Internal documents shows Obama's amnesty - more than $585M


Silver Member
Jun 8, 2009
The Obama administration's new plan to grant temporary work permits to many young, illegal immigrants who otherwise could be deported may cost more than $585 million and require hiring hundreds of new federal employees to process more than 1 million anticipated requests, according to internal documents obtained by The Associated Press.

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services estimated it could receive more than 1 million applications during the first year of the program, or more than 3,000 per day.

The plans estimated that the Homeland Security Department could need to hire more than 1,400 full-time employees, as well as contractors, to process the applications

AP Exclusive: Internal documents shows Obama deportation proposal could cost more than $585M - 7/24/2012 1:01:11 PM | Newser

The application fee will cost $465, but Ms. Napolitano said that it could be waived under certain circumstances. If half the people applying are kids, my guess is that the fee income will be nominal.

Did the president mention cost when he signed the executive order? I must have missed it.

Our money being redistributed to lawbreakers.

Can we expect four more years of this? Can we afford it?
It must be nice to buy votes with endless amounts of the Taxpayer's money.
The "undocumented" have no papers right? How on earth can they prove who they are and whether they qualify? How many gang members and potential terrorists will now be given citizenship with nothing more than a fake name and a check for $465?

Is it possible that the WH didn't really think this through? Or does the end (reelection) justify the means (jeopardizing national security)?

Is this program temporary or will every young wannabe jihadist now be heading for the states for the next decade or so?

I guess he had to pass it so we'll know what's in it.

This is not only expensive. It's dangerous.
You really don't get it. Obama never intended this to be implimented. It was just a ploy to get Hispanic votes. IF he had been serious about legalization of illegal alien, he would have done it when he had a democrat house and senate. Record deportation and better secured borders? Most drug bust here,etc. Obama has come down harder on illegal aliens since the 50s. IF you read between the line you would see it clearly. It has always been about votes. He has Chicago smarts and he play dirty. Temporary work permits and temporary legal status is really temporary? Deportations has not really stopped.
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[ame=]Top Immigration Officials Describe Border Chaos Resulting From Admin's Amnesty Policy - YouTube[/ame]

All "dreamers" who commit crimes are to be let go. No proof of "dreamer" status. All they have to do is say they have GED.

"He's a dreamer. Release him".
Looks like Big Sis may be hunting down the whistleblowers on this clusterfuck.

A witch hunt to track down whistleblowers has commenced at Janet Napolitano’s Department of Homeland Security. Sources tell PJ Media that DHS policy drafts regarding amnesty programs have been pipelining to Republican congressional offices. As a result, political appointees at DHS are feeling the heat and have commenced a witch hunt to track down the sources of the leaks – conducting interviews bordering on interrogations.

One such policy draft sent straight to GOP congressional offices included a memo titled “Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals.” A July draft of the document shows an effort by DHS political appointees to suspend laws against illegal aliens remaining in the United States. Another source tells PJ Media that DHS doesn’t want robust standards to establish the actual identities of the illegal aliens. They have been instructed to overlook inconsistent tax records and other red flags about the actual identity of the aliens.

Rule of Law » Janet Napolitano

'Homeland Security"????? :disbelief:

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