Interesting argument against the Ground Zero Mosque

Shall I judge you because Warren Jeffs, a christian, likes to accumulate 13 year old brides? Eric Rudolph is a christian too. I guess it's easier to balance on a line of bullshit when your field of vision is narrowed to only look at others.

If this were an isolated incident, I would say you have a good point. We know that is not the case though.

And, if child abuse were an isolated incident in the catholic church and didn't require a pope-condoned coverup...

see how easy this is?

No. I really don't. I have no part with the Catholic church. ;)
Ironically, women in christianity have BARELY become more than property of their husbands. I can nitpick bible scripture too. There are negative elements in every faith; trying to pretend that it's only muslims that beat their wives is just disingenuous.

Wrongo! (not even a nice try!)

Any man who abuses his wife and treats her like a second class citizen is NO christian.

I have gone to church in several different faiths in my years on earth and not ONE, and I mean NOT ONE has EVER endorsed treating your wife like a piece of property.... NOT EVER!
Also, if I had, I would have left and never went back.

Ephesians 5:25-27
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her; 26 that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, 27 that He might present to Himself the church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she should be holy and blameless.

Galatians 3:27
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ

1 Peter 3:7
You husbands in the same way, live with your wives in an understanding way, as with someone weaker, since she is a woman; and show her honor as a fellow heir of the grace of life, so that your prayers will not be hindered.

Colossians 3:19 (New International Version)

Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them.


go tell it to the womens suffrage movement BARELY 50 years ago. The bible is often interpreted by those who want it to say something as validation for what they wan to here. In this case, YOUR complete lack of historic knowledge of the role of women in christian cultures.


oh you people are fucking hilarious.

Wait, don't you claim that the FF were not Christians, you know the guys who decided to deny woman's suffrage. If they weren't Christians then how do you NOW blame woman being denied suffrage on Christians?

PS Women have had the vote since 1920. That is considerably longer than barely 50 years go. you seem to have a problem with numbers. You consider 5 miles to be as close as 1/2 mile and you deem 2010-1920 to be barely 50 years.
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Shall I judge you because Warren Jeffs, a christian, likes to accumulate 13 year old brides? Eric Rudolph is a christian too. I guess it's easier to balance on a line of bullshit when your field of vision is narrowed to only look at others.

If this were an isolated incident, I would say you have a good point. We know that is not the case though.

And, if child abuse were an isolated incident in the catholic church and didn't require a pope-condoned coverup...

see how easy this is?

I condemn and all Catholics who do not speak out against the child rape within their religion. Yes, that is easy.
I said it in another thread...they own the land, they have every right to build...but I would get a chuckle out of a Gay Community Center going up next door.

That would make me laugh and I wold donate to that cause.
If this were an isolated incident, I would say you have a good point. We know that is not the case though.

And, if child abuse were an isolated incident in the catholic church and didn't require a pope-condoned coverup...

see how easy this is?

No. I really don't. I have no part with the Catholic church. ;)

but, many christians do. American christians.

again, whats good for the goose...
Wrongo! (not even a nice try!)

Any man who abuses his wife and treats her like a second class citizen is NO christian.

I have gone to church in several different faiths in my years on earth and not ONE, and I mean NOT ONE has EVER endorsed treating your wife like a piece of property.... NOT EVER!
Also, if I had, I would have left and never went back.

Ephesians 5:25-27
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her; 26 that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, 27 that He might present to Himself the church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she should be holy and blameless.

Galatians 3:27
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ

1 Peter 3:7
You husbands in the same way, live with your wives in an understanding way, as with someone weaker, since she is a woman; and show her honor as a fellow heir of the grace of life, so that your prayers will not be hindered.

Colossians 3:19 (New International Version)

Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them.


go tell it to the womens suffrage movement BARELY 50 years ago. The bible is often interpreted by those who want it to say something as validation for what they wan to here. In this case, YOUR complete lack of historic knowledge of the role of women in christian cultures.


oh you people are fucking hilarious.

Wait, don't you claim that the FF were not Christians, you know the guys who decided to deny woman's suffrage. If they weren't Christians then how do you NOW blame woman being denied suffrage on Christians?

"christianity" is a self identity. You are no more going to tell a mormon that he is not a christian than you are going to tell a ****** hanging southerner that he wasn't a good christian. Likewise, in this case, you have no basis to judge American muslims by the actions of radical muslims.

Now, do you want to admit that, historically, christians have no one to point at in the realm of treatment of women or are we going to continue this farce all day long?
If this were an isolated incident, I would say you have a good point. We know that is not the case though.

And, if child abuse were an isolated incident in the catholic church and didn't require a pope-condoned coverup...

see how easy this is?

I condemn and all Catholics who do not speak out against the child rape within their religion. Yes, that is easy.

looks like you've fallen short of demanding that catholic churches remain more than 500 yards away from playgrounds and schools. How unimpressive...

go tell it to the womens suffrage movement BARELY 50 years ago. The bible is often interpreted by those who want it to say something as validation for what they wan to here. In this case, YOUR complete lack of historic knowledge of the role of women in christian cultures.


oh you people are fucking hilarious.

Wait, don't you claim that the FF were not Christians, you know the guys who decided to deny woman's suffrage. If they weren't Christians then how do you NOW blame woman being denied suffrage on Christians?

"christianity" is a self identity. You are no more going to tell a mormon that he is not a christian than you are going to tell a ****** hanging southerner that he wasn't a good christian. Likewise, in this case, you have no basis to judge American muslims by the actions of radical muslims.

Now, do you want to admit that, historically, christians have no one to point at in the realm of treatment of women or are we going to continue this farce all day long?

The farce is you pretending that at any time Christian women were subjected to the treatment that Muslim women still receive today.

At no point that I'm aware of did any Christian government declare that it permissible to beat your wife. Oh, certainly there have been, are, and always will be Christians who look the other way as other "good" Christian men beat their wives, but as an institution Christianity has never endorsed that.

Likewise, I know of no situation in which Christian women have been confined to their home unless accompanied by an adult male family member lest she be beat by "religious police"

Also, I am unaware of any Christian government using the Bible to justify saying a woman has not been raped unless she has 3 adult male witnesses.

Also, the vast majority of Christians through history have frowned upon the idea of arranged marriages. while in Islamic tradition a daughter is cattle to be bartered and sold to the man who can pay the most for her.

I really don't know what else to tell you except to say that you REALLY need to study up on this religion.
And, if child abuse were an isolated incident in the catholic church and didn't require a pope-condoned coverup...

see how easy this is?

I condemn and all Catholics who do not speak out against the child rape within their religion. Yes, that is easy.

looks like you've fallen short of demanding that catholic churches remain more than 500 yards away from playgrounds and schools. How unimpressive...

I have stated before and will state again. I have no problems with that if it were the law.
but, many christians do. American christians.

again, whats good for the goose...

And many don't. :)

likewise, many muslims don't fly planes into buildings. Are you not thinking three moves ahead in this little interaction?

Here's your peaceful American Muslims

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Muslims in America‬‎[/ame]
Wait, don't you claim that the FF were not Christians, you know the guys who decided to deny woman's suffrage. If they weren't Christians then how do you NOW blame woman being denied suffrage on Christians?

"christianity" is a self identity. You are no more going to tell a mormon that he is not a christian than you are going to tell a ****** hanging southerner that he wasn't a good christian. Likewise, in this case, you have no basis to judge American muslims by the actions of radical muslims.

Now, do you want to admit that, historically, christians have no one to point at in the realm of treatment of women or are we going to continue this farce all day long?

The farce is you pretending that at any time Christian women were subjected to the treatment that Muslim women still receive today.

At no point that I'm aware of did any Christian government declare that it permissible to beat your wife. Oh, certainly there have been, are, and always will be Christians who look the other way as other "good" Christian men beat their wives, but as an institution Christianity has never endorsed that.

Likewise, I know of no situation in which Christian women have been confined to their home unless accompanied by an adult male family member lest she be beat by "religious police"

Also, I am unaware of any Christian government using the Bible to justify saying a woman has not been raped unless she has 3 adult male witnesses.

Also, the vast majority of Christians through history have frowned upon the idea of arranged marriages. while in Islamic tradition a daughter is cattle to be bartered and sold to the man who can pay the most for her.

I really don't know what else to tell you except to say that you REALLY need to study up on this religion.

Again, historically we are BARELY passed the womens suffrage movement and, hilariously, you want to pretend that christianity doesn't have it's own dirty little secrets regarding the treatment of the fairer sex. Yes, hilarious.

I guess this is where you get to embellish your education with a lesson from the Shogun of USMB

South Carolina's Dumb Laws Make Wife Beating Legal - Associated Content -

This isn't anything new. I can dig up more if you REALLY want me to drive the point home.

Now, go ask yourself why the pope very recently declared that making a woman a priest is no less of a sin than sex abuse. I'll wait...

Catholics angry as church puts female ordination on par with sex abuse | World news | The Guardian

Dude, arranged marriages and dowries have been a christian staple for centuries. Effectively making women less valuable than land or cattle. The shit you are starting to claim is starting to jump the shark.

I tell you what, I'll keep posting my evidence that makes your "education on religion" a knee slapping joke and you go ahead and sit there with empty hands and a mouth full of impotent rage, m'kay?
I condemn and all Catholics who do not speak out against the child rape within their religion. Yes, that is easy.

looks like you've fallen short of demanding that catholic churches remain more than 500 yards away from playgrounds and schools. How unimpressive...

I have stated before and will state again. I have no problems with that if it were the law.

well, when you launch into your mission to get catholics to think about the insensitivity of catholic schools then we'll talk. Until then, you've got some reading to do.
And many don't. :)

likewise, many muslims don't fly planes into buildings. Are you not thinking three moves ahead in this little interaction?

Here's your peaceful American Muslims

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Muslims in America‬‎[/ame]

and, by your standard, here are your peaceful christians

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Fred Phelps cutup‬‎[/ame]
And many don't. :)

likewise, many muslims don't fly planes into buildings. Are you not thinking three moves ahead in this little interaction?

Naw Sho, I didn't know it was a competition. I was just giving my view, just as you are.

your opinion is easily unraveled with reality. This is why it's so easy to offer a mudhole stomping retort to your opinion.
likewise, many muslims don't fly planes into buildings. Are you not thinking three moves ahead in this little interaction?

Naw Sho, I didn't know it was a competition. I was just giving my view, just as you are.

your opinion is easily unraveled with reality. This is why it's so easy to offer a mudhole stomping retort to your opinion.

Only because I am allowing it. Not much in the mood to fight, and won't be baited into it.
I know what I believe; I know what the Bible says, and what the Qur'an says.

They might slit my throat before yours b/c I am a woman, but they would slit yours just as well.
Your comparisons don't even equate.

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