International law or even a legal framework regarding what is legitimate resistance to occupation?

Even if you watched your oppressors demolish your home and your entire town and were then forced to live as a second class citizen watching your oppressors build their town where yours just stood?

Do you want to talk emotions or law? OF COURSE, people are going to feel all kinds of emotions. The Jewish people have those emotions about losing their homeland and being wanderers longing for home for thousands of years.

Emotions are not law. There is no provision in law for violence to obtain a political end.
You are talking about military occupation. Occupations do not acquire sovereignty.

Israel's sovereignty was not acquired by occupation nor military force. Israel's sovereignty was acquired by treaties and legal instruments. You just keep ignoring those treaties and legal instruments.

Yeah, I know, they have been posted many times.

Why are you asking then?
Because it is fun watching y'all dance.

Because its fun for you to ignore the actual treaties and legal instruments.
Like the ones you never post? Yeah, I can ignore those.
Do you want to talk emotions or law? OF COURSE, people are going to feel all kinds of emotions. The Jewish people have those emotions about losing their homeland and being wanderers longing for home for thousands of years.

Emotions are not law. There is no provision in law for violence to obtain a political end.
Please just answer the question this one time.

Even if you watched your oppressors demolish your home and your entire town and were then forced to live as a second class citizen watching your oppressors build their town where yours just stood?
Israel's sovereignty was not acquired by occupation nor military force. Israel's sovereignty was acquired by treaties and legal instruments. You just keep ignoring those treaties and legal instruments.

Yeah, I know, they have been posted many times.

Why are you asking then?
Because it is fun watching y'all dance.

Because its fun for you to ignore the actual treaties and legal instruments.
Like the ones you never post? Yeah, I can ignore those.

You mean like the one I have on speed post? Because you ignore it so often?
You mean like the one I have on speed post? Because you ignore it so often?
Please speed post it.

You are sure that if you watched your oppressors demolish your home and your entire town and were then forced to live as a second class citizen watching your oppressors build their town where yours just stood, that you would not use violence against them?
Do you want to talk emotions or law? OF COURSE, people are going to feel all kinds of emotions. The Jewish people have those emotions about losing their homeland and being wanderers longing for home for thousands of years.

Emotions are not law. There is no provision in law for violence to obtain a political end.
Please just answer the question this one time.

Even if you watched your oppressors demolish your home and your entire town and were then forced to live as a second class citizen watching your oppressors build their town where yours just stood?

Sure. You want to talk emotions? No problem. You want to talk about legitimizing the use of violence due to emotional reasons of someone stealing your home and demolishing it and your entire town and then forced to live as second class citizens while watching your oppressors build their town where yours just stood?!

Let's talk about that. Let's talk about the City of David. Let's talk about Jerusalem. Let's talk about our Jewish city and our ancient Temple there. Which was destroyed, rebuilt, destroyed again and then usurped by foreigners who built their 'home' on our land and whose building on stolen, holy, sacred ground is now THE globally recognized symbol of Jerusalem and the holy places there.

Let's talk about the destroyed synagogues in Jerusalem, in Gaza, in Judea and Samaria. Some thousands of years old. Let's talk about the 900,000 Jews displaced and forced to flee from their homeland in Israel and from the ME.

Let's talk about Bet Lehem, which is now a "Christian city". And Hebron and the Tombs of the Patriarchs, which is now a "Palestinian city" according to UNESCO.

There's more. Do I need to go on?

The Jewish people have PLENTY to say and feel about stolen land, stolen holy places, stolen sovereignty, oppression, second class citizenship. If you think THAT is the source of international law and if you think THAT legitimizes violence then OWN it.
Do you want to talk emotions or law? OF COURSE, people are going to feel all kinds of emotions. The Jewish people have those emotions about losing their homeland and being wanderers longing for home for thousands of years.

Emotions are not law. There is no provision in law for violence to obtain a political end.
Please just answer the question this one time.

Even if you watched your oppressors demolish your home and your entire town and were then forced to live as a second class citizen watching your oppressors build their town where yours just stood?

Sure. You want to talk emotions? No problem. You want to talk about legitimizing the use of violence due to emotional reasons of someone stealing your home and demolishing it and your entire town and then forced to live as second class citizens while watching your oppressors build their town where yours just stood?!

Let's talk about that. Let's talk about the City of David. Let's talk about Jerusalem. Let's talk about our Jewish city and our ancient Temple there. Which was destroyed, rebuilt, destroyed again and then usurped by foreigners who built their 'home' on our land and whose building on stolen, holy, sacred ground is now THE globally recognized symbol of Jerusalem and the holy places there.

Let's talk about the destroyed synagogues in Jerusalem, in Gaza, in Judea and Samaria. Some thousands of years old. Let's talk about the 900,000 Jews displaced and forced to flee from their homeland in Israel and from the ME.

Let's talk about Bet Lehem, which is now a "Christian city". And Hebron and the Tombs of the Patriarchs, which is now a "Palestinian city" according to UNESCO.

There's more. Do I need to go on?

The Jewish people have PLENTY to say and feel about stolen land, stolen holy places, stolen sovereignty, oppression, second class citizenship. If you think THAT is the source of international law and if you think THAT legitimizes violence then OWN it.
So, all that said, you are sure that if you watched your oppressors demolish your home and your entire town and were then forced to live as a second class citizen watching your oppressors build their town where yours just stood, that you would not use violence against them?

It is as amazing that you can't answer as it is telling.
And look how far you go to not answer a simple question.

Let's talk about that. Let's talk about the City of David. Let's talk about Jerusalem. Let's talk about our Jewish city and our ancient Temple there. Which was destroyed, rebuilt, destroyed again and then usurped by foreigners who built their 'home' on our land and whose building on stolen, holy, sacred ground is now THE globally recognized symbol of Jerusalem and the holy places there.
Sorry, we aren't doing biblical tales. And the "our land" is as funny as it is silly. You are from Canada. The zionists came from another continent as well. Snap out of it.

Let's talk about Bet Lehem, which is now a "Christian city". And Hebron and the Tombs of the Patriarchs, which is now a "Palestinian city" according to UNESCO.
According to the world and so what? The majority of Jews converted to Christianity after Jesus and many of them later converted to Islam.
So, all that said, you are sure that if you watched your oppressors demolish your home and your entire town and were then forced to live as a second class citizen watching your oppressors build their town where yours just stood, that you would not use violence against them?

It is as amazing that you can't answer as it is telling.

The question posed in the OP queries the LEGALITY of using violence. My answer to the OP was clear.

Now you are asking a new question -- Is violence emotionally understandable in this context? My answer is that violence arises from a foundational ideology. The Arab Palestinian mentality seems to be particularly invested in a certain ineffectual, low-level, temper-tantrum, we-can't-win-with-this-but-we-will-keep-killing-people-anyway sort of violence. This mentality is somewhat shared by the entire Muslim world. It used to be shared by the Arab world, but that seems to have turned a bit of a corner with some States.

Are you justifying this sort of violence? Do you think this sort of violence should NOT be prohibited or policed?
According to the world and so what? The majority of Jews converted to Christianity after Jesus and many of them later converted to Islam.

Sure. And some of them stayed Jews. Both at home and in the Diaspora. Why should the Jewish people who originated on that territory have FEWER rights than those who converted to other ethnic or cultural groups?

My argument is that both people have rights. Your argument is that the Jewish people have lost all rights.
Where are you from then, and are you sure that you would not use violence? You still have not been clear.
Where are you from then, and are you sure that you would not use violence? You still have not been clear.

I am a self-defense instructor and a martial artist. I have no problem using violence when necessary.

But the "when necessary" is key.
I am a self-defense instructor and a martial artist. I have no problem using violence when necessary.

But the "when necessary" is key.
Exactly, if you watched your oppressors demolish your home and your entire town and were then forced to live as a second class citizen watching your oppressors build their town where yours just stood, right?
I am a self-defense instructor and a martial artist. I have no problem using violence when necessary.

But the "when necessary" is key.
Exactly, if you watched your oppressors demolish your home and your entire town and were then forced to live as a second class citizen watching your oppressors build their town where yours just stood, right?

So you are justifying the Jewish people using violence to regain their stolen land and holy places, yes?
So you are justifying the Jewish people using violence to regain their stolen land and holy places, yes?
No, this relates to today. I am trying to see if you would lay down and lick the boots of your oppressors or if you would fight for your people's freedom.
I am trying to see if you would lay down and lick the boots of your oppressors

Depends on the oppressor.

So you are justifying the Jewish people using violence to regain their stolen land and holy places, yes?
No, this relates to today. I am trying to see if you would lay down and lick the boots of your oppressors or if you would fight for your people's freedom.

It seems pretty clear that the Jewish people are willing to fight for their people's freedom. Israel, the IDF and all that.

You seem to be suggesting that it is the morally permissible thing to do.

So, is it? Yes or no?

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