International law or even a legal framework regarding what is legitimate resistance to occupation?

Stop the rockets. Make peace. Problem solved. Not a single other Gazan dies from war.
The Zionist's goal for the last hundred years up to today is all of Palestine without the Palestinians. How do you make peace with that?

It seems you’re just incensed that no one is taking seriously your Islamist, “all of Pal’istan is an Islamic waqf” thingy.

The caliphate is dead. It’s not coming back. Scratch and claw your way out of the 7th century.
More proof that we need a stupid post button.

It’s your typical behavior to retreat to cut and paste slogans when you don’t have an argument.
Stop the rockets. Make peace. Problem solved. Not a single other Gazan dies from war.
The Zionist's goal for the last hundred years up to today is all of Palestine without the Palestinians. How do you make peace with that?

20% of Israelis are Arabs.
while the PA demands a Jew free territory.

Jordan is 100% Arab
Gaza is 100% Arab


And yet, a favored tactic of the Islamic terrorist Pom Pom flailing crowd is to spew the “apartheid” label aimed at Israel.
I consider you like I consider a joke and your cut and pasted, scripted posts are not funny anymore. The sheer idiocy of their one sidedness is astounding.

No one is going to give the Arab Palestinians a free ride for all the hostile acts individuals Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP) who oerate for the purpose of the
perpetration, planning, or preparation of, or participation in, the calculated use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians (unjustifiable regardless of their motivations) in order to attain goals that are political, religious, or ideological in nature; through intimidation or coercion
Is anyone going to give the zionists a free ride for all the hostile acts individuals Hostile zionist occupier (HzO) who intentionally target civilians and have for decades?
I consider you like I consider a joke and your cut and pasted, scripted posts are not funny anymore. The sheer idiocy of their one sidedness is astounding.

No one is going to give the Arab Palestinians a free ride for all the hostile acts individuals Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP) who oerate for the purpose of the
perpetration, planning, or preparation of, or participation in, the calculated use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians (unjustifiable regardless of their motivations) in order to attain goals that are political, religious, or ideological in nature; through intimidation or coercion
Is anyone going to give the zionists a free ride for all the hostile acts individuals Hostile zionist occupier (HzO) who intentionally target civilians and have for decades?

You’re getting yourself worked into a froth, Louie. You tend to do that when you’re over-excited. Your unsupported claims, such as the above, are an obvious indicator.
Though the Israeli government and the US media persist in describing the second Palestinian intifada as a security crisis or a disruption to the ‘peace process,’ in international law, Palestinian resistance to occupation is a legally protected right…Israel’s failures to abide by international law, as a belligerent occupant, amounted to a fundamental denial of the right of self-determination, and more generally of respect for the framework of belligerent occupation — giving rise to a Palestinian right of resistance.
Richard Falk, the UN Special Rapporteur on Palestinian human rights, a professor of international law at Princeton University
It boils down to this: every time the Israeli military arrests a Palestinian for “stone throwing” or “incitement” or any other bogus, trumped-up charges—and every time Israel holds a protest organizer or a Popular Committee leader prisoner—it is, perversely, detaining Palestinians for exercising their inalienable moral and legal rights to resist an illegal and violent military occupation.
Palestinian right to fight occupation not only moral, but legal as well | +972 Magazine
There is no such thing as a legitimate resistance movement that specifically plans to target innocent civilians.
Israel kills civilians by the thousands but whines about the onesies twosies by the Palestinians.

Why the double standard?
Israel kills civilians by the thousands but whines about the onesies twosies by the Palestinians.

Why the double standard?
His purpose here primarily is to dehumanize Palestinians as terrorists. He does his in every post.
Rule 1 • The parties to the conflict must at all times distinguish between civilians and combatants. Attacks may only be directed against combatants. Attacks must
not be directed against civilians. [IAC/NIAC]
So when Israel targets civilian homes, it is a war crime. They know they are targeting mom and the kids.
Though the Israeli government and the US media persist in describing the second Palestinian intifada as a security crisis or a disruption to the ‘peace process,’ in international law, Palestinian resistance to occupation is a legally protected right…Israel’s failures to abide by international law, as a belligerent occupant, amounted to a fundamental denial of the right of self-determination, and more generally of respect for the framework of belligerent occupation — giving rise to a Palestinian right of resistance.
Richard Falk, the UN Special Rapporteur on Palestinian human rights, a professor of international law at Princeton University
Indeed, Israel can commit all the crimes it wants and the Palestinians are expected to sit on their hands.
Though the Israeli government and the US media persist in describing the second Palestinian intifada as a security crisis or a disruption to the ‘peace process,’ in international law, Palestinian resistance to occupation is a legally protected right…Israel’s failures to abide by international law, as a belligerent occupant, amounted to a fundamental denial of the right of self-determination, and more generally of respect for the framework of belligerent occupation — giving rise to a Palestinian right of resistance.
Richard Falk, the UN Special Rapporteur on Palestinian human rights, a professor of international law at Princeton University
Indeed, Israel can commit all the crimes it wants and the Palestinians are expected to sit on their hands.

This is a meaningless sentence. Can be used for both sides.
Is there even one zionist willing to state what lengths they would go to, to resist occupation of their own family and people?
Negotiate a peace treaty.
And the hypocrisy is there for all to see. The Palestinians must negotiate for their own land back and the zionists can carry out war crimes like protective edge. Thanks for illuminating this point.
Negotiate a peace treaty.
And the hypocrisy is there for all to see. The Palestinians must negotiate for their own land back and the zionists can carry out war crimes like protective edge. Thanks for illuminating this point.

You asked a question. I answered. There is no legal way for Gaza to "resist the occupation". There is no legal way to win land in war. BUT they can negotiate a peace treaty and retain all those lovely beaches. Great tourist destination if only they would take advantage of it.
First, the definition of a "civilian" does not rest upon whether the Settler Activity is "legal" or "Illegal." That is simply not an issue. If it is "illegal," then it is a civil police and court matter;
What if the civil police and courts are illegal too?

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