Internet reaction to Russia invading Ukraine

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Maybe some rw's can look at these and quit hating their own country for a few minutes.







Wow the human rights people, don't care about typical

Funny how they have that picture as Hitler, a commie and a fascist in the same photo....hmmmmm it seems I've mentioned there isn't much difference between both ideologies.
Well it just seems that there are more ignorant souls out there who don't understand that by a 1997 treaty between the Ukraine and Russia, Russia is allowed up to 25,000 troops legally in Crimea.

*sigh* Including our western governments. I guess they have to keep banging the "invasion" drum so they can justify giving away quizzillions in aid to the Ukraine.
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I do like the bottom cartoon though. I know I didn't elect my government to govern other countries.
Wow the human rights people, don't care about typical

Funny how they have that picture as Hitler, a commie and a fascist in the same photo....hmmmmm it seems I've mentioned there isn't much difference between both ideologies.

uh, who are you saying the "human rights people" are? I'm asking cuz I don't know how you say that any or all of those graphics came from one particular source. Or can you?

Not at all surprising that someone made Hitler a commie and a fascist. The rw's do it every day when talking about Obama. The person who made that one must be a right wing American.

From the rw posts here, I was wrong. Some rw's are still despicable scum sucking traitors who hate their own country.
Well seeing as the Soviet Union has successfully blacked out the internet there and installed Soviet TV broadcasts, I hope that any citizens of the United States high tail it outta there soon. I wonder if any political dissidents or protesters will disappear and perhaps windup in a Siberian internment camp? I guess the Ukrainians should have an underground network in place soon and maybe migrate westward in whats left of their country before the Soviet military presence is beyond hope.

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