International observers say Crimea vote legit.

Any vote that has 95.7% agreeing on something is a sham

It was 97.5% and the people voted while under Russian guns.

97.5% is just a tad to much like the old Soviet Union elections, and
the only thing on the ballot, (which was not secret, regardless of what is reported), was, "Do you want to become part of Russia?) NO wasn't even on the ballot. You either voted yes or was counted as not voting.

People here will lie out their asses simply because they hate either Russia or Putin or Independence.

The referendum itself is illegal, dumbshit. Just because there is no violence taking place during an illegal act does not magically make it legal.

Because the US says so? :lol::lol:

Because it is the result of an illegitimate INVASION.

Jesus, you people have the memories of fucking goldfish!
Ukraine did not attack Russia. Ukraine did not invade Russia. Ukraine did not threaten Russia in any way.

Russia invaded Ukraine completely unprovoked.

Try to keep this very simple basic FACT inside your pointy heads. Don't let it spill out. It will keep you oriented and not sounding like a useful idiot fellating Putin's cock.
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The referendum itself is illegal, dumbshit. Just because there is no violence taking place during an illegal act does not magically make it legal.

I curious to know what laws are being broken by the referendum.

Crimea was already a semi-autonomous area to begin with.
You'd like to know what laws are being broken when Russian invades another country? Really?

The referendum is fruit of the poison tree.

Crimea was part of the Russian SSR in 1954, given over to Ukraine. Currently Russia has basing rights there, both army and navy. The majority of the population is Russian, or Russian sympathetic.

This is not Russia rolling over the Polish or Lithuanian borders, where Russia has no troop agreements, and no population willing to suffer Russian rule.

One can say it is wrong, but if you say international law is being broken, you should be able to back that up with the law that is actually being broken.
I curious to know what laws are being broken by the referendum.

Crimea was already a semi-autonomous area to begin with.
You'd like to know what laws are being broken when Russian invades another country? Really?

The referendum is fruit of the poison tree.

Crimea was part of the Russian SSR in 1954, given over to Ukraine.

Meaning Crimea is part of the sovereign nation of Ukraine, not Russia. Your idiotic implication would mean we can invade Panama any time we want and take it back.

Currently Russia has basing rights there, both army and navy. The majority of the population is Russian, or Russian sympathetic.

This is not Russia rolling over the Polish or Lithuanian borders, where Russia has no troop agreements, and no population willing to suffer Russian rule.

Completely irrelevant. We have basing rights in a lot of countries. "Basing rights" does not mean "we can invade your country whenever we please", no matter how much the people love us there.

One can say it is wrong, but if you say international law is being broken, you should be able to back that up with the law that is actually being broken.
That's not how it works. You have to prove it is legal for Russia to invade another country. That's how the rules work. For a country to be legally allowed to invade another country, the United Nations Security Council has to approve it.

So take Putin's dick out of your mouth and prove the invasion was legal, dipshit.
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Once again:

Ukraine did not attack Russia. Ukraine did not invade Russia. Ukraine did not threaten Russia in any way.

Russia invaded Ukraine completely unprovoked.

Try to keep this very simple basic FACT inside your pointy heads. Don't let it spill out. It will keep you oriented and not sounding like a useful idiot fellating Putin's cock.
You'd like to know what laws are being broken when Russian invades another country? Really?

The referendum is fruit of the poison tree.

Crimea was part of the Russian SSR in 1954, given over to Ukraine.

Meaning Crimea is part of the sovereign nation of Ukraine, not Russia. Your idiotic implication would mean we can invade Panama any time we want and take it back.

Currently Russia has basing rights there, both army and navy. The majority of the population is Russian, or Russian sympathetic.

This is not Russia rolling over the Polish or Lithuanian borders, where Russia has no troop agreements, and no population willing to suffer Russian rule.

Completely irrelevant. We have basing rights in a lot of countries. "Basing rights" does not mean "we can invade your country whenever we please", no matter how much the people love us there.

One can say it is wrong, but if you say international law is being broken, you should be able to back that up with the law that is actually being broken.
That's not how it works. You have to prove it is legal for Russia to invade another country. That's how the rules work. For a country to be legally allowed to invade another country, the United Nations Security Council has to approve it.

So take Putin's dick out of your mouth and prove the invasion was legal, dipshit.

First of all, fuck you for going all dipshit when asked a simple question. Second, none of your answers even refer to any law whatsoever. I think Putin is an ass, but that doesn't mean I blindly allow myself to take a position without some basis in reality.

Considering Russia sees Ukraine's change of government as a coup, where is the legal basis that this is not the case?

and your last statement has no basis whatsoever in any actual law, anywhere. Since when did sovereign countries give up their right to declare war to the UN? Only Japan gave up that right, and it was to the US, not the UN. The new Germany has a clause not to wage aggressive war, but does not have the limits Japan does.

Eat a neg for being an asshole, and kindly go fuck a rusty nail.
. For a country to be legally allowed to invade another country, the United Nations Security Council has to approve it.

Very interrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrresting.

Show me the UN SECURITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION approving the zionist invasion of Palestine? When was that done.

So take Putin's dick out of your mouth and prove the invasion was legal, dipshit.

If you fail or come up with some bullshit pretext then I will have no choice but to believe that Bibi's dick is in your mouth.

You'd like to know what laws are being broken when Russian invades another country? Really?

The referendum is fruit of the poison tree.

Crimea was part of the Russian SSR in 1954, given over to Ukraine.

Meaning Crimea is part of the sovereign nation of Ukraine, not Russia. Your idiotic implication would mean we can invade Panama any time we want and take it back.

Currently Russia has basing rights there, both army and navy. The majority of the population is Russian, or Russian sympathetic.

This is not Russia rolling over the Polish or Lithuanian borders, where Russia has no troop agreements, and no population willing to suffer Russian rule.

Completely irrelevant. We have basing rights in a lot of countries. "Basing rights" does not mean "we can invade your country whenever we please", no matter how much the people love us there.

One can say it is wrong, but if you say international law is being broken, you should be able to back that up with the law that is actually being broken.
That's not how it works. You have to prove it is legal for Russia to invade another country. That's how the rules work. For a country to be legally allowed to invade another country, the United Nations Security Council has to approve it.

So take Putin's dick out of your mouth and prove the invasion was legal, dipshit.

We proved those rules no longer apply.
The referendum itself is illegal, dumbshit. Just because there is no violence taking place during an illegal act does not magically make it legal.

Because the US says so? :lol::lol:

Because it is the result of an illegitimate INVASION.

Jesus, you people have the memories of fucking goldfish!

As was the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. As was the overthrow of the governments in Egypt and Libya...those elections seemed to be upheld just fine. The only people's whose opinions matter are Crimea and Russia. Crimea voted to leave Ukraine and if Russia says OK then they will join Russia.
Ukraine did not attack Russia. Ukraine did not invade Russia. Ukraine did not threaten Russia in any way.

Russia invaded Ukraine completely unprovoked.

Try to keep this very simple basic FACT inside your pointy heads. Don't let it spill out. It will keep you oriented and not sounding like a useful idiot fellating Putin's cock.

And the United States and the European Union instigated and planted provocateurs and saboteurs in a previously peaceful region, in order to subject the Ukraine under the sovereignty of the European Union, which would have compelled Russia to remove its Navy from the Black Sea.

Once Russian's Navy is removed from the Black Sea, The United States is free to invade Syria and Iran, just as Obama desires.

Our men and women in uniform should thank their lucky stars that Russian is preventing another war for Big Oil and the Too-Big-To-Fail Banks that thrive on the petro-dollar.

Now take your Military-industrial-complex propaganda and dribble elsewhere Hawk.
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Any vote that has 95.7% agreeing on something is a sham
Please read the article.

Turnout was high, but many Crimean Tatars, an ethnic Turkic group with deep roots on the peninsula, were boycotting the vote, as were many ethnic Ukrainians.

Tatars, who make up about 12% of the Crimean population, have faced severe persecution in the past, when Crimea belonged to Russia. On Saturday, representatives issued a statement recognizing Ukraine with its present borders, which would include Crimea.
There's a high turnout, except for among two key demographics of people that might've opposed the measure. This article effectively says that most of the people at the polls at all are on one side of the issue, while those on the other just stayed home.
And the United States and the European Union instigated and planted provocateurs and saboteurs in a previously peaceful region, in order to subject the Ukraine under the sovereignty of the European Union, which would have compelled Russia to remove its Navy from the Black Sea.

That's 1000% correct:

US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland was recorded plotting the overthrow and replacement of the Ukrainian government with the US Ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt.

And the United States and the European Union instigated and planted provocateurs and saboteurs in a previously peaceful region, in order to subject the Ukraine under the sovereignty of the European Union, which would have compelled Russia to remove its Navy from the Black Sea.

That's 1000% correct:

US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland was recorded plotting the overthrow and replacement of the Ukrainian government with the US Ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt.


Big lie. Question is, why are libertarians promoting Russian propaganda in the USA? Why are Paul supporters determined to sway American's away from supporting legal impeachment of the corrupt Yanukovich by Ukraine Parliment and be misdirected to supporting Putin puppet that was impeached, charged with murder and fled to protection from Putin in Russia?

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