Internal Affairs: Bank Robbery (LA)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's one last heist parable, inspired by the hip film Internal Affairs (Richard Gere)! Thanks for reading,


The Hollywood (USA) city side of Los Angeles, the proverbial 'City of Angels' was home to 21st Century daydreamers and businessmen. The LAPD was up to its neck in crimes and officers were very impatient, requiring the special Internal Affairs division which oversees the ethical practices of all policemen/women, to monitor the anxiety levels of the LAPD men/women in uniform. Someone had to watch over all this City of Angels nonsense as the sun was setting on the consumerism era of convenience driven traffic imagination (e.g., Starbucks, Bloomberg, Bank of America, etc., etc.).


Meet LAPD officer Dennis Patridge, a very decorated street cop in the City of Angels. Partridge is considered a first-rate lawman in the wild LA we know can erupt at any moment, giving rise to something like what we saw on TV during the 1992 Los Angeles Race Riots, catalyzed by the TV recorded Rodney King beating with immense racial implications. Officer Partridge watches over LA with his partner Andy, and he sometimes looses his cool, but he's always feared and respected by the City of Angels underworld as a policeman who never takes anything casually.


That's why Timothy Satan, new detective and executive of Internal Affairs in LA, is assigned to watch over LAPD officer Dennis Partridge. He has to make sure that Dennis is doing his work consistently and not allowing LA hellfire to get the best of him, sending him down a Lewis Carroll hole of madness and unwarranted fury. Detective Satan of LA's respected division Internal Affairs has a theory that policeman Partridge is going to snap, requiring Timothy to enforce some rule of design.


DENNIS PARTRIDGE: "I'm going to snap in this City of Angels hell-hole, so before I do, I'm robbing this bank in the city."


Dennis walks into the Banner Bank in downtown LA dressed as a medical doctor from a nearby hospital still wearing his hospital uniform and mask, just making a quick run to the bank to open a convenient online personal savings account with Banner Bank. Dennis notices that the inside of the bank, which he's never visited before, is quite nice. He's unrecognizable because of his doctor's costume, his medical mask which he's chosen to just keep on his face, and a wig he's worn for this day of bank robbery.


Inside the Banner Bank, female client representative and bank executive Donna Theresa is busy coordinating a PR media statement about the Saudi prince investor's new safe-box in Banner Bank, safe-box #445, which contains very rare and valuable blue gems from Egypt worth over $10 million. As Donna prepares her notes for the press, she notices Dennis Partridge walk in, wearing his hospital uniform and suspects he's someone looking to open a quick personal account during his lunch-break and orders one of the bank representatives to assist the good doctor. Meanwhile, Donna continues to write her notes for the press about the Saudi prince's Egyptian gems.


As Dennis enters the bank, he holds the arm of the only armed security guard working inside during that lunch-hour in the daytime and punctures him with a tranquilizer-chemical pin-dart he's concealing before releasing a caged stinging yellowjacket bee from a concealed jar hidden in his pant-pocket. When the guard shrieks, Dennis giggles to him and indicates there's a bee buzzing around him. The shocked guard thanks Dennis the good doctor as Dennis walks towards one of the client representative desks to open a new account that day.


By the time the Banner Bank representative is helping Dennis Partridge, the armed security guard at that lunch-hour moment in the bank falls unconscious. Dennis runs to the fallen guard on the floor and orders bank manager Donna Theresa to help him. He starts to treat the unconscious guard and gives him CPR and then tells Donna Theresa he's in the bank during lunch-hour only to quickly and conveniently deposit his wife's diamonds in the vault-room in safe-box #446. Donna realizes Dennis is a doctor who simply wants to make a diamond deposit during lunch-hour break from the hospital and escorts him quickly to the unclaimed safe-box #446 so he may deposit his diamonds, which incidentally, are fake diamonds, but Donna has no time to inspect this. Dennis 'the good doctor' after all, has to get back to the medical needs of the fallen security guard while the ambulance is arriving from the hospital.


While inside the vault-room, Dennis stings Donna with his tranquilizer-chemical pin-dart, rendering her unconscious. He then takes her safe-box keyset and opens safe-box #445 belonging to the wealthy Saudi prince who lives in Hollywood (incidentally) and extracts the prince's rumored Egyptian gems worth over $10 million. Dennis conceals the gems in the concealed interior side zipper-lining of his medical pants. He then goes out to tend to the fallen security guard and informs other bank employees the unconscious guard should be fine and needs only to wait for the ambulance which should arrive shortly (before fleeing from Banner Bank himself with the blue gems!).


TIMOTHY SATAN: You know how you're caught, Dennis?
DENNIS PARTRIDGE: You're Internal Affairs, ain't ya, Timmy?
DENNIS PARTRIDGE: No one likes Internal Affairs, and neither do I!
TIMOTHY SATAN: Great; well, you're in a hill of trouble, Officer Partridge.
DENNIS PARTRIDGE: Admit my little Egyptian gem bank thing gave this city a dance.
TIMOTHY SATAN: I'm admitting nothing, Dennis.


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

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