Interest in Midterms Surges, Along With Trump Approval Rating


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
People watched Democrats during the Kavanaugh hearings and sat up straight.

Nearly two thirds of registered voters showed a high level of interest in the election—the highest ever recorded in a midterm election since the Journal/NBC poll began asking the question in 2006.

“It’s a barnburner,” Bill McInturff, a GOP pollster who conducted the survey with Democrat Fred Yang, said of the surge of voter interest. “There’s a switch that’s been flipped…They are engaging in the campaign and the process.”

Interest in Midterms Surges, Along With Trump Approval Rating.
For what it's worth, I mailed in my absentee ballot the other day - completely Repub., including Cox for Cally's governer. He's an R. that's actually doing surprisingly well in CA. Leftists have gotten so subhuman that they're even starting to lose the most leftist, circus-train-wreck state of them all!

I think our Jerry Brown-as-in-shit cocksucker really sealed his political doom when he started publicly calling the American taxpayers the "ultimate freeloaders" to defend his loyalty to Mexico and sanctuary for illegals. Liberals don't understand that it's political suicide to start insulting the American public in their speeches - another charming habit they picked up from traitor Obamaggot.
People watched Democrats during the Kavanaugh hearings and sat up straight.

Nearly two thirds of registered voters showed a high level of interest in the election—the highest ever recorded in a midterm election since the Journal/NBC poll began asking the question in 2006.

“It’s a barnburner,” Bill McInturff, a GOP pollster who conducted the survey with Democrat Fred Yang, said of the surge of voter interest. “There’s a switch that’s been flipped…They are engaging in the campaign and the process.”

Interest in Midterms Surges, Along With Trump Approval Rating.
And along with Democrats' House majority chances Trump’s Approval Rating Is Up. Republican House Chances Are Down. Does That Make Any Sense?
People watched Democrats during the Kavanaugh hearings and sat up straight.

Nearly two thirds of registered voters showed a high level of interest in the election—the highest ever recorded in a midterm election since the Journal/NBC poll began asking the question in 2006.

“It’s a barnburner,” Bill McInturff, a GOP pollster who conducted the survey with Democrat Fred Yang, said of the surge of voter interest. “There’s a switch that’s been flipped…They are engaging in the campaign and the process.”

Interest in Midterms Surges, Along With Trump Approval Rating.
Here's what the article posted by Weatherman2020 says right below the headline :
Democrats still favored by voters in latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll as the party to lead Congress
Weatherman2020 could have told us that, but he wanted an exciting thread.

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