Intelligence Test Given To Tea Party Members

At this point, anyone who watches Fox News deserves to be lied to. Their manufactured bullshit has been exposed so many times, you have to be retarded to not only keep drinking their piss without question, but especially retarded to parrot it without fact checking!
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I don't know about the "intelligence" measures per se, since the OP did not specify any actual source documents or studies--however, I have always felt that Tea Party types exhibit certain sociopathies and antisocial behavior patterns. Not ALL of them, but a very good portion of them.

Please cite and actual source document or study for your assertions here. Or else your feelings are null and void, and people here will call you a liar.

Right. I'm going to start reeling off the names of those odd Tea Partiers that show up at the local truck stop to have their "Obama-grrr" meetings. The ones that fly confederate flags in the rear windows of their trucks. And you know that's the truth. Tea Partiers are some fucked-up individuals. Many are either retired or on disability.

Yes, they are MUCH worse than those liberals who show up in their Priius's with the gay pride flags at the local tea shop to have their weekly "grrr Palin" meetings. Those people are some fucked up individuals. Most are unemployed losers.

At this point, anyone who watches Fox News deserves to be lied to. Their manufactured bullshit has been exposed so many times, you have to be retarded to not only keep drinking their piss without question, but especially retarded to parrot it without fact checking!

Right, scumbag.

That's why FNC has more viewers than CNN, pMSNBC and HLN -- COMBINED

Do you guys know what a lie of omission is?

Yep. A typical example might be where some leftist fanatic bashes Fox News, accusies them of "manufactured bullshit" (but citing no examples, inevitably)... but fail to mention that other outlets such as CNN, ABC, NBC etc. have omitted important information or lied outright in their "news" coverage, far more than Fox News ever has.

The tendency of those same leftist fanatics to spread their hatred far beyond the Fox network, and attack its viewers too, calling them names, denigrating them personally, etc., is not part of the "lie of omission" they so frequently commit, though it seems to appear regularly whenever those leftists give us their "opinions".

At this point, anyone who watches Fox News deserves to be lied to. Their manufactured bullshit has been exposed so many times, you have to be retarded to not only keep drinking their piss without question, but especially retarded to parrot it without fact checking!

Any other questions I can answer for you?

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Here is a write-up about the study since I know Little Acorn probably won't be able to find it: Some data on education, religiosity, ideology, and science comprehension

Do you guys know what a lie of omission is?

Here is what West didn't mention:

A graph is depicted.

What West is too retarded to grasp is that the tests still show that the more leftward a person is, the better they are at science. But it also shows a Tea Party person has a better grasp of science than someone who identifies as a Conservative Republican.

Nope. It just shows Conservative Republicans are dumber than Tea Partiers.

you are an ass.

What an intelligent riposte! :lol:

Most liberals, vastly most are religious. Probably in the 90+ %
people who can think for themselves, as ALL TP members do - that's why they started the movement - always have higher cognitive abilities than the sheeple which has to be led, as our leftard friends :D


I don't know about the "intelligence" measures per se, since the OP did not specify any actual source documents or studies--however, I have always felt that Tea Party types exhibit certain sociopathies and antisocial behavior patterns. Not ALL of them, but a very good portion of them.

I guess if you keep telling yourself that, you may believe it to be true.

And the reason you feel that about Tea Partyers?

Wait. Don't tell me. Let me guess.

You have many friends that are tea partyers.

Sure you do.

No, I wouldn't say that I have many Tea Party "friends." I avoid them, generally, because they tend to rant and become a spectacle in public places.
Please cite and actual source document or study for your assertions here. Or else your feelings are null and void, and people here will call you a liar.

Right. I'm going to start reeling off the names of those odd Tea Partiers that show up at the local truck stop to have their "Obama-grrr" meetings. The ones that fly confederate flags in the rear windows of their trucks. And you know that's the truth. Tea Partiers are some fucked-up individuals. Many are either retired or on disability.

Yes, they are MUCH worse than those liberals who show up in their Priius's with the gay pride flags at the local tea shop to have their weekly "grrr Palin" meetings. Those people are some fucked up individuals. Most are unemployed losers.


Same difference, as far as I'm concerned.
At this point, anyone who watches Fox News deserves to be lied to. Their manufactured bullshit has been exposed so many times, you have to be retarded to not only keep drinking their piss without question, but especially retarded to parrot it without fact checking!

Right, scumbag.

That's why FNC has more viewers than CNN, pMSNBC and HLN -- COMBINED


And this, ladies and gentlemen, is what is known as an argumentum ad populum fallacy. The mistaken belief that the more people who believe manufactured bullshit, the more true it is.

ETA: Maybe the reason the hack left wing media outlets have a smaller audience is precisely because left wingers are smarter than right wingers. Left wingers aren't stupid enough to keep coming back for more manufactured bullshit once they realize they have been lied to.
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At this point, anyone who watches Fox News deserves to be lied to. Their manufactured bullshit has been exposed so many times, you have to be retarded to not only keep drinking their piss without question, but especially retarded to parrot it without fact checking!

Right, scumbag.

That's why FNC has more viewers than CNN, pMSNBC and HLN -- COMBINED


Dittoheads all congregate in the same echo chamber. I think we all know that.
Do you guys know what a lie of omission is?

Yep. A typical example might be where some leftist fanatic bashes Fox News, accusies them of "manufactured bullshit" (but citing no examples, inevitably)... but fail to mention that other outlets such as CNN, ABC, NBC etc. have omitted important information or lied outright in their "news" coverage, far more than Fox News ever has.

The tendency of those same leftist fanatics to spread their hatred far beyond the Fox network, and attack its viewers too, calling them names, denigrating them personally, etc., is not part of the "lie of omission" they so frequently commit, though it seems to appear regularly whenever those leftists give us their "opinions".

At this point, anyone who watches Fox News deserves to be lied to. Their manufactured bullshit has been exposed so many times, you have to be retarded to not only keep drinking their piss without question, but especially retarded to parrot it without fact checking!

Any other questions I can answer for you?


Oh, I've had plenty of fun debunking the left wing manufactured bullshit, too.

Try again.
fOX HAS GOOD CABLE NUMBERS BECAUSE IT'S THE only place for TPers- Try adding ''MSM'' and you're outnumbered 5-1 plus, dingbat. Fox is not journalism, Issa is a pos charlatan. DUH...

OP- total bs
OP- watch the hater dupes blindly believe ANYTHING their charlatans Who cares about evidence or logic...
people who can think for themselves, as ALL TP members do - that's why they started the movement -

Yeah. Because gathering in mass protests with thousands of other people and naming your cause after what is arguably the most famous event in American history is really "thinking for yourself."
people who can think for themselves, as ALL TP members do - that's why they started the movement -

Yeah. Because gathering in mass protests with thousands of other people and naming your cause after what is arguably the most famous event in American history is really "thinking for yourself."

So if you think for yourself, you can't agree with like minded people and organize for a political cause?

The Tea Party is for lower taxes, so naming it's self after a famous anti-tax event isn't "thinking for yourself"?
When and who will the first lefty come in and say "Faux News" and not address the factual findings?

Don't get me started on Arab owned Fox News and their many lies.

Accusations that Fox News (which of course I have never seen or heard) lies are abundant. Examples of such lies are rare - and usually the 'lies' turn out to be opinions with which the complainer doe not share.

I don't think the Tea Party's problem is a matter of intelligence -- it's more a general naivete of messaging, a specialty of their far more experienced opponents on the Left.

It's like a first-time boxer walking right into a haymaker punch, they're making things easy for the Democrats with their simplistic absolutist messaging.

I mean, holy crap, when the Democrats are just given the license to bring up something as fundamental, something as headache-inducing as fucking "roads and bridges", that means that the Tea Party really needs to take their messaging up a few steps on the intellectual ladder.

And please, for the love of gawd, don't tell me you don't understand the difference between "message" and "messaging". I'm not telling you to abandon your beliefs or to turn into Democrats (more simplistic, absolutist thinking), I'm telling you that they're eating your lunch on how to communicate to the public, how to sell an idea, how to change hearts and minds. There's no way to know if your message will even work until you improve the way you deliver it. If your messaging is simplistic, people will think you are too.

Before you can convince someone of your message, you have to have the fundamental respect of the person to whom you're to trying to communicate. Maybe a little nuance now and then. That just ain't there yet.

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