Interesting argument against the Ground Zero Mosque


It was ENTIRELY about religion, Al Queda says "Saudi Arabia is the Islamic holy land, we don't like that USA is there so 9/11" and now you claim it wasn't about religion?

Jesus, are you not smart, or honest enough to say ok it was about religion, but I believe it was a perversion of the religion, and not what it actually means? Now I would disagree with you, I think Islam is a religion of terror, but I would at least respect you for admitting that these fools use RELIGION as their excuse to attack.

I think "excuse" is the key word there. September 11th was more political than religious, although, as you said, religion was the "excuse".

Of course it was an excuse. I mean you can't say it was a reason, because no reasonable person would have committed 9/11. so they were crazies who used their religion as an excuse. Just as that dumbshit down in texas used his supposed mistreatment by the government as an excuse to blow up a building. Does that mean everyone who claims they were mistreated by the government wants to fly an airplane into a building? Of course not, but it was THIS lunatics reason for doing so

reason, excuse, whatever, that's all semantics, we all understand that the fools felt justified for their actions because of their religion.

we could have a much more honest debate if you guys would just admit that and then amend it by saying that you don't believe all Muslims use their religion that way. That's a fair and legitimate argument. The argument that religion was not the cause is just stupid and takes away any credibility you could have. Hell even some Muslims say "look those fools are perverting OUR religion we don't swing that way" but here yall are saying no it wasn't religion. YES IT WAS.

Don't put words in my mouth. I've NEVER stated that it wasn't religion.
I think "excuse" is the key word there. September 11th was more political than religious, although, as you said, religion was the "excuse".

Of course it was an excuse. I mean you can't say it was a reason, because no reasonable person would have committed 9/11. so they were crazies who used their religion as an excuse. Just as that dumbshit down in texas used his supposed mistreatment by the government as an excuse to blow up a building. Does that mean everyone who claims they were mistreated by the government wants to fly an airplane into a building? Of course not, but it was THIS lunatics reason for doing so

reason, excuse, whatever, that's all semantics, we all understand that the fools felt justified for their actions because of their religion.

we could have a much more honest debate if you guys would just admit that and then amend it by saying that you don't believe all Muslims use their religion that way. That's a fair and legitimate argument. The argument that religion was not the cause is just stupid and takes away any credibility you could have. Hell even some Muslims say "look those fools are perverting OUR religion we don't swing that way" but here yall are saying no it wasn't religion. YES IT WAS.

Don't put words in my mouth. I've NEVER stated that it wasn't religion.

I said yall, meaning mostly Bert and that idiot Shogun who contend that religion had nothing to do with 9/11 or any other Islamic terrorist acts. Sorry if I grouped you in with them unfairly.
It was about scaring people enough to take back political power in home countries...but it's much easier to bring up the Religion Bugaboo.


It was ENTIRELY about religion, Al Queda says "Saudi Arabia is the Islamic holy land, we don't like that USA is there so 9/11" and now you claim it wasn't about religion?

Jesus, are you not smart, or honest enough to say ok it was about religion, but I believe it was a perversion of the religion, and not what it actually means? Now I would disagree with you, I think Islam is a religion of terror, but I would at least respect you for admitting that these fools use RELIGION as their excuse to attack.

I think "excuse" is the key word there. September 11th was more political than religious, although, as you said, religion was the "excuse".

Yes...religion is quite frequently the "excuse" given to the masses you are trying to sway.

It was ENTIRELY about religion, Al Queda says "Saudi Arabia is the Islamic holy land, we don't like that USA is there so 9/11" and now you claim it wasn't about religion?

Jesus, are you not smart, or honest enough to say ok it was about religion, but I believe it was a perversion of the religion, and not what it actually means? Now I would disagree with you, I think Islam is a religion of terror, but I would at least respect you for admitting that these fools use RELIGION as their excuse to attack.

I think "excuse" is the key word there. September 11th was more political than religious, although, as you said, religion was the "excuse".

Yes...religion is quite frequently the "excuse" given to the masses you are trying to sway.

That is certainly true.
Islam calls for the subjugation and eradication of all non muslims .
To preserve the blessing of liberty to pass down to posterity prohibition of Islam would be a rational choice.

If anyone doubted what I said about Mr. F earlier...there it is.
If anyone doubted you would tolerate intolerance ,Well who could doubt that.
How many wars are averted by patience and tolerance?

Your ignorance and people like you lay the groundwork for a global conflagration and genocide.

It was ENTIRELY about religion, Al Queda says "Saudi Arabia is the Islamic holy land, we don't like that USA is there so 9/11" and now you claim it wasn't about religion?

Jesus, are you not smart, or honest enough to say ok it was about religion, but I believe it was a perversion of the religion, and not what it actually means? Now I would disagree with you, I think Islam is a religion of terror, but I would at least respect you for admitting that these fools use RELIGION as their excuse to attack.

I think "excuse" is the key word there. September 11th was more political than religious, although, as you said, religion was the "excuse".

Yes...religion is quite frequently the "excuse" given to the masses you are trying to sway.

Let me put it this way.

IF someone were to walk up to you and punch you in the nose and call you a god damned fag and walk away would you get up and say "well my being gay had nothing to do with that?" Of course not, IF some fucking lunatic did that to you, it's because they're a lunatic who bases their actions off hating gays, they don't get to later say well boe had a hand in me punching her in the nose b/c she's gay. Nor do they get to say oh well gay was just an excuse, really it was for political reasons.

Pull your head out of your ass here, 9/11 was entirely about religion.
I think "excuse" is the key word there. September 11th was more political than religious, although, as you said, religion was the "excuse".

Yes...religion is quite frequently the "excuse" given to the masses you are trying to sway.

Let me put it this way.

IF someone were to walk up to you and punch you in the nose and call you a god damned fag and walk away would you get up and say "well my being gay had nothing to do with that?" Of course not, IF some fucking lunatic did that to you, it's because they're a lunatic who bases their actions off hating gays, they don't get to later say well boe had a hand in me punching her in the nose b/c she's gay. Nor do they get to say oh well gay was just an excuse, really it was for political reasons.

Pull your head out of your ass here, 9/11 was entirely about religion.

Religion is ALWAYS the excuse for those in power to get the masses to buy into what they want them to fight over. Always.
I think "excuse" is the key word there. September 11th was more political than religious, although, as you said, religion was the "excuse".

Yes...religion is quite frequently the "excuse" given to the masses you are trying to sway.

Let me put it this way.

IF someone were to walk up to you and punch you in the nose and call you a god damned fag and walk away would you get up and say "well my being gay had nothing to do with that?" Of course not, IF some fucking lunatic did that to you, it's because they're a lunatic who bases their actions off hating gays, they don't get to later say well boe had a hand in me punching her in the nose b/c she's gay. Nor do they get to say oh well gay was just an excuse, really it was for political reasons.

Pull your head out of your ass here, 9/11 was entirely about religion.

Do you think that the WWII in the pacific was "entirely about religion"?

I'll give you a hint. It sure was to a kamikaze pilot.
Of course it was an excuse. I mean you can't say it was a reason, because no reasonable person would have committed 9/11. so they were crazies who used their religion as an excuse. Just as that dumbshit down in texas used his supposed mistreatment by the government as an excuse to blow up a building. Does that mean everyone who claims they were mistreated by the government wants to fly an airplane into a building? Of course not, but it was THIS lunatics reason for doing so

reason, excuse, whatever, that's all semantics, we all understand that the fools felt justified for their actions because of their religion.

we could have a much more honest debate if you guys would just admit that and then amend it by saying that you don't believe all Muslims use their religion that way. That's a fair and legitimate argument. The argument that religion was not the cause is just stupid and takes away any credibility you could have. Hell even some Muslims say "look those fools are perverting OUR religion we don't swing that way" but here yall are saying no it wasn't religion. YES IT WAS.

Don't put words in my mouth. I've NEVER stated that it wasn't religion.

I said yall, meaning mostly Bert and that idiot Shogun who contend that religion had nothing to do with 9/11 or any other Islamic terrorist acts. Sorry if I grouped you in with them unfairly.

quote me, bitch, suggesting that religion had nothing to do with the motives of mohammed atta. And, right after that make sure you quote every other muslim who you are insisting feels the same way... you know, much like you you must feel about children in light of pedo priests...

That some use religion as an excuse to marginalize isn't reflective on the rest of those of the same faith. Until you can figure this out go ahead and stay away from playgrounds and elementary schools.

Yes...religion is quite frequently the "excuse" given to the masses you are trying to sway.

Let me put it this way.

IF someone were to walk up to you and punch you in the nose and call you a god damned fag and walk away would you get up and say "well my being gay had nothing to do with that?" Of course not, IF some fucking lunatic did that to you, it's because they're a lunatic who bases their actions off hating gays, they don't get to later say well boe had a hand in me punching her in the nose b/c she's gay. Nor do they get to say oh well gay was just an excuse, really it was for political reasons.

Pull your head out of your ass here, 9/11 was entirely about religion.

Religion is ALWAYS the excuse for those in power to get the masses to buy into what they want them to fight over. Always.

You didn't answer my question at all.
I said yall, meaning mostly Bert and that idiot Shogun who contend that religion had nothing to do with 9/11 or any other Islamic terrorist acts. Sorry if I grouped you in with them unfairly.

Actually, I corrected my comments later on since you threw a bitch fit and didn't get what I was saying. I originally said Islam had nothing to do with 9/11 because the terrorists who were behind the attacks were radicals. It was radical Islam, which some people in this thread said is not any different from regular Islam.

I was the one who originally showed in this thread why Osama Bin Laden attacked us, which included religious reasons.
Let me put it this way.

IF someone were to walk up to you and punch you in the nose and call you a god damned fag and walk away would you get up and say "well my being gay had nothing to do with that?" Of course not, IF some fucking lunatic did that to you, it's because they're a lunatic who bases their actions off hating gays, they don't get to later say well boe had a hand in me punching her in the nose b/c she's gay. Nor do they get to say oh well gay was just an excuse, really it was for political reasons.

Pull your head out of your ass here, 9/11 was entirely about religion.

Religion is ALWAYS the excuse for those in power to get the masses to buy into what they want them to fight over. Always.

You didn't answer my question at all.

besides, who the fuck are YOU to get your panties wadded up because of religion anyway given that I've demonstrated earlier today that you clearly don't know what the fuck jebus said in the bible? AT ALL.
A) I have never suggesting outlawing Islam in America, if they follow our laws, certainly they have every right to practice their faith

B) I have never claimed that there is a constitutional issue here. I concede that they obviously have the right to build this mosque. I merely contend that it is in bad taste, insensitivity , and hatred that they plan to build it. I want them to build it because it will prove to the world that they don't care what Americans think, they spit on us.

To claim it is in bad taste is anti-Muslim bias.

The attack on 9/11 was much less about religion than too many people want to make it.

That has been discussed in this thread, and you are entirely wrong, the attacks were COMPLETELY about religion, as are ALL Islamic terrorist attacks. Read about Jihad for God's sakes.

Since Bin Laden himself said that the attack was because we had bases in Saudi Arabia, that is unequivocal PROOF the attacks were not all about religion.

Oh, and in case anyone forgot...AFTER the 9/11 attack Bush quietly closed our Saudi bases.
Nurturing Islam is an act of ending all freedom.

We spent 4000 American lives and trillions of dollars helping Iraq establish an Islamic theocracy. In the name of 'liberating' the Iraqi people. I assume then you're in full agreement with me that the entire exercise was idiocy.

I though the point was to steal the oil not create an Islamic theocracy?
It is hard to keep up with the straw man of the day.

The reason was the non-existent WMD's. The fallback reason was to 'liberate' the Iraqis, who promptly upon liberation wrote a constitution that established Iraq as a Muslim theocracy.

I'm sure btw they're building, or rebuilding alot of mosques in Iraq near sites where Americans were killed in terrorist attacks by Muslims.

Why aren't you people whining about that?
To claim it is in bad taste is anti-Muslim bias.

The attack on 9/11 was much less about religion than too many people want to make it.

It was about scaring people enough to take back political power in home countries...but it's much easier to bring up the Religion Bugaboo.


It was ENTIRELY about religion, Al Queda says "Saudi Arabia is the Islamic holy land, we don't like that USA is there so 9/11" and now you claim it wasn't about religion?


That does not translate into being all about religion. Religion is more interwoven into the political/geopolitical/cultural/social/national character of some people. That does not cancel out the non-religious components.
Riddle me this; Many artists have displayed work in museum depicting Christ or the Virgin Mary in very provocative or disgusting ways. How many have used Mohammed as their muse? And why is that?
Riddle me this; Many artists have displayed work in museum depicting Christ or the Virgin Mary in very provocative or disgusting ways. How many have used Mohammed as their muse? And why is that?

because our culture is dominated by more christians than muslims. If it were the opposite case then we'd see just as many mohammed cartoons as we do jebus cartoons. Does it shock you that we don't also have as much hindu cartoons too? Hell, all of a sudden islam becomes an issue and what MAGICALLY appears?? MOHAMMED CARTOONS!

jesus fucking christ, you people would have to scrape the taint of a worms asshole to convey a lower intelligence.
To claim it is in bad taste is anti-Muslim bias.

The attack on 9/11 was much less about religion than too many people want to make it.

That has been discussed in this thread, and you are entirely wrong, the attacks were COMPLETELY about religion, as are ALL Islamic terrorist attacks. Read about Jihad for God's sakes.

Since Bin Laden himself said that the attack was because we had bases in Saudi Arabia, that is unequivocal PROOF the attacks were not all about religion.

Oh, and in case anyone forgot...AFTER the 9/11 attack Bush quietly closed our Saudi bases.

Between, Reagan pulling out of Lebanon after the Marine Barracks attack, and Bush pulling out of Saudi Arabia after 9/11, those tough Republicans showed the terrorists what for, eh?

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