International observers say Crimea vote legit.

And the United States and the European Union instigated and planted provocateurs and saboteurs in a previously peaceful region, in order to subject the Ukraine under the sovereignty of the European Union, which would have compelled Russia to remove its Navy from the Black Sea.

That's 1000% correct:

US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland was recorded plotting the overthrow and replacement of the Ukrainian government with the US Ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt.


Big lie. Question is, why are libertarians promoting Russian propaganda in the USA? Why are Paul supporters determined to sway American's away from supporting legal impeachment of the corrupt Yanukovich by Ukraine Parliment and be misdirected to supporting Putin puppet that was impeached, charged with murder and fled to protection from Putin in Russia?

I suppose you're the "phony scandal" type.
And the United States and the European Union instigated and planted provocateurs and saboteurs in a previously peaceful region, in order to subject the Ukraine under the sovereignty of the European Union, which would have compelled Russia to remove its Navy from the Black Sea.

That's 1000% correct:

US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland was recorded plotting the overthrow and replacement of the Ukrainian government with the US Ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt.


Big lie. Question is, why are libertarians promoting Russian propaganda in the USA? Why are Paul supporters determined to sway American's away from supporting legal impeachment of the corrupt Yanukovich by Ukraine Parliment and be misdirected to supporting Putin puppet that was impeached, charged with murder and fled to protection from Putin in Russia?

Listen closely Dingle Berry:

1- we are fucking bankrupt

2- I don't want to give the TSA scumbags another pretext to manhandle my junk

3- I don't want those who hijacked Malaysia Airlines flight 370 to make an unscheduled landing in Texas , possibly loaded to the max with WMD's

4- Ukraine is not US soil

5- the warmongers and jingoists knew or should have known that Putin was not going to allow a US stronghold so close to Russia.

Yes it`s horrible what happened there.
Any respectable army used to bring their own supplies when they invade another country or simply looted it.


Auch ein Soldat muss mal einkaufen. Diese Männer tun das in voller Gefechtsmontur in der Stadt Perewalne auf der Krim. Auf der Halbinsel im Schwarzmeer fand am Sonntag das umstrittene Referendum über einen Beitritt zu Russland statt.
(Russian soldiers shopping and lining up at the cash register in a convenience store @ Perewalne, Crimea after the referendum)

These Russians are obviously worried that the current US-Democrat Administration will punish them with "severe" sanctions.
Like no more Pepsi and potato chips, so they are stocking up right now.

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