Interesting argument against the Ground Zero Mosque

Riddle me this; Many artists have displayed work in museum depicting Christ or the Virgin Mary in very provocative or disgusting ways. How many have used Mohammed as their muse? And why is that?

America is supposed to be an example TO the rest of the world,

not an example OF it.

Our tolerance is not supposed to be conditional.

The admonition is to "do unto others as you would have them do unto you", "not do unto others unless they don't return the favor".
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Indonesia has the largest Muslim population in the world, a secular government, with a great degree of religious freedom.

What is our beef with the Muslims of Indonesia?
That has been discussed in this thread, and you are entirely wrong, the attacks were COMPLETELY about religion, as are ALL Islamic terrorist attacks. Read about Jihad for God's sakes.

Since Bin Laden himself said that the attack was because we had bases in Saudi Arabia, that is unequivocal PROOF the attacks were not all about religion.

Oh, and in case anyone forgot...AFTER the 9/11 attack Bush quietly closed our Saudi bases.

Between, Reagan pulling out of Lebanon after the Marine Barracks attack, and Bush pulling out of Saudi Arabia after 9/11, those tough Republicans showed the terrorists what for, eh?
wow, gotta love the revisionist history here
Riddle me this; Many artists have displayed work in museum depicting Christ or the Virgin Mary in very provocative or disgusting ways. How many have used Mohammed as their muse? And why is that?

America is supposed to be an example TO the rest of the world,

not an example OF it.

Our tolerance is not supposed to be conditional.

The admonition is to "do unto others as you would have them do unto you", "not do unto others unless they don't return the favor".

You're missing the point.

People know they can make fun of Jesus and crazy Christians aren't going to threaten them. They also know that make fun of Mohammed and crazy Muslims most definitely WILL threaten to L kill you. That has nothing to do with the USA.
Since Bin Laden himself said that the attack was because we had bases in Saudi Arabia, that is unequivocal PROOF the attacks were not all about religion.

Oh, and in case anyone forgot...AFTER the 9/11 attack Bush quietly closed our Saudi bases.

Between, Reagan pulling out of Lebanon after the Marine Barracks attack, and Bush pulling out of Saudi Arabia after 9/11, those tough Republicans showed the terrorists what for, eh?
wow, gotta love the revisionist history here

and not true LOL. stupid ass liars. Why do they lie about things that can be proven?

The United States first established a diplomatic presence in Beirut in 1833 with the appointment of a consular agent. Throughout the nineteenth century, American activity in Lebanon was focused on religious, educational and literary pursuits, with the founding of what became Lebanese American University in 1835 and American University of Beirut in 1866. American officials were evacuated from Lebanon in 1917 when U.S. relations with the Ottoman Empire were severed. The Consulate General was re-established after World War I.

In 1944, the U.S. diplomatic agent and Consul General for Lebanon and Syria, George Wadsworth, was upgraded to the rank of minister, following official recognition of the Republic of Lebanon's independence. He was put in charge of two legations for Syria and Lebanon, but was headquartered in Beirut with a staff of six diplomats. The legation was given Embassy status in 1952, and Minister Harold Minor became the first U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon. This step reflected burgeoning U.S. commercial and strategic interests in Lebanon. By the late 1960s, Embassy Beirut was one of the largest in the Middle East, serving as a regional headquarters for a range of U.S. agencies, including the FAA, AID, and DEA. The U.S. Information Service maintained the John F. Kennedy Cultural Center and Library, which had branches in Zahleh and Tripoli, as well as extensive English teaching and Arabic publications programs.

Deteriorating security conditions during Lebanon's 1975-1990 civil war resulted in a gradual reduction of Embassy functions and the departure of dependents and many staff. Ambassador Meloy was assassinated in 1976. Following an April 1983 suicide bomb attack on the Embassy in Beirut, in which 49 Embassy staff were killed and 34 were injured, the Embassy relocated to Awkar, north of the capital. A second bombing there, in September 1984, killed 11 and injured 58. In September 1989, the Embassy closed and all American staff were evacuated, due to security threats. The Embassy re-opened in November 1990.

Like the rest of Lebanon, in the past decade the Embassy has undergone an incremental process of reestablishing normal functions, a process which accelerated in 1997 when the Secretary of State removed restrictions on the use of American passports for travel to Lebanon. USAID assigned an American officer to Lebanon that year, and a Public Affairs officer returned to Lebanon in 1999 after a 14-year absence. The U.S. and Foreign Commercial Service established a position in the Embassy in 1999. The consular section has been gradually expanding services to U.S. citizens and to Lebanese visa applicants.

The embassy was closed for 14 months amid security concerns and only a few months of that was during Reagan's Presidency.

About the Embassy - U.S. Embassy Beirut, Lebanon

and this was SIX years after the Marine Barracks bombing
Riddle me this; Many artists have displayed work in museum depicting Christ or the Virgin Mary in very provocative or disgusting ways. How many have used Mohammed as their muse? And why is that?

America is supposed to be an example TO the rest of the world,

not an example OF it.

Our tolerance is not supposed to be conditional.

The admonition is to "do unto others as you would have them do unto you", "not do unto others unless they don't return the favor".

You're missing the point.

People know they can make fun of Jesus and crazy Christians aren't going to threaten them. They also know that make fun of Mohammed and crazy Muslims most definitely WILL threaten to L kill you. That has nothing to do with the USA.

There is no point there. I say again, if you think our nation is wrong to have religious freedom explicitly written into our Constitution, then amend the Constitution.

America is supposed to be an example TO the rest of the world,

not an example OF it.

Our tolerance is not supposed to be conditional.

The admonition is to "do unto others as you would have them do unto you", "not do unto others unless they don't return the favor".

You're missing the point.

People know they can make fun of Jesus and crazy Christians aren't going to threaten them. They also know that make fun of Mohammed and crazy Muslims most definitely WILL threaten to L kill you. That has nothing to do with the USA.

There is no point there. I say again, if you think our nation is wrong to have religious freedom explicitly written into our Constitution, then amend the Constitution.

Stop being so dishonest, Jesus H Christ, I have never advocated that, hell I want them to build this god damned shrine to kicking our ass.

America is supposed to be an example TO the rest of the world,

not an example OF it.

Our tolerance is not supposed to be conditional.

The admonition is to "do unto others as you would have them do unto you", "not do unto others unless they don't return the favor".

You're missing the point.

People know they can make fun of Jesus and crazy Christians aren't going to threaten them. They also know that make fun of Mohammed and crazy Muslims most definitely WILL threaten to L kill you. That has nothing to do with the USA.

There is no point there. I say again, if you think our nation is wrong to have religious freedom explicitly written into our Constitution, then amend the Constitution.

Islam is far more then a religion it is a separate legal social economic system based on the cult of personality .
Muslims civil rights are always being violated until everyone lives as a muslim.

How far will your idealism fall back ? Is there any line that is to far?

Idealism at other people's expense, and without regard to the ruin and slaughter which fall upon millions of humble homes, cannot be regarded as its highest or noblest form.
Indonesia has the largest Muslim population in the world, a secular government, with a great degree of religious freedom.

What is our beef with the Muslims of Indonesia?

Has America been blessed with freedom of religion, or a great deal of religious reedom?

Think about it.
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Not within 2 blocks of the U.S.S. Arizona, tho.

Seriously, the distance doesn't matter. It's not like they're building the damn thing on Ground Zero.

There are two churches within a block of the OKC Memorial, by your logic we should tear those down too because its insensitive to the victims, asshole.

Yeah. The distance doesn't matter, unless it's too close......Wait. That didn't make sense.
Not within 2 blocks of the U.S.S. Arizona, tho.

Seriously, the distance doesn't matter. It's not like they're building the damn thing on Ground Zero.

There are two churches within a block of the OKC Memorial, by your logic we should tear those down too because its insensitive to the victims, asshole.

Yeah. The distance doesn't matter, unless it's too close......Wait. That didn't make sense.

Just ignore Bert, he's a piece of shit , shown evidence that McVeigh was not a Christian and his Ravi like response is "that's not true" fuck that little punk.
So, Let me start by saying I am not making this argument. I heard someone make it today and wanted to know what others thought of it as I found it rather compelling.

Note (I am personally leaning towards being oppose to the mosque being built where they want. But do not think we have a legal means to stop it, and would not support a non legal means)

The argument is that Islam has a tradition of building mosques on sites they have concurred. Now I do not even know it that is true. I mean we all know about the dome of the rock in Israel, but is this something they do all the time? Is it tradition to build mosques on the sites of some victory? If so how do you feel about the Mosque held in that light?

My personal Leaning towards being against it has to do with the loss of life at Ground Zero, The planned Mosques proximity to it, and the fact that the building they want to tear down actually had the landing gear of one of the planes that hit the WTC crash into it. That is How close it is to the site. I feel like they could build it just a few more blocks away and it will alleviate most of the angst about it. I feel that if this mosque and community center is really about reaching out to us, then they should respect the feelings of almost 70% of Americans and build it somewhere else. After all how can you reach out when you are doing something that many Americans are against?

We allow Mosques to be build all over the country, so this is not about discrimination, it is about the site, and the history of it.

However all that said, like I said I do not see any legal way left to stop it, and would not support any non legal way, So while I am personally opposed to it, I recognize their right to build it.

This country has a "freedom of religion" clause somewhere. Its just that. There arent any "except if" clauses. Any argument against is just plain discrimination.
This country has a "freedom of religion" clause somewhere. Its just that. There arent any "except if" clauses. Any argument against is just plain discrimination.

Islam is far more then a religion it is a separate legal social economic system based on the cult of personality .
Muslims civil rights are always being violated until everyone lives as a muslim.

How far will your idealism fall back ? Is there any line that is to far?

Idealism at other people's expense, and without regard to the ruin and slaughter which fall upon millions of humble homes, cannot be regarded as its highest or noblest form.
So, Let me start by saying I am not making this argument. I heard someone make it today and wanted to know what others thought of it as I found it rather compelling.

Note (I am personally leaning towards being oppose to the mosque being built where they want. But do not think we have a legal means to stop it, and would not support a non legal means)

The argument is that Islam has a tradition of building mosques on sites they have concurred. Now I do not even know it that is true. I mean we all know about the dome of the rock in Israel, but is this something they do all the time? Is it tradition to build mosques on the sites of some victory? If so how do you feel about the Mosque held in that light?

My personal Leaning towards being against it has to do with the loss of life at Ground Zero, The planned Mosques proximity to it, and the fact that the building they want to tear down actually had the landing gear of one of the planes that hit the WTC crash into it. That is How close it is to the site. I feel like they could build it just a few more blocks away and it will alleviate most of the angst about it. I feel that if this mosque and community center is really about reaching out to us, then they should respect the feelings of almost 70% of Americans and build it somewhere else. After all how can you reach out when you are doing something that many Americans are against?

We allow Mosques to be build all over the country, so this is not about discrimination, it is about the site, and the history of it.

However all that said, like I said I do not see any legal way left to stop it, and would not support any non legal way, So while I am personally opposed to it, I recognize their right to build it.

This country has a "freedom of religion" clause somewhere. Its just that. There arent any "except if" clauses. Any argument against is just plain discrimination.

Learn to read, most here aren't saying they don't heave a right to build it, we are saying that they should CHOOSE not to build it, if they are truly interested in better relations with American. I say build it and prove to the world that you are pricks. Every sane person in the world is saying the same thing. Only some of you idiot partisan assholes want to act like they have noble intentions.

And with that, I'm bailing from this thread because you dishonest pieces of shit aren't worth anymore of my time. I ask that all sane people do the same.
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This country has a "freedom of religion" clause somewhere. Its just that. There arent any "except if" clauses. Any argument against is just plain discrimination.

Islam is far more then a religion it is a separate legal social economic system based on the cult of personality .
Muslims civil rights are always being violated until everyone lives as a muslim.

How far will your idealism fall back ? Is there any line that is to far?

Idealism at other people's expense, and without regard to the ruin and slaughter which fall upon millions of humble homes, cannot be regarded as its highest or noblest form.
if you shred the 1st amendment for one, you shred it for all
if you shred the 1st amendment for one, you shred it for all

Exactly. I find it appalling that people who complain about Obama supposedly shredding the first amendment are on a daily basis are giddy on running it through the shredder for this.
This country has a "freedom of religion" clause somewhere. Its just that. There arent any "except if" clauses. Any argument against is just plain discrimination.

Islam is far more then a religion it is a separate legal social economic system based on the cult of personality .
Muslims civil rights are always being violated until everyone lives as a muslim.

How far will your idealism fall back ? Is there any line that is to far?

Idealism at other people's expense, and without regard to the ruin and slaughter which fall upon millions of humble homes, cannot be regarded as its highest or noblest form.

if you shred the 1st amendment for one, you shred it for all
The Constitution is not a suicide pact
Jefferson's formulation
[a] strict observance of the written law is doubtless one of the high duties of a good citizen, but it is not the highest. The laws of necessity, of self-preservation, of saving our country when in danger, are of higher obligation. To lose our country by a scrupulous adherence to the written law, would be to lose the law itself, with life, liberty, property and all those who are enjoying them with us; thus absurdly sacrificing the ends to the means

Samuel Adams
"The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil Constitution, are worth defending at all hazards; and it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors: they purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood, and transmitted them to us with care and diligence. It will bring an ever lasting mark of infamy on the present generation, enlightened as it is, if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of false and designing men."

Liberal creed
Eternal Gullibility is the Price of Liberty.
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if you shred the 1st amendment for one, you shred it for all

Exactly. I find it appalling that people who complain about Obama supposedly shredding the first amendment are on a daily basis are giddy on running it through the shredder for this.
its shortsighted
they seem to think that it will only effect the target THEY desire it to be used on

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