Interesting..... Gary Johnson files anti trust lawsuit

Ron Paul Supporters Will Appreciate: Gary Johnson Files Anti Trust Claim Against the CPD in the Name of Liberty

In a stunning move sure to bring publicity to his campaign, Libertarian Party presidential nominee Gary Johnson has filed an anti-trust claim against the National Commission on Presidential Debates. Johnson aims to secure a spot in the debates and give America a real choice in 2012.

The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California, "maintains that the Republican and Democratic Parties, through the CPD, indefensibly limit access of other candidates to the marketplace of ideas and the opportunity to be employed in these highest offices in the land, and in so doing are violating the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890."

The suit was filed within hours of the announcement that only Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney and Democratic incumbent President Barack Obama would be allowed to take part in the debates. According the debate website, the commission's purpose is to "to ensure that debates, as a permanent part of every general election, provide the best possible information to viewers and listeners."

How can they fulfill their stated mission if they exclude a viable alternative for the 30% of independent voters in America? That is precisely the question that the Johnson campaign is asking and demanding answers to. In addition, the campaign says that it will be filing more claims in other jurisdictions against the commission. Good for you, Gary Johnson. Be libertarian with me indeed.

I think that's a GREAT idea! Good for him, those Presidential debates should include any Presidential candidate who has met the requirements to be on a ballot.
As far as I can remember, a candidate has to be polling at 10 or 15% nationally to be able to participate in the debates.

It's part of the strategy to stifle third parties and keep the machine running.

They should change that "requirement".

We are talking about the libertarian portion of Independents, Anna, not the Independent portion of America.

The libertarians make up less than 5% of Independents.

Not because he says they are, son. And certainly not validated by you, either. :lol:

Let's see some credible evidence and stats. I wouldn't take the word of a hardcore libertarian any more than I would a bfgrn or an Uncensored, crazees from either side of the spectrum.

He was wrong, it's not 30%

Record-High 40% of Americans Identify as Independents in '11

It's 40% ;)

We are talking about the libertarian portion of Independents, Anna, not the Independent portion of America.

The libertarians make up less than 5% of Independents.

Not because he says they are, son. And certainly not validated by you, either. :lol:

Let's see some credible evidence and stats. I wouldn't take the word of a hardcore libertarian any more than I would a bfgrn or an Uncensored, crazees from either side of the spectrum.

He was wrong, it's not 30%

Record-High 40% of Americans Identify as Independents in '11

It's 40% ;)

No one mention libertarians.
Who the fuck is Gary Johnson?
[ame=]GARY JOHNSON - America Needs A Handyman - YouTube[/ame]

That's the first time I've ever heard him speak.. He sounds great ..almost too good to be true.. Makes me wary.
I don't blame you at all for thinking that. I did too for a very long time.

This first got my attention:

[ame=]Gary Johnson's Dog Comment at Fox/Google debate 9/22/11 - YouTube[/ame]
Sigh. Your comment demonstrates either you are not reading clearly or that you are fabricating.


We are talking about the libertarian portion of Independents, Anna, not the Independent portion of America.

The libertarians make up less than 5% of Independents.

No one mention libertarians.
Sigh. Your comment demonstrates either you are not reading clearly or that you are fabricating.


We are talking about the libertarian portion of Independents, Anna, not the Independent portion of America.

The libertarians make up less than 5% of Independents.

No one mention libertarians.
You are what you claim she is. I have found this to be par for the course for RTM's.

Feel free to quote what you feel I said that supports your stance. It would really make me look like an idiot. But since you can't... How are you going to handle that? That's really the question. What kind of man are you?
Ron Paul Supporters Will Appreciate: Gary Johnson Files Anti Trust Claim Against the CPD in the Name of Liberty

In a stunning move sure to bring publicity to his campaign, Libertarian Party presidential nominee Gary Johnson has filed an anti-trust claim against the National Commission on Presidential Debates. Johnson aims to secure a spot in the debates and give America a real choice in 2012.

The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California, "maintains that the Republican and Democratic Parties, through the CPD, indefensibly limit access of other candidates to the marketplace of ideas and the opportunity to be employed in these highest offices in the land, and in so doing are violating the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890."

The suit was filed within hours of the announcement that only Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney and Democratic incumbent President Barack Obama would be allowed to take part in the debates. According the debate website, the commission's purpose is to "to ensure that debates, as a permanent part of every general election, provide the best possible information to viewers and listeners."

How can they fulfill their stated mission if they exclude a viable alternative for the 30% of independent voters in America? That is precisely the question that the Johnson campaign is asking and demanding answers to. In addition, the campaign says that it will be filing more claims in other jurisdictions against the commission. Good for you, Gary Johnson. Be libertarian with me indeed.

I hope Gary wins this lawsuit.

I do so knowing perfectly well that I will NOT vote for him.

While I do not support his campiagn platform, I definitely DO appreciate that he, as are all other third party cadidates, are being unfairly treated in order to keep the DUELOPOLY in American policitics going.

If we had a fair system this nation would already have 5 or 6 or 7 or 50 different parties.

I know from reading many of our posts that very few of us fit so nicely under the D or R tents as our system would have us believe.

Ron Paul Supporters Will Appreciate: Gary Johnson Files Anti Trust Claim Against the CPD in the Name of Liberty

In a stunning move sure to bring publicity to his campaign, Libertarian Party presidential nominee Gary Johnson has filed an anti-trust claim against the National Commission on Presidential Debates. Johnson aims to secure a spot in the debates and give America a real choice in 2012.

The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California, "maintains that the Republican and Democratic Parties, through the CPD, indefensibly limit access of other candidates to the marketplace of ideas and the opportunity to be employed in these highest offices in the land, and in so doing are violating the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890."

The suit was filed within hours of the announcement that only Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney and Democratic incumbent President Barack Obama would be allowed to take part in the debates. According the debate website, the commission's purpose is to "to ensure that debates, as a permanent part of every general election, provide the best possible information to viewers and listeners."

How can they fulfill their stated mission if they exclude a viable alternative for the 30% of independent voters in America? That is precisely the question that the Johnson campaign is asking and demanding answers to. In addition, the campaign says that it will be filing more claims in other jurisdictions against the commission. Good for you, Gary Johnson. Be libertarian with me indeed.

I hope Gary wins this lawsuit.

I do so knowing perfectly well that I will NOT vote for him.

While I do not support his campiagn platform, I definitely DO appreciate that he, as are all other third party cadidates, are being unfairly treated in order to keep the DUELOPOLY in American policitics going.

If we had a fair system this nation would already have 5 or 6 or 7 or 50 different parties.

I know from reading many of our posts that very few of us fit so nicely under the D or R tents as our system would have us believe.

Now here is a respectable man... I can't rep you... I'll be back for this post when I can.
Wow, very interesting. Clever application of anti-trust laws. I don't think he's likely to get far in his lawsuit, but I'll be hoping he does.
Neither are you stating clearly what you mean, folks, and I can't help on that.

You have to figure it out.

The libertarian % of Independents is not 30 or 40% of that groupd.

Independents, depending on an election cycle, make up about 20 to 40% of the voting public. This time I image it is as high as 40% as many have decided neither party can be trusted.

The independents will decide this election, and the libertarians within that group are insignificant in numbers.

Sigh. Your comment demonstrates either you are not reading clearly or that you are fabricating.

No one mention libertarians.
You are what you claim she is. I have found this to be par for the course for RTM's.

Feel free to quote what you feel I said that supports your stance. It would really make me look like an idiot. But since you can't... How are you going to handle that? That's really the question. What kind of man are you?
Neither are you stating clearly what you mean, folks, and I can't help on that.

You have to figure it out.

The libertarian % of Independents is not 30 or 40% of that groupd.

Independents, depending on an election cycle, make up about 20 to 40% of the voting public. This time I image it is as high as 40% as many have decided neither party can be trusted.

The independents will decide this election, and the libertarians within that group are insignificant in numbers.
You are the only one that brought up libertarians. Quote where anyone else did. What kind of man are you? It's showtime.
Then you admit that my figures are right and that libertarians will have no effect in the outcome of the election.

thank you.
Good move; glad to see it. The Democrats and Republicans deserve to get it stuck to them.
Then you admit that my figures are right and that libertarians will have no effect in the outcome of the election.

thank you.
I admit nothing as I didn't say that.

Given that 40% of the country ( thank you Amy ) won't commit to Dem, Repub, Libertarian, Green, or however many more there are in parties... that... I don't think you can say they will have no effect with any kind of logical thinking.
And you are wrong.

The libertarians have not the figures to effect the Independents is the point.

Another point is that libertarianism will not be an important factor in the future of American politics.

Then you admit that my figures are right and that libertarians will have no effect in the outcome of the election.

thank you.
I admit nothing as I didn't say that.

Given that 40% of the country ( thank you Amy ) won't commit to Dem, Repub, Libertarian, Green, or however many more there are in parties... that... I don't think you can say they will have no effect with any kind of logical thinking.

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