world policies.

It can't get much worse than this.
And more news......... Second committee member as well as Paul Ryan says the minority memo WILL BE RELEASED as soon as it is scrubbed of classified methods and classified individual names.
In other words, it is bullshit that Republicans are blocking the Democrat is already in the process of getting cleaned and will be released.
What's the Democrat memo going to say? " nuh uh!!!"
We need to see the other memo.

i think this memo does just fine all by itself.

we're supposed to believe that the fbi relied on the steele dossier to open the investigation, yet right in devin the dummy's memo he says that it was the papadopoulos information that triggered the investigation.

it does nothing to explain the subsequent three renewals of the fisa warrant, which presumably require more than just showing the original warrant application of which the dossier was a part. iow, proof that page was interacting with foreign entities.

there's a reason he's been surveilled since 2013.

i guess the bubble boys and rwnjs buy into this fantasy, but the majority of the country probably won't and shouldn't

the only thing this memo proves is the extent to which devin the dummy will go to obstruct the investigation, and how truly moronic trump's base is.
Steele did nothing illegal - he did his job, collected a bunch of information, some of which has been verified as true from other sources. He presented it as unconfirmed, just gathering grape vine talk and such from his sources. It was disturbing enough that he brought it to the attention of authorities. They have the ability to confirm or dismiss and they did - some was confirmed some was dismissed as unsubstantiated.

So what the hell is Steele supposed to go to jail for? You guys are nutwingers.
Very glad to hear this.
The problem with the memo is that it is somewhat weak without seeing the FISA application itself. This committee member said he is for declassifying the FISA application simply because there is nothing in it that needs to be classified. We are not talking top secret agents working in the field here - the only people identified is Steele, GPS and other known people of which none are classified.
Releasing the transcripts is what every single person - DEMOCRAT OR REPUBLICAN - should want. It is the end all document that removes all politics.


This Intelligence Committee member is for the full release of that transcript rather than political memo's.
HOWEVER - he also stated that this memo, when it was written, no one knew it would be declassified. And all members of the committee, Democrats included, did not have issues with it. Only after it's release are those same individuals painting it as one-sided.
We need to see the other memo.

We need to see the FISA application.
No. The other memo so we can see what Nunes omitted.

I want to see the other memo, but far-far-far more important is seeing the FISA application itself, which again, is the end all document that ends the politics coming from both sides.
I am very hopeful that now two intel members and the House Majority are for releasing BOTH the Dem memo and the FISA doc.

That's fine, but what I'm really interested in is how they got renewals for the surveillance. They had to renew it every 90 days so that the court could oversee that there is no abuse of power going on. Either all the judges were in on this (which I doubt) or they presented even more phony evidence that such surveillance was still needed. I would love to know what new information they presented to the court each of those 90 day renewals.

Renewals only occur if there is actual evidence that the surveilance is getting and they are pretty strict on that. So I would guess the surveillance was paying off in information. It isn't like the FISA court folks are dupes. So the third option - there was real evidence, not phony evidence as you seem to be assuming.
The Mueller ‘investigation’ was the democrats plan B. It’s why I can see them losing more seats in ‘18.

They have never had a problem with wasting taxpayers $ on BS. It’s how obama was able to quietly double our national debt.
The Mueller ‘investigation’ was the democrats plan B. It’s why I can see them losing more seats in ‘18.

They have never had a problem with wasting taxpayers $ on BS. It’s how obama was able to quietly double our national debt.

Mueller is a republican and he enjoys widespread bipartisan support and respect - with a stellar reputatoin. He didn't come under attack until he started to get close to Trump. That ought to tell you something...

Wasting taxpayers money on BS...?
Benghazi BenghaziBenghaziBenghaziBenghaziBenghazi
Clinton Emails

Oh wait...those are Republicans ;)
The Mueller ‘investigation’ was the democrats plan B. It’s why I can see them losing more seats in ‘18.

They have never had a problem with wasting taxpayers $ on BS. It’s how obama was able to quietly double our national debt.

Mueller is a republican and he enjoys widespread bipartisan support and respect - with a stellar reputatoin. He didn't come under attack until he started to get close to Trump. That ought to tell you something...

Wasting taxpayers money on BS...?
Benghazi BenghaziBenghaziBenghaziBenghaziBenghazi
Clinton Emails

Oh wait...those are Republicans ;)
He didn't come under attack until his "investigation" started wandering away from the issue of Russain "collusion." Now he's just a hired gun in search of a target.
The Mueller ‘investigation’ was the democrats plan B. It’s why I can see them losing more seats in ‘18.

They have never had a problem with wasting taxpayers $ on BS. It’s how obama was able to quietly double our national debt.

Mueller is a republican and he enjoys widespread bipartisan support and respect - with a stellar reputatoin. He didn't come under attack until he started to get close to Trump. That ought to tell you something...

Wasting taxpayers money on BS...?
Benghazi BenghaziBenghaziBenghaziBenghaziBenghazi
Clinton Emails

Oh wait...those are Republicans ;)
I was referring to the investigation, not Mueller himself. :)

Have I told you lately how much I love you? ❤️
The Mueller ‘investigation’ was the democrats plan B. It’s why I can see them losing more seats in ‘18.

They have never had a problem with wasting taxpayers $ on BS. It’s how obama was able to quietly double our national debt.

mueller's a republican who never would have become special counsel if trump hadn't fired comey, another republican.

rosenstein is a republican whom trump picked

chris wray is a republican whom trump handpicked

haul that fleabitten mutt back up on the porch, s0n, it just won't hunt.
Steele did nothing illegal - he did his job, collected a bunch of information, some of which has been verified as true from other sources. He presented it as unconfirmed, just gathering grape vine talk and such from his sources. It was disturbing enough that he brought it to the attention of authorities. They have the ability to confirm or dismiss and they did - some was confirmed some was dismissed as unsubstantiated.

So what the hell is Steele supposed to go to jail for? You guys are nutwingers.
None of it has been verified. McCabe admitted that when he testified before the intelligence committee.

McCabe, Storzk, Oheler and others are the ones who need to go to jail.
The Mueller ‘investigation’ was the democrats plan B. It’s why I can see them losing more seats in ‘18.

They have never had a problem with wasting taxpayers $ on BS. It’s how obama was able to quietly double our national debt.

mueller's a republican who never would have become special counsel if trump hadn't fired comey, another republican.

rosenstein is a republican whom trump picked

chris wray is a republican whom trump handpicked

haul that fleabitten mutt back up on the porch, s0n, it just won't hunt.
Trump didn't pick Rosenstein, Sessions did, moron.

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