Interesting argument against the Ground Zero Mosque

There's already a mosque within 3 blocks of the WTC. Why haven't they been flocking there?

You have proof they are not?

Is that mosque Built on the site of A building that was hit by the landing gear of one of the planes that his the WTC?

Was that Mosque pushed for and Funded by an imam who refuses to call Hamas a Terrorist group, and Thinks America needs to be more Sharia Compliant? Or one who says America was an accessory to 9/11?

Hardly a comparison there at all. Were not talking about just another Mosque here, this is a 130 Million dollar Monument to A Muslim Victory on 9/11 or at least that is what it will be to MANY radical Muslims.

Neither of those things are true about Rauf. I suggest you listen to what he says, rather than what right wing bloggers write about him.

Wrong I have read the full speech in which HE talks about Sharia Compliance.

I Heard HIM respond to reporters who first asked HIM if any Terrorist Money was Backing the Build, To which HE responded NO, then they asked HIM if he considered Hamas a terrorist Group and HE Said no.

That is not Right wing Bloggers that WAS HIM Saying those things.

Maybe you are the one who needs to Pay attention to what HE Says.
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There's already a mosque within 3 blocks of the WTC. Why haven't they been flocking there?

You have proof they are not?

Is that mosque Built on the site of A building that was hit by the landing gear of one of the planes that his the WTC?

Was that Mosque pushed for and Funded by an imam who refuses to call Hamas a Terrorist group, and Thinks America needs to be more Sharia Compliant? Or one who says America was an accessory to 9/11?

Hardly a comparison there at all. Were not talking about just another Mosque here, this is a 130 Million dollar Monument to A Muslim Victory on 9/11 or at least that is what it will be to MANY radical Muslims.

Neither of those things are true about Rauf. I suggest you listen to what he says, rather than what right wing bloggers write about him.

I suggest you read What's right with Islam: a new vision for Muslims and the West
There's already a mosque within 3 blocks of the WTC. Why haven't they been flocking there?

You have proof they are not?

Is that mosque Built on the site of A building that was hit by the landing gear of one of the planes that his the WTC?

Was that Mosque pushed for and Funded by an imam who refuses to call Hamas a Terrorist group, and Thinks America needs to be more Sharia Compliant? Or one who says America was an accessory to 9/11?

Hardly a comparison there at all. Were not talking about just another Mosque here, this is a 130 Million dollar Monument to A Muslim Victory on 9/11 or at least that is what it will be to MANY radical Muslims.

Neither of those things are true about Rauf. I suggest you listen to what he says, rather than what right wing bloggers write about him.

We have established there is no lie he can tell that you wont believe.
You have proof they are not?

Is that mosque Built on the site of A building that was hit by the landing gear of one of the planes that his the WTC?

Was that Mosque pushed for and Funded by an imam who refuses to call Hamas a Terrorist group, and Thinks America needs to be more Sharia Compliant? Or one who says America was an accessory to 9/11?

Hardly a comparison there at all. Were not talking about just another Mosque here, this is a 130 Million dollar Monument to A Muslim Victory on 9/11 or at least that is what it will be to MANY radical Muslims.

Neither of those things are true about Rauf. I suggest you listen to what he says, rather than what right wing bloggers write about him.

I suggest you read What's right with Islam: a new vision for Muslims and the West

I suggest you read the Quran, ahadith ,surat rasul allah and various tafsir.
Islam does not change .Only the lies to protect it change.
because I chose levity instead of a video with that bastards actual statements. Do you REALLY WANT TO HEAR WHAT THAT CHRISTIAN has to say? After all, by YOUR standard his faith reflects your own, right?

Um, what part of I unequivocally denounce and condemn his actions do you not understand? Has Rauf done so as concerns the terrorists? Have ANY Muslims? Not that I have seen.

plenty of muslims have denounced 9/11. If you don't see them it's because you refuse to look.

And, again, your denouncement doesn't keep him from building churches and going to the funerals of dead soldiers. WE AMERICANS are not into limiting his speech even if WE find it abhorrent. I don't know what America you live in but in mine we don't disregard the Constitution just because someone doesn't like something.
The statements against 911 are empty rhetoric.
Um, what part of I unequivocally denounce and condemn his actions do you not understand? Has Rauf done so as concerns the terrorists? Have ANY Muslims? Not that I have seen.

plenty of muslims have denounced 9/11. If you don't see them it's because you refuse to look.

And, again, your denouncement doesn't keep him from building churches and going to the funerals of dead soldiers. WE AMERICANS are not into limiting his speech even if WE find it abhorrent. I don't know what America you live in but in mine we don't disregard the Constitution just because someone doesn't like something.
The statements against 911 are empty rhetoric. matter what they say, you won't be satisfied.....
plenty of muslims have denounced 9/11. If you don't see them it's because you refuse to look.

And, again, your denouncement doesn't keep him from building churches and going to the funerals of dead soldiers. WE AMERICANS are not into limiting his speech even if WE find it abhorrent. I don't know what America you live in but in mine we don't disregard the Constitution just because someone doesn't like something.
The statements against 911 are empty rhetoric. matter what they say, you won't be satisfied.....

Not when their actions show otherwise.

If your child tells you she didn't steal the cookies as cookie crumbles are falling out of her teeth, do you take her word for it? matter what they say, you won't be satisfied.....

Not when their actions show otherwise.

If your child tells you she didn't steal the cookies as cookie crumbles are falling out of her teeth, do you take her word for it? Mr. F says, you believe we are at war with Islam...ALL of Islam...cause that's what he believes. matter what they say, you won't be satisfied.....

Not when their actions show otherwise.

If your child tells you she didn't steal the cookies as cookie crumbles are falling out of her teeth, do you take her word for it? Mr. F says, you believe we are at war with Islam...ALL of Islam...cause that's what he believes.

I believe we're at war with any Muslim who hasn't proven by their actions that they oppose Islamic terrorists.
Not when their actions show otherwise.

If your child tells you she didn't steal the cookies as cookie crumbles are falling out of her teeth, do you take her word for it? Mr. F says, you believe we are at war with Islam...ALL of Islam...cause that's what he believes.

I believe we're at war with any Muslim who hasn't proven by their actions that they oppose Islamic terrorists.

What kinds of actions are you looking for?
Muslims who may actually be against what happened on 9/11 do not make an outcry. They are silent, or very quietly saying how they feel where they won't be heard by the terroristic leaders of that world.

There is NO real outcry from them. That is why I believe we cannot trust them.

This mosque needs to be stopped. I have heard ONE Muslim person say they don't like what happened on 9/11. Only ONE!

I am listening very closely, but they are silent.

We should never let it happen.
because I chose levity instead of a video with that bastards actual statements. Do you REALLY WANT TO HEAR WHAT THAT CHRISTIAN has to say? After all, by YOUR standard his faith reflects your own, right?

Um, what part of I unequivocally denounce and condemn his actions do you not understand? Has Rauf done so as concerns the terrorists? Have ANY Muslims? Not that I have seen.

plenty of muslims have denounced 9/11. If you don't see them it's because you refuse to look.

And, again, your denouncement doesn't keep him from building churches and going to the funerals of dead soldiers. WE AMERICANS are not into limiting his speech even if WE find it abhorrent. I don't know what America you live in but in mine we don't disregard the Constitution just because someone doesn't like something.

There is a big difference! His religion, not truely Christian does nmot go around the world killing people.

No doubt aboiut it, muslims kill! They want to mock out great nation with that mosque. They have no good intentions for it.
Places of worship in the new WTC are an affront to the lord god MAMMON.

That is his church, folks.

Bankers are his priestly class.

All hale the golden calf.

All hale Baal.

THAT is the religion this nation really worships.
There will be radicals at this mosque pushing Sharia and Jihad. There will be another attack. And there will still be America haters on the left defending them. "Freedom of religion" "Religion of peace" "Catholics" "Israelis" 'Bush" "Anti Immigrants" "Shit happens. Move on"

Useful idiots is too kind a term.
plenty of muslims have denounced 9/11. If you don't see them it's because you refuse to look.

And, again, your denouncement doesn't keep him from building churches and going to the funerals of dead soldiers. WE AMERICANS are not into limiting his speech even if WE find it abhorrent. I don't know what America you live in but in mine we don't disregard the Constitution just because someone doesn't like something.
The statements against 911 are empty rhetoric. matter what they say, you won't be satisfied.....

I am always satisfied with the truth.
holy strawman batman
you have pulled out so many just in this thread

So if treating all Christians the same as their bad apples (child molesters, abortion clinic bombers) a strawman, that makes treating all Muslims the same as their bad apples (terrorists)...

If you guessed a strawman, you'd be correct.
Produce the Christian scripture that sanctifies child molestation abortion bombing and rape.

Im certain it is not necessary to repost the clear order of genocide from Islamic scripture is it?

Does the Constitution stipulate that we only have to give religious freedom to religions whose storybooks tell stories we like?

Where is that in the Constitution?
I have nothing against a Mosque being built. Just not where they want to build it.

Strikes me as kinda funny that Muslims are always accusing Americans of being insensitive and yet they show complete insensitivity in this matter.

I also wonder if any NY construction company would actually build a mosque that close to ground zero??

Let them build it somewhere else in NY City. Jeeze.

1. What is the exact distance from ground zero that mosques may be built?

2. What if you're a widow of a 9/11 victim, and you live in, say, Greenwich, Connecticut. Do you have the right then to demand a no-mosque zone of a certain dimension around your house?

In answer to your 1. How about you ask the spouse of a victim of 9/11 how far is far enough??? I'm sure the answer won't be a block away.

2. Greenwich, CT isn't ground zero.

By your post I take it that you have no problem with a mosque a block from ground zero??

I don't care where they build mosques any more than I care where they build Catholic churches.

Again, what is the exact distance from ground zero where building mosques becomes acceptable? The question is for those who claim they don't oppose mosques just ones close to ground zero?

Who wants to give me a number? If that is what you truly believe, then there has to be a number?
So if treating all Christians the same as their bad apples (child molesters, abortion clinic bombers) a strawman, that makes treating all Muslims the same as their bad apples (terrorists)...

If you guessed a strawman, you'd be correct.
Produce the Christian scripture that sanctifies child molestation abortion bombing and rape.

Im certain it is not necessary to repost the clear order of genocide from Islamic scripture is it?

Does the Constitution stipulate that we only have to give religious freedom to religions whose storybooks tell stories we like?

Where is that in the Constitution?
The Constitution is not a suicide pact
Jefferson's formulation
strict observance of the written law is doubtless one of the high duties of a good citizen, but it is not the highest. The laws of necessity, of self-preservation, of saving our country when in danger, are of higher obligation. To lose our country by a scrupulous adherence to the written law, would be to lose the law itself, with life, liberty, property and all those who are enjoying them with us; thus absurdly sacrificing the ends to the means.
Produce the Christian scripture that sanctifies child molestation abortion bombing and rape.
Im certain it is not necessary to repost the clear order of genocide from Islamic scripture is it?

Doesn't seem to stop them, does it?
Until you are able to produce the scripture that sanctifies the offending acts, those acts cannot be used to represent Christian acts or representative of mainstream Christian belief.

Islam calls for the subjugation and eradication of all non muslims .

One of several passages in the Bible where God commands the Israelites to annihilate entire peoples:

16 “Only in the cities of these peoples that the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance, you shall not leave alive anything that breathes. 17 “But you shall utterly destroy them, the Hittite and the Amorite, the Canaanite and the Perizzite, the Hivite and the Jebusite, as the LORD your God has commanded you, 18 in order that they may not teach you to do according to all their detestable things which they have done for their gods, so that you would sin against the LORD your God” (Deuteronomy 29:16-18).
Produce the Christian scripture that sanctifies child molestation abortion bombing and rape.

Im certain it is not necessary to repost the clear order of genocide from Islamic scripture is it?

Does the Constitution stipulate that we only have to give religious freedom to religions whose storybooks tell stories we like?

Where is that in the Constitution?
The Constitution is not a suicide pact
Jefferson's formulation
strict observance of the written law is doubtless one of the high duties of a good citizen, but it is not the highest. The laws of necessity, of self-preservation, of saving our country when in danger, are of higher obligation. To lose our country by a scrupulous adherence to the written law, would be to lose the law itself, with life, liberty, property and all those who are enjoying them with us; thus absurdly sacrificing the ends to the means.

So Jefferson is saying the Constitution is a 'living document' that one is permitted to loosely interpret?

What is the danger of mosques being built in the US? If they are genuinely dangerous, shouldn't we, as I asked earlier, simply amend the Constitution to outlaw Islam in America?

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