Interesting argument against the Ground Zero Mosque

Islam calls for the subjugation and eradication of all non muslims .
To preserve the blessing of liberty to pass down to posterity prohibition of Islam would be a rational choice.
Stop with the stupidity, you know damn well that I don't overlook anything of the sort. It's despicable that children are abused by anyone, let alone men of faith. However, those men are not trying to build a shrine to celebrate their achievements and so they are apples and oranges.

and that mosque is not trying to be a shrine to 9/11 either so.. I guess it really is apples to apples here.

That is EXACTLY what it is. Read a history book. Islamic tradition build a mosque on a site of victory. Read rauf's book he says the US deserved 9/11.

By that 'logic', since the attack was on America, then building a mosque anywhere in America would fall under what you're claiming.

Again. Why not just amend the Constitution to outlaw Islam in America? That would see to be the only sensible end to your line of thinking. Do you support that idea?
Until you are able to produce the scripture that sanctifies the offending acts, those acts cannot be used to represent Christian acts or representative of mainstream Christian belief.

Islam calls for the subjugation and eradication of all non muslims .

It is not just the rank and file raping little boys and girls in the Catholic faith, is it now? It's the PRIESTS and they are being protected by the BISHOPS and CARDINALS.

But feel free to overlook that.

A corrupt church no more represents Christ teaching anymore than a a non violent muslim represents Islam or the teaching of mohammad.

Christ's teachings including loving one's enemies and turning the other cheek. I'd say tolerating the mosque comes closer to Christ's teachings.
Well Im not looking for our leaders for spiritual guidance, I want to preserve liberty and domestic tranquility. I have seen what happens as Islamic population grows in other nations.
[ame=]YouTube - ‪WHAT ISLAM IS NOT‬‎[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - ‪Muslim Demographics‬‎[/ame]
plenty of muslims have denounced 9/11. If you don't see them it's because you refuse to look.

And, again, your denouncement doesn't keep him from building churches and going to the funerals of dead soldiers. WE AMERICANS are not into limiting his speech even if WE find it abhorrent. I don't know what America you live in but in mine we don't disregard the Constitution just because someone doesn't like something.
The statements against 911 are empty rhetoric. matter what they say, you won't be satisfied.....

true story.
It is not just the rank and file raping little boys and girls in the Catholic faith, is it now? It's the PRIESTS and they are being protected by the BISHOPS and CARDINALS.

But feel free to overlook that.

A corrupt church no more represents Christ teaching anymore than a a non violent muslim represents Islam or the teaching of mohammad.

Christ's teachings including loving one's enemies and turning the other cheek. I'd say tolerating the mosque comes closer to Christ's teachings.

I'm so sock of hearing that. CHrist in noway expects His followers to allow themselves to be ran over like sheep in the slaughter.
A corrupt church no more represents Christ teaching anymore than a a non violent muslim represents Islam or the teaching of mohammad.

Christ's teachings including loving one's enemies and turning the other cheek. I'd say tolerating the mosque comes closer to Christ's teachings.

I'm so sock of hearing that. CHrist in noway expects His followers to allow themselves to be ran over like sheep in the slaughter.

So the words, the teachings, and the life lived in example, of Christ, take second fiddle to the interpretations - for convenience and comfort - of Christ?

So I guess if Christians are in no way compelled to be literal followers of Christ's teachings and cannot be held to account for not being so,

then it would only intellectually honest, and fair and consistent, not to hold all Muslims to similar account.
Islam calls for the subjugation and eradication of all non muslims .
To preserve the blessing of liberty to pass down to posterity prohibition of Islam would be a rational choice.

Ok, one vote for ending freedom of religion in America.

Any more?

Nurturing Islam is an act of ending all freedom.

We spent 4000 American lives and trillions of dollars helping Iraq establish an Islamic theocracy. In the name of 'liberating' the Iraqi people. I assume then you're in full agreement with me that the entire exercise was idiocy.
Christ's teachings including loving one's enemies and turning the other cheek. I'd say tolerating the mosque comes closer to Christ's teachings.

I'm so sock of hearing that. CHrist in noway expects His followers to allow themselves to be ran over like sheep in the slaughter.

So the words, the teachings, and the life lived in example, of Christ, take second fiddle to the interpretations - for convenience and comfort - of Christ?

So I guess if Christians are in no way compelled to be literal followers of Christ's teachings and cannot be held to account for not being so,

then it would only intellectually honest, and fair and consistent, not to hold all Muslims to similar account.

Yeah, you're a fucking tool and I'm certainly not going to get into a discussion with you about whether Christians should be opposing things that they feel are wrong. If you had your way we'd just all shut up and go sit in the corner and have no say in the way anything is done in this country.
Ok, one vote for ending freedom of religion in America.

Any more?

Nurturing Islam is an act of ending all freedom.

We spent 4000 American lives and trillions of dollars helping Iraq establish an Islamic theocracy. In the name of 'liberating' the Iraqi people. I assume then you're in full agreement with me that the entire exercise was idiocy.

I certainly am. Those Middle Eastern morons are , well morons, they have no desire to be free, and Bush and now Obama are idiots for expending American lives to make it happen. Simple solution, kill anyone who fucks with America, otherwise let them deal with their own shit.
A corrupt church no more represents Christ teaching anymore than a a non violent muslim represents Islam or the teaching of mohammad.

Christ's teachings including loving one's enemies and turning the other cheek. I'd say tolerating the mosque comes closer to Christ's teachings.

I'm so sock of hearing that. CHrist in noway expects His followers to allow themselves to be ran over like sheep in the slaughter.

you are a fucking retard then. I guess it never dawned on you to wonder why, when peter cut off the ear of the roman guard, jesus himself told peter to put away his sword and allowed himself to be taken.

THIS world is not your reward. jebus specifically let you know that. It's opinions about christianity like yours that makes that faith such an ironic joke.
john 18

10Then Simon Peter having a sword drew it, and smote the high priest's servant, and cut off his right ear. The servant's name was Malchus.

11Then said Jesus unto Peter, Put up thy sword into the sheath: the cup which my Father hath given me, shall I not drink it?

36Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.
Christ's teachings including loving one's enemies and turning the other cheek. I'd say tolerating the mosque comes closer to Christ's teachings.

I'm so sock of hearing that. CHrist in noway expects His followers to allow themselves to be ran over like sheep in the slaughter.

you are a fucking retard then. I guess it never dawned on you to wonder why, when peter cut off the ear of the roman guard, jesus himself told peter to put away his sword and allowed himself to be taken.

THIS world is not your reward. jebus specifically let you know that. It's opinions about christianity like yours that makes that faith such an ironic joke.

You want to talk about a joke, you basically said that Christians should just shut up and take whatever the world dishes their way. MORON.

The ironic part is you have no problem with Muslims killing people in the name of Allah, but Christians shouldn't even defend themselves.

Jesus Christ what has happened to this nation?
I'm so sock of hearing that. CHrist in noway expects His followers to allow themselves to be ran over like sheep in the slaughter.

So the words, the teachings, and the life lived in example, of Christ, take second fiddle to the interpretations - for convenience and comfort - of Christ?

So I guess if Christians are in no way compelled to be literal followers of Christ's teachings and cannot be held to account for not being so,

then it would only intellectually honest, and fair and consistent, not to hold all Muslims to similar account.

Yeah, you're a fucking tool and I'm certainly not going to get into a discussion with you about whether Christians should be opposing things that they feel are wrong. If you had your way we'd just all shut up and go sit in the corner and have no say in the way anything is done in this country.

People are citing passages from the Koran and then using them to leap to the conclusion that all Muslims everywhere and anywhere are literal followers, practitioners, supporters, and believers in every word of every passage in the Koran, and then using that as some sort of rationale to condemn all Muslims.

I'm merely pointing out that the world is full of Christians who don't follow, practice, support, and believe every single passage in the Bible, nor are they assumed to by the same people who are assuming the above about Muslims.

Should we amend the Constitution to outlaw Islam in America? That would be the perfect alternative to 'shutting up and sitting in the corner' wouldn't it? Perfect because it deals with the constitutional 'problem' here.
So the words, the teachings, and the life lived in example, of Christ, take second fiddle to the interpretations - for convenience and comfort - of Christ?

So I guess if Christians are in no way compelled to be literal followers of Christ's teachings and cannot be held to account for not being so,

then it would only intellectually honest, and fair and consistent, not to hold all Muslims to similar account.

Yeah, you're a fucking tool and I'm certainly not going to get into a discussion with you about whether Christians should be opposing things that they feel are wrong. If you had your way we'd just all shut up and go sit in the corner and have no say in the way anything is done in this country.

People are citing passages from the Koran and then using them to leap to the conclusion that all Muslims everywhere and anywhere are literal followers, practitioners, supporters, and believers in every word of every passage in the Koran, and then using that as some sort of rationale to condemn all Muslims.

I'm merely pointing out that the world is full of Christians who don't follow, practice, support, and believe every single passage in the Bible, nor are they assumed to by the same people who are assuming the above about Muslims.

Should we amend the Constitution to outlaw Islam in America? That would be the perfect alternative to 'shutting up and sitting in the corner' wouldn't it? Perfect because it deals with the constitutional 'problem' here.

A) I have never suggesting outlawing Islam in America, if they follow our laws, certainly they have every right to practice their faith

B) I have never claimed that there is a constitutional issue here. I concede that they obviously have the right to build this mosque. I merely contend that it is in bad taste, insensitivity , and hatred that they plan to build it. I want them to build it because it will prove to the world that they don't care what Americans think, they spit on us.
I'm so sock of hearing that. CHrist in noway expects His followers to allow themselves to be ran over like sheep in the slaughter.

you are a fucking retard then. I guess it never dawned on you to wonder why, when peter cut off the ear of the roman guard, jesus himself told peter to put away his sword and allowed himself to be taken.

THIS world is not your reward. jebus specifically let you know that. It's opinions about christianity like yours that makes that faith such an ironic joke.

You want to talk about a joke, you basically said that Christians should just shut up and take whatever the world dishes their way. MORON.

The ironic part is you have no problem with Muslims killing people in the name of Allah, but Christians shouldn't even defend themselves.

Jesus Christ what has happened to this nation?

hey, I quoted the biblical scripture which says the same thing. Feel free to take your rage up with jesus.

so, when did jesus "defend himself" again? oh.. thats right...

jesus christ, indeed.

you are a fucking retard then. I guess it never dawned on you to wonder why, when peter cut off the ear of the roman guard, jesus himself told peter to put away his sword and allowed himself to be taken.

THIS world is not your reward. jebus specifically let you know that. It's opinions about christianity like yours that makes that faith such an ironic joke.

You want to talk about a joke, you basically said that Christians should just shut up and take whatever the world dishes their way. MORON.

The ironic part is you have no problem with Muslims killing people in the name of Allah, but Christians shouldn't even defend themselves.

Jesus Christ what has happened to this nation?

hey, I quoted the biblical scripture which says the same thing. Feel free to take your rage up with jesus.

so, when did jesus "defend himself" again? oh.. thats right...

jesus christ, indeed.


Jesus also performed miracles, He doesn't expect me to do likewise.

As I said, very telling that you expect Christians to be meek little sheep who never object to anything, but have no problem embracing Muslims who cheer on, if not take part in, killing people.

You are scum, and I'm done with you in this thread.
You want to talk about a joke, you basically said that Christians should just shut up and take whatever the world dishes their way. MORON.

The ironic part is you have no problem with Muslims killing people in the name of Allah, but Christians shouldn't even defend themselves.

Jesus Christ what has happened to this nation?

hey, I quoted the biblical scripture which says the same thing. Feel free to take your rage up with jesus.

so, when did jesus "defend himself" again? oh.. thats right...

jesus christ, indeed.


Jesus also performed miracles, He doesn't expect me to do likewise.

As I said, very telling that you expect Christians to be meek little sheep who never object to anything, but have no problem embracing Muslims who cheer on, if not take part in, killing people.

You are scum, and I'm done with you in this thread.

no, he EXPECTED you to have faith in the example that he set for you. Seriously, you pharisee christians are a joke.

Hey, speaking of sheep..

John 1:35-36
35-36The next day John was back at his post with two disciples, who were watching. He looked up, saw Jesus walking nearby, and said, "Here he is, God's Passover Lamb."


you fucking fool!

now, go run away like a little bitch since I've bitch slapped you with your own bible.


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