International Criminal Court opens preliminary investigation into attack on Mavi Marm

"...And I also tell them about the American citizen Israel murdered on the Mavi Marmara. I think he was only 18 years old, I read he dreamed of becoming a doctor. Sherri"
Maybe that 18-year-old doctor-wannabe should not have been on a ship trying to run a naval blockade, but he was, so... Nature de-selected him. Q.E.D.
"...BDS, spreading the word to every man and woman and child in this world..."

Good luck with that... :eusa_whistle:

Meanwhile, back on earth... :D

But BDS is a reality in our world today. You would have to be deaf and dumb and blind to live on Planet Earth and not know about it. I tell my Sunday school class about it.

And I also tell them about the American citizen Israel murdered on the Mavi Marmara. I think he was only 18 years old, I read he dreamed of becoming a doctor.


Sherri---you have frequently mentioned "my sunday school class" -
which gave me the impression that you are (God forbid) the teacher
of a childrens' sunday school class in a church. Later on you denied
that you are a sunday school teacher of children and seemed to
suggest that your "sunday school class" is actually a bible
study class for adults in which you are a student (despite the
fact that it is clear you never read the bible) I would appreciate
your clarifying this situation. That which you claim to tell
your "SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS" should be reported to the people
of the BAPTIST CHURCH if ----(God forbid) you are a teacher of
young children on sunday in a Baptist church
"...And I also tell them about the American citizen Israel murdered on the Mavi Marmara. I think he was only 18 years old, I read he dreamed of becoming a doctor. Sherri"
Maybe that 18-year-old doctor-wannabe should not have been on a ship trying to run a naval blockade, but he was, so... Nature de-selected him. Q.E.D.

He was a person of conscience seeking to provide humanitarian aid and oppose an illegal Blockade. Being a person of conscience, well that is something you would certainly know nothing of.
On Mavi marmara 9 Turkish terrorist were killed. I don't know where Sherri's imagination leads, her, but she's making things up.

Well, won't be the first time!

What a predictable lie from a Zionist, all Gentiles are terrorists to the likes of you. Well, the fact the ICC opened this inquiry shows they reject your terrorist lies. And this calling the civilians you want to slaughter terrorist is so old and boring and utterly lacking in credibility, you need to come up with a new excuse for your Gentile slaughters.
"...And I also tell them about the American citizen Israel murdered on the Mavi Marmara. I think he was only 18 years old, I read he dreamed of becoming a doctor. Sherri"
Maybe that 18-year-old doctor-wannabe should not have been on a ship trying to run a naval blockade, but he was, so... Nature de-selected him. Q.E.D.

He was a person of conscience seeking to provide humanitarian aid and oppose an illegal Blockade. Being a person of conscience, well that is something you would certainly know nothing of.
He was a meddling fool afloat on a ship of fools bent upon trying to run a naval blockade.

And he paid the ultimate price for his folly.

As to being a person of conscience... I do well enough in that respect, counterpointing political hacks and propaganda shills who try (and fail, on an embarrassingly colossal scale) to manipulate the conscience of others.

Oh, and, by the way, DO try to stick to the topic and not attack your fellow posters, yes?
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What a predictable lie from a Zionist said:
What a PREDICTABLE ---fart from the bowels of the isa-respecting
dog. They who dance on the dead bodies of their HUNDREDS
OF MILLIONS OF VICTIMS and glory in their filth and depravity

for the record----in the USA any alleged "officer of the court"
THE GUILT OF THE ACCUSED ----has proven itself --eligible
for the sewer and certainly not as "officer of the court"

such a person is far too disgusting to call a 'joke'----more like
a resident of the sewer
Even if this case fails to bear the sought after fruits of prosecution the lead attorney will seek to use this as some type of political leverage, "If this case fails to produce a result, this will show that this court is under the hegemony of certain countries and is used only to make some countries toe the line politically,” Ariturk told the Anatolia news agency."
Israel to face ICC over Mavi Marmara attack | Middle East | World Bulletin

The prosecution should, get a more professional lawyer.
The ICC released the following statement when this inquiry was opened. "Today my Office met with a delegation from the Istanbul-based Elmadag Law Firm, acting on behalf of the Government of the Union of the Comoros, a State Party to the International Criminal Court since 18 August 2006.The delegation transmitted a referral “of the Union of the Comoros with respect to the 31 May 2010 Israeli raid on the Humanitarian Aid Flotilla bound for Gaza Strip, requesting the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court pursuant to Articles 12, 13 and 14 of the Rome Statute to initiate an investigation into the crimes committed within the Court’s jurisdiction, arising from this raid’’.* In accordance with the requirements of the Rome Statute my office will be conducting a preliminary examination in order to establish whether the criteria for opening an investigation are met. After careful analysis of all available information, I shall make a determination that will be made public in due course." International Criminal Court opens preliminary investigation into attack on Mavi Marmara releases/Pages/otp-statement-14-05-2013.aspx releases/Pages/otp-statement-14-05-2013.aspx
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2012: Celebrating the ICC's 10th Anniversary. "On 1 July 2002, the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) entered into force, creating the world's first permanent international court to prosecute war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. At the beginning of 2012, 120 nations had joined the Rome Statute and the number keeps growing. In 2011 alone there were six new ICC states parties, the most in any given year since 2003.The ICC's 10th anniversary is a symbolic milestone that will be celebrated throughout 2012 by all actors involved in the fight against impunity for grave crimes. It is an opportunity to reflect upon the tremendous achievements made in the field of international criminal justice in the past 10 years, as well as a reminder of the urgency for all states committed to justice to ensure continued support for the Rome Statute." 2012: Celebrating the ICC's 10th Anniversary Reading the history of the ICC, I learn it took almost a century of planning before the ICC was founded a little over 10 years ago.
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"...And I also tell them about the American citizen Israel murdered on the Mavi Marmara. I think he was only 18 years old, I read he dreamed of becoming a doctor. Sherri"
Maybe that 18-year-old doctor-wannabe should not have been on a ship trying to run a naval blockade, but he was, so... Nature de-selected him. Q.E.D.

"Under international law it can use force when boarding a ship.

"If force is disproportionate it would be a violation of the key tenets of the use of force,' said Commander James Kraska, professor of international law at the U.S. Naval War College.

"Israeli authorities said marines who boarded the Turkish vessel Mavi Marmara opened fire in self-defense after activists clubbed and stabbed them and snatched some of their weapons.

"Legal experts say proportional force does not mean that guns cannot be used by forces when being attacked with knives.

"'But there has got to be a relationship between the threat and response,' Kraska said."

What's the relationship between threat response and assassination?

"An autopsy revealed (Furkan Dogan) had suffered five gunshot wounds, to the nose, back, back of the head, left leg, and left ankle,[18] at a distance of 45 centimeters. He was shot when he was filming the events in the ship..."

"The autopsy report was never handed over to US authorities despite repeated requests to that effect.[21]"

Furkan Do?an - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Selling the truth, but you're obviously not buying.

Picture of one of the Mavi Marmara "peace activists"...<hyuk hyuk hyuk>

And here are some of the weapons found on the Mavi Marmara that Israel knew "wouldn't be there" and the jihadi animals wouldn't be attacking the Israeli soldiers with <wink wink>:



"Peace activists" in action on the Mavi Marmara <ho ho ho>:
Gaza flotilla participants invoked the killing of Jews - YouTube

OMG. those terrorists brought common shipboard and galley implements aboard, of all things, a ship.

ya know, if i were a terrorist, i am gonna be loadin' up with some heavy heat and auto weapons.

no one really seems to be able to answer the question..."why are israeli troops rapeling into a crowd of what they believe are terrorists carrying arms shipments that would be readily available to these terrorists?"

there are better ways to board a ship if you are expecting hostile action and, in fact, i can think of no worse way to board a hostile ship than rapeling into a crowd of the hostiles.
So thats what all ships on a "humanitarian missions" are loaded up with?! ha ha ha.

Nah, more like...They brought what they could sneak on that ship with the Turks (knowing the scum that was boarding that ship and happy to get rid of them) looking the other way. The Mavi Marmara was not peaceful activists on a humanitarian mission. It was a bunch of radical Islamists on a Jihadi mission and their enablers. come you weren't on that boat? You fit the description to the T. But alas, you'd rather blow smoke out of uranus trying to act all bad ass on some anonymous Internet news board.

Next time put your money where your mouth is.

well, ships generally don't set sail with daisy chains and peace symbol medallions to prepare meals and make common repairs. you have pictured common shipboard and galley implements and a ceremonial knife. i mean, get friggin' real. do you actually think if these people were bent on mayhem and madness, they wouldn't have brought some firearms. no, of course not. they would rather bring kitchen knives, can oppeners, and pipe wrenches. yeah...a handsaw is now a "terrorist weapon". LOLOL.

and the either IDF knew they had no weapons or they are the stupidest troops in the whole wide world. you do not rapel into what you think is a heavily armed group of hostiles and expect any kind of success whatsoever.

those clowns went in there intent on massacre.
"...BDS, spreading the word to every man and woman and child in this world..."

Good luck with that... :eusa_whistle:

Meanwhile, back on earth... :D

But BDS is a reality in our world today. You would have to be deaf and dumb and blind to live on Planet Earth and not know about it. I tell my Sunday school class about it.

And I also tell them about the American citizen Israel murdered on the Mavi Marmara. I think he was only 18 years old, I read he dreamed of becoming a doctor.

What's a reality today is bigoted Jew-hating IslamoNazi worshipping pigs that keep coming up with these bullshit movements that don't get anywhere. This time it's BDS (Bowel Discharge Syndrome) it's members are known as BDSholes. Ha ha ha.
OMG. those terrorists brought common shipboard and galley implements aboard, of all things, a ship.

ya know, if i were a terrorist, i am gonna be loadin' up with some heavy heat and auto weapons.

no one really seems to be able to answer the question..."why are israeli troops rapeling into a crowd of what they believe are terrorists carrying arms shipments that would be readily available to these terrorists?"

there are better ways to board a ship if you are expecting hostile action and, in fact, i can think of no worse way to board a hostile ship than rapeling into a crowd of the hostiles.
So thats what all ships on a "humanitarian missions" are loaded up with?! ha ha ha.

Nah, more like...They brought what they could sneak on that ship with the Turks (knowing the scum that was boarding that ship and happy to get rid of them) looking the other way. The Mavi Marmara was not peaceful activists on a humanitarian mission. It was a bunch of radical Islamists on a Jihadi mission and their enablers. come you weren't on that boat? You fit the description to the T. But alas, you'd rather blow smoke out of uranus trying to act all bad ass on some anonymous Internet news board.

Next time put your money where your mouth is.

well, ships generally don't set sail with daisy chains and peace symbol medallions to prepare meals and make common repairs. you have pictured common shipboard and galley implements and a ceremonial knife. i mean, get friggin' real. do you actually think if these people were bent on mayhem and madness, they wouldn't have brought some firearms. no, of course not. they would rather bring kitchen knives, can oppeners, and pipe wrenches. yeah...a handsaw is now a "terrorist weapon". LOLOL.

and the either IDF knew they had no weapons or they are the stupidest troops in the whole wide world. you do not rapel into what you think is a heavily armed group of hostiles and expect any kind of success whatsoever.

those clowns went in there intent on massacre.
Kitchen knives? That knife in his hand and those swords are kitchen knives? Ha ha ha. Good one. Lets not forget they threw half their weapons overboard as the shit hit the fan.

As I said before, it's what happens when you load up a ship with Jihadis from a terrorist mosque and then call it a "humanitarian mission." and then the ship refuses to stop when it approaches a blockade. Actually there is tape of the ships captain yelling back to the Israelis "go back to Auchwitz!" If these animals aboard the Mavi Marmara were humanitarians then my name is Tom Cruise.

PS. Are you sure you weren't the captain of that ship, Nazi boy? LOL
et al,

I lost track.

So thats what all ships on a "humanitarian missions" are loaded up with?! ha ha ha.

Nah, more like...They brought what they could sneak on that ship with the Turks (knowing the scum that was boarding that ship and happy to get rid of them) looking the other way. The Mavi Marmara was not peaceful activists on a humanitarian mission. It was a bunch of radical Islamists on a Jihadi mission and their enablers. come you weren't on that boat? You fit the description to the T. But alas, you'd rather blow smoke out of uranus trying to act all bad ass on some anonymous Internet news board.

Next time put your money where your mouth is.

well, ships generally don't set sail with daisy chains and peace symbol medallions to prepare meals and make common repairs. you have pictured common shipboard and galley implements and a ceremonial knife. i mean, get friggin' real. do you actually think if these people were bent on mayhem and madness, they wouldn't have brought some firearms. no, of course not. they would rather bring kitchen knives, can oppeners, and pipe wrenches. yeah...a handsaw is now a "terrorist weapon". LOLOL.

and the either IDF knew they had no weapons or they are the stupidest troops in the whole wide world. you do not rapel into what you think is a heavily armed group of hostiles and expect any kind of success whatsoever.

those clowns went in there intent on massacre.
Kitchen knives? That knife in his hand and those swords are kitchen knives? Ha ha ha. Good one. Lets not forget they threw half their weapons overboard as the shit hit the fan.

As I said before, it's what happens when you load up a ship with Jihadis from a terrorist mosque and then call it a "humanitarian mission." and then the ship refuses to stop when it approaches a blockade. Actually there is tape of the ships captain yelling back to the Israelis "go back to Auchwitz!" If these animals aboard the Mavi Marmara were humanitarians then my name is Tom Cruise.

PS. Are you sure you weren't the captain of that ship, Nazi boy? LOL

What is the issue here? What is the argument being made?

Most Respectfully,
et al,

I lost track.

well, ships generally don't set sail with daisy chains and peace symbol medallions to prepare meals and make common repairs. you have pictured common shipboard and galley implements and a ceremonial knife. i mean, get friggin' real. do you actually think if these people were bent on mayhem and madness, they wouldn't have brought some firearms. no, of course not. they would rather bring kitchen knives, can oppeners, and pipe wrenches. yeah...a handsaw is now a "terrorist weapon". LOLOL.

and the either IDF knew they had no weapons or they are the stupidest troops in the whole wide world. you do not rapel into what you think is a heavily armed group of hostiles and expect any kind of success whatsoever.

those clowns went in there intent on massacre.
Kitchen knives? That knife in his hand and those swords are kitchen knives? Ha ha ha. Good one. Lets not forget they threw half their weapons overboard as the shit hit the fan.

As I said before, it's what happens when you load up a ship with Jihadis from a terrorist mosque and then call it a "humanitarian mission." and then the ship refuses to stop when it approaches a blockade. Actually there is tape of the ships captain yelling back to the Israelis "go back to Auchwitz!" If these animals aboard the Mavi Marmara were humanitarians then my name is Tom Cruise.

PS. Are you sure you weren't the captain of that ship, Nazi boy? LOL

What is the issue here? What is the argument being made?

Most Respectfully,

ya got me. it seems that roudy thinks that the turks smuggled weapons on board the mavi to include kitchen knives, assorted wrenches, and the ever popular .50 cal machine gun disguised as a hand saw. then rather than jettison these, they jettisoned their weapons cache of firearms and RPGs when the israelis mounted perhaps one of the most stupid attacks in military history by rapelling from a helicopter into a shipboard crowd of what they thought were heavily armed militants..

i mean, who can dispute the completely candid pic of a of the cat looking all swarthy and turkish holding a ceremonial janbiya as proof positive of the malevolent and malicious intent of those on board the mavi marmara.
"...What is the issue here? What is the argument being made? Most Respectfully, R"
As near as I can figure, this particular conversational offshoot deals with (In)Appropriate Levels of Force being applied by the IDF against some of the Radicals and Activists who resisted or obstructed or filmed the Boarding Parties.

Frankly, the moment that this blockade-running ship's captain refused to obey the orders of the Israeli Navy officer to heave-to... to shut down his engines and prepare to be boarded... he put his ship and crew and passengers in grave danger of violence - whatever it took to force the ship to halt and comply.

Everything that happened after that moment is the direct responsibility and fault of the ship's captain and/or those who were giving him his orders.

The Israelis could have stood off the ship's flanks and torpedoed it or shot-away its stern and its propulsion via naval gunfire but they did not.

Instead, they chose to chase the ship using small craft and helicopters loaded with Boarding Party members, to risk their people by jumping onto a 'running' ship, rather than to fire upon it with naval gunfire and risk hundreds of civilian deaths - quite probably due to a combination of diplomatic and public-relations and ethical and humanitarian concerns.

Go back and look at the first couple of videos embedded in this thread - ones shot by the shipboard Activists themselves - you will see passengers lobbing things at multiple small Israeli chase-craft in the dark - long before the first flashes of light and gunfire sounds.

Perhaps those Radicals and Militants and Activists should have remained within the boundaries of Peaceful and Passive Resistance rather than throwing things at the Israelis in the dark when the Israelis in the chase-boats could not distinguish between cooking pots or rocks or hand grenades or loose deck-gear or other things.

Not too bright, these Activist boys and girls, to be doing that when they're about to be boarded as a matter of blockade enforcement by a military determined to stop their ship and mission.

And then they whine and moan and cry when their foolishness results in a body count --- when Nature de-selected some of them due to their stupidity.


Silly, foolish Lilliputians.
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I have a very ----little ----question. What sort of emergency AID stuffs
were on that ship? Is there an inventory of the stuff being transported
for the noble sake of HUMANITY?

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