International Criminal Court opens preliminary investigation into attack on Mavi Marm


VIP Member
Jun 11, 2012
"May 14th Fatou Bensouda, Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), released a statement announcing her office would be opening a preliminary investigation into the*massacre on board the Mavi Marmara*in which the lives of 9 human rights activists were brutally cut short by the Israeli military* on May 31, 2010, in international waters off the coast of Gaza.The ICC, otherwise known as "The Hague" is the permanent war crimes court in The Hague, Netherlands.ICC media release, Office of Chief Prosecutor Bensouda:Today my Office met with a delegation from the Istanbul-based Elmadag Law Firm, acting on behalf of the Government of the Union of the Comoros, a State Party to the International Criminal Court since 18 August 2006.The delegation transmitted a referral “of the Union of the Comoros with respect to the 31 May 2010 Israeli raid on the Humanitarian Aid Flotilla bound for Gaza Strip, requesting the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court pursuant to Articles 12, 13 and 14 of the Rome Statute to initiate an investigation into the crimes committed within the Court’s jurisdiction, arising from this raid’’.* In accordance with the requirements of the Rome Statute my office will be conducting a preliminary examination in order to establish whether the criteria for opening an investigation are met. After careful analysis of all available information, I shall make a determination that will be made public in due course." International Criminal Court opens preliminary investigation into attack on Mavi Marmara. I cannot wait ho hear of further developments as we watch whether the ICC shall try Israeli officials for war crimes over her massacre of passengers on the Mavi Marmara.
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"May 14th Fatou Bensouda, Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), released a statement announcing her office would be opening a preliminary investigation into the*massacre on board the Mavi Marmara*in which the lives of 9 human rights activists were brutally cut short by the Israeli military* on May 31, 2010, in international waters off the coast of Gaza.The ICC, otherwise known as "The Hague" is the permanent war crimes court in The Hague, Netherlands.ICC media release, Office of Chief Prosecutor Bensouda:Today my Office met with a delegation from the Istanbul-based Elmadag Law Firm, acting on behalf of the Government of the Union of the Comoros, a State Party to the International Criminal Court since 18 August 2006.The delegation transmitted a referral “of the Union of the Comoros with respect to the 31 May 2010 Israeli raid on the Humanitarian Aid Flotilla bound for Gaza Strip, requesting the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court pursuant to Articles 12, 13 and 14 of the Rome Statute to initiate an investigation into the crimes committed within the Court’s jurisdiction, arising from this raid’’.* In accordance with the requirements of the Rome Statute my office will be conducting a preliminary examination in order to establish whether the criteria for opening an investigation are met. After careful analysis of all available information, I shall make a determination that will be made public in due course." International Criminal Court opens preliminary investigation into attack on Mavi Marmara. I cannot wait ho hear of further developments as we watch whether the ICC shall try Israeli officials for war crimes over her massacre of passengers on the Mavi Marmara.
Who is calling it a massacre before the findings? Is that your description or the ICC? If it's yours then that's normal. But if it's the ICC that's telling.
Also telling is the date our heroic allies choose for the cold blooded murder of an unarmed US citizen, 31 May 2010, otherwise known as Memorial Day.
Georgie Boy, you can join your friends if you wish. They can always use another hand when they murder innocent civilians in many locations of the world. You can, in addition to being trained how to swing a scimitar and to fire an AK47, but also how to attack people with steel rods.

[ame=]Demonstrators Use Violence Against Israeli Navy Soldiers Attempting to Board Ship - YouTube[/ame]
"May 14th Fatou Bensouda, Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), released a statement announcing her office would be opening a preliminary investigation into the*massacre on board the Mavi Marmara*in which the lives of 9 human rights activists were brutally cut short by the Israeli military* on May 31, 2010, in international waters off the coast of Gaza.The ICC, otherwise known as "The Hague" is the permanent war crimes court in The Hague, Netherlands.ICC media release, Office of Chief Prosecutor Bensouda:Today my Office met with a delegation from the Istanbul-based Elmadag Law Firm, acting on behalf of the Government of the Union of the Comoros, a State Party to the International Criminal Court since 18 August 2006.The delegation transmitted a referral “of the Union of the Comoros with respect to the 31 May 2010 Israeli raid on the Humanitarian Aid Flotilla bound for Gaza Strip, requesting the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court pursuant to Articles 12, 13 and 14 of the Rome Statute to initiate an investigation into the crimes committed within the Court’s jurisdiction, arising from this raid’’.* In accordance with the requirements of the Rome Statute my office will be conducting a preliminary examination in order to establish whether the criteria for opening an investigation are met. After careful analysis of all available information, I shall make a determination that will be made public in due course." International Criminal Court opens preliminary investigation into attack on Mavi Marmara. I cannot wait ho hear of further developments as we watch whether the ICC shall try Israeli officials for war crimes over her massacre of passengers on the Mavi Marmara.
Who is calling it a massacre before the findings? Is that your description or the ICC? If it's yours then that's normal. But if it's the ICC that's telling.

Who called it a massacre? Many have. The article I quote is an article reported by American Jews of conscience on the Mondoweiss website. AUTHOR: About Annie Robbins

Annie Robbins is Editor at Large for Mondoweiss, a mother, a human rights activist and a ceramic artist. She lives in the SF bay area. Follow her on Twitter [MENTION=401]Annie[/MENTION]fofani
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Also telling is the date our heroic allies choose for the cold blooded murder of an unarmed US citizen, 31 May 2010, otherwise known as Memorial Day.
Georgie Boy, you can join your friends if you wish. They can always use another hand when they murder innocent civilians in many locations of the world. You can, in addition to being trained how to swing a scimitar and to fire an AK47, but also how to attack people with steel rods.

[ame=]Demonstrators Use Violence Against Israeli Navy Soldiers Attempting to Board Ship - YouTube[/ame]
Hossie...does this appear like an accurate overall accounting of how the Memorial Day hostilities began:

"On (Monday) 31 May 2010, Israeli Shayetet 13 naval commandos boarded the ships from speedboats[1] and helicopters in order to force the ships to the Israeli port of Ashdod for inspection.

"On the Turkish ship MV Mavi Marmara, boarding faced resistance from about 40 IHH activists – described in an Israeli report as a separate 'hardcore group'[2] – who were armed with iron bars and knives.[3]

"During the struggle, nine activists were killed including eight Turkish nationals and one American national, and many were wounded.

"All activist casualties were caused by gunshots, some of them at point blank range or from behind.

"Ten of the commandos were also wounded, one of them[who?] seriously.[3][4] The five other ships in the flotilla employed passive resistance, which was suppressed without major incident. The ships were towed to Israel, where all passengers were detained and deported."

Gaza flotilla raid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If so, let's see if we can decide which came first; a commando pulling a trigger or an activist swinging a steel bar?
Also telling is the date our heroic allies choose for the cold blooded murder of an unarmed US citizen, 31 May 2010, otherwise known as Memorial Day.
Georgie Boy, you can join your friends if you wish. They can always use another hand when they murder innocent civilians in many locations of the world. You can, in addition to being trained how to swing a scimitar and to fire an AK47, but also how to attack people with steel rods.

[ame=]Demonstrators Use Violence Against Israeli Navy Soldiers Attempting to Board Ship - YouTube[/ame]
Hossie...does this appear like an accurate overall accounting of how the Memorial Day hostilities began:

"On (Monday) 31 May 2010, Israeli Shayetet 13 naval commandos boarded the ships from speedboats[1] and helicopters in order to force the ships to the Israeli port of Ashdod for inspection.

"On the Turkish ship MV Mavi Marmara, boarding faced resistance from about 40 IHH activists – described in an Israeli report as a separate 'hardcore group'[2] – who were armed with iron bars and knives.[3]

"During the struggle, nine activists were killed including eight Turkish nationals and one American national, and many were wounded.

"All activist casualties were caused by gunshots, some of them at point blank range or from behind.

"Ten of the commandos were also wounded, one of them[who?] seriously.[3][4] The five other ships in the flotilla employed passive resistance, which was suppressed without major incident. The ships were towed to Israel, where all passengers were detained and deported."

Gaza flotilla raid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If so, let's see if we can decide which came first; a commando pulling a trigger or an activist swinging a steel bar? order to force the ships to the Israeli port of Ashdod for inspection.

Of course Israel knew for sure before hand that there were no weapons aboard.
Thread reopened

The issue regarding the thread is as follows:

The title of the article which comprises the OP is: "International Criminal Court opens preliminary investigation into attack on Mavi Marmara"

The poster chose to omit the word "attack" include replace it with "massacre" that is inaccurate thereby potentially creating a troll like thread as such it a Zone 2 violation: Baiting and polarizing...thread titles.

The title has been changed for accuracy.
We should remember that Turkey, which occupies both Kurdistan AND Northern Cyprus, woke up one morning, and decided to invade Israel. Considering Turkey's track record, Israel had to defend itself against Turkey's aggression. :clap2:
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Israel has a RIGHT TO SELF DEFENSE. It initiated the Blockades because Hamas, Hezballah, and others were bringing in Arms to the region to be used against Israel.

Had these people on board been on a TRUE HUMANITARIAN MISSION, they wouldn't have attacked the Israeli's at all. Let them make sure no weapons were on board, and then they would have been allowed to continue.

Should the Israeli's have stood bye and allow their people to be beaten to death with steal clubs?

No they shouldn't have. They defended themselves. Those that INITIATED THE FIGHT ON BOARD caused the fight and ARE RESPONSIBLE.
"Mavi Marmara boarding

"The boarding of the Mavi Marmara started in the early morning at 4:30 IST. The operation began with an attempt to board the ship from speedboats. As the boats approached, activists fired water hoses at them, and pelted them with a variety of objects.

"The Israelis replied with paintballs and stun grenades. One stun grenade was picked up and tossed back into a boat. When the commandos tried boarding the ship, activists cut the ladders with electric disc saws. The boats then turned slightly away from the ship, but remained close.[68][75]

"The IDF then sent in a Black Hawk helicopter with a 15-man assault team on board.[68][76][77] According to the IDF, the commandos fired warning shots and dropped stun grenades prior to abseiling onto the ship.[78]

"The UNHRC report on the incident concluded that the Israeli soldiers were firing live rounds from the helicopter before they landed anyone on the ship.[79]

"Passengers reported gunfire, blue flares and deafening noise from the first helicopter at this time.[80][81]

"Al Jazeera journalist Jamal Elshayyal stated that he saw one man shot in the head and others wounded.[82]

"Robert Mackey of The New York Times suggested that the passengers on the ship may have mistaken flash grenades and paintball guns for deadly weapons, which enraged them.[83] Activists and crew members used gas masks."

Still haven't heard an answer to the question: why did our "allies" pick Memorial Day to murder Furkan Dogan?
"Mavi Marmara boarding

"The boarding of the Mavi Marmara started in the early morning at 4:30 IST. The operation began with an attempt to board the ship from speedboats. As the boats approached, activists fired water hoses at them, and pelted them with a variety of objects.

"The Israelis replied with paintballs and stun grenades. One stun grenade was picked up and tossed back into a boat. When the commandos tried boarding the ship, activists cut the ladders with electric disc saws. The boats then turned slightly away from the ship, but remained close.[68][75]

"The IDF then sent in a Black Hawk helicopter with a 15-man assault team on board.[68][76][77] According to the IDF, the commandos fired warning shots and dropped stun grenades prior to abseiling onto the ship.[78]

"The UNHRC report on the incident concluded that the Israeli soldiers were firing live rounds from the helicopter before they landed anyone on the ship.[79]

"Passengers reported gunfire, blue flares and deafening noise from the first helicopter at this time.[80][81]

"Al Jazeera journalist Jamal Elshayyal stated that he saw one man shot in the head and others wounded.[82]

"Robert Mackey of The New York Times suggested that the passengers on the ship may have mistaken flash grenades and paintball guns for deadly weapons, which enraged them.[83] Activists and crew members used gas masks."

Still haven't heard an answer to the question: why did our "allies" pick Memorial Day to murder Furkan Dogan?

Israel didn't pick that particular day. It was Memorial Day when Turkey invaded Israel. Should Israel have said to Turkey, "Today is an American holiday. Let's postpone this fight until tomorrow"? You don't make much sense.
Don't want to tangle with the I(sraeli) D(efense) F(orce)?

Don't try to run their blockade.

Don't want to lose lives against the IDF?

Don't resist their boarding party, enforcing the blockade.

Duh. :lol:
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We should remember that Turkey, which occupies both Kurdistan AND Nothern Cyprus, woke up one morning, and decided to invade Israel. Considering Turkey's track record, Israel had to defend itself against Turkey's aggression. :clap2:
They were allies at the time.
Gun pussies, Duh.

"Three Israeli commandos were captured. The first captured soldier, the commanding officer of the assault team, was abseiling from the helicopter when he was attacked by ten men before his feet hit the deck.

"He was beaten across his body and head, then picked up and thrown to the lower deck, where he was attacked by a dozen activists. They beat and choked him, removed his bulletproof vest and sidearm and smashed his helmet, and shoved him into a passenger hall below deck.

"The second soldier was surrounded by a team of fifteen to twenty activists in two groups. One group attacked him when he landed on the ship's roof. He fired one shot at an activist holding a knife before being subdued.[88]

"The activists seized his gun and beat him as he attempted to fight them off with his back to the hull. He was picked up by his arms and legs, and thrown over the hull. He attempted to hang on to the hull with both hands, but was forced to let go when activists beat his hands and pulled him down by his legs.

"He was then surrounded by another group of activists, stabbed in the stomach and dragged into a lounge while being beaten.

"A third soldier who was lowered onto the deck saw an activist waiting to attack him with an iron crowbar.

"After shoving him away, he was attacked by four more activists, one of whom wrapped a chain around his neck and choked him until he lost consciousness.

"He was then thrown onto the bridge deck, where he was attacked by about twenty activists, who beat him, cut away his equipment, and dragged him into the lounge.[89] The three soldiers were severely wounded and bleeding heavily."

Gaza flotilla raid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gun pussies, Duh.

"Three Israeli commandos were captured. The first captured soldier, the commanding officer of the assault team, was abseiling from the helicopter when he was attacked by ten men before his feet hit the deck.

"He was beaten across his body and head, then picked up and thrown to the lower deck, where he was attacked by a dozen activists. They beat and choked him, removed his bulletproof vest and sidearm and smashed his helmet, and shoved him into a passenger hall below deck.

"The second soldier was surrounded by a team of fifteen to twenty activists in two groups. One group attacked him when he landed on the ship's roof. He fired one shot at an activist holding a knife before being subdued.[88]

"The activists seized his gun and beat him as he attempted to fight them off with his back to the hull. He was picked up by his arms and legs, and thrown over the hull. He attempted to hang on to the hull with both hands, but was forced to let go when activists beat his hands and pulled him down by his legs.

"He was then surrounded by another group of activists, stabbed in the stomach and dragged into a lounge while being beaten.

"A third soldier who was lowered onto the deck saw an activist waiting to attack him with an iron crowbar.

"After shoving him away, he was attacked by four more activists, one of whom wrapped a chain around his neck and choked him until he lost consciousness.

"He was then thrown onto the bridge deck, where he was attacked by about twenty activists, who beat him, cut away his equipment, and dragged him into the lounge.[89] The three soldiers were severely wounded and bleeding heavily."

Gaza flotilla raid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I think this post proves that the Turks were the aggressors. Thanks.
"Mavi Marmara boarding

"The boarding of the Mavi Marmara started in the early morning at 4:30 IST. The operation began with an attempt to board the ship from speedboats. As the boats approached, activists fired water hoses at them, and pelted them with a variety of objects.

"The Israelis replied with paintballs and stun grenades. One stun grenade was picked up and tossed back into a boat. When the commandos tried boarding the ship, activists cut the ladders with electric disc saws. The boats then turned slightly away from the ship, but remained close.[68][75]

"The IDF then sent in a Black Hawk helicopter with a 15-man assault team on board.[68][76][77] According to the IDF, the commandos fired warning shots and dropped stun grenades prior to abseiling onto the ship.[78]

"The UNHRC report on the incident concluded that the Israeli soldiers were firing live rounds from the helicopter before they landed anyone on the ship.[79]

"Passengers reported gunfire, blue flares and deafening noise from the first helicopter at this time.[80][81]

"Al Jazeera journalist Jamal Elshayyal stated that he saw one man shot in the head and others wounded.[82]

"Robert Mackey of The New York Times suggested that the passengers on the ship may have mistaken flash grenades and paintball guns for deadly weapons, which enraged them.[83] Activists and crew members used gas masks."

Still haven't heard an answer to the question: why did our "allies" pick Memorial Day to murder Furkan Dogan?

Israel didn't pick that particular day. It was Memorial Day when Turkey invaded Israel. Should Israel have said to Turkey, "Today is an American holiday. Let's postpone this fight until tomorrow"? You don't make much sense.
Did Turkey forget to bring fighters to their invasion?

"Special Forces Command, also known as the Maroon Berets because of their distinctive service headgear, are the special operations unit of the Turkish Army. Currently, the force is under the command of the Special Forces flank (Old Special Warfare Unit). They also work along with Underwater Defence Teams (SAS) and Underwater Strike Teams (SAT)."

Why are Jews so efficient at killing unarmed civilians like Furkan Dogan?
Israel has a RIGHT TO SELF DEFENSE. It initiated the Blockades because Hamas, Hezballah, and others were bringing in Arms to the region to be used against Israel.

Had these people on board been on a TRUE HUMANITARIAN MISSION, they wouldn't have attacked the Israeli's at all. Let them make sure no weapons were on board, and then they would have been allowed to continue.

Should the Israeli's have stood bye and allow their people to be beaten to death with steal clubs?

No they shouldn't have. They defended themselves. Those that INITIATED THE FIGHT ON BOARD caused the fight and ARE RESPONSIBLE.

Israel always says it has the right to defend itself from the people it is attacking.:eusa_whistle:
Gun pussies, Duh.

"Three Israeli commandos were captured. The first captured soldier, the commanding officer of the assault team, was abseiling from the helicopter when he was attacked by ten men before his feet hit the deck.

"He was beaten across his body and head, then picked up and thrown to the lower deck, where he was attacked by a dozen activists. They beat and choked him, removed his bulletproof vest and sidearm and smashed his helmet, and shoved him into a passenger hall below deck.

"The second soldier was surrounded by a team of fifteen to twenty activists in two groups. One group attacked him when he landed on the ship's roof. He fired one shot at an activist holding a knife before being subdued.[88]

"The activists seized his gun and beat him as he attempted to fight them off with his back to the hull. He was picked up by his arms and legs, and thrown over the hull. He attempted to hang on to the hull with both hands, but was forced to let go when activists beat his hands and pulled him down by his legs.

"He was then surrounded by another group of activists, stabbed in the stomach and dragged into a lounge while being beaten.

"A third soldier who was lowered onto the deck saw an activist waiting to attack him with an iron crowbar.

"After shoving him away, he was attacked by four more activists, one of whom wrapped a chain around his neck and choked him until he lost consciousness.

"He was then thrown onto the bridge deck, where he was attacked by about twenty activists, who beat him, cut away his equipment, and dragged him into the lounge.[89] The three soldiers were severely wounded and bleeding heavily."

Gaza flotilla raid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I think this post proves that the Turks were the aggressors. Thanks.
Don't forget this US Marine's reflection on the events of the 2010 Memorial Day Massacre:

"When I was asked, in the event of an Israeli attack on the Mavi Marmara, would I use the camera, or would I defend the ship? I enthusiastically committed to defence of the ship. Although I am also a huge supporter of non-violence, in fact I believe non-violence must always be the first option.

"Nonetheless I joined the defence of the Mavi Mamara understanding that violence could be used against us and that we may very well be compelled to use violence in self defence."

Ken O' Keefe participated in the capture of the three heroic commandos.
Here's his account of what happened that day:

"I knew the commandos were murdering when I removed a 9mm pistol from one of them. I had that gun in my hands and as an ex-US Marine with training in the use of guns it was completely within my power to use that gun on the commando who may have been the murderer of one of my brothers.

"But that is not what I, nor any other defender of the ship did. I took that weapon away, removed the bullets, proper lead bullets, separated them from the weapon and hid the gun. I did this in the hopes that we would repel the attack and submit this weapon as evidence in a criminal trial against Israeli authorities for mass murder.

"I also helped to physically separate one commando from his assault rifle, which another brother apparently threw into the sea.

"I and hundreds of others know the truth that makes a mockery of the brave and moral Israeli military.

"We had in our full possession, three completely disarmed and helpless commandos. These boys were at our mercy, they were out of reach of their fellow murderers, inside the ship and surrounded by 100 or more men.

"I looked into the eyes of all three of these boys and I can tell you they had the fear of God in them.

"They looked at us as if we were them, and I have no doubt they did not believe there was any way they would survive that day. They looked like frightened children in the face of an abusive father."

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