Interesting argument against the Ground Zero Mosque

But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also. If someone takes your cloak, do not stop him from taking your tunic. Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. Do to others as you would have them do to you.
—Luke 6:27-31

Yeah, you're a fucking tool and I'm certainly not going to get into a discussion with you about whether Christians should be opposing things that they feel are wrong. If you had your way we'd just all shut up and go sit in the corner and have no say in the way anything is done in this country.

People are citing passages from the Koran and then using them to leap to the conclusion that all Muslims everywhere and anywhere are literal followers, practitioners, supporters, and believers in every word of every passage in the Koran, and then using that as some sort of rationale to condemn all Muslims.

I'm merely pointing out that the world is full of Christians who don't follow, practice, support, and believe every single passage in the Bible, nor are they assumed to by the same people who are assuming the above about Muslims.

Should we amend the Constitution to outlaw Islam in America? That would be the perfect alternative to 'shutting up and sitting in the corner' wouldn't it? Perfect because it deals with the constitutional 'problem' here.

A) I have never suggesting outlawing Islam in America, if they follow our laws, certainly they have every right to practice their faith

B) I have never claimed that there is a constitutional issue here. I concede that they obviously have the right to build this mosque. I merely contend that it is in bad taste, insensitivity , and hatred that they plan to build it. I want them to build it because it will prove to the world that they don't care what Americans think, they spit on us.

To claim it is in bad taste is anti-Muslim bias.

The attack on 9/11 was much less about religion than too many people want to make it.
People are citing passages from the Koran and then using them to leap to the conclusion that all Muslims everywhere and anywhere are literal followers, practitioners, supporters, and believers in every word of every passage in the Koran, and then using that as some sort of rationale to condemn all Muslims.

I'm merely pointing out that the world is full of Christians who don't follow, practice, support, and believe every single passage in the Bible, nor are they assumed to by the same people who are assuming the above about Muslims.

Should we amend the Constitution to outlaw Islam in America? That would be the perfect alternative to 'shutting up and sitting in the corner' wouldn't it? Perfect because it deals with the constitutional 'problem' here.

A) I have never suggesting outlawing Islam in America, if they follow our laws, certainly they have every right to practice their faith

B) I have never claimed that there is a constitutional issue here. I concede that they obviously have the right to build this mosque. I merely contend that it is in bad taste, insensitivity , and hatred that they plan to build it. I want them to build it because it will prove to the world that they don't care what Americans think, they spit on us.

To claim it is in bad taste is anti-Muslim bias.

The attack on 9/11 was much less about religion than too many people want to make it.

That has been discussed in this thread, and you are entirely wrong, the attacks were COMPLETELY about religion, as are ALL Islamic terrorist attacks. Read about Jihad for God's sakes.
Ok, one vote for ending freedom of religion in America.

Any more?

Nurturing Islam is an act of ending all freedom.

We spent 4000 American lives and trillions of dollars helping Iraq establish an Islamic theocracy. In the name of 'liberating' the Iraqi people. I assume then you're in full agreement with me that the entire exercise was idiocy.

I though the point was to steal the oil not create an Islamic theocracy?
It is hard to keep up with the straw man of the day.
How soon until "insulting Islam" becomes a hate crime in NY? Buddy Jesus pics - funny Cartoon Mohammed - jail time (or of course the justified blowing up of office buildings)
So the words, the teachings, and the life lived in example, of Christ, take second fiddle to the interpretations - for convenience and comfort - of Christ?

So I guess if Christians are in no way compelled to be literal followers of Christ's teachings and cannot be held to account for not being so,

then it would only intellectually honest, and fair and consistent, not to hold all Muslims to similar account.

There are many muslims who havent killed. Why they dont may be a matter of tactical advantage
I think it is appropriate to point out that when they do, more often than not the Quran and hadith are the inspiration.
Believers often kill muslims to inspire others to kill in an effort of "evangelical jihad."
Muslims who dont follow the Quran are rarely a problem .When they get that old time religion other people get killed.
How soon until "insulting Islam" becomes a hate crime in NY? Buddy Jesus pics - funny Cartoon Mohammed - jail time (or of course the justified blowing up of office buildings)

it will never happen. But, don't let that paranoia keep you from donning a tin pot on your head tonight, Orson.
People are citing passages from the Koran and then using them to leap to the conclusion that all Muslims everywhere and anywhere are literal followers, practitioners, supporters, and believers in every word of every passage in the Koran, and then using that as some sort of rationale to condemn all Muslims.

I'm merely pointing out that the world is full of Christians who don't follow, practice, support, and believe every single passage in the Bible, nor are they assumed to by the same people who are assuming the above about Muslims.

Should we amend the Constitution to outlaw Islam in America? That would be the perfect alternative to 'shutting up and sitting in the corner' wouldn't it? Perfect because it deals with the constitutional 'problem' here.

A) I have never suggesting outlawing Islam in America, if they follow our laws, certainly they have every right to practice their faith

B) I have never claimed that there is a constitutional issue here. I concede that they obviously have the right to build this mosque. I merely contend that it is in bad taste, insensitivity , and hatred that they plan to build it. I want them to build it because it will prove to the world that they don't care what Americans think, they spit on us.

To claim it is in bad taste is anti-Muslim bias.

The attack on 9/11 was much less about religion than too many people want to make it.

It was about scaring people enough to take back political power in home countries...but it's much easier to bring up the Religion Bugaboo.
A) I have never suggesting outlawing Islam in America, if they follow our laws, certainly they have every right to practice their faith

B) I have never claimed that there is a constitutional issue here. I concede that they obviously have the right to build this mosque. I merely contend that it is in bad taste, insensitivity , and hatred that they plan to build it. I want them to build it because it will prove to the world that they don't care what Americans think, they spit on us.

To claim it is in bad taste is anti-Muslim bias.

The attack on 9/11 was much less about religion than too many people want to make it.

It was about scaring people enough to take back political power in home countries...but it's much easier to bring up the Religion Bugaboo.


It was ENTIRELY about religion, Al Queda says "Saudi Arabia is the Islamic holy land, we don't like that USA is there so 9/11" and now you claim it wasn't about religion?

Jesus, are you not smart, or honest enough to say ok it was about religion, but I believe it was a perversion of the religion, and not what it actually means? Now I would disagree with you, I think Islam is a religion of terror, but I would at least respect you for admitting that these fools use RELIGION as their excuse to attack.
To claim it is in bad taste is anti-Muslim bias.

The attack on 9/11 was much less about religion than too many people want to make it.

It was about scaring people enough to take back political power in home countries...but it's much easier to bring up the Religion Bugaboo.


It was ENTIRELY about religion, Al Queda says "Saudi Arabia is the Islamic holy land, we don't like that USA is there so 9/11" and now you claim it wasn't about religion?

Jesus, are you not smart, or honest enough to say ok it was about religion, but I believe it was a perversion of the religion, and not what it actually means? Now I would disagree with you, I think Islam is a religion of terror, but I would at least respect you for admitting that these fools use RELIGION as their excuse to attack.

I think "excuse" is the key word there. September 11th was more political than religious, although, as you said, religion was the "excuse".
How soon until "insulting Islam" becomes a hate crime in NY? Buddy Jesus pics - funny Cartoon Mohammed - jail time (or of course the justified blowing up of office buildings)

How do you equate enforcing the first amendment to this? :cuckoo:
It was about scaring people enough to take back political power in home countries...but it's much easier to bring up the Religion Bugaboo.


It was ENTIRELY about religion, Al Queda says "Saudi Arabia is the Islamic holy land, we don't like that USA is there so 9/11" and now you claim it wasn't about religion?

Jesus, are you not smart, or honest enough to say ok it was about religion, but I believe it was a perversion of the religion, and not what it actually means? Now I would disagree with you, I think Islam is a religion of terror, but I would at least respect you for admitting that these fools use RELIGION as their excuse to attack.

I think "excuse" is the key word there. September 11th was more political than religious, although, as you said, religion was the "excuse".

Of course it was an excuse. I mean you can't say it was a reason, because no reasonable person would have committed 9/11. so they were crazies who used their religion as an excuse. Just as that dumbshit down in texas used his supposed mistreatment by the government as an excuse to blow up a building. Does that mean everyone who claims they were mistreated by the government wants to fly an airplane into a building? Of course not, but it was THIS lunatics reason for doing so

reason, excuse, whatever, that's all semantics, we all understand that the fools felt justified for their actions because of their religion.

we could have a much more honest debate if you guys would just admit that and then amend it by saying that you don't believe all Muslims use their religion that way. That's a fair and legitimate argument. The argument that religion was not the cause is just stupid and takes away any credibility you could have. Hell even some Muslims say "look those fools are perverting OUR religion we don't swing that way" but here yall are saying no it wasn't religion. YES IT WAS.

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