International Criminal Court opens preliminary investigation into attack on Mavi Marm

I have a very ----little ----question. What sort of emergency AID stuffs were on that ship? Is there an inventory of the stuff being transported for the noble sake of HUMANITY?

It seems likely that a Ship's Manifest existed for the trip.

But Ship's Manifests are oftentimes (intentionally) incomplete or false in whole or in part, when the ship is traveling into contentious waters or carrying contentious cargo.

It would be interesting to compare the original Ship's Manifest alongside the Israeli Navy inventory of cargo once the ships had been brought to Israeli ports and impounded and thoroughly inspected.
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I have a very ----little ----question. What sort of emergency AID stuffs
were on that ship? Is there an inventory of the stuff being transported
for the noble sake of HUMANITY?
The inventory has been posted previously and except for concrete (which is banned), none of the items were in short supply in Gaza. The medicine in the shipment, probably salvaged from a trash dump, was all outdated and expired. Emergency supplies, not.
et al,

I lost track.

well, ships generally don't set sail with daisy chains and peace symbol medallions to prepare meals and make common repairs. you have pictured common shipboard and galley implements and a ceremonial knife. i mean, get friggin' real. do you actually think if these people were bent on mayhem and madness, they wouldn't have brought some firearms. no, of course not. they would rather bring kitchen knives, can oppeners, and pipe wrenches. yeah...a handsaw is now a "terrorist weapon". LOLOL.

and the either IDF knew they had no weapons or they are the stupidest troops in the whole wide world. you do not rapel into what you think is a heavily armed group of hostiles and expect any kind of success whatsoever.

those clowns went in there intent on massacre.
Kitchen knives? That knife in his hand and those swords are kitchen knives? Ha ha ha. Good one. Lets not forget they threw half their weapons overboard as the shit hit the fan.

As I said before, it's what happens when you load up a ship with Jihadis from a terrorist mosque and then call it a "humanitarian mission." and then the ship refuses to stop when it approaches a blockade. Actually there is tape of the ships captain yelling back to the Israelis "go back to Auchwitz!" If these animals aboard the Mavi Marmara were humanitarians then my name is Tom Cruise.

PS. Are you sure you weren't the captain of that ship, Nazi boy? LOL

What is the issue here? What is the argument being made?

Most Respectfully,
The issue being made is the boat Mavi Marmara was filled with radical Islamists from a mosque known by both the Turks and French to have terrorist ties, who were in a Jihadi suicide mission. Meaning it was far from a humanitarian mission. And the Turks let it happen by looking the other way.

As you said, either way, whatever the mission, when you approach a military blockade, you stop when asked to do so, otherwise you risk the consequences. That said, I think the Israelis dropped the ball and mismanaged the whole thing.
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I have a very ----little ----question. What sort of emergency AID stuffs
were on that ship? Is there an inventory of the stuff being transported
for the noble sake of HUMANITY?
The inventory has been posted previously and except for concrete (which is banned), none of the items were in short supply in Gaza. The medicine in the shipment, probably salvaged from a trash dump, was all outdated and expired. Emergency supplies, not.
Fluff inventory, as a pseudo-cover-story and excuse for the main goal - blockade-breaking?
I have a very ----little ----question. What sort of emergency AID stuffs
were on that ship? Is there an inventory of the stuff being transported
for the noble sake of HUMANITY?
The inventory has been posted previously and except for concrete (which is banned), none of the items were in short supply in Gaza. The medicine in the shipment, probably salvaged from a trash dump, was all outdated and expired. Emergency supplies, not.
Fluff inventory, as a pseudo-cover-story and excuse for the main goal - blockade-breaking?

OH GEE!!!! they gathered up out dated meds? It is a big crime even to
give that stuff away in the USA-------some of it is safe----but some breaks
down into REALLY DANGEROUS crap that can cause all kinds of sickness---from
kidney shutdown to -----death so they transported cement -----which actually
gaza does not need-------to garbage? ------sounds like a low budget jihadist
piece bit of theatre
"...gaza does not need-------to garbage? ------sounds like a low budget jihadist... theatre"

"Plan 9 from Outer Thrace?" :eek:

( sorry... the devil made me do it... I'm soooo ashamed :D )
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"...gaza does not need-------to garbage? ------sounds like a low budget jihadist... theatre"

"Plan 9 from Outer Thrace?" :eek:

( sorry... the devil made me do it... I'm soooo ashamed :D )
IMO the flotilla was a ruse to either create a confrontation or to insert the terrorists into Gaza. If it was to confront, then they fufilled their mission. If it was to get the terrorists to Gaza, then they showed their Palestinian Mentality be not distributing the terrorists between the other ships and acting peacefully. Or maybe it was both plans that failed miserably.
"...gaza does not need-------to garbage? ------sounds like a low budget jihadist... theatre"

"Plan 9 from Outer Thrace?" :eek:

( sorry... the devil made me do it... I'm soooo ashamed :D )
IMO the flotilla was a ruse to either create a confrontation or to insert the terrorists into Gaza. If it was to confront, then they fufilled their mission. If it was to get the terrorists to Gaza, then they showed their Palestinian Mentality be not distributing the terrorists between the other ships and acting peacefully. Or maybe it was both plans that failed miserably.
I would imagine that Gaza has enough terrorists, especially considering it is governed by Hamas, a terrorist organization itself. Heck the place is one big Islamic terrorist factory. I think the object of the mission was to create an international Pallywood scene using a bunch of nutjob Islamic radicals to goad the Israelis into a violent confrontation.
Hasbara imagines Hamas came into existence without any help from Israel?

"Israel and Hamas [edit]

"Another often cited example is Israeli support of Islamic movements in the 1970s and 1980s intended to weaken the PLO, and leading to the creation of Hamas.[5][6][7]

"With its takeover of Gaza after the 1967 war with Egypt, Israel hunted down secular Palestinian Liberation Organization factions but dropped the previous Egyptian rulers' harsh restrictions against Islamic activists.[8]

"In fact, Israel for many years tolerated and at times encouraged Islamic activists and groups as a counterweight to the secular nationalists of the PLO and its dominant faction, Fatah.[8][9]

"Among the activists benefited was Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Gaza, who had also formed the Islamist group Mujama al-Islamiya in 1973, a charity recognized by Israel in 1979. Israel allowed the organization to build mosques, clubs, schools, and a library in Gaza.[8][10]"

Hasbara knows better.
Hasbara imagines Hamas came into existence without any help from Israel?

"Israel and Hamas [edit]

"Another often cited example is Israeli support of Islamic movements in the 1970s and 1980s intended to weaken the PLO, and leading to the creation of Hamas.[5][6][7]

"With its takeover of Gaza after the 1967 war with Egypt, Israel hunted down secular Palestinian Liberation Organization factions but dropped the previous Egyptian rulers' harsh restrictions against Islamic activists.[8]

"In fact, Israel for many years tolerated and at times encouraged Islamic activists and groups as a counterweight to the secular nationalists of the PLO and its dominant faction, Fatah.[8][9]

"Among the activists benefited was Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Gaza, who had also formed the Islamist group Mujama al-Islamiya in 1973, a charity recognized by Israel in 1979. Israel allowed the organization to build mosques, clubs, schools, and a library in Gaza.[8][10]"

Hasbara knows better.
I would imagine that Israel has learned a lesson about pitting one gang of terrorists against another gang of terrorists. We learn by our mistakes.
Hasbara imagines Hamas came into existence without any help from Israel?

"Israel and Hamas [edit]

"Another often cited example is Israeli support of Islamic movements in the 1970s and 1980s intended to weaken the PLO, and leading to the creation of Hamas.[5][6][7]

"With its takeover of Gaza after the 1967 war with Egypt, Israel hunted down secular Palestinian Liberation Organization factions but dropped the previous Egyptian rulers' harsh restrictions against Islamic activists.[8]

"In fact, Israel for many years tolerated and at times encouraged Islamic activists and groups as a counterweight to the secular nationalists of the PLO and its dominant faction, Fatah.[8][9]

"Among the activists benefited was Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Gaza, who had also formed the Islamist group Mujama al-Islamiya in 1973, a charity recognized by Israel in 1979. Israel allowed the organization to build mosques, clubs, schools, and a library in Gaza.[8][10]"

Hasbara knows better.
I would imagine that Israel has learned a lesson about pitting one gang of terrorists against another gang of terrorists. We learn by our mistakes.
You should mention that to Wesley Clark, Hoss.
Since Iraq and Libya have already been dismembered largely through pitting one gang of terrorists against another. Maybe Israeli and US policies in the Middle East don't involve repeating mistakes?
"...You should mention that to Wesley Clark, Hoss. Since Iraq and Libya have already been dismembered largely through pitting one gang of terrorists against another. Maybe Israeli and US policies in the Middle East don't involve repeating mistakes?"
What? You expect us to learn from the mistakes of others? You are impugning sufficient long-term consistency to our policies and related tactics so as to facilitate such learning and operational adaptations? Are you mad? This is 'Mur-ka! We don't do such t'ings!
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Hasbara imagines Hamas came into existence without any help from Israel?

"Israel and Hamas [edit]

"Another often cited example is Israeli support of Islamic movements in the 1970s and 1980s intended to weaken the PLO, and leading to the creation of Hamas.[5][6][7]

"With its takeover of Gaza after the 1967 war with Egypt, Israel hunted down secular Palestinian Liberation Organization factions but dropped the previous Egyptian rulers' harsh restrictions against Islamic activists.[8]

"In fact, Israel for many years tolerated and at times encouraged Islamic activists and groups as a counterweight to the secular nationalists of the PLO and its dominant faction, Fatah.[8][9]

"Among the activists benefited was Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Gaza, who had also formed the Islamist group Mujama al-Islamiya in 1973, a charity recognized by Israel in 1979. Israel allowed the organization to build mosques, clubs, schools, and a library in Gaza.[8][10]"

Hasbara knows better.
I would imagine that Israel has learned a lesson about pitting one gang of terrorists against another gang of terrorists. We learn by our mistakes.
You should mention that to Wesley Clark, Hoss.
Since Iraq and Libya have already been dismembered largely through pitting one gang of terrorists against another. Maybe Israeli and US policies in the Middle East don't involve repeating mistakes?
I haven't talked to ol' Wes recently. Not since he was fired from his job as NATO Commander over the Kosovo war. He was busy running for President and I didn't want to interrupt his ambitions. Maybe you can glean something from this article to find out where the mistakes were made.

Wesley Clark Goes From 4-Star General to Reality TV Punchline | Danger Room |
I would imagine that Israel has learned a lesson about pitting one gang of terrorists against another gang of terrorists. We learn by our mistakes.
You should mention that to Wesley Clark, Hoss.
Since Iraq and Libya have already been dismembered largely through pitting one gang of terrorists against another. Maybe Israeli and US policies in the Middle East don't involve repeating mistakes?
I haven't talked to ol' Wes recently. Not since he was fired from his job as NATO Commander over the Kosovo war. He was busy running for President and I didn't want to interrupt his ambitions. Maybe you can glean something from this article to find out where the mistakes were made.

Wesley Clark Goes From 4-Star General to Reality TV Punchline | Danger Room |
"Thirteen years ago, Wesley Clark won a war. It’s been all downhill since — from demeaning rank-and-file troops to shilling for shady data-brokers to blowing a presidential campaign. But tonight at 8 on NBC, Clark may have hit rock bottom: He’s hosting a reality TV show."

According to his Wiki, Clark's goals after retiring from the Army, included one to amass a $40 million fortune. He was at $3.1 million when he decided to run for president. Rock bottom may yet be on his horizon.

Wesley Clark Goes From 4-Star General to Reality TV Punchline | Danger Room |
et al,

What does any of this have to do with the ICC preliminary investigation into attack on Mavi Marm?

et al,

What does any of this have to do with the ICC preliminary investigation into attack on Mavi Marm?

Rocco...Roudy did it!
See post #108
In general this particular example of "mission creep" began with Roudy pointing out Gaza is run by terrorists (Hamas) hence Israel was entitled to intercept the Mavi Mamara.
I pointed out how Israel facilitated the creation of Hamas as an antithesis to the secular Fatah government.
Hoss contended Israel learned its lesson of pitting one tribe of terrorist against the other.
Wesley and I proved they were both full of stuff...

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