International Criminal Court opens preliminary investigation into attack on Mavi Marm

"The attitude of Israel and her supporters that she can simply ignore with impunity..."
By Jove, I think you've finally got it... :razz:

" why BDS is growing..."

Yeah... in the eight (8) years since it began in 2005, it's grown from a single grain of sand to something the size of a circus flea... I'm sure the Israelis are just a-shakin' in their booties... that's just soooo precious... :laugh2:
SherriMunnerlyn, et al,

The Israelis don't know what's onboard until they check.

The Flotilla was not running guns to terrorists, they were carrying humanitarian assistance to Gaza, things like cement to rebuild what Israel destroyed in Gaza.

If you act suspiciously, if you deal with adversaries, and if you are an unknown quantity, you're subject to the international version of "Terry Stop and Frisk."

Most Respectfully,

The Israelis don't know what's onboard until they check.

Another Israeli lie. Israel knew for a fact that there were no weapons on board. Those boats were inspected at the ports of departure. (I would be very surprised if Mosad was not on the dock making a list.) Israel was told what was on those boats.

The flotilla offered to be inspection by international bodies like the UN or the Red Cross. Israel rejected this offer because they knew they were full of crap.
So you mean the Israelis knew in advance exactly what was on this boat filled with radical Islamists from a Turkish mosque found to be terrorist by the French? These Israelis seem to have amazing supernatural abilities! LOL
SherriMunnerlyn, et al,

The Israelis don't know what's onboard until they check.


If you act suspiciously, if you deal with adversaries, and if you are an unknown quantity, you're subject to the international version of "Terry Stop and Frisk."

Most Respectfully,

The Israelis don't know what's onboard until they check.

Another Israeli lie. Israel knew for a fact that there were no weapons on board. Those boats were inspected at the ports of departure. (I would be very surprised if Mosad was not on the dock making a list.) Israel was told what was on those boats.

The flotilla offered to be inspection by international bodies like the UN or the Red Cross. Israel rejected this offer because they knew they were full of crap.
So you mean the Israelis knew in advance exactly what was on this boat filled with radical Islamists from a Turkish mosque found to be terrorist by the French? These Israelis seem to have amazing supernatural abilities! LOL

[ame=]Part 1: Huwaida Arraf interviewed 7-06-2010.wmv - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Part 2 Huwaida Arraf interviewed 7-06-2010.wmv - YouTube[/ame]
Yeah yeah yeah. Loading a boat filled with radical islamists and terrorists and then calling them "activists" and "concerned" people there to help those poor, oppressed Gazans from those evil Israelis. Ha ha ha what a joke you guys are!

Eight Casualties On Board the Mavi Marmara Were members of Turkish Islamist organizations

Almost all of the casualties on board the Mavi Marmara were fully identified as members of Turkish Islamist organizations, most of them of a radical and anti-Western nature. About half of those killed had declared their wish to die as martyrs (shaheeds)

Specific Flotilla Passangers Linked to Al-Qaeda, Hamas and Other Terror Organizations, 6 June 2010

The following passengers on board the Mavi Marmara are known to be involved in terrorist activity. The Mavi Marmara attempted to break the maritime closure on the Gaza Strip on Monday, May 31st 2010, and was boarded by Israel Navy forces.

Fatimah Mahmadi (born 1979), is a United States resident of Iranian origin, and an active member of the organization “Viva Palestine”, she attempted to smuggle forbidden electronic components into the Gaza Strip.

Ken O’Keefe (Born 1969), an American and British citizen, is a radical anti-Israel activist and operative of the Hamas Terror organization. He attempted to enter the Gaza Strip in order to form and train a commando unit for the Palestinian terror organization.

Hassan Iynasi (born 1982), a Turkish citizen and activist in a Turkish charity organization, is known of providing financial support to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Terror organization.

Hussein Urosh, a Turkish citizen and activist in the IHH organization, was on his way to the Gaza Strip in order to assist in smuggling Al-Qaeda operatives via Turkey into the Strip.

Ahmad Umimon (born 1959), is a French citizen of Moroccan origin, and an operative of the Hamas Terrorist organization.
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Yeah yeah yeah. Loading a boat filled with radical islamists and terrorists and then calling them "activists" and "concerned" people there to help those poor, oppressed Gazans from those evil Israelis. Ha ha ha what a joke you guys are!

Eight Casualties On Board the Mavi Marmara Were members of Turkish Islamist organizations

Almost all of the casualties on board the Mavi Marmara were fully identified as members of Turkish Islamist organizations, most of them of a radical and anti-Western nature. About half of those killed had declared their wish to die as martyrs (shaheeds)

Specific Flotilla Passangers Linked to Al-Qaeda, Hamas and Other Terror Organizations, 6 June 2010

The following passengers on board the Mavi Marmara are known to be involved in terrorist activity. The Mavi Marmara attempted to break the maritime closure on the Gaza Strip on Monday, May 31st 2010, and was boarded by Israel Navy forces.

Fatimah Mahmadi (born 1979), is a United States resident of Iranian origin, and an active member of the organization “Viva Palestine”, she attempted to smuggle forbidden electronic components into the Gaza Strip.

Ken O’Keefe (Born 1969), an American and British citizen, is a radical anti-Israel activist and operative of the Hamas Terror organization. He attempted to enter the Gaza Strip in order to form and train a commando unit for the Palestinian terror organization.

Hassan Iynasi (born 1982), a Turkish citizen and activist in a Turkish charity organization, is known of providing financial support to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Terror organization.

Hussein Urosh, a Turkish citizen and activist in the IHH organization, was on his way to the Gaza Strip in order to assist in smuggling Al-Qaeda operatives via Turkey into the Strip.

Ahmad Umimon (born 1959), is a French citizen of Moroccan origin, and an operative of the Hamas Terrorist organization.

WOW, you played the terrorist card 6 times.

Are you trying to sell something?
Maybe we can get three more Islamic Terrorists to join and field a sandlot baseball team... :D cluster-bomb munition should do the trick... :dev2:
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Yeah yeah yeah. Loading a boat filled with radical islamists and terrorists and then calling them "activists" and "concerned" people there to help those poor, oppressed Gazans from those evil Israelis. Ha ha ha what a joke you guys are!

Eight Casualties On Board the Mavi Marmara Were members of Turkish Islamist organizations

Almost all of the casualties on board the Mavi Marmara were fully identified as members of Turkish Islamist organizations, most of them of a radical and anti-Western nature. About half of those killed had declared their wish to die as martyrs (shaheeds)

Specific Flotilla Passangers Linked to Al-Qaeda, Hamas and Other Terror Organizations, 6 June 2010

The following passengers on board the Mavi Marmara are known to be involved in terrorist activity. The Mavi Marmara attempted to break the maritime closure on the Gaza Strip on Monday, May 31st 2010, and was boarded by Israel Navy forces.

Fatimah Mahmadi (born 1979), is a United States resident of Iranian origin, and an active member of the organization “Viva Palestine”, she attempted to smuggle forbidden electronic components into the Gaza Strip.

Ken O’Keefe (Born 1969), an American and British citizen, is a radical anti-Israel activist and operative of the Hamas Terror organization. He attempted to enter the Gaza Strip in order to form and train a commando unit for the Palestinian terror organization.

Hassan Iynasi (born 1982), a Turkish citizen and activist in a Turkish charity organization, is known of providing financial support to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Terror organization.

Hussein Urosh, a Turkish citizen and activist in the IHH organization, was on his way to the Gaza Strip in order to assist in smuggling Al-Qaeda operatives via Turkey into the Strip.

Ahmad Umimon (born 1959), is a French citizen of Moroccan origin, and an operative of the Hamas Terrorist organization.

WOW, you played the terrorist card 6 times.

Are you trying to sell something?
Selling the truth, but you're obviously not buying.

Picture of one of the Mavi Marmara "peace activists"...<hyuk hyuk hyuk>

And here are some of the weapons found on the Mavi Marmara that Israel knew "wouldn't be there" and the jihadi animals wouldn't be attacking the Israeli soldiers with <wink wink>:



"Peace activists" in action on the Mavi Marmara <ho ho ho>:
[ame=]Gaza flotilla participants invoked the killing of Jews - YouTube[/ame]
"...Picture of one of the Mavi Marmara "peace activists"...<hyuk hyuk hyuk>


Looks more like one of the Three Stooges - a Muslim Curly? - mebbe: "nyuk, nyuk, nyuk"... :laugh2:

Hey, Coily... too many figs... too much baklava...:D
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Yeah yeah yeah. Loading a boat filled with radical islamists and terrorists and then calling them "activists" and "concerned" people there to help those poor, oppressed Gazans from those evil Israelis. Ha ha ha what a joke you guys are!

Eight Casualties On Board the Mavi Marmara Were members of Turkish Islamist organizations

Almost all of the casualties on board the Mavi Marmara were fully identified as members of Turkish Islamist organizations, most of them of a radical and anti-Western nature. About half of those killed had declared their wish to die as martyrs (shaheeds)

Specific Flotilla Passangers Linked to Al-Qaeda, Hamas and Other Terror Organizations, 6 June 2010

The following passengers on board the Mavi Marmara are known to be involved in terrorist activity. The Mavi Marmara attempted to break the maritime closure on the Gaza Strip on Monday, May 31st 2010, and was boarded by Israel Navy forces.

Fatimah Mahmadi (born 1979), is a United States resident of Iranian origin, and an active member of the organization “Viva Palestine”, she attempted to smuggle forbidden electronic components into the Gaza Strip.

Ken O’Keefe (Born 1969), an American and British citizen, is a radical anti-Israel activist and operative of the Hamas Terror organization. He attempted to enter the Gaza Strip in order to form and train a commando unit for the Palestinian terror organization.

Hassan Iynasi (born 1982), a Turkish citizen and activist in a Turkish charity organization, is known of providing financial support to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Terror organization.

Hussein Urosh, a Turkish citizen and activist in the IHH organization, was on his way to the Gaza Strip in order to assist in smuggling Al-Qaeda operatives via Turkey into the Strip.

Ahmad Umimon (born 1959), is a French citizen of Moroccan origin, and an operative of the Hamas Terrorist organization.

WOW, you played the terrorist card 6 times.

Are you trying to sell something?
Selling the truth, but you're obviously not buying.

I never bought into Israel's terrorist propaganda crap.
Either the passenger list included bona fide Radical Islamists or it did not.

If not, and the analysis of the passenger list originated in Israel, then it is propaganda crap.

If the analysis is correct, however, then it is truth - and truth is never crap. never mind propaganda.

Did the list include the persons cited?

If the answer is 'Yes', then...

Are those folks laboring under the reputation of Radical Islamists or Terrorists?

If 'Yes', then, we are dealing with Truth rather than Propaganda Crap.

These are not difficult questions nor conclusions.

Then again, given the deluge of Palestinian Propaganda Crap spewing forth from both Palestine itself and sympathetic neighbors and co-religionists...

I'm not sure many Palestinian Advocates can easily discern Truth from Propaganda themselves, having become desensitized to telling the Truth in so many instances.
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Either the passenger list included bona fide Radical Islamists or it did not.

If not, and the analysis of the passenger list originated in Israel, then it is propaganda crap.

If the analysis is correct, however, then it is truth - and truth is never crap. never mind propaganda.

Did the list include the persons cited?

If the answer is 'Yes', then...

Are those folks laboring under the reputation of Radical Islamists or Terrorists?

If 'Yes', then, we are dealing with Truth rather than Propaganda Crap.

These are not difficult questions nor conclusions.

Then again, given the deluge of Palestinian Propaganda Crap spewing forth from both Palestine itself and sympathetic neighbors and co-religionists...

I'm not sure many Palestinian Advocates can easily discern Truth from Propaganda themselves, having become desensitized to telling the Truth in so many instances.

Do more people think the activists were terrorists, or do more people think that Israel was the terrorist?

I don't think anyone has asked that question.
Yeah yeah yeah. Loading a boat filled with radical islamists and terrorists and then calling them "activists" and "concerned" people there to help those poor, oppressed Gazans from those evil Israelis. Ha ha ha what a joke you guys are!

Eight Casualties On Board the Mavi Marmara Were members of Turkish Islamist organizations

Almost all of the casualties on board the Mavi Marmara were fully identified as members of Turkish Islamist organizations, most of them of a radical and anti-Western nature. About half of those killed had declared their wish to die as martyrs (shaheeds)

Specific Flotilla Passangers Linked to Al-Qaeda, Hamas and Other Terror Organizations, 6 June 2010

The following passengers on board the Mavi Marmara are known to be involved in terrorist activity. The Mavi Marmara attempted to break the maritime closure on the Gaza Strip on Monday, May 31st 2010, and was boarded by Israel Navy forces.

Fatimah Mahmadi (born 1979), is a United States resident of Iranian origin, and an active member of the organization “Viva Palestine”, she attempted to smuggle forbidden electronic components into the Gaza Strip.

Ken O’Keefe (Born 1969), an American and British citizen, is a radical anti-Israel activist and operative of the Hamas Terror organization. He attempted to enter the Gaza Strip in order to form and train a commando unit for the Palestinian terror organization.

Hassan Iynasi (born 1982), a Turkish citizen and activist in a Turkish charity organization, is known of providing financial support to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Terror organization.

Hussein Urosh, a Turkish citizen and activist in the IHH organization, was on his way to the Gaza Strip in order to assist in smuggling Al-Qaeda operatives via Turkey into the Strip.

Ahmad Umimon (born 1959), is a French citizen of Moroccan origin, and an operative of the Hamas Terrorist organization.

WOW, you played the terrorist card 6 times.

Are you trying to sell something?
Selling the truth, but you're obviously not buying.

Picture of one of the Mavi Marmara "peace activists"...<hyuk hyuk hyuk>

And here are some of the weapons found on the Mavi Marmara that Israel knew "wouldn't be there" and the jihadi animals wouldn't be attacking the Israeli soldiers with <wink wink>:



"Peace activists" in action on the Mavi Marmara <ho ho ho>:
[ame=]Gaza flotilla participants invoked the killing of Jews - YouTube[/ame]

OMG. those terrorists brought common shipboard and galley implements aboard, of all things, a ship.

ya know, if i were a terrorist, i am gonna be loadin' up with some heavy heat and auto weapons.

no one really seems to be able to answer the question..."why are israeli troops rapeling into a crowd of what they believe are terrorists carrying arms shipments that would be readily available to these terrorists?"

there are better ways to board a ship if you are expecting hostile action and, in fact, i can think of no worse way to board a hostile ship than rapeling into a crowd of the hostiles.
The knives and clubs and miscellany aren't really important, in the long run.

What signifies is the video of Palestinians throwing objects from the ship onto the heads of the boarding parties in the small boats, in the dark, so that the Israelis could not readily tell what was being thrown - and all before the boarding parties had even fired their first shot.

If I was part of a boarding party, and the ship's sailing-master had refused an order to shut down his engines and stop, and people were throwing things down on top of my head and the heads of my comrades and friends...

I'd probably open fire myself, at least enough to clear the railings while we boarded.
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WOW, you played the terrorist card 6 times.

Are you trying to sell something?
Selling the truth, but you're obviously not buying.

Picture of one of the Mavi Marmara "peace activists"...<hyuk hyuk hyuk>

And here are some of the weapons found on the Mavi Marmara that Israel knew "wouldn't be there" and the jihadi animals wouldn't be attacking the Israeli soldiers with <wink wink>:



"Peace activists" in action on the Mavi Marmara <ho ho ho>:
[ame=]Gaza flotilla participants invoked the killing of Jews - YouTube[/ame]

OMG. those terrorists brought common shipboard and galley implements aboard, of all things, a ship.

ya know, if i were a terrorist, i am gonna be loadin' up with some heavy heat and auto weapons.

no one really seems to be able to answer the question..."why are israeli troops rapeling into a crowd of what they believe are terrorists carrying arms shipments that would be readily available to these terrorists?"

there are better ways to board a ship if you are expecting hostile action and, in fact, i can think of no worse way to board a hostile ship than rapeling into a crowd of the hostiles.
So thats what all ships on a "humanitarian missions" are loaded up with?! ha ha ha.

Nah, more like...They brought what they could sneak on that ship with the Turks (knowing the scum that was boarding that ship and happy to get rid of them) looking the other way. The Mavi Marmara was not peaceful activists on a humanitarian mission. It was a bunch of radical Islamists on a Jihadi mission and their enablers. come you weren't on that boat? You fit the description to the T. But alas, you'd rather blow smoke out of uranus trying to act all bad ass on some anonymous Internet news board.

Next time put your money where your mouth is.
The knives and clubs and miscellany aren't really important, in the long run.

What signifies is the video of Palestinians throwing objects from the ship onto the heads of the boarding parties in the small boats, in the dark, so that the Israelis could not readily tell what was being thrown - and all before the boarding parties had even fired their first shot.

If I was part of a boarding party, and the ship's sailing-master had refused an order to shut down his engines and stop, and people were throwing things down on top of my head and the heads of my comrades and friends...

I'd probably open fire myself, at least enough to clear the railings while we boarded.
I said it before: The Israelis should have torpedoed the fuck out of that ship, when it refused to stop. This is what happens when you try to be nice to a bunch of animals.
"The attitude of Israel and her supporters that she can simply ignore with impunity..."
By Jove, I think you've finally got it... :razz:

" why BDS is growing..."

Yeah... in the eight (8) years since it began in 2005, it's grown from a single grain of sand to something the size of a circus flea... I'm sure the Israelis are just a-shakin' in their booties... that's just soooo precious... :laugh2:

BDS, spreading the word to every man and woman and child in this world all the human rights abuses of Occupation, like the fact Israel massacred over 1500 children in Palestine since 2000. BDS is a wonderful tool to bring truth into the light and to disclose to all in our world exactly what Israel represents. And it is a nonviolent movement , all Christians can embrace it fully as it is a form of resistance that is living the teachings of Christ in a life. I am glad you find BDS so amusing.
"...BDS, spreading the word to every man and woman and child in this world..."

Good luck with that... :eusa_whistle:

Meanwhile, back on earth... :D

But BDS is a reality in our world today. You would have to be deaf and dumb and blind to live on Planet Earth and not know about it. I tell my Sunday school class about it.

And I also tell them about the American citizen Israel murdered on the Mavi Marmara. I think he was only 18 years old, I read he dreamed of becoming a doctor.


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