Interesting Tech Out Of Project Home 2011 Scientific


Sep 27, 2014
I just enjoyed a public demonstration of the electrostatic hover tech in north- central Connecticut by the research organization Project Home 2011. They are still in the process of registering a non-provisional patent for it, as well as the computer processor that runs the device. Their video of one of their prototypes, which is the one they used in their project work, here:

Seems to have no sound, however I can describe their device as being pretty quiet. A slight trirping sound could be heard at 3 feet, but at 10 feet the device was very quiet, as it hovered about 1 and a half feet above the paved parking lot. Then the demonstrators navigated the device over grass and over the freshwater pond in Enfield, CT.
The demonstration was for two new investors that have fronted Project Home 2011 scientific research 500K for 10% of the profits from this hovering technology.
Project Home 2011 scientific, being a think tank used this technology for their work in quantum physics and their achievement they made in that area on January 1, 2011.

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