Intelligence Committee member: This memo is just the beginning.

the memo is a political document selectively taking facts out of context in an effort to affect the thinking of lay people. It's not going to have any effect in making actual legal arguments. It's an attempt to give those who choose to believe Trump's done nothing wrong, without knowing all the facts, reason to continue their beliefs and even prepare them to disregard facts that may come to light telling a different story.

Even if you contend this investigation is politicized against Trump, you cannot logically argue this is anything but a pretty ham handed political stunt.

Trump may try to fire Mueller before Mueller completes his investigation, and imo that's what this is intended to set the stage for.
Muellers fake investigation. Trump said he wasn't going to fire Mueller. The more truth comes out the more Mueller and the left look like the idiots they are.
I don't think anyone will get arrested.
My only hopes of this entire thing is that we all get to see that the FISA process needs improved. It is absolutely imperative that when American citizens are going to be investigated that the reasons behind that investigation is crystal clear and without political motive.
This memo, if accurate, shows that the FISA court was mislead and information that directly pertained to evidence they provided to the court was withheld for the sole purpose that it would negatively effect the likelihood of an approval of warrants.
Why was it misled when Page admitted to meeting with Russians in the summer of 16?

A former Trump campaign adviser said Page submitted policy memos to the campaign and several times asked to be given a meeting with Trump, though his request was never granted. “He was one of the more active ones, in terms of being in touch,” the adviser said.

The campaign adviser said Page participated in three dinners held for the campaign’s volunteer foreign policy advisers in the spring and summer of 2016, coming from New York to Washington to meet with the group. Although Trump did not attend, Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), a top Trump confidant who became his attorney general, attended one meeting of the group with Page in late summer, the campaign adviser said.

Page’s role as an adviser to the Trump campaign drew alarm last year from more-established foreign policy experts in part because of Page’s effusive praise for Russian President Vladimir Putin and his criticism of U.S. sanctions over Moscow’s military intervention in Ukraine.

In July, Page traveled to Moscow, where he delivered a speech harshly critical of the United States’ policy toward Russia.

While there, Page allegedly met with Igor Sechin, a Putin confidant and chief executive of the energy company Rosneft, according to a dossier compiled by a former British intelligence officer and cited at a congressional hearing by Rep. Adam B. Schiff (Calif.), the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee. Officials said some of the information in the dossier has been verified by U.S. intelligence agencies, and some of it hasn’t, while other parts are unlikely to ever be proved or disproved.

Which has nothing to do with anything.
the memo is a political document selectively taking facts out of context in an effort to affect the thinking of lay people. It's not going to have any effect in making actual legal arguments. It's an attempt to give those who choose to believe Trump's done nothing wrong, without knowing all the facts, reason to continue their beliefs and even prepare them to disregard facts that may come to light telling a different story.

Even if you contend this investigation is politicized against Trump, you cannot logically argue this is anything but a pretty ham handed political stunt.

Trump may try to fire Mueller before Mueller completes his investigation, and imo that's what this is intended to set the stage for.

WHat part of everything said in this thread do you not understand? Not trying to be an asshole, but according to one of the Committee members as well as Ryan are stating that there is no "blocking of the Democrat memo" that it will be released.
AND - he is 100% behind declassifying the FISA application will is the end all document.
Sooooo ??????????
Dear Democrats,

Just admit you were all fooled by a Deep State and lying Media that took advantage of your outrage for political gain.
ONCE AGAIN - for those of you who can't read...

1) The Democrat memo will be released. It is not being blocked, it is in the process of being scrubbed of classified methods and classified names removed.
2) Both House Majority Leader and Republican Intel committee members want the FISA application ALSO released.

Basically, according to the Majority Leader and Intel Committee leaders, this memo is ONLY the first few pages of the story to be released.
It is not surprising that the first release is a document that favors those currently in majority. Is anyone really surprised by this?? The Democrats would do the same thing if they held the majority.
The Republican committee members voted against releasing te Democrat memo because it is not yet ready to be released. Something Democrats and the liberal media knows - but of course spinning this and claiming it is being blocked. We'll see.....

Every single American should be very interested, and SUPPORT the release of the FISA application itself. That absolutely ends the partisan spinning we see today.
Very glad to hear this.
The problem with the memo is that it is somewhat weak without seeing the FISA application itself. This committee member said he is for declassifying the FISA application simply because there is nothing in it that needs to be classified. We are not talking top secret agents working in the field here - the only people identified is Steele, GPS and other known people of which none are classified.
Releasing the transcripts is what every single person - DEMOCRAT OR REPUBLICAN - should want. It is the end all document that removes all politics.


This Intelligence Committee member is for the full release of that transcript rather than political memo's.
HOWEVER - he also stated that this memo, when it was written, no one knew it would be declassified. And all members of the committee, Democrats included, did not have issues with it. Only after it's release are those same individuals painting it as one-sided.
We need to see the other memo.
Just announced, according to sources by Fox News, the dossier was not the only evidence submitted to the FISA court, but it was the core "headline" of the evidence as a whole. AND that the application did not, as stated in the memo, reveal to the FISA judge that the dossier is comprised solely of information paid for by the DNC and used foreign sources which would have certainly been disallowed by the court if known to them.
Again, when they release the FISA application we will see for ourselves.
Very glad to hear this.
The problem with the memo is that it is somewhat weak without seeing the FISA application itself. This committee member said he is for declassifying the FISA application simply because there is nothing in it that needs to be classified. We are not talking top secret agents working in the field here - the only people identified is Steele, GPS and other known people of which none are classified.
Releasing the transcripts is what every single person - DEMOCRAT OR REPUBLICAN - should want. It is the end all document that removes all politics.


This Intelligence Committee member is for the full release of that transcript rather than political memo's.
HOWEVER - he also stated that this memo, when it was written, no one knew it would be declassified. And all members of the committee, Democrats included, did not have issues with it. Only after it's release are those same individuals painting it as one-sided.
We need to see the other memo.

We need to see the FISA application.
Very glad to hear this.
The problem with the memo is that it is somewhat weak without seeing the FISA application itself. This committee member said he is for declassifying the FISA application simply because there is nothing in it that needs to be classified. We are not talking top secret agents working in the field here - the only people identified is Steele, GPS and other known people of which none are classified.
Releasing the transcripts is what every single person - DEMOCRAT OR REPUBLICAN - should want. It is the end all document that removes all politics.


This Intelligence Committee member is for the full release of that transcript rather than political memo's.
HOWEVER - he also stated that this memo, when it was written, no one knew it would be declassified. And all members of the committee, Democrats included, did not have issues with it. Only after it's release are those same individuals painting it as one-sided.
We need to see the other memo.

We need to see the FISA application.
No. The other memo so we can see what Nunes omitted.
I want to see the dem memo and the FISA applications now
Then i want to see the list of congress critters that used MY money to hush sexual assault victims.
Very glad to hear this.
The problem with the memo is that it is somewhat weak without seeing the FISA application itself. This committee member said he is for declassifying the FISA application simply because there is nothing in it that needs to be classified. We are not talking top secret agents working in the field here - the only people identified is Steele, GPS and other known people of which none are classified.
Releasing the transcripts is what every single person - DEMOCRAT OR REPUBLICAN - should want. It is the end all document that removes all politics.


This Intelligence Committee member is for the full release of that transcript rather than political memo's.
HOWEVER - he also stated that this memo, when it was written, no one knew it would be declassified. And all members of the committee, Democrats included, did not have issues with it. Only after it's release are those same individuals painting it as one-sided.
We need to see the other memo.

We need to see the FISA application.
No. The other memo so we can see what Nunes omitted.

I want to see the other memo, but far-far-far more important is seeing the FISA application itself, which again, is the end all document that ends the politics coming from both sides.
I am very hopeful that now two intel members and the House Majority are for releasing BOTH the Dem memo and the FISA doc.
Sad to see the Democrats forfeit the Republic and leap to the defense of the police-state after the release of the memo. Their true colors are now out there for all to see.
The true colors of the Democrats has been pretty apparent long before this. We’ve all known they are treasonous un-American c*nts. This is just more proof of it.
Very glad to hear this.
The problem with the memo is that it is somewhat weak without seeing the FISA application itself. This committee member said he is for declassifying the FISA application simply because there is nothing in it that needs to be classified. We are not talking top secret agents working in the field here - the only people identified is Steele, GPS and other known people of which none are classified.
Releasing the transcripts is what every single person - DEMOCRAT OR REPUBLICAN - should want. It is the end all document that removes all politics.


This Intelligence Committee member is for the full release of that transcript rather than political memo's.
HOWEVER - he also stated that this memo, when it was written, no one knew it would be declassified. And all members of the committee, Democrats included, did not have issues with it. Only after it's release are those same individuals painting it as one-sided.
We need to see the other memo.

We need to see the FISA application.
No. The other memo so we can see what Nunes omitted.

I want to see the other memo, but far-far-far more important is seeing the FISA application itself, which again, is the end all document that ends the politics coming from both sides.
I am very hopeful that now two intel members and the House Majority are for releasing BOTH the Dem memo and the FISA doc.

That's fine, but what I'm really interested in is how they got renewals for the surveillance. They had to renew it every 90 days so that the court could oversee that there is no abuse of power going on. Either all the judges were in on this (which I doubt) or they presented even more phony evidence that such surveillance was still needed. I would love to know what new information they presented to the court each of those 90 day renewals.
Great, more drama for a couple weeks so we can all get let down again
Since no one wants to keep anything secret anymore, let's see detailed reports of the meetings between Russians and Trump campaign officials and clandestine meetings between people who currently work for Trump and Russians.

And why not his tax returns as well?

During the debate Trump said he would release his returns provided Hil-Liar released her 500K speech for Wall Street. She didn't accept the offer.
Very glad to hear this.
The problem with the memo is that it is somewhat weak without seeing the FISA application itself. This committee member said he is for declassifying the FISA application simply because there is nothing in it that needs to be classified. We are not talking top secret agents working in the field here - the only people identified is Steele, GPS and other known people of which none are classified.
Releasing the transcripts is what every single person - DEMOCRAT OR REPUBLICAN - should want. It is the end all document that removes all politics.


This Intelligence Committee member is for the full release of that transcript rather than political memo's.
HOWEVER - he also stated that this memo, when it was written, no one knew it would be declassified. And all members of the committee, Democrats included, did not have issues with it. Only after it's release are those same individuals painting it as one-sided.
We need to see the other memo.
we will and then the FISA application.
Very glad to hear this.
The problem with the memo is that it is somewhat weak without seeing the FISA application itself. This committee member said he is for declassifying the FISA application simply because there is nothing in it that needs to be classified. We are not talking top secret agents working in the field here - the only people identified is Steele, GPS and other known people of which none are classified.
Releasing the transcripts is what every single person - DEMOCRAT OR REPUBLICAN - should want. It is the end all document that removes all politics.


This Intelligence Committee member is for the full release of that transcript rather than political memo's.
HOWEVER - he also stated that this memo, when it was written, no one knew it would be declassified. And all members of the committee, Democrats included, did not have issues with it. Only after it's release are those same individuals painting it as one-sided.
We need to see the other memo.

We need to see the FISA application.
No. The other memo so we can see what Nunes omitted.
how do you know he omitted anything?
Since no one wants to keep anything secret anymore, let's see detailed reports of the meetings between Russians and Trump campaign officials and clandestine meetings between people who currently work for Trump and Russians.

And why not his tax returns as well?

During the debate Trump said he would release his returns provided Hil-Liar released her 500K speech for Wall Street. She didn't accept the offer.
He wouldn't do it, even if she did, just like he cheats at golf.

Plus he put a bunch of Wall St. insiders in his cabinet.
Since no one wants to keep anything secret anymore, let's see detailed reports of the meetings between Russians and Trump campaign officials and clandestine meetings between people who currently work for Trump and Russians.

And why not his tax returns as well?

During the debate Trump said he would release his returns provided Hil-Liar released her 500K speech for Wall Street. She didn't accept the offer.
He wouldn't do it, even if she did, just like he cheats at golf.

Plus he put a bunch of Wall St. insiders in his cabinet.

Winner of the deflection post of the day right here.
And is submitted and expected to win the most meaningless post of the day.

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