Intelligence Squared Debate On Income Inequality

Yes. It was excellent.

It seems as though nobody else here did, though. It is still available on the website linked in the OP.
Who needs to watch a long debate. It's already well known-- Income inequality has gotten worse under Obama. Can you spell HYPOCRITE?

And sorry.....not going to be bumping this thread. Just wanted to place that unfortunate FACT in the thread.


Yes it has. But as we can see from the attached chart, income inequality happened under both Democratic and Republican presidents. Please note the historical direction of income inequality. Also notice historical wage growth in Real Dollars.
So, we have upper income income growth, yet flat wages for over three decades. There should be no confusion on what's going on.
The truth of the matter is that it's those who determine wages, dividends, and the offshore outsourcing of jobs who created the great income inequality gap.
But of course, you didn't include that FACT in your post.
Why do you go by the name of EconChick? I haven't been able to figure that out. :dunno:


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The truth of the matter is that it's those who determine wages, dividends, and the offshore outsourcing of jobs who created the great income inequality gap.

liberals are respponsible:
1) liberal unions drove 30 million jobs offshore
2) liberal corporate taxes drove 20 million jobs offshore
3) liberal illegal took another 15 million American jobs
4) liberal deficts drove another 10 million jobs off shore

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