International Criminal Court opens preliminary investigation into attack on Mavi Marm

Israel has a RIGHT TO SELF DEFENSE. It initiated the Blockades because Hamas, Hezballah, and others were bringing in Arms to the region to be used against Israel.

Had these people on board been on a TRUE HUMANITARIAN MISSION, they wouldn't have attacked the Israeli's at all. Let them make sure no weapons were on board, and then they would have been allowed to continue.

Should the Israeli's have stood bye and allow their people to be beaten to death with steal clubs?

No they shouldn't have. They defended themselves. Those that INITIATED THE FIGHT ON BOARD caused the fight and ARE RESPONSIBLE.

Israel always says it has the right to defend itself from the people it is attacking.:eusa_whistle:
Tinnie, as the good Palestinian, doesn't want anyone to believe that it is his brethren who start attacking Israel. Actually he would like Israel to just roll over and play dead whenever they are attacked. Meanwhile, Tinnie, why not go on the next flotilla with these thugs and you too can sing "I Want to be a Martyr" when you set sail. By the way, Tinnie, if you think America died in 1913, you can always go back to Gaza.
Israel has a RIGHT TO SELF DEFENSE. It initiated the Blockades because Hamas, Hezballah, and others were bringing in Arms to the region to be used against Israel.

Had these people on board been on a TRUE HUMANITARIAN MISSION, they wouldn't have attacked the Israeli's at all. Let them make sure no weapons were on board, and then they would have been allowed to continue.

Should the Israeli's have stood bye and allow their people to be beaten to death with steal clubs?

No they shouldn't have. They defended themselves. Those that INITIATED THE FIGHT ON BOARD caused the fight and ARE RESPONSIBLE.

Israel always says it has the right to defend itself from the people it is attacking.:eusa_whistle:
Tinnie, as the good Palestinian, doesn't want anyone to believe that it is his brethren who start attacking Israel. Actually he would like Israel to just roll over and play dead whenever they are attacked. Meanwhile, Tinnie, why not go on the next flotilla with these thugs and you too can sing "I Want to be a Martyr" when you set sail. By the way, Tinnie, if you think America died in 1913, you can always go back to Gaza.

Tinnie, as the good Palestinian, doesn't want anyone to believe that it is his brethren who start attacking Israel.

Indeed, a hundred years ago the Palestinians went to Europe and attacked the Zionists.

Israel always says it has the right to defend itself from the people it is attacking.:eusa_whistle:
Tinnie, as the good Palestinian, doesn't want anyone to believe that it is his brethren who start attacking Israel. Actually he would like Israel to just roll over and play dead whenever they are attacked. Meanwhile, Tinnie, why not go on the next flotilla with these thugs and you too can sing "I Want to be a Martyr" when you set sail. By the way, Tinnie, if you think America died in 1913, you can always go back to Gaza.

Tinnie, as the good Palestinian, doesn't want anyone to believe that it is his brethren who start attacking Israel.

Indeed, a hundred years ago the Palestinians went to Europe and attacked the Zionists.

Obviously, the Arabs attacked first. Also, who were the Palestinians to say that the Jews couldn't come? The land was ruled by the British who recognized the Jews' right to a homeland and invited them.
Tinnie, as the good Palestinian, doesn't want anyone to believe that it is his brethren who start attacking Israel. Actually he would like Israel to just roll over and play dead whenever they are attacked. Meanwhile, Tinnie, why not go on the next flotilla with these thugs and you too can sing "I Want to be a Martyr" when you set sail. By the way, Tinnie, if you think America died in 1913, you can always go back to Gaza.

Tinnie, as the good Palestinian, doesn't want anyone to believe that it is his brethren who start attacking Israel.

Indeed, a hundred years ago the Palestinians went to Europe and attacked the Zionists.

Obviously, the Arabs attacked first. Also, who were the Palestinians to say that the Jews couldn't come? The land was ruled by the British who recognized the Jews' right to a homeland and invited them.
"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine..."

Obviously the Jews were confused by the meaning of the word "prejudice."
Some of them still are.

Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tinnie, as the good Palestinian, doesn't want anyone to believe that it is his brethren who start attacking Israel. Actually he would like Israel to just roll over and play dead whenever they are attacked. Meanwhile, Tinnie, why not go on the next flotilla with these thugs and you too can sing "I Want to be a Martyr" when you set sail. By the way, Tinnie, if you think America died in 1913, you can always go back to Gaza.

Tinnie, as the good Palestinian, doesn't want anyone to believe that it is his brethren who start attacking Israel.

Indeed, a hundred years ago the Palestinians went to Europe and attacked the Zionists.

Obviously, the Arabs attacked first. Also, who were the Palestinians to say that the Jews couldn't come? The land was ruled by the British who recognized the Jews' right to a homeland and invited them.

The Zionists went to Palestine to be attacked?

Yes, the people are acting so peacefully like they were angels, while Frau Sherri's thuggish friends were waiting for the IDF soldiers to start boarding the ship so that they could have at them. Why weren't the soldiers allowed to board the ship peacefully, Frau Sherri, just like they were allowed to board the other ships without any trouble? Was it because these thugs sang they wanted to be martyrs when they set sail and were hoping to meet their 72 virgins in the Cathouse in the Sky?
georgephillip, et al,

May be this is backwards.

Still haven't heard an answer to the question: why did our "allies" pick Memorial Day to murder Furkan Dogan?

Why was the Flotilla attempting to challenge the blockade on Memorial Day.

In the Middle East, it is just another day.

Most Respectfully,
The Israelis seemed unprepared to handle blockade-enforcement against ships as large as this small cruise ship. Interception by a frigate or destroyer or cruiser would have been far more efficient, with the small chase-craft and helicopters, etc., bringing-up the rear, after the ship had been stopped. Perhaps they were hesitant to fire upon the ship to stop it in light of all of the civilians on-board and decided to sacrifice a few commandos in order to avoid massive civilian casualties associated with 5-inch (or higher-caliber) naval gunfire. Frankly, I'm a little surprised that they didn't put a half-dozen choppers full of commandos on deck and then head straight for the bridge and the engine room. Maybe they did. After all, this is only a partisan Muslim peace-activist or blockade-runner's video and only shows one side, and of that, what they wanted to show.

Bottom line, though: When you take one or more civilian ships to try and break a military blockade, you should not be surprised when you get your head handed to you on a platter, and this video begins to hint that that is exactly what happened, in the final analysis.
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The Blockade of Gaza is illegal under intl law and the ship was boarded in intl waters, as well, violating provisions of intl law, boarding the ship and attacking the crew.
The Blockade of Gaza is illegal under intl law and the ship was boarded in intl waters, as well, violating provisions of intl law, boarding the ship and attacking the crew.
The blockade is legal. Poor Sherri, never gets ANYTHING right.

"In September 2011, a UN investigative committee concluded in the Palmer Report that the naval blockade is legal and had to be judged isolated from the restrictions on goods reaching Gaza via the land crossings."
The Blockade of Gaza is illegal under intl law and the ship was boarded in intl waters, as well, violating provisions of intl law, boarding the ship and attacking the crew.
The blockade is legal. Poor Sherri, never gets ANYTHING right.

"In September 2011, a UN investigative committee concluded in the Palmer Report that the naval blockade is legal and had to be judged isolated from the restrictions on goods reaching Gaza via the land crossings."
Your link, hasbara:

"This article is outdated. Please update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. (November 2012)"
XXXXXXX Copyright
UN Human Rights Council Panel The report, which was made public yesterday, presents a factual description of the events leading up to the interception of each of the six ships in the flotilla as well as a seventh ship intercepted on 6 June, the deaths of nine passengers and wounding of many others, and the detention of passengers in Israel and their deportation.The three-member mission said there is clear evidence to support prosecutions of crimes such as wilful killing, torture or inhuman treatment, and wilfully causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health.It also voiced regret that the Israeli Government declined to cooperate with the mission, and that this is not the first time that this has happened.“On yet another occasion of an enquiry into events involving loss of life at the hands of the Israeli military, the Government of Israel has declined to cooperate in an inquiry not appointed by it or on which it was significantly represented.”The mission, chaired by Judge K. Hudson-Phillips, former judge of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague, interviewed more than 100 witnesses in Geneva, London, Istanbul and Amman during the course of its work.Sir Desmond de Silva, Queen’s Counsel, who was chief prosecutor of the Sierra Leone War Crimes Tribunal, and Shanthi Dairiam, human rights expert of Malaysia and former member of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, are also on the team, which will present its report to the Geneva-based Human Rights Council next week.

Post Restored so member can add link
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MORE from the report "23 September 2010 – Israeli forces violated human rights and international humanitarian law during the 31 May incident involving a convoy of aid ships bound for Gaza, the United Nations Human Rights Council’s international, independent fact-finding mission has concluded.In a*56-page report, the fact-finding mission, which is separate from Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s four-member panel of inquiry into the same incident, found that the action of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) in intercepting one of the ships, the Mavi Marmara, on the high sea was “clearly unlawful.” The report, which was made public yesterday, presents a factual description of the events leading up to the interception of each of the six ships in the flotilla..." I belive in theis article there is a link to the full 56 pg report. This is the link to the article.
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The Blockade of Gaza is illegal under intl law and the ship was boarded in intl waters, as well, violating provisions of intl law, boarding the ship and attacking the crew.
The blockade is legal. Poor Sherri, never gets ANYTHING right.

"In September 2011, a UN investigative committee concluded in the Palmer Report that the naval blockade is legal and had to be judged isolated from the restrictions on goods reaching Gaza via the land crossings."
Your link, hasbara:

"This article is outdated. Please update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. (November 2012)"
Idiot, this info shows up in many wiki pages if there is no new information. UN ruled the blockade legal. Unless you have a recent update to show that is no longer the case, put up or shut up!
Many legal assessments of the Gaza flotilla raid were published subsequent to the event. International law experts (and non-lawyers) differed over the legality of the action by Israel. Most agree that Israel is entitled to impose and enforce a naval blockade, that Israel can intercept a ship in international waters headed for a belligerent territory, that Israel may use force when intercepting such ships, and that there must be a proportional relationship between the threat and response.[1][2] The force necessary to respond to violent resistance and whether the force that was used was proportionate were disputed.[3][4]

Alan Dershowitz, professor of Law at Harvard Law School, wrote that the legality of blockades as a response to acts of war “is not subject to serious doubt.”[7] He likened Israel’s maritime blockade of Gaza to U.S. naval actions in Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis, which the U.S. had deemed lawful though not part of an armed conflict.[7]
Similarly, Allen Weiner, former U.S. State Department attorney and legal counselor at the American Embassy in The Hague, and now a Stanford Law School professor, said "the Israeli blockade itself against Gaza itself is not illegal".[27]
Ruth Wedgwood, a professor of International Law and Diplomacy at the School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University, said that under the law of armed conflict, which would be in effect given Hamas's rocket attacks on Israel and Israel's responses, Israel has "a right to prevent even neutrals from shipping arms to [Hamas]".[9]

Cartoon map of Union blockade of Confederacy during U.S. Civil War
Eric Posner, international law professor at the University of Chicago Law School, noting that the raid had "led to wild accusations of illegality", wrote that blockades are lawful during times of armed conflict (such as the Coalition blockade of Iraq during the first Gulf War), and that "war-like conditions certainly exist between Israel and Hamas".[8] He compared Israel's blockade to the Union blockade by the Union against the Confederacy (a non-state) during the U.S. Civil War.[8] The U.S. Supreme Court later affirmed the legitimacy of that blockade.[8]
Philip Roche, a partner in the shipping disputes and risk management team with the London-headquartered international law firm Norton Rose, also said: "On the basis that Hamas is the ruling entity of Gaza, and Israel is in the midst of an armed struggle against that ruling entity, the blockade is legal."[1] The basis for that is the law of blockade, derived from international law that was codified in the 1909 London Declaration concerning the Laws of Naval War, and which was then updated in 1994 in the San Remo Manual on International Law Applicable to Armed Conflicts at Sea--"a legally recognized document".[1] He addressed the charge by Human Rights Watch that the blockade of a terrorist organization constitutes a collective penalty against civilians, ostensibly violating Article 33 of the fourth Geneva Convention, by saying "This argument won't stand up. Blockades and other forms of economic sanction are permitted in international law, which necessarily means that civilians will suffer through no fault of their own."[8]
International law Professor Ed Morgan of the University of Toronto, likewise, noting that it is clear that Israel and Hamas are in a state of armed conflict, which has been noted by the General Assembly to the Human Rights Council in its Goldstone Report, wrote that a blockade of an enemy’s coast is an established military tactic.[28] He pointed out that it is recognized as a means at the Security Council’s disposal under Article 42 of the UN Charter, and is similarly set forth in Article 539 of the Canadian Forces manual Counter-Insurgency Operations.[28]

Yitzhak Rabin, Bill Clinton, and Yasser Arafat at the Oslo Accords signing ceremony in 1993
He wrote:
Having announced its blockade, Israel had no obligation to take the ships’ crew at their word as to the nature of the cargo. The blockading party has the right to fashion the arrangements, including search at a nearby port, under which passage of humanitarian goods is permitted.[28]
U.S. Vice President Joe Biden said "Israel has a right to know – they're at war with Hamas – has a right to know whether or not arms are being smuggled in. It's legitimate for Israel to say, 'I don't know what's on that ship. These guys are dropping ... 3,000 rockets on my people.'"[2]
Abbas Al Lawati, a Dubai-based Gulf News journalist on board the flotilla, opined that Israel is likely to cite the Gaza–Jericho Agreement (Annex I, Article XI) which vests Israel with the responsibility for security along the coastline and the Sea of Gaza.[22] The agreement stipulates that Israel may take any measures necessary against vessels suspected of being used for terrorist activities or for smuggling arms, ammunition, drugs, goods, or for any other illegal activity.[29]
Professor Wedgwood opined that the goal of the flotilla was to: "denude Israel of what it thinks it was guaranteed in the 1993 Oslo Accords which preceded the Gaza-Jericho Agreement, which is the control of the external borders of Gaza and West Bank.... The problem ... is that you could easily have a rearming of Hamas, which caused a terrible conflict."[9]
The blockade is legal. Poor Sherri, never gets ANYTHING right.

"In September 2011, a UN investigative committee concluded in the Palmer Report that the naval blockade is legal and had to be judged isolated from the restrictions on goods reaching Gaza via the land crossings."
Your link, hasbara:

"This article is outdated. Please update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. (November 2012)"
Idiot, this info shows up in many wiki pages if there is no new information. UN ruled the blockade legal. Unless you have a recent update to show that is no longer the case, put up or shut up!

The UN ruled the blockade was unlawful in the full report by the UN Human Rights Council Panel findings.
U.N. experts say Israel's blockade of Gaza illegal

"GENEVA*|*Tue Sep 13, 2011 1:07pm GENEVA (Reuters) - Israel's naval blockade of the Gaza Strip violates international law, a panel of human rights experts reporting to a U.N. body said on Tuesday, disputing a conclusion reached by a separate U.N. probe into Israel's raid on a Gaza-bound aid ship." U.N. experts say Israel's blockade of Gaza illegal. In this article, it is pointed out that in September of the prior year, another UN Panel had held the Blockade was unlawful and The International Red Cross had also found the Blockade to be unlawful in a report they issued.
U.N. experts say Israel's blockade of Gaza illegal

"GENEVA*|*Tue Sep 13, 2011 1:07pm GENEVA (Reuters) - Israel's naval blockade of the Gaza Strip violates international law, a panel of human rights experts reporting to a U.N. body said on Tuesday, disputing a conclusion reached by a separate U.N. probe into Israel's raid on a Gaza-bound aid ship." U.N. experts say Israel's blockade of Gaza illegal. In this article, it is pointed out that in September of the prior year, another UN Panel had held the Blockade was unlawful and The International Red Cross had also found the Blockade to be unlawful in a report they issued.
No more boarding ships. Next blockade runner gets a Hellfire missle at the waterline. Bring yer rubber ducky and a bar of Lifebouy.

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