Interesting Statistic...

Biden's mind went south awhile ago
And of course Trump being 75 years old, will suffer no mental decline over the next 3 years, right? Maybe you havent been around older people I dunno. But mental decline can happen VERY quickly. Trump will be 78 IF he runs for President again. Keep in mind Trumps dad had alzheimers.
And of course Trump being 75 years old, will suffer no mental decline over the next 3 years, right? Maybe you havent been around older people I dunno. But mental decline can happen VERY quickly. Trump will be 78 IF he runs for President again. Keep in mind Trumps dad had alzheimers.

Difference is now and then, dumbass
Trump answered questions from the press almost everywhere he went. Biden is a closed book and only answers questions from the press when prepped by his handlers. I suspect his handlers know the questions in advance and advise Biden who to call upon.
“Answer” is a bit too generous to describe how Trump responded to press questions.
I don't know who the head handler is; however, Biden has said on several occasions that he wasn't suppose to be answering questions as if he isn't the chief executive who gets to make the freaking decisions.
I know... I have heard him say that! Damn scary!
“Answer” is a bit too generous to describe how Trump responded to press questions.
Irrelevant. Trump answered and most of the time because of the attached they and evidently people that suffer from TDS , i.e. you... didn't like the answers!
You tell me if your perceptions of the non-politically correct Trump weren't swayed by the money as the attached shows. Trump was never a politically correct person... he was human... full of all sorts of foibles but he accomplished in 4 years what the previous Presidents weren't able to in the last 62 years!
Irrelevant. Trump answered and most of the time because of the attached they and evidently people that suffer from TDS , i.e. you... didn't like the answers!
You tell me if your perceptions of the non-politically correct Trump weren't swayed by the money as the attached shows. Trump was never a politically correct person... he was human... full of all sorts of foibles but he accomplished in 4 years what the previous Presidents weren't able to in the last 62 years!
View attachment 545194
Trump may have responded to a question, but he rarely ever answered them.

It’s quite relevant. There’s no difference in responding with gibberish or lies as compared to not saying anything at all. In some ways, it’s worse.
President Joe has a working press department, which tRump never really did. He has held fewer press conferences in person, but has communicated much more.
yeah... he's communicated that he'll get into trouble if he takes any more questions several times ....
Trump may have responded to a question, but he rarely ever answered them.

It’s quite relevant. There’s no difference in responding with gibberish or lies as compared to not saying anything at all. In some ways, it’s worse.
Oh so you were there every time Trump responded and he responded every time with gibberish or lies! REALLY!
A) YOU never responded to the attached file that shows the MSM donated 96% to Hillary and 90% to Biden! WHY?
B) Probably because you like most uninformed, unsophisticated truly ignorant people believe the MSM... the same
media that has peddled the lie that Trump never denounced KKK, etc. This MSM biased story regarding Trump's
Charlottesville statement "there are good people on both sides" is peddled by you and the MSM over

A Google search "there are good people on both sides" Results: 19,030,000,000... That's 19.03 BILLION results!!!
But the part that I'm repeating several times that the MSM and evidently many people still don't know..
I did another Google search on what Trump went on to say and the MSM continued to NOT share with you idiots!
Trump went on to say:
"& I'm not talking about the Neo-nazis and white supremacists because they should be condemned totally."

I did a Google search on the above Trump statement denouncing and the results: ONLY 339,000 !
0.001781430% of the 19.03 BILLION Trump's "there are good people on both sides"
That's 56,135 times the number of times you would hear the MSM repeating "there are good people on both sides" versus the continuation where Trump denounced Neo-nazis and white supremacist when he said:
"& I'm not talking about the Neo-nazis and white supremacists because they should be condemned totally."
So I know this is way more information a 30-second attention span can handle but that's your problem!
You don't deal with reality and the reality is this:
A study found that about 19% of the coverage of Biden's first 60 days days has been negative over the first 60 days of his administration, which ranked best among presidents of the last three decades.
Former Presidents Bill Clinton (28%),
George W. Bush (28%),
Barack Obama (20%), and
Donald Trump (62%) all saw more negative coverage than Biden.
But of course this information goes WAY over your head and 30 second attention span!
To date, Joe Biden has held a total of 7 since taking office.
That is 7 in about 8 months.

He's on pace to hold only .88 press conferences his first year in office.
I think you meant to say an average of 0.88 per MONTH. About HALF of Trump's rate.

This should be, at the very least, concerning to anyone who wants to see Biden run in 2024, or even to anyone who wants to see him finish his first term. He's being kept away from the American people...
He's being hid because he is a clueless jackass whom they don't trust on his own. Just more proof this idiot was INSTALLED via a rigged election. Either that or this country has gone to the morons.
And of course Trump being 75 years old, will suffer no mental decline over the next 3 years, right? Maybe you havent been around older people I dunno. But mental decline can happen VERY quickly. Trump will be 78 IF he runs for President again. Keep in mind Trumps dad had alzheimers.
Hence we want Dan Crenshaw
How would you know that?
It's an educated guess. I mean how old will he be like 80 something? The entire goal was to get Trump out of the WH. Mission accomplished. Hopefully this time around we can get someone a little younger and that isnt a republican on the dem ticket next time.

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