Intelligence Committee member: This memo is just the beginning.

Trump didn't pick Rosenstein, Sessions did, moron.

Rod Jay Rosenstein (English pronunciation: /ˈroʊzənˌstaɪn/;[1] born January 13, 1965) is the Deputy Attorney General for the United States Department of Justice.

Prior to his current appointment, he served as a United States Attorney for the District of Maryland. Rosenstein was a former nominee to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit. At the time of his confirmation as Deputy Attorney General in April 2017, he was the nation's longest-serving U.S. attorney.[2]

President Donald Trump announced his intention to nominate Rosenstein to serve as Deputy Attorney General for the United States Department of Justice on January 31, 2017. Rosenstein was confirmed by the U.S. Senate on April 25, 2017. In May 2017, he authored a memo which President Trump said was the basis of his decision to dismiss FBI Director James Comey.[3] Later that month, Rosenstein appointed special counsel Robert Mueller to investigate ties between the Trump campaign and Russia during the 2016 election.[4]

Rod Rosenstein - Wikipedia

have a nice hot cup of fail, fuckwit

We’re now learning how there was never a valid reason for any investigation into Trump. It was all fabricated by democrats who wanted Hillary to win.

That should be a serious concern for every American.
We need to see the other memo.

We need to see the FISA application.
No. The other memo so we can see what Nunes omitted.

I want to see the other memo, but far-far-far more important is seeing the FISA application itself, which again, is the end all document that ends the politics coming from both sides.
I am very hopeful that now two intel members and the House Majority are for releasing BOTH the Dem memo and the FISA doc.

That's fine, but what I'm really interested in is how they got renewals for the surveillance. They had to renew it every 90 days so that the court could oversee that there is no abuse of power going on. Either all the judges were in on this (which I doubt) or they presented even more phony evidence that such surveillance was still needed. I would love to know what new information they presented to the court each of those 90 day renewals.

Renewals only occur if there is actual evidence that the surveilance is getting and they are pretty strict on that. So I would guess the surveillance was paying off in information. It isn't like the FISA court folks are dupes. So the third option - there was real evidence, not phony evidence as you seem to be assuming.

Yes, but with each renewal you can't just say "we need more time." You have to produce quite a bit of new info. Given this nonsense has been going on for over a year with little results, what was presented to the court that would have justified giving them such renewals? Obviously it must have been bull or things that we are not aware of yet.
Since no one wants to keep anything secret anymore, let's see detailed reports of the meetings between Russians and Trump campaign officials and clandestine meetings between people who currently work for Trump and Russians.

And why not his tax returns as well?

During the debate Trump said he would release his returns provided Hil-Liar released her 500K speech for Wall Street. She didn't accept the offer.
He wouldn't do it, even if she did, just like he cheats at golf.

Plus he put a bunch of Wall St. insiders in his cabinet.

How is it you libs are so gifted that you can tell the future?

If Hillary accepted the challenge Trump would have had no choice but to follow up on his word. They were in competition for President you know. If he would have backed down it would have had serious consequences on his chances of winning.
We’re now learning how there was never a valid reason for any investigation into Trump. It was all fabricated by democrats who wanted Hillary to win.

That should be a serious concern for every American.
Lol the investigation is just getting started! Republicans Mueller and Rosenstein aren't going anywhere!
"While this memo raises serious concerns with the FISA process, I have been and remain confident in the overwhelming majority of the men and women serving at the FBI and DOJ." - Trey Gowdy
Republicans sucking up to DOJ and FBI after throwing them under the bus
We’re now learning how there was never a valid reason for any investigation into Trump. It was all fabricated by democrats who wanted Hillary to win.

That should be a serious concern for every American.
Lol the investigation is just getting started! Republicans Mueller and Rosenstein aren't going anywhere!
The one that’s been going on for over a year? lol
These investigations are biting democrats in the ass. They’re helping the Trump supporters.
We’re now learning how there was never a valid reason for any investigation into Trump. It was all fabricated by democrats who wanted Hillary to win.

That should be a serious concern for every American.

we're now learning that devin the dummy is an incompetent fuckwit who has plenty of company.
I’m hoping we’ll eventually learn the truth when the Trump administration has time to clean up the mess Obama created.
I hope democrats pay a hefty price for this nonsense.
Nobama abusing his power letting them tape Trump. While Crooked H gets away with a smear job piss story...
I’ve never seen anything like this.

Democrats are going to pay a hefty price at the polls for being that dishonest and corrupt.

Hard to say. Most Americans don't even understand what took place or how corrupt the last administration was. Then there is the MSM. How fast can they bury this and upcoming stories?
I hope democrats pay a hefty price for this nonsense.
Nobama abusing his power letting them tape Trump. While Crooked H gets away with a smear job piss story...
I’ve never seen anything like this.

Democrats are going to pay a hefty price at the polls for being that dishonest and corrupt.

Hard to say. Most Americans don't even understand what took place or how corrupt the last administration was. Then there is the MSM. How fast can they bury this and upcoming stories?
We'll always have the few deanrd voters. Most are smart enough to see what's going on.
Sorry, forgot to say who it was - Rep Chris Stewart.

Bear this in mind, about Rep. Stewart.....just last March

Rep. Chris Stewart compares Donald Trump to Mussolini, praises Bernie Sanders......
"He's our Mussolini," Stewart told students at the University of Utah on Monday during a forum hosted by the Hinckley Institute of Politics.

"As a Republican, I'm telling you: Donald Trump does not represent Republican ideals," Stewart said.

Rep. Chris Stewart compares Donald Trump to Mussolini, praises Bernie Sanders' consistency in U. video.

Yeah, so that makes the point even better.
Several key points lost here.
1) The FISA court overwhelmingly goes along with FBI requests. They may make more request first, or say...this isn't enough get us more...but almost 100% of the time the vote to continue investigations. So, there is at least some validity that the court voting to continue surveillance is not that meaningful as people here are trying to say it is.
2) If it is true, and it certainly seems so that the largess of the FBI's request to investigate indeed was the dossier, and they did not reveal it's origin to the court - then they poisoned the well. And you have to at LEAST consider that they continued to withold additional information from the court.
3) We KNOW, not think, we KNOW that top officers involved in the investigation had a strong dislike of Trump, going as far as to say to each other "we must do something to stop him"...REMEMBERING they said this BEFORE the investigation started.

Every single person here, Democrat or Republican should be gravely concerned about the ability of the government to investigate ANY American citizen for political purposes. Let alone someone running for President. The FBI is NOT the KGB. They are NOT above reproach, their leaders are NOT immune from corruption and bad decisions. It is imperative that these government bodies, capable of inflicting great harm to all of us, have oversight. And that is exactly what we are witnessing now.
The release of the "Republican" memo is an important first step. Next we WILL see the Democrat memo, and finally the FISA application itself.

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