International law or even a legal framework regarding what is legitimate resistance to occupation?

RE: International law or even a legal framework regarding what is legitimate resistance to occupation?
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

The reason why that our friend "abi" rejects my previous responses, is because he wants a combat role → a hostile action or campaign against the Israelis.

The question demonstrates the attitude that the Arab Palestinian has had from the very beginning. The preferred method of conflict resolution is "conflict (fight)." How is that working out?
What are the options?

The first thing that the Palestinians must do is to raise their credibility. That means:

  • Cleaning-up the streets - arresting hostile protestors and demonstrators creating disorder, dangerous confrontation, and a general threat.
  • Arrest active government official that are prolonging the conflict and enticing violence (not just a few token arrests, but the critical leaders).
  • Seek-out and engage actual terrorist leaders. Follow the money back to the Palestinian funding source.
  • Make arrests of all the local jihadist and fedayeen including propagandist inciting hatred and violence.
  • Investigating and arrest corrupt politicians that are skimming donor nation dollars off the top.

You have to actually mean that you have turned the corner from a ragged Hostile Arab Palestinian to the nation that acts in the peoples best interest. This is not about fighting the Israelis, but acting as a partner for peace.

That is a beginning. But it is going to take some heavy lifting in the beginning, because no one is going to trust the Palestinians after a century of conflict.

Until the Arab Palestinians reach this point, the trust wi never come and the peace will be elusive. Quite asking and crying about things yuo cannot change. Step up to the plate and dig in the hard work..

Most Respectfully,
The reason why that our friend "abi" rejects my previous responses, is because he wants a combat role → a hostile action or campaign against the Israelis.
You are full of it. I want peace. This isn't about me. It is about what any reasonable person would do in a similar situation which is why you can't answer a simple question.

If you watched your oppressors demolish your home and your entire town and were then forced to live as a second class citizen watching your oppressors build their town where yours just stood, what would you do personally to fight for the freedom of your people?

That really is the topic here.
A reasonable person would not believe that stabbing the odd Jew here and there is going to bring about a nation or peace.
A reasonable person would not believe that stabbing the odd Jew here and there is going to bring about a nation or peace.
And the mass bombing campaigns of civilians by the zionists should go unanswered?
RE: International law or even a legal framework regarding what is legitimate resistance to occupation?
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

The reason why that our friend "abi" rejects my previous responses, is because he wants a combat role → a hostile action or campaign against the Israelis.

The question demonstrates the attitude that the Arab Palestinian has had from the very beginning. The preferred method of conflict resolution is "conflict (fight)." How is that working out?
What are the options?

The first thing that the Palestinians must do is to raise their credibility. That means:

  • Cleaning-up the streets - arresting hostile protestors and demonstrators creating disorder, dangerous confrontation, and a general threat.
  • Arrest active government official that are prolonging the conflict and enticing violence (not just a few token arrests, but the critical leaders).
  • Seek-out and engage actual terrorist leaders. Follow the money back to the Palestinian funding source.
  • Make arrests of all the local jihadist and fedayeen including propagandist inciting hatred and violence.
  • Investigating and arrest corrupt politicians that are skimming donor nation dollars off the top.

You have to actually mean that you have turned the corner from a ragged Hostile Arab Palestinian to the nation that acts in the peoples best interest. This is not about fighting the Israelis, but acting as a partner for peace.

That is a beginning. But it is going to take some heavy lifting in the beginning, because no one is going to trust the Palestinians after a century of conflict.

Until the Arab Palestinians reach this point, the trust wi never come and the peace will be elusive. Quite asking and crying about things yuo cannot change. Step up to the plate and dig in the hard work..

Most Respectfully,
Where do you get this shit, Rocco?

BTW, you didn't answer my last question.
The question demonstrates the attitude that the Arab Palestinian has had from the very beginning. The preferred method of conflict resolution is "conflict (fight)." How is that working out?
What are the options?

Here's a thought. How about negotiating a peace treaty?
Been talking to those asshole for 25 years and keep going backwards.

What else you got?

Besides Jerusalem?
A reasonable person would not believe that stabbing the odd Jew here and there is going to bring about a nation or peace.
And the mass bombing campaigns of civilians by the zionists should go unanswered?

A reasonable person would believe that sending indiscriminate rockets and mortars into Israel (against Iron Dome) is going to bring about a nation or peace.
A reasonable person would believe that sending indiscriminate rockets and mortars into Israel (against Iron Dome) is going to bring about a nation or peace.
Forget a reasonable person as I am asking you. Should the mass bombing campaigns of civilians by the zionists go unanswered?
Stop the rockets. Make peace. Problem solved. Not a single other Gazan dies from war.
Stop the rockets. Make peace. Problem solved. Not a single other Gazan dies from war.
Stop the bombing, leave the Palestinians alone and give them their land back.

And not a single other zionist has to die.
Stop the rockets. Make peace. Problem solved. Not a single other Gazan dies from war.
The Zionist's goal for the last hundred years up to today is all of Palestine without the Palestinians. How do you make peace with that?
Stop the rockets. Make peace. Problem solved. Not a single other Gazan dies from war.
The Zionist's goal for the last hundred years up to today is all of Palestine without the Palestinians. How do you make peace with that?

It seems you’re just incensed that no one is taking seriously your Islamist, “all of Pal’istan is an Islamic waqf” thingy.

The caliphate is dead. It’s not coming back. Scratch and claw your way out of the 7th century.
Stop the rockets. Make peace. Problem solved. Not a single other Gazan dies from war.
The Zionist's goal for the last hundred years up to today is all of Palestine without the Palestinians. How do you make peace with that?

It seems you’re just incensed that no one is taking seriously your Islamist, “all of Pal’istan is an Islamic waqf” thingy.

The caliphate is dead. It’s not coming back. Scratch and claw your way out of the 7th century.
More proof that we need a stupid post button.
RE: International law or even a legal framework regarding what is legitimate resistance to occupation?
※→ abi, et al,

Now that will never fly.

Stop the rockets. Make peace. Problem solved. Not a single other Gazan dies from war.
Stop the bombing, leave the Palestinians alone and give them their land back.
And not a single other zionist has to die.

No one is going to give the Arab Palestinians a free ride for all the hostile acts individuals Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP) who oerate for the purpose of the
perpetration, planning, or preparation of, or participation in, the calculated use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians (unjustifiable regardless of their motivations) in order to attain goals that are political, religious, or ideological in nature; through intimidation or coercion.

No one is just going to set aside the attempts at criminal behaviors over the last half-century without any penalty, war reparation, compensation, or restitution.

There is no such thing as a legitimate resistance movement that specifically plans to target innocent civilians. The difference between the casualty numbers on the Israeli side and the casualty numbers on the HoAP , is the fact that the HoAP find it practical (for a number of political-military) reasons to violate • Rule 23. Each party to the conflict must, to the extent feasible, avoid locating military objectives within or near densely populated areas.(To separate military objectives from the civilian population, but in no event may civilians be used to shield military objectives.) and • Rule 24. Each party to the conflict must, to the extent feasible, remove civilian persons and objects under its control from the vicinity of military objectives.

Collateral damage as a result of a resistance movement:

A number of concrete obligations can be derived from this general
principle of distinction, such as the prohibition of direct attacks against civilian
persons and objects and the prohibition of acts or threats of violence the primary
purpose of which is to spread terror among the civilian population.
Similarly, indiscriminate attacks are also prohibited. These are attacks that are
not or cannot be directed at a specific military objective, as well as those whose
intended effects cannot be limited as required by IHL.

However, it remains legally accepted that, in the harsh reality of war,
civilian persons and objects may be incidentally affected by an attack directed at a
legitimate military objective. Euphemistically referred to as ‘‘collateral casualties’’
or ‘‘collateral damage’’,civilians may be victims of mistaken target identification
or of unintended but inevitable side effects of an attack on a legitimate target in
their vicinity. According to the principle of proportionality, these
collateral casualties and damages are lawful under treaty and customary law only
if they are not excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage

In addition, even when a lawful attack is launched, precautionary
measures are required of both the attacking party and the party being attacked, in
order to avoid (or at least to minimize) the collateral effects of hostilities on
civilian persons, the civilian population and civilian objects. The present
contribution will focus on the substance of the precautionary obligations required
of all belligerents – both in attack and against the effects of attack – as codified
in Additional Protocol I.

This article will seek to demonstrate that these rules are not simply hortatory
norms encouraging good practice. They constitute obligatory standards of
conduct whose violation would entail international responsibility.
SOURCE: ICRC Precautions under the Law Governing the Conduct of Hostilities

Under the parameters of the question, and the rejection of my previous answer, I claim that this is a trap to suit your agenda; in that it is a Black-White Fallacy which is a False Dilemma Fallacy that limits me unfairly to only two choices.

False Dilemma
A reasoner (your reasonable person) who unfairly presents too few choices and then implies that a choice must be made among this short menu of choices is using the False Dilemma Fallacy, as does the person who accepts this faulty reasoning.

Most Respectfully,
There is no such thing as a legitimate resistance movement that specifically plans to target innocent civilians.
Can illegal settlers living on stolen land be considered "innocent civilians?" Can they be open to attack by their victims?
Stop the rockets. Make peace. Problem solved. Not a single other Gazan dies from war.
The Zionist's goal for the last hundred years up to today is all of Palestine without the Palestinians. How do you make peace with that?

20% of Israelis are Arabs.
while the PA demands a Jew free territory.

Jordan is 100% Arab
Gaza is 100% Arab

RE: International law or even a legal framework regarding what is legitimate resistance to occupation?
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Distinction between Civilians and Combatants: Customary Rules of International Humanitarian Law

Rule 1 • The parties to the conflict must at all times distinguish between civilians and combatants. Attacks may only be directed against combatants. Attacks must
not be directed against civilians. [IAC/NIAC]
Rule 2 • Acts or threats of violence the primary purpose of which is to spread terror among the civilian population are prohibited. [IAC/NIAC]
Rule 5 • Civilians are persons who are not members of the armed forces. The civilian population comprises all persons who are civilians. [IAC/NIAC]
Rule 6 • Civilians are protected against attack, unless and for such time as they take a direct part in hostilities. [IAC/NIAC]​

Area A (full civil and security control by the Palestinian Authority)
Area B (Palestinian civil control and joint Israeli-Palestinan Security)
Area C (full Israeli civil and security control)

Article V to Oslo Accord I: Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements

Transitional period and permanent status negotiations:
3. It is understood that these negotiations shall cover remaining issues, including: Jerusalem, refugees, settlements, security arrangements, borders, relations and co-operation with other neighbours, and other issues of common interest.​

There is no such thing as a legitimate resistance movement that specifically plans to target innocent civilians.
Can illegal settlers living on stolen land be considered "innocent civilians?" Can they be open to attack by their victims?

First, the definition of a "civilian" does not rest upon whether the Settler Activity is "legal" or "Illegal." That is simply not an issue. If it is "illegal," then it is a civil police and court matter; they are not subject to attack by either conventional or asymmetric forces.

Second, IF the settlements were truly "illegal," THEN the Arab Palestinians should have initiated Article XV Proceedings for "Resolution of Disputes." The matter would have been put to rest by now.

BUT, the Rahmallah Government, knows this since it was Mahmud Abbas that signed the Oslo I Accord for the Palestinian Liberation Organization.

Most Respectfully,

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