Interesting how quickly the NY subway mass shooter / terrorist became a non story...

Once it was revealed that the shooter was Black I think we all knew it would be swept under the rug pretty damn quick.

Now that we know the shooter was a Black militant the incident will probably never be mentioned by the Liberal media again.
NY may have the most inept leadership in the country and that is saying a lot. From disgraced Cuomo, the embarrassment that was DeBlasio and now Adams looks to be well over his head. Plus they have AOC, Kristin and Chucky. It would be funny if it weren’t so sad.
Interesting the Democrat run media propaganda machine has quickly gone back to Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine 24/7 once again, considering the NY subway shooter‘s race (Black) and political affiliation (Democrat, radical Leftist).

But sleep tight, Joe Biden and his handlers have told us that White supremacists are the greatest internal terrorist threat to this country.
It’s because they all funded BLM and urged everyone else to fund them.
NY may have the most inept leadership in the country and that is saying a lot. From disgraced Cuomo, the embarrassment that was DeBlasio and now Adams looks to be well over his head. Plus they have AOC, Kristin and Chucky. It would be funny if it weren’t so sad.
Didn't the dark skinned Lt. Gov. resign yesterday after the indictments came down on him?

And they wonder why Texans don't want to share a border with that filth.
It appears the attention is still present in the media. However, what we should all be looking at is the narrative being discussed. What terms are being used to discuss the victims and the perp. Imagine if this would have been a white male and how the reports would change. It is not out of the question to question as to HOW the reports are being written and narrative that is trying to be published.
Interesting the Democrat run media propaganda machine has quickly gone back to Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine 24/7 once again, considering the NY subway shooter‘s race (Black) and political affiliation (Democrat, radical Leftist).

But sleep tight, Joe Biden and his handlers have told us that White supremacists are the greatest internal terrorist threat to this country.
A non-story? Where? It's all over the news here...even today with the manhunt on.
It’s so bizarre how these whackos goose step themselves and their communities right down the shitter with a smile on their face….the dumbmotherfuckers really have no clue.
Ironic when the fascist Right talks about others goose-stepping.
Is it? Herr Lesh you live in NY. Yankees suck.
The Yankees are awesome. However, as to the attack that is the core of the topic, my question is this:

Given that it started with preparation, he initiates the activity inside the trains, he put on the gas mask to give him protection from the smoke from the smoke grenade he’d brought along, and only then pulled out the firearm he’d brought along — doesn’t this strike anyone else as being the planned action of a terrorist?

I’m sorry to say, but I suspect that this incident was only the start of a new campaign.
The Yankees are awesome. However, as to the attack that is the core of the topic, my question is this:

Given that it started with preparation, he initiates the activity inside the trains, he put on the gas mask to give him protection from the smoke from the smoke grenade he’d brought along, and only then pulled out the firearm he’d brought along — doesn’t this strike anyone else as being the planned action of a terrorist?

I’m sorry to say, but I suspect that this incident was only the start of a new campaign.
Masks are required. Virus and all. He he

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