Interesting argument against the Ground Zero Mosque

Naw Sho, I didn't know it was a competition. I was just giving my view, just as you are.

your opinion is easily unraveled with reality. This is why it's so easy to offer a mudhole stomping retort to your opinion.

Only because I am allowing it. Not much in the mood to fight, and won't be baited into it.
I know what I believe; I know what the Bible says, and what the Qur'an says.

They might slit my throat before yours b/c I am a woman, but they would slit yours just as well.
Your comparisons don't even equate.

clearly, your knowledge of what the quran says is about as significant as any other blog with words on it. 'they" is nothing more than a boogeyman term used to rationalize a demonized status. The same trick was used when assume that "they" ******* would rape white women if given half a chance. Your bigotry is your own demise. Especially when, hilariously, you seem to think that walking into a room full of American Muslims would result in your throat cut.


fucking Grade A stupidsauce.
"christianity" is a self identity. You are no more going to tell a mormon that he is not a christian than you are going to tell a ****** hanging southerner that he wasn't a good christian. Likewise, in this case, you have no basis to judge American muslims by the actions of radical muslims.

Now, do you want to admit that, historically, christians have no one to point at in the realm of treatment of women or are we going to continue this farce all day long?

The farce is you pretending that at any time Christian women were subjected to the treatment that Muslim women still receive today.

At no point that I'm aware of did any Christian government declare that it permissible to beat your wife. Oh, certainly there have been, are, and always will be Christians who look the other way as other "good" Christian men beat their wives, but as an institution Christianity has never endorsed that.

Likewise, I know of no situation in which Christian women have been confined to their home unless accompanied by an adult male family member lest she be beat by "religious police"

Also, I am unaware of any Christian government using the Bible to justify saying a woman has not been raped unless she has 3 adult male witnesses.

Also, the vast majority of Christians through history have frowned upon the idea of arranged marriages. while in Islamic tradition a daughter is cattle to be bartered and sold to the man who can pay the most for her.

I really don't know what else to tell you except to say that you REALLY need to study up on this religion.

Again, historically we are BARELY passed the womens suffrage movement and, hilariously, you want to pretend that christianity doesn't have it's own dirty little secrets regarding the treatment of the fairer sex. Yes, hilarious.

I guess this is where you get to embellish your education with a lesson from the Shogun of USMB

South Carolina's Dumb Laws Make Wife Beating Legal - Associated Content -

This isn't anything new. I can dig up more if you REALLY want me to drive the point home.

Now, go ask yourself why the pope very recently declared that making a woman a priest is no less of a sin than sex abuse. I'll wait...

Catholics angry as church puts female ordination on par with sex abuse | World news | The Guardian

Dude, arranged marriages and dowries have been a christian staple for centuries. Effectively making women less valuable than land or cattle. The shit you are starting to claim is starting to jump the shark.

I tell you what, I'll keep posting my evidence that makes your "education on religion" a knee slapping joke and you go ahead and sit there with empty hands and a mouth full of impotent rage, m'kay?

Odd that I found many references to such law, but no actual law.

I did find THIS though

Title 16 - Crimes and Offenses





SECTION 16-25-10. "Household member" defined.

As used in this article, "household member" means:

(1) a spouse;

(2) a former spouse;

(3) persons who have a child in common; or

(4) a male and female who are cohabiting or formerly have cohabited.

SECTION 16-25-20. Acts prohibited; penalties; criminal domestic violence conviction in another state as prior offense.

(A) It is unlawful to:

(1) cause physical harm or injury to a person's own household member; or

(2) offer or attempt to cause physical harm or injury to a person's own household member with apparent present ability under circumstances reasonably creating fear of imminent peril.

(B) Except as otherwise provided in this section, a person who violates the provisions of subsection (A) is guilty of the offense of criminal domestic violence and, upon conviction, must be punished as follows:

S.C. Code of Laws Title 16 Chapter 25 Criminal Domestic Violence -

So it would appear that the story of the wife beating law in South Carolina is in fact bogus.
likewise, many muslims don't fly planes into buildings. Are you not thinking three moves ahead in this little interaction?

Here's your peaceful American Muslims

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Muslims in America‬‎[/ame]

and, by your standard, here are your peaceful christians

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Fred Phelps cutup‬‎[/ame]

How come the words don't match the movement of his lips in your video?
your opinion is easily unraveled with reality. This is why it's so easy to offer a mudhole stomping retort to your opinion.

Only because I am allowing it. Not much in the mood to fight, and won't be baited into it.
I know what I believe; I know what the Bible says, and what the Qur'an says.

They might slit my throat before yours b/c I am a woman, but they would slit yours just as well.
Your comparisons don't even equate.

clearly, your knowledge of what the quran says is about as significant as any other blog with words on it. 'they" is nothing more than a boogeyman term used to rationalize a demonized status. The same trick was used when assume that "they" ******* would rape white women if given half a chance. Your bigotry is your own demise. Especially when, hilariously, you seem to think that walking into a room full of American Muslims would result in your throat cut.


fucking Grade A stupidsauce.

You presume a lot. I never said a thing about walking into a room of American Muslims.
My knowledge of the Qur'an might just be because I read it myself. ;)

Name calling, only shows you are getting frustrated because I won't bite. Go ahead..if it makes you feel better, call me what you like.

Maybe your own bigotry has you blinded...otherwise you might not presume so much about me...considering we are merely typing text on a flippin message board. Easy to be tough on a message board.

I will just agree to disagree, and move on. :)
The farce is you pretending that at any time Christian women were subjected to the treatment that Muslim women still receive today.

At no point that I'm aware of did any Christian government declare that it permissible to beat your wife. Oh, certainly there have been, are, and always will be Christians who look the other way as other "good" Christian men beat their wives, but as an institution Christianity has never endorsed that.

Likewise, I know of no situation in which Christian women have been confined to their home unless accompanied by an adult male family member lest she be beat by "religious police"

Also, I am unaware of any Christian government using the Bible to justify saying a woman has not been raped unless she has 3 adult male witnesses.

Also, the vast majority of Christians through history have frowned upon the idea of arranged marriages. while in Islamic tradition a daughter is cattle to be bartered and sold to the man who can pay the most for her.

I really don't know what else to tell you except to say that you REALLY need to study up on this religion.

Again, historically we are BARELY passed the womens suffrage movement and, hilariously, you want to pretend that christianity doesn't have it's own dirty little secrets regarding the treatment of the fairer sex. Yes, hilarious.

I guess this is where you get to embellish your education with a lesson from the Shogun of USMB

South Carolina's Dumb Laws Make Wife Beating Legal - Associated Content -

This isn't anything new. I can dig up more if you REALLY want me to drive the point home.

Now, go ask yourself why the pope very recently declared that making a woman a priest is no less of a sin than sex abuse. I'll wait...

Catholics angry as church puts female ordination on par with sex abuse | World news | The Guardian

Dude, arranged marriages and dowries have been a christian staple for centuries. Effectively making women less valuable than land or cattle. The shit you are starting to claim is starting to jump the shark.

I tell you what, I'll keep posting my evidence that makes your "education on religion" a knee slapping joke and you go ahead and sit there with empty hands and a mouth full of impotent rage, m'kay?

Odd that I found many references to such law, but no actual law.

I did find THIS though

Title 16 - Crimes and Offenses





SECTION 16-25-10. "Household member" defined.

As used in this article, "household member" means:

(1) a spouse;

(2) a former spouse;

(3) persons who have a child in common; or

(4) a male and female who are cohabiting or formerly have cohabited.

SECTION 16-25-20. Acts prohibited; penalties; criminal domestic violence conviction in another state as prior offense.

(A) It is unlawful to:

(1) cause physical harm or injury to a person's own household member; or

(2) offer or attempt to cause physical harm or injury to a person's own household member with apparent present ability under circumstances reasonably creating fear of imminent peril.

(B) Except as otherwise provided in this section, a person who violates the provisions of subsection (A) is guilty of the offense of criminal domestic violence and, upon conviction, must be punished as follows:

S.C. Code of Laws Title 16 Chapter 25 Criminal Domestic Violence -

So it would appear that the story of the wife beating law in South Carolina is in fact bogus.


a MODERN law doesn't invalidate the fact of a prior law, genius. It wasn't bogus and it's three shades of hilarious watching you try so hard to insist that women were not thrust into a subjigative role in a christian culture.


Herstory of Domestic Violence: A Timeline of the Battered Women's Movement - MINCAVA Electronic Clearinghouse

“a husband can not be convicted of a battery on his wife unless he
inflicts a permanent injury, or uses such excessive violence or cruelty as indicates malignity or




and, by your standard, here are your peaceful christians

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Fred Phelps cutup‬‎[/ame]

How come the words don't match the movement of his lips in your video?

because I chose levity instead of a video with that bastards actual statements. Do you REALLY WANT TO HEAR WHAT THAT CHRISTIAN has to say? After all, by YOUR standard his faith reflects your own, right?
If that's the way it is, then I suggest we invite Japan to build a temple to Shinto and/or Buddhism at Pearl Harbor. Let's just say "nothing is off limits in America." There are no boundaries. Have your fun killing us and then build a shrine to celebrate right on top of it. Yeah, that's us Americans. We don't consider anything off limits. We don't give a shit. Just go ahead. It's alright. We're all tolerant. Don't you just love us?

That is a rather interesting statement considering the number of Japanese cars in this country with US Flag or military decals affixed to them. I'd make a bet and win that many of the people arguing against the Mosque own Japanese cars.

"It's hard to think of a better place for a mosque today than lower Manhattan, near to ground zero. To support the siting of a mosque there is not just deeply American--a declaration of the freedoms we stand for -- it is the continuation of a long and established New York tradition of mosque-building.

In fact, by any historical measure it is absurd to see Cordoba House, a community center that will include a mosque, as a kind of hostile and exotic cultural invasion of the lower east side. Mosques have been part of New York's rich architectural and religious mix for over a century, and today hundreds of thousands of Muslims, many whose New York roots go back generations -- attend the city's more than 100 mosques in the five boroughs.

The Muslims who built these mosques are New Yorkers, blameless in the events of September 11, 2001, and linked to other New Yorkers through the deep shared sense of loss and pain evoked that day. Their mosques, already part of our urban identity, bear witness to the strength of our freedoms, as will the Cordoba House center."

Nothing new about mosques in New York -
Only because I am allowing it. Not much in the mood to fight, and won't be baited into it.
I know what I believe; I know what the Bible says, and what the Qur'an says.

They might slit my throat before yours b/c I am a woman, but they would slit yours just as well.
Your comparisons don't even equate.

clearly, your knowledge of what the quran says is about as significant as any other blog with words on it. 'they" is nothing more than a boogeyman term used to rationalize a demonized status. The same trick was used when assume that "they" ******* would rape white women if given half a chance. Your bigotry is your own demise. Especially when, hilariously, you seem to think that walking into a room full of American Muslims would result in your throat cut.


fucking Grade A stupidsauce.

You presume a lot. I never said a thing about walking into a room of American Muslims.
My knowledge of the Qur'an might just be because I read it myself. ;)

Name calling, only shows you are getting frustrated because I won't bite. Go ahead..if it makes you feel better, call me what you like.

Maybe your own bigotry has you blinded...otherwise you might not presume so much about me...considering we are merely typing text on a flippin message board. Easy to be tough on a message board.

I will just agree to disagree, and move on. :)

you were referring to muslims, american muslims, who are looking to build a mosque in new york. Is it time to drag some feet?

And no, I use the name calling because, by now, your side is farcical beyond repair and I just think it's funny. So, I guess we can chock that one up as another swing and a miss, eh?

Yea! nothing says "bigot" quite like demanding equality!


why is it that it's always those who are the quickest to demand stratified liberty that cries foul when they are chastised as a bigot?
clearly, your knowledge of what the quran says is about as significant as any other blog with words on it. 'they" is nothing more than a boogeyman term used to rationalize a demonized status. The same trick was used when assume that "they" ******* would rape white women if given half a chance. Your bigotry is your own demise. Especially when, hilariously, you seem to think that walking into a room full of American Muslims would result in your throat cut.


fucking Grade A stupidsauce.

You presume a lot. I never said a thing about walking into a room of American Muslims.
My knowledge of the Qur'an might just be because I read it myself. ;)

Name calling, only shows you are getting frustrated because I won't bite. Go ahead..if it makes you feel better, call me what you like.

Maybe your own bigotry has you blinded...otherwise you might not presume so much about me...considering we are merely typing text on a flippin message board. Easy to be tough on a message board.

I will just agree to disagree, and move on. :)

you were referring to muslims, american muslims, who are looking to build a mosque in new york. Is it time to drag some feet?

And no, I use the name calling because, by now, your side is farcical beyond repair and I just think it's funny. So, I guess we can chock that one up as another swing and a miss, eh?

Yea! nothing says "bigot" quite like demanding equality!


why is it that it's always those who are the quickest to demand stratified liberty that cries foul when they are chastised as a bigot?

Then go for it sweet pea. Sticks and stones..all that.
and, by your standard, here are your peaceful christians

YouTube - ‪Fred Phelps cutup‬‎

How come the words don't match the movement of his lips in your video?

because I chose levity instead of a video with that bastards actual statements. Do you REALLY WANT TO HEAR WHAT THAT CHRISTIAN has to say? After all, by YOUR standard his faith reflects your own, right?

Um, what part of I unequivocally denounce and condemn his actions do you not understand? Has Rauf done so as concerns the terrorists? Have ANY Muslims? Not that I have seen.
Um, what part of I unequivocally denounce and condemn his actions do you not understand? Has Rauf done so as concerns the terrorists? Have ANY Muslims? Not that I have seen.

So you're seriously asking if any muslim has ever denounced or condemn the actions of the radical muslim terrorists.

If that's the way it is, then I suggest we invite Japan to build a temple to Shinto and/or Buddhism at Pearl Harbor. Let's just say "nothing is off limits in America." There are no boundaries. Have your fun killing us and then build a shrine to celebrate right on top of it. Yeah, that's us Americans. We don't consider anything off limits. We don't give a shit. Just go ahead. It's alright. We're all tolerant. Don't you just love us?

That is a rather interesting statement considering the number of Japanese cars in this country with US Flag or military decals affixed to them. I'd make a bet and win that many of the people arguing against the Mosque own Japanese cars.

"It's hard to think of a better place for a mosque today than lower Manhattan, near to ground zero. To support the siting of a mosque there is not just deeply American--a declaration of the freedoms we stand for -- it is the continuation of a long and established New York tradition of mosque-building.

In fact, by any historical measure it is absurd to see Cordoba House, a community center that will include a mosque, as a kind of hostile and exotic cultural invasion of the lower east side. Mosques have been part of New York's rich architectural and religious mix for over a century, and today hundreds of thousands of Muslims, many whose New York roots go back generations -- attend the city's more than 100 mosques in the five boroughs.

The Muslims who built these mosques are New Yorkers, blameless in the events of September 11, 2001, and linked to other New Yorkers through the deep shared sense of loss and pain evoked that day. Their mosques, already part of our urban identity, bear witness to the strength of our freedoms, as will the Cordoba House center."

Nothing new about mosques in New York -

I'd make a bet, and win, that half of those "Japanese cars" are built in America.
How come the words don't match the movement of his lips in your video?

because I chose levity instead of a video with that bastards actual statements. Do you REALLY WANT TO HEAR WHAT THAT CHRISTIAN has to say? After all, by YOUR standard his faith reflects your own, right?

Um, what part of I unequivocally denounce and condemn his actions do you not understand? Has Rauf done so as concerns the terrorists? Have ANY Muslims? Not that I have seen.

Yes. Repeatedly.
How come the words don't match the movement of his lips in your video?

because I chose levity instead of a video with that bastards actual statements. Do you REALLY WANT TO HEAR WHAT THAT CHRISTIAN has to say? After all, by YOUR standard his faith reflects your own, right?

Um, what part of I unequivocally denounce and condemn his actions do you not understand? Has Rauf done so as concerns the terrorists? Have ANY Muslims? Not that I have seen.

plenty of muslims have denounced 9/11. If you don't see them it's because you refuse to look.

And, again, your denouncement doesn't keep him from building churches and going to the funerals of dead soldiers. WE AMERICANS are not into limiting his speech even if WE find it abhorrent. I don't know what America you live in but in mine we don't disregard the Constitution just because someone doesn't like something.
Again, historically we are BARELY passed the womens suffrage movement and, hilariously, you want to pretend that christianity doesn't have it's own dirty little secrets regarding the treatment of the fairer sex. Yes, hilarious.

I guess this is where you get to embellish your education with a lesson from the Shogun of USMB

South Carolina's Dumb Laws Make Wife Beating Legal - Associated Content -

This isn't anything new. I can dig up more if you REALLY want me to drive the point home.

Now, go ask yourself why the pope very recently declared that making a woman a priest is no less of a sin than sex abuse. I'll wait...

Catholics angry as church puts female ordination on par with sex abuse | World news | The Guardian

Dude, arranged marriages and dowries have been a christian staple for centuries. Effectively making women less valuable than land or cattle. The shit you are starting to claim is starting to jump the shark.

I tell you what, I'll keep posting my evidence that makes your "education on religion" a knee slapping joke and you go ahead and sit there with empty hands and a mouth full of impotent rage, m'kay?

Odd that I found many references to such law, but no actual law.

I did find THIS though

Title 16 - Crimes and Offenses





SECTION 16-25-10. "Household member" defined.

As used in this article, "household member" means:

(1) a spouse;

(2) a former spouse;

(3) persons who have a child in common; or

(4) a male and female who are cohabiting or formerly have cohabited.

SECTION 16-25-20. Acts prohibited; penalties; criminal domestic violence conviction in another state as prior offense.

(A) It is unlawful to:

(1) cause physical harm or injury to a person's own household member; or

(2) offer or attempt to cause physical harm or injury to a person's own household member with apparent present ability under circumstances reasonably creating fear of imminent peril.

(B) Except as otherwise provided in this section, a person who violates the provisions of subsection (A) is guilty of the offense of criminal domestic violence and, upon conviction, must be punished as follows:

S.C. Code of Laws Title 16 Chapter 25 Criminal Domestic Violence -

So it would appear that the story of the wife beating law in South Carolina is in fact bogus.


a MODERN law doesn't invalidate the fact of a prior law, genius. It wasn't bogus and it's three shades of hilarious watching you try so hard to insist that women were not thrust into a subjigative role in a christian culture.


Herstory of Domestic Violence: A Timeline of the Battered Women's Movement - MINCAVA Electronic Clearinghouse

“a husband can not be convicted of a battery on his wife unless he
inflicts a permanent injury, or uses such excessive violence or cruelty as indicates malignity or




Odd, I just read your link, and although it is of course possible I missed something, the last mention of the church advocating a man hitting his wife was in 1427. That was a few years ago.
because I chose levity instead of a video with that bastards actual statements. Do you REALLY WANT TO HEAR WHAT THAT CHRISTIAN has to say? After all, by YOUR standard his faith reflects your own, right?

Um, what part of I unequivocally denounce and condemn his actions do you not understand? Has Rauf done so as concerns the terrorists? Have ANY Muslims? Not that I have seen.

plenty of muslims have denounced 9/11. If you don't see them it's because you refuse to look.

And, again, your denouncement doesn't keep him from building churches and going to the funerals of dead soldiers. WE AMERICANS are not into limiting his speech even if WE find it abhorrent. I don't know what America you live in but in mine we don't disregard the Constitution just because someone doesn't like something.

And where have I suggested that we do so with these fools? Oh that's right I haven't . I have in fact said I want them to build the mosque. So your dishonestly is noted and rejected.
Frankly I think that no Matter how you feel about this issue. If it is built, You can not deny that Radical Muslims who want to Hurt America will Flock to it, just to be able to worship at the site of what they see as a great moment.

That is undeniable, and very troubling to me.
Frankly I think that no Matter how you feel about this issue. If it is built, You can not deny that Radical Muslims who want to Hurt America will Flock to it, just to be able to worship at the site of what they see as a great moment.

That is undeniable, and very troubling to me.

There's already a mosque within 3 blocks of the WTC. Why haven't they been flocking there?
Frankly I think that no Matter how you feel about this issue. If it is built, You can not deny that Radical Muslims who want to Hurt America will Flock to it, just to be able to worship at the site of what they see as a great moment.

That is undeniable, and very troubling to me.

There's already a mosque within 3 blocks of the WTC. Why haven't they been flocking there?

You have proof they are not?

Is that mosque Built on the site of A building that was hit by the landing gear of one of the planes that his the WTC?

Was that Mosque pushed for and Funded by an imam who refuses to call Hamas a Terrorist group, and Thinks America needs to be more Sharia Compliant? Or one who says America was an accessory to 9/11?

Hardly a comparison there at all. Were not talking about just another Mosque here, this is a 130 Million dollar Monument to A Muslim Victory on 9/11 or at least that is what it will be to MANY radical Muslims.
Frankly I think that no Matter how you feel about this issue. If it is built, You can not deny that Radical Muslims who want to Hurt America will Flock to it, just to be able to worship at the site of what they see as a great moment.

That is undeniable, and very troubling to me.

There's already a mosque within 3 blocks of the WTC. Why haven't they been flocking there?

You have proof they are not?

Is that mosque Built on the site of A building that was hit by the landing gear of one of the planes that his the WTC?

Was that Mosque pushed for and Funded by an imam who refuses to call Hamas a Terrorist group, and Thinks America needs to be more Sharia Compliant? Or one who says America was an accessory to 9/11?

Hardly a comparison there at all. Were not talking about just another Mosque here, this is a 130 Million dollar Monument to A Muslim Victory on 9/11 or at least that is what it will be to MANY radical Muslims.

Neither of those things are true about Rauf. I suggest you listen to what he says, rather than what right wing bloggers write about him.

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